
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Thanh xuân
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40 Chs



Chapter 2422 It turns out that she is in Jiang University. (Updated)

Bai Shiming has been silent.

The senior who was sitting next to him waiting for Bai Shi to fill out the report form began to urge him, "President, you haven't registered yet? Junior, come and fill out the freshman report first."

She kept looking at Bai Shi's face, then handed the pen and paper to Bai Shi, her voice so gentle that it dripped with water: "Junior sister, come and fill out this form."

Bai Mi thanked him and took the paper and pen.

She leaned forward slightly and left her basic information on it.

"Sister, let's add each other on WeChat first, and then you can go to the dormitory. Your dormitory is in 407, Building 4, Nanmei District." The sister took out her phone and successfully added Bai Xi on WeChat. "I'm Ye Jingxian, a sophomore in the main campus. You can contact me if you have any questions."

Seeing Ye Jingxian adding Bai Xi on WeChat, Gu Xiaoge also took out his phone. However, as soon as he took out the phone, he felt a gaze from behind him.

When Gu Xiaoge looked up, he saw the cold and hard man in the black T-shirt.

He could still sense the murderous intent through the sunglasses.

Gu Xiaoge was distracted for so long that he missed the best opportunity to add someone as a friend.

After everyone left, Ye Jingxian picked up the form filled out by Bai Shi and looked at it. Bai Shi's handwriting had clear and vigorous strokes, and the speed and slowness of the strokes formed her own style. She had practiced hard-tipped calligraphy, so she could naturally see the strength of the wind and strong grass between the lines.

"She must have learned calligraphy. I must bring this person to our Art Department." Ye Jingxian looked at the paper and said firmly.

Beside him, Bai Shiming looked at the computer page and said softly, "Not necessarily."

"What's the meaning?"

The next student was about to take his turn. Bai Shiming pointed to the computer page that had not been refreshed and showed it to Ye Jingxian, "Look who she is."

Ye Jingxian came over to take a look and saw the bright college entrance examination scores——

"Damn, she's also coming to our college? How come we haven't heard of such great news?"


This year's freshmen are all in the girls' dormitory building in Nanmei District. The dormitories are all four-person rooms with a standard configuration of a bed above and a desk below. Sky-blue partitions separate each desk. The entire dormitory is extremely spacious and has a separate bathroom.

The balcony is also quite large, with a table and two wooden chairs.

Bai Mi was one of the first to arrive. No one else in the dormitory had arrived yet, so she chose the bed on the left side near the balcony.

Shen Qing took a basin to the bathroom to fetch water, and cleaned Bai Di's desk and chairs as well as the desks and chairs of other people in the dormitory. Bai Di then arranged the books in his box on the desk.

Her things are simple, just books and clothes.

Because Bai Mi did not plan to live on campus during the reporting period, she did not bring her computer with her.

After the report, Bai Xi took Shen Qing and Ji Heng to visit the campus of Jiang University, and Shen Qing took a lot of photos.

Tang Ming and Ning Xiao also came out of the boys' dormitory.

There are more people reporting at this time than before. The school is full of people, and the celebrity statue square is even more crowded with people and piles of luggage.

Bai Mi and Ning Xiao both like to go to quiet places like libraries and coffee shops.

However, Shen Qing and Tang Ming's parents liked to join in the fun. After they had lunch and checked in at the Jiangda Statue Square, the library, the Science and Technology Museum and the teaching building, it was already past four in the afternoon.

Tang Ming's parents were on a flight at 8pm, so they left first.

At this point, the peak period for new students to report has passed, but there are still many people at the gate of Jiangda University.

Bai Su stood lazily on the side of the road, watching Shen Qing taking pictures of the gate of Jiangjing University with his mobile phone.

"Yang Lin's dormitory is in Building 5," Lu Xiaohan watched Tang Ming send his parents away, then turned back to talk to Bai Xi, "But she went to the art academy next door today."

"Academy of Fine Arts?" Bai Xi tilted her head slightly.

She remembered the detailed painting she had seen in Yang Lin's biology notebook.

"Well," Lu Xiaohan didn't think too much, "Grandpa has made the clothes. I will go to Grandpa Jian later and prepare to shoot this part of the video before school starts."

Bai Shen took out his phone and looked down at it, "Okay."

On the phone, Yan Lu sent a message saying that her new drama would be finished in a week, and after that she would return to Xiangcheng to wait for Zhang Shize to come out.

Bai Mi tapped the phone screen with her fingertips.

Next to him, Ji Heng lit a cigarette and greeted Lu Xiaohan with a smile before walking to Bai Xi. After thinking for a moment, he said, "A Xi, come with us for dinner tonight."

"It's the lady who gave you the bag last time. She treated us."

Bai Xi watched Lu Xiaohan leave the school gate, and also remembered the bag that Ji Shaojun brought back last time.

It was a very unique style, but because it was made of leather, she studied it and found that it might become deformed if too many books were put in it, so it was useless in the Shanhai Apartment.

She usually prefers the canvas bag that Ji Heng makes for her, which can hold more things and is not easy to break.

The cell phone rang, Bai Xi looked down and saw that it was Director Huang calling.

She picked up the phone: "Director Huang?"

"Are you here to report today?" On the other end of the phone, Dean Huang walked to the window and looked down at the freshmen coming and going downstairs.

Today was the day for new students to register. As the dean of the School of Physics, he was naturally present. When he first arrived at school, he heard some professors discussing "Liang Wuyu" and "Bai Shi". He looked again and saw that Bai Shi had filled in their School of Physics.

"Yes, get up early." Seeing that Shen Qing was still taking pictures, Bai Su leaned casually on the railing next to her, with her green dress hanging on the ground.

Ji Shaojun also has a day off today, so Ji Heng has some free time, so he decides to send Bai Mi to report first.

"How are you preparing for the exam for your classmate Tongfeng?" Dean Huang thought of this.

Bai Shi propped up her legs casually, and smiled lazily after hearing this, "Not bad."

When a top student says "it's OK", you can't always trust him.

Dean Huang knew what she meant when he heard her tone. He nodded, and his tone was much gentler. "That's good. The teacher will be back in two days. If you encounter any problems, just call me."

The teacher he was referring to was naturally Academician Ma.

"Okay." Bai Xi looked up at the sky and responded casually.

On the other end of the phone, in Dean Huang's office, two professors looked at each other in bewilderment after hearing Dean Huang's tone.

After Dean Huang hung up the phone, the professor in the laboratory spoke up, "Dean Huang, are you talking to Academician Zhou?"

Academician Zhou is from the Ministry of Aerospace, and is also Academician Ma's earliest student and Academician Ma's senior fellow student.

He is 47 years old this year and is the youngest academician.

After all, Dean Huang and the other party called Academician Ma "Teacher" on the phone, so they guessed that he was Dean Huang's classmate.

Upon hearing this, Dean Huang did not answer, but just shook his head at them and smiled: "No."

That's Academician Zhou, this is their future junior sister.


Mu Yining's office.

She was wearing a black business suit and tilted her head slightly to look at the assistant beside her. "Are you sure it's Mr. Chen?"

"The document was just issued this morning," the assistant closed the file, "and it is confirmed that he is the top leader of Yunxiao District."

"This is really..." Mu Yining looked downstairs and fell into deep thought.

The Yunxiao District has replaced a group of people from top to bottom this time, and the network of contacts in the circle has been broken. It just so happened that the top leader of the Yunxiao District was sent out a year ago, so the circle is extremely clean.

The economic lifeline and policies are all in their hands.

But it's really hard to get into this circle.

"We are not the only ones who have hit a wall," the assistant said, looking at Mu Yining with a frown on her face, "most of them have hit a wall, except... one company."

Mu Yining tilted her head, "The Xu family you are talking about?"


Mu Yining looked downstairs and said nothing more.

The assistant flipped through the itinerary and continued to report to her, "Boss Mu, I didn't get a reservation at Kangyu Building. I booked the Yuzi box at Qingxin Building at 7pm."

Ji Heng is Mu Yining's elder. Mu Yining had met Ji Heng when she was old enough to remember things. She had the impression that Ji Heng was a very capable person. However, he later separated from the Mu family and there was no news of him since then.

Knowing that Ji Heng was coming to Jiangjing, Mu Yining would naturally receive him with high standards.

It's hard to book Kangyu Building, so it's good enough to be able to book Qingxin Building during this time period.

Mu Yining raised her wrist, looked down at the time on her watch, and said decisively: "Wang Zhu, go pick them up first, I'll drive there myself later."


Assistant Wang contacted Ji Shaojun on WeChat and asked for their address.

Ji Shaojun directly determined the location.

Assistant Wang got in the driver's seat, turned on his phone, and saw that the location was Jiangjing University.

Ji Shaojun told him that he was sending his niece to report today.

He collected the information about Ren Wanxuan. Her grades were okay, but she was not one of the top talents. It was said that the best domestic talents can be found in Jiangjing University, and the best talents in Jiangda University can be found in Class 3.

Not to mention Ren Wanxuan, even Mu Zhao is not among the top ones.

After meeting Ren Wanxuan, they basically had no expectations for the other girl.

The traffic at the entrance of Jiangda University is not as congested as before, but there are still many taxis.

Assistant Wang drove the car to the gate and looked at Ji Heng and the others who had just come out of the gate of Jiangda University, thinking absentmindedly:

He and the housekeeper knew that Miss Bai had been admitted to Jiangjing, but they had never asked her which school she was in. It turned out that -

She is at Jiangda.


Chapter 243 Jiang Da Physics Department! Brother Jiang is back (Second update)

At the gate of Jiang University.

Ji Shaojun had ridden in Assistant Wang's car before, and he recognized the license plate number. He turned sideways and said to Ming Dongheng, "Xiao Ming, someone is here to pick you up, you don't have to see me off."

Ming Dongheng nodded. He stood aside and did not leave, looking at Assistant Wang's license plate through his sunglasses.

Assistant Wang got down from the driver's seat.

He walked to the other side and looked at Ji Shaojun and his group.

He had met both Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing, and his eyes fell on the girl next to Shen Qing.

The summer sun sets late, and the light is not strong at this time. The whole sun seems to be shrouded in a layer of soft mist. The cool golden light hits her obliquely, and Cui Bo's dress flutters in the wind.

His eyes are lazy and unrestrained.

It is the spirit that one should have at this prime age, and it also brings with it the calmness in commanding the country that is rare at this age.

This kind of general style.

Mu Yining pursed her lips and smiled, then she looked away and paused when she saw Bai Mi and Shen Qing getting out of the car in the back seat.

Shen Qing was looking down at today's photos. Hearing this, he answered for Bai Xi, "Xiao Xi applied to the Department of Physics."

"Friend...who are you looking for?"

"The Xu family?" Yu Simin pushed up her glasses. She obviously knew someone in Jiangjing. She analyzed carefully, "It should be the Xu family."

Bai Su took a quick glance and saw that the page on Yu Simin's computer was showing the album sales page for "Gambling and Drinking".

After dinner, Mu Yining sent Ji Heng and the others downstairs and asked her driver to take them back to Shanhai Apartment. "Be careful on the road."

"You said..." Assistant Wang stopped the car at a red light, "If the master knew she was in the Physics Department, would he come out?"

On the evening of the 31st, Bai Su returned to Room 407 with her black computer and a small pot of succulents.

"Which one?" Gossip is Kong Wei's nature.

Ji Heng had obviously just learned this, and he put down his pipe.


The car soon arrived at Qingxin Building.

"It's okay." Bai Wei looked at Kong Wei and smiled gently, her brows relaxed. Zhang Shize's star chasing was even more terrifying than theirs.

However, Assistant Wang was not familiar with the people in Qingxin Building, and neither he nor Mu Yining had reached the level of having the manager personally receive them, so he was naturally surprised.

She paused for a moment at the table, thought for a moment, and then raised her hand and put the computer on the bed.

The girl with the ponytail realized that this was her roommate. "Oh, hello, my name is Kong Wei," she pointed at the round-faced girl sitting in front of the computer, "Her name is Yu Simin, and we are both from Xicheng."

Mu Qing, whom Mu Xianguang had carefully cultivated, died because of his interference. Since then, he almost never stepped out of the Buddhist temple.

The waiter served each person at the table a portion of pastry.

It was difficult to book a private room, so as soon as they came in, the waiter served them tea and snacks.

But Mu Xianguang couldn't come out, and Mu Yining couldn't do anything.

Finding common hobbies can bring you closer.

The group came to the "Rain" private room in Qingxin Building.

Ren Wanxuan, however, doesn't seem like a member of the Ji family.

Free pick up.

Bai Mi walked to her desk. The bed opposite her was made and covered with a curtain, but there was no one there.


Ji Heng didn't eat much. He kept talking to Mu Yining, frowning slightly, "How is your father?"

"Assistant Wang, I'm here to deliver cakes to your box," Manager Pang asked the waiter behind him to come in and said with a smile, "These are the cakes we're delivering to the Yuzi box."

Qingxin Building is second only to Kangyu Building in Jiangjing. Politicians and business celebrities all like to book private rooms here.

Although Jiang Fuli said that her computer was very secure and there was no need to worry about data leakage, she was still very cautious.

Outside the gate of Jiang University.

Bai Mi lowered her eyelashes and turned the pages of the book slowly.

Yu Simin also turned around and greeted enthusiastically, "So you are our last mysterious roommate. Add WeChat and I will add you to our dormitory group."

When Jiang University was mentioned, Assistant Wang drove the car to the intersection and said slowly, "Mr. Mu, Miss Bai is also at Jiangjing University."

After the girl in a white T-shirt and ponytail finished shouting, a bright girl was seen standing at the door. She was wearing a white shirt and black pants, with beautiful and lazy eyes.

Assistant Wang opened the car door and let the entire Ji family in.

Mu Yining took a sip of tea and heard it, "You know, he still hasn't let it go. My brother didn't want to go with the scientific expedition team that time. He felt that he was not qualified enough, but my father got through the connections and forced them to go in."

"Assistant Wang," Ji Shaojun walked over and introduced Ji Heng to Assistant Wang, "This is my dad."

Originally, she thought that Ji Shaojun's other niece was probably the same, but she didn't expect her appearance and demeanor to be so outstanding. Mu Yining thought that she couldn't find anyone else in Jiangjing who matched her at the moment.

"The person opposite you is Xu Qian," Kong Wei said, gossiping with Bai Xi while holding potato chips in his arms. "She came here yesterday with a housekeeper and bodyguards. She has a housekeeper at home."

I was wondering why this car drove to Jiangjing today?

There are many people walking around Jiangda University at this time, and there are also many cars entering and leaving Jiangda University in the past two days. Most people do not recognize the internal license plate, so it did not attract much attention. Only some people were wondering why the word in front of the license plate was not "Jiang" but "Yan".

His eyes fell on Ji Heng, and he was surprised to find that this Mr. Ji also had an extraordinary demeanor.

There was another knock on the door.

The idea that everyone prospers together and everyone suffers together has been passed down to this day.

Mu Yining listened to the familiar major and looked out the window in a daze, "She actually got into Jiangnan University by herself, and she's in the Department of Physics at Jiangnan University..."

Mu Yining called a car from Qingxin Building to take Ji Shaojun back. After everyone left, Mu Yining returned to the car. She pressed her temples and asked, "Did Mu Zhao go to school today?"

Bai Shen got out of the car and saw Mu Yining looking over. She leaned forward slightly to greet her, and her half-tied black hair fell to her chest, "Hello."

Bai Shi held the computer and nodded politely, "Hello, I'm Bai Shi, I'm here on the first day of school."

He sat in the driver's seat and drove onto the main road. Today was not a weekday, so the road was not so congested. He looked in the rearview mirror.

Assistant Wang parked the car in front of Qingxin Building. Seeing Ji Heng sitting in the passenger seat, she opened the passenger door first and said, "Uncle, I am Yi Ning."

"He probably doesn't know." Assistant Wang said softly.

The voice was hysterical.

"You disappoint me so much, Jiangda Network."

Mu Yining sat next to Ji Heng, poured him a cup of tea, and recounted some interesting stories from her childhood. Occasionally, she looked at Bai Shi who was sitting opposite her, slightly absent-minded.

Kong Wei and Yu Simin fought for the album for five minutes, but the campus network of Jiangda University was too poor and they failed to get it. They vowed not to recommend their younger classmates to apply to Jiangda University.

When this was mentioned, the atmosphere became heavy.

Mu Yining had met Ren Wanxuan before. Although she was well-educated, there was still a lingering petty air in her demeanor.

Assistant Wang replied: "Yes, the Department of Physics of Jiangnan University."

Assistant Wang finally came back to his senses. He looked away from Bai Xi and greeted Ji Heng, "Hello, Master. I'm President Mu's assistant. You can just call me Xiao Wang."

In fact, except for Shen Qing, all the members of the Ji family have extraordinary demeanor.

She didn't listen carefully, but when Yu Simin mentioned the Xu family, she thought of Xu Nanjing and his group.

"I don't know. The problem is not just my dad. You see, she has never been to the Mu family either." Mu Yining sat back and suddenly looked up: "Does the housekeeper know?"

The information given to her by Academician Ma was copied onto the computer.

As a member of the Mu family, who doesn't know the Department of Physics of Jiangnan University?

Mu Qing was studying in the Department of Physics at Jiangnan University, and went straight to doctoral studies and joined the scientific expedition team.

Bai Mi sat near the car door. After getting in the car, she put on the Bluetooth headset, lowered the window, and put her elbows on the window.

The door was half-open. When she came in, her two roommates were sitting at the table on the left side of the door, shouting at the computer, "It can't be refreshed! Come on, come on! You are Jiangda's network, how can you be so bad?

This time when I returned to Jiangjing, I only heard a few words from Ji Shaojun.

Yu Simin glanced at Bai Xi's book, a foreign language book. She didn't understand the title, so she stroked her chin and continued to analyze, "There are only a few families in Jiangjing. My grandfather was afraid that I would cause trouble in Jiangjing, so he said that most of those who are related to the Xu family by marriage are related to the royal family. So, rounding it off, our dormitory can also be considered as royal family?"

Assistant Wang went to open the door and was a little surprised to see someone there. "Manager Pang?"

It's basically difficult to make a reservation. Assistant Wang looked at the pastries brought in by the waiter and turned them to the side.

She was asking whether the building manager knew about this.

Mu Qing received the best education since he was a child, but Bai Xi was in Xiangcheng, and Mu Yining knew the conditions there without having to think about it.

Not expensive, just hard to get.

Bai Mi lowered her head. It was the piece of pastry that she had eaten extra when she came with Jiang Fuli to have dinner with Gao Yan last time. She raised her head and the manager of Qingxin Building smiled at her.

Ji Heng also admired this half-brother very much and never thought of competing with him, knowing that with Mu Xianguang in the Mu family, the family would surely be more prosperous.

Qingxinlou's pastries are famous, just like Kangyulou's breakfast.

The three people introduced themselves to each other, Kong Weicai touched his nose and tried to save his image, "I'm sorry, I was just fighting with Yu Simin for the goddess's album, did that scare you? I'm not usually like this."

Bai Xi pulled out a chair and sat down slowly, pulling out a book from the side. Upon hearing this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It is considered so."

Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing were going back to their residence and did not go back with Ji Heng.

"I will never apply to Jiangda again."

"Ah, are you also a fan of Sister Lu?" Kong Wei tightly gripped his phone, suppressing his excitement.

As far as she knew, Baishen was also from Xiangcheng.

Assistant Wang was driving, and he answered respectfully, "The young master will go on his last day." Mu Zhao also applied to Jiangjing University, but he studied economics.

An unmarked car drove in slowly. The guard was startled by the license plate and let it pass from a distance.

Mu Yining had arrived a few minutes early and was waiting for Ji Heng downstairs.

She placed the succulents on the table. On the left, Kong Wei finally came to her senses. She clicked on the application message. It was from Baishen. The WeChat name was very simple——


The reporting period for Jiangda is three days, from the 29th to the 31st.

Assistant Wang stood there, looking at Bai Shi and almost lost his voice.

Mu Yining's focus has shifted to economics. She doesn't understand things in the scientific research community, and Mu Xianguang is probably the only one she knows among the leading figures in the major research institutes.

"What major is Miss Bai studying at Jiangnan University?" Assistant Wang asked politely.

The Department of Physics at Jiangnan University is one of the three top majors.

People in large families have been very united since ancient times. At that time, there was also the concept of collective responsibility. In a disunited family, as long as one person committed a capital crime, the entire nine generations of the family would be punished.

Kong Wei was a little stunned as he looked at her smiling brightly at him.

"What? She is at Jiangda?" Mu Yining opened the window and became a little more sober.

Bai Su sat obediently next to Shen Qing. She had taken off her headphones and opened her phone to look at the questions on the app.

Compared to Mu Qing's death, he was the final executioner. This was the reason why Mu Xianguang was reluctant to forgive himself.

Because Mu Yining often invites important guests here, Assistant Wang has a membership card and naturally knows the manager of Qingxin Building.

Ji Heng got out of the car, his eyes full of admiration: "You have grown so big."

Sister Xin included all of Yan Lu's songs in the album "Gambling and Drinking" and participated in the Huaqu Awards, so she released a collector's edition for fans.

Mu Yining withdrew her thoughts.

She has been observing the white smilax for a long time today.

The car avoided the crowd and slowly drove from the west gate to Nanmei District.

The car stopped, and Academician Ma was still facing the computer, with fluorescent light shining on his face. The car door opened, and he didn't even raise his head. "You're not going to attend the summary meeting?"

Jiang Fuli got out of the car, looked at the intersection ahead, and casually put on his cap. His tone was cold, "I have to do everything. What's the point of keeping them?"


Academician Ma tapped the keyboard with his fingers and typed the next line of words. Upon hearing this, he reached out and slowly pushed down his glasses.

Okay, you are Boss Jiang, you have the final say.

The door at the back slowly closed.

In front, the driver looked at Assistant Yun in the passenger seat. He was afraid of disturbing Academician Ma, so he lowered his voice and said, "Professor Yun, are you still waiting for Young Master Jiang?"

"No need." Assistant Yun looked at Jiang Fuli's back. The figure was as lonely and indifferent as ever. He retracted his gaze and said, "Go directly to the main hospital."

Problems arose with several people on the project team, leading to delays.

The coldness in Master Jiang's body is heavier than that of a ghost these days, and no grass grows wherever he passes.

After the car drove away, Assistant Yun looked at his phone and suddenly remembered something. He looked in the rearview mirror and realized that Academician Ma would teach the Tongfeng class this year. Ordinary people didn't know the news yet, but those who had information channels had already known about it.

There should be only a few people taking the Boyuan class this year, but the number of people taking the Tongfeng class will increase exponentially.



Several people in 407 are still chatting.

"I heard that two of our freshmen this year are in the Physics Department and neither of them went abroad." Kong Weicai came to the legendary top university and couldn't calm down at all.

The three of them are not from this place, two are from West City and one is from North City, and they all like physics.

They became quite close for a while, and Kong Wei was an active person.

Bai Mi was reading a book while listening to them talk. Occasionally, when Kong Wei asked her a question, she would lazily turn the pages and reply with a sentence or two.

Until the phone next to her lit up, she took a look and saw a message from Xu En -

[We are leaving.]

Today he and Ji Mulan sent Xu Zhiyue to school. As soon as he arrived, he wanted to meet Bai Di, but Bai Di did not choose to meet them.

Xu En did not force her and just asked Assistant Xu to hand the gift for Bai Mi to her.

White mulberry: [Good.]

On the phone, Xu En picked up the car keys and looked at Ji Mulan, who was bulging with a big belly, and said, "A-Xu didn't say she wanted to see us."

Ji Mulan was silent for a moment.

She reached out and stroked her belly, shaking her head, "Let's go back."

She had expected everything. If Xu En was alone, Bai Di would definitely meet him. Ji Mulan now found Bai Di increasingly difficult to understand.


Bai Su replied with one word. Just as she put down her phone, another call came out. She lowered her eyes and glanced at it casually.

No remarks. Local from Jiangjing.

Her fingers that were turning the pages of the book stopped on the page, her cold white fingertips resting on the azure tabletop. She hesitated for a few seconds before looking up, picking up her phone and going to the balcony to answer it.

The voice on the other end of the phone was as calm as ever, speaking to her calmly, "Are you back to the dormitory?"

When Jiang Fuli and Academician Ma were busy with the project, they could not talk on the phone. Even if they wanted to contact the outside world, they had to use the specific mobile phone in that place.

He sounded a little tired.

Bai Mi casually rested her hands on the balcony and looked down at the flowerbed downstairs. "I just returned to the dormitory and was reading quantum many-body theory."

Quantum field theory of high energy physics involving condensed matter.

Jiang Fuli listened to her quietly. It was just the beginning of the school year and there were many senior students selling second-hand books and small parts downstairs of the girls' dormitory. It was very lively downstairs at the moment.

Some sounds can be heard through the microphone.

"Where are you?" Bai Mi heard some noisy sounds. He seldom made phone calls in the laboratory, so even when he was talking on the phone, the background was extremely quiet.

Jiang Fuli held his phone and looked at the door of the women's dormitory. He said unconsciously, "Bai Xi, I'm outside the door of the women's dormitory."


Outside the gate of the women's dormitory is a road with camphor trees planted on both sides, blocking out the sun. The solar lamps next to it are not very bright. The area outside the gate of the women's dormitory is also very spacious. On the left is a small supermarket and an eyewear store.

At this time, at the bottom of the stairs leading to the supermarket, many senior students set up small stalls to sell some second-hand goods to the junior students.

When Bai Mi came out of the dormitory door, she saw a tall figure standing under a camphor tree at the intersection on the right. Even the black baseball cap could not hide his reserved and cool temperament.

The figure was lightly shrouded in the cold light behind him. Even without looking up, the sense of oppression was overwhelming.

The students delivering food on campus couldn't help but move away from this direction.

He lowered his eyes to look at his phone, the light on the screen was still bright.

As if he sensed someone coming out, he raised his head and his eyes, through the passing crowd, fell accurately on the person who had just come out.

She was wearing a snow-white top with a slanting collar. The fabric was very soft, with large patches of green vines embroidered on the cuffs and hem, which made the girl's face look as radiant as jade.

Very lazy and casual.

Just from the dormitory door to the intersection, everyone's eyes were on her.

The light was not very bright, casting shadows of the trees on the ground, making them sway.

The moon was high above the trees, so dim that it was almost invisible.

"Grandpa made new clothes for you?" Jiang Fuli looked at her clothes, which he had never seen before.

The clothes were brought by Ji Heng from Xiangcheng last time.

Bai Su looked down at the green vines and said, "Yeah."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fuli put his left hand around her back and encircled her waist. His long, strong fingers clasped her waist and pulled her closer. "Congratulations on starting school."

"Have you finished your work?" Bai Xi placed her fingertips on his slightly cold fingers.

"I guess so." Jiang Fuli hugged her quietly for a while, then asked her, "Did you eat dinner?"

"I came here after having dinner at grandpa's."

"Oh," Jiang Fuli held her hand and said directly, "I haven't eaten yet."

The Nanmei District female dormitory is closer to the Second Canteen. The private store on the second floor of the canteen should not be closed at this time. Bai Xi raised her head and said, "Let's go to the Second Canteen."

Jiang Fuli is not picky about food.

He ate the imperial meals carefully selected by Kang Yulou, and he also ate the boxed lunches distributed by the laboratory.

Bai ordered two dishes for him and a bowl of rice. He took the dishes back and sat in the cafeteria, which was very inconsistent with his aura. He slowly took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the two dishes, and sent it to Academician Ma.

[Have you had dinner yet?] Academician Ma, who had just gotten off the car, took the time to reply to him with a symbol: [...]

When Bai Mi came back with two bottles of water, he was still typing slowly.

Seeing her, he calmly put down his phone and changed the subject, "How are they both studying? How are they preparing for the exam?"

Jiang Fuli was talking about the second enrollment of the Tongfeng class.

When he came out of the base, he didn't even give Ning Xiao and Tang Ming a punctuation mark.

Bai Shi squeezed the water, glanced at his phone, put the water next to him, and sat down casually, "It's okay."

"Oh." Jiang Fuli changed the subject and asked casually.

If neither of them passes the exam, they will have to come to see him with their heads raised.


Kong Wei was too lazy to go downstairs, so she asked Bai Mi to help her bring a bag of garbage bags from the supermarket downstairs when she came back.

When Bai Xi returned to the dormitory, her roommate Xu Qian, who lived opposite her, had already returned from the library.

Xu Qian is tall, has chestnut curly hair, and looks a little cold.

"Thank you." Kong Wei took the garbage bag, pulled out a bag and put it on his own garbage can. He remembered the topic they had just discussed and introduced Bai Xi to her, "Bai Xi, this is Xu Xi, a native of Jiangjing, who just came back from the library. But Xu Xi, do you really want to take the Tongfeng class?"

Bai Xi greeted Xu Qian and then informed Jiang Fuli that she had arrived at the dormitory.

When Xu Qian heard that Bai Xi was from North City, she looked away.

"I'm just trying it." Xu Qian put on her pajamas, nodded slightly at Kong Wei, and pushed the door into the bathroom.

Not much to say.

Beauties have a sense of distance. Nowadays, there are not many beauties like Baishen who are as beautiful and approachable as Baishen.

After Xu Qian entered the bathroom, Yu Simin talked to the two of them, "The Tongfeng class only takes math and physics exams, and those in Guoji are a little more abnormal, which is equivalent to the second enrollment. The Tongfeng class is considered a genius, and they can basically enter the laboratory in their freshman year."

Those people from Guoji were directly recruited into the Tongfeng class, and there are only a few other places.

Those who entered Jiangnan University through the normal college entrance examination must take a second entrance examination if they want to get in.

Bai Mi lowered her head to look at her cell phone. He Wen, who had not shown up for a long time, sent her several documents.

She took the computer off the bed, logged into WeChat and downloaded the document He Wen gave her.

Kong Wei looked at Bai Xi's computer. The system's built-in background showed a few drawing software and a video app, but no game or other entertainment icons.


at the same time.

Shen Qing and Ji Shaojun's residence. Ji Shaojun had just finished his training and Xiaojie and others had just left.

Ji Shaojun's cell phone rang.

It was Ji Heng's call. His voice was very deep. "Go to Jiangda Affiliated Hospital. Mulan had a car accident on the way. She is still in the operating room."

"What?" Ji Shaojun stood up immediately.

There was only one reason why Ji Heng called him, Ji Mulan needed a blood transfusion.

One of the reasons why he married Shen Qing was because she also had panda blood.

Hearing that Ji Mulan was in the hospital, Shen Qing picked up her bag and hurriedly followed Ji Shaojun out. The last time in Xiangcheng, if it weren't for Ji Mulan and Bai Mi, she would have died immediately.

The two hurried to the hospital.

The nurse took Shen Qing to have her blood drawn and said, "Our blood bank has called the person who records the panda blood, but we don't know if anyone will come. You must be prepared. The patient will be in danger."

I'm afraid something might happen to panda blood.

Ji Heng was still able to calm down at this time. He looked at Xu En who was seriously injured and said, "Go and treat the wound first."

Xu En looked at the lighted operating room and shook his head, "That car..."

Ji Heng patted his shoulder and looked deeply at the door of the emergency room.

Old Mrs. Xu had just arrived with a cane. She looked panicked and asked, "What on earth is going on?"

Shen Qing drew two large tubes of blood.

In the emergency room, the doctor took out the consent form and opened the door. A group of people surrounded him and asked, "Does the mother have any family history of genetic diseases?"

"Her mother..." Ji Heng took a breath, "She died of anesthesia and high fever."

The doctor looked up at Ji Heng, his face changed drastically, and then he immediately called the nurse: "Go and see if there is any dantrolene in the anesthesiology department. Then he turned back in a hurry, "The mother and the fetus are in danger now, and there are no volunteers to donate blood for the time being. I suggest you transfer to the Jiangjing General Hospital in Xingjiang District. They have the best facilities and the most advanced research institute. We will try our best to inform our superiors."

I can hear the danger in it.

"Then let's transfer to another hospital," Shen Qing said anxiously, holding her wrist. She looked at Ji Shaojun, "Where's Mr. Lance? Do you think he can come?"

They didn't even know what anesthesia hyperthermia was.

Ji Shaojun comforted her, "Mr. Lance is a surgeon, not an obstetrician and gynecologist."

Shen Qing tends to yell when he is anxious, which gives Old Lady Xu a headache. What is Lance or no Lance?

"Stop arguing," Mrs. Xu looked at Xu En and calmly ordered, "Call Director Li and ask him if he can transfer him to another hospital as soon as possible."

Director Li was the doctor from Jiangjing General Hospital whom Xu En knew. Xu En had called him before in Xiangcheng. He took out his mobile phone and called the chief physician. It was very late at this time, and Xu En had something urgent to do: "Car accident? Panda blood? Parturient? Anesthesia fever?"

Most hospitals would not dare to admit any two of them, let alone four of them. It would be enough to write an article on nature.

"Old friend, why is it always like this when something happens to you?" The chief physician was also troubled. "This would be a life-threatening situation in our hospital. I'll ask the anesthesiology department if they have dantrolene and I'll send it to you right away.

Obviously, the transfer to another hospital could not be possible, so Ji Heng turned around and made a prompt decision: "Where's Xiao Chen?"

Butler Xu supported the old lady and was very respectful to Ji Heng, "Mr. Ji, the main hospital is not under the management of the Chen family... That is the Xingjiang main hospital... The hospital also has its own system..."

"Mr. Chen, there's nothing you can do?" Shen Qing twisted her fingers, "Let me draw some more blood from her. Do you want to ask Xixi to come over?"

Baishen also has panda blood. Although Shen Qing doesn't want her to draw blood from Ji Mulan, the nurse now refuses her blood donation.

White smilax.

When Shen Qing mentioned Bai Xi, the flustered Ji Heng finally remembered. He recalled the night many years ago. With a deep look in his eyes, he took out his mobile phone and called Bai Xi. He didn't ask her to come for a blood transfusion, but only asked: "A Xi, can you contact Xiao Jiang?"

Jiang Fuli had just returned and hadn't informed anyone, not even Jiang He.


Dormitory 407.

Bai Su was leaning on the balcony with her head hung down. She put one hand casually in her pocket, with the hair hanging down in front of her forehead. The other hand was still holding a mobile phone, tapping on the screen with her cold white fingertips.

"Truck..." She narrowed her eyes slightly.

There are many new students and cars at Jiangnan University these two days. The cars are driving slowly for fear of accidentally hitting a new student. How could a car accident happen at this critical moment?

She walked into the dormitory, picked up the jade hairpin on the table, and was slowly putting it up on her hair. Her dark eyes drooped, as if looking into a bottomless abyss.

Bai Xi was planning to take a shower after Xu Qian came out. Just as she took off the jade hairpin on her head, Ji Heng called.

Yu Simin had just taken out her pajamas and climbed down from the bed when she saw Bai Xi tying her hair up again. She was surprised and asked, "Are you going out?"

"Yes," Bai Xi tied up her hair, "You don't have to leave the door open for me at night."

She reached out, picked up her laptop and cell phone and went out.

After she left, Kong Wei looked at her back and smacked his lips, "Why do I feel that Bai Shi is more powerful than Xu Qian?"

After she finished speaking, she remembered something, "Where will she live if I don't leave a door open for her?"

Baishen is not from Jiangjing.

Come to think of it, Bai Shi seemed to be the first one to arrive at their dormitory.


Downstairs, Bai Shi walked directly towards the west gate.

Talk to Lance while walking.

She didn't know much about modern hospitals, but Lance did, so she called Lance.

"Malignant hyperthermia? It'll be fine with dantrolene." Lance knew what it was as soon as he heard the description. "But you said the patient has panda blood?"

"Well," Bai Xi said slowly, "a pregnant woman, plus a car accident."

It was Ji Mulan who was in trouble, so Bai Shi was not in a hurry.

"It was indeed very dangerous, but if he was rescued, it would be an SCI article," Lance spoke English to Bai Shi fluently, "This case is very rare, it was a beautiful first aid, a narrow escape, right? Who is the patient?"

"She is the biological mother of this body of mine." Bai Xi replied.

Although it was difficult to pronounce, Lance understood it: "..."

Messages can be withdrawn, but words spoken cannot be withdrawn.

He opened his mouth and began to find some adjectives: "Not necessarily. If you doctors are well-trained and can perform physical cooling in time and wait for dantrolene, there is a great chance... Yeah, there is a doctor in my laboratory who has participated in a case of malignant hyperthermia. I will contact him for you and he can give you some constructive suggestions during the operation."

Ji Mulan's condition is not as complicated as Shen Qing's at that time. If he is lucky, he can be saved. The key lies in the medicine and whether he has experience in malignant hyperthermia.

Compared with Shen Qing, she had a heavier uff. In the whole of Jiangjing, there were not many doctors who had experienced malignant hyperthermia.

"Student Bai Shi." Not far away, Dean Huang was talking to a professor from the Physics Department with his hands behind his back. When he saw Bai Shi, he stopped.

Bai Xi held the computer and politely greeted Dean Huang: "Dean Huang."

Dean Huang's eyes fell on the computer in her hand and his eyebrows jumped.

ZTE has research in various fields. This computer has no logo. It is a very simple, ordinary black ultra-thin computer, which is different from the computers ZTE releases to the outside world.

But as a student of Academician Ma, Dean Huang has seen this computer more than once.

"Where are you going?" Dean Huang tried hard to take his eyes off the computer.

"Out of school," Bai Xi was calm even when meeting the dean of the college, "I have something to do."

"Be careful," Dean Huang said gently, not knowing whether Bai Xi was going to meet Academician Ma, "How are your preparations for the exam going?"

"Not bad." Bai Xi had already seen the car turning to the left and said goodbye to Dean Huang, "Dean Huang, the car is here, I'll leave first."

She got in the car.

Dean Huang stood there, looking at the black car on the white sedge, with a very special number on it.

He knew what was going on.

The professor next to Dean Huang remained silent until the black car left, then he asked, "Bai Shi... is this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination?"

Hearing this, Dean Huang smiled.

The professor followed behind Dean Huang and couldn't help but look back to see the direction the black car left.


The person driving the car was Ming Dongheng.

He had just driven Jiang Fuli away from Jiangda when Bai Mi called.

In the back seat, Jiang Fuli didn't open the window. He just held the phone and spoke to the person on the other end calmly: "Butler Jiang, I won't be back for the time being. I'll go directly to Shanhai Apartment later."

Ming Dongheng drove the car very steadily.

Bai Mi sat next to Jiang Fuli, turned on the computer, and slowly looked through the saved papers.

"Why did you bring the computer out?" Jiang Fuli hung up the phone and saw Bai Xi looking at the computer, with the fluorescent light reflecting off her face. "I'm used to it." The computer contained the hard disk data that Academician Ma left for her, and she was worried about leaving it in the dormitory.

Jiang Fuli rested her wrists on her knees and looked at her paper on the computer sideways.

very familiar.

He narrowed his eyes.

Only Ming Dongheng, who was in the driver's seat, was puzzled. Didn't he hear that Ji Mulan was critically ill? Why didn't Miss Bai and Jiang Fuli seem to be in a hurry?

There was not much traffic at this time, and Jiangda Affiliated Hospital was nearby, so we arrived at the hospital quickly.

At the door of the emergency room.

The police are still negotiating with Xu En.

Old Mrs. Xu stood by the door of the emergency room, turning her Buddhist beads, praying that Ji Mulan and her unborn baby would be safe. Ever since she knew that Bai Mi had scored the top spot in the college entrance examination, she had been extremely concerned about the fetus in Ji Mulan's belly.

After all, Ji Mulan must have good genes to give birth to someone as smart as Bai Shi.

Xu Shujie and Xu Wenyao had already arrived. Holding a folder, she asked Assistant Xu in a low voice, "What's going on? Could Jiang Dabian's car lose control?"

"I don't know." Assistant Xu did not see Xu En off today. He had only arrived a short time ago. "The question now is, which hospital has Dantrolein?"

The chance of malignant hyperthermia is too small, the shelf life of dantrolene is too short, and the cost of the drug itself is high, so few hospitals stock this drug.

Xu En has already found the chief physician of the main hospital.

The doctor came out of the emergency room and looked back at the time outside the operating room. He said, "The woman in labor urgently needs a blood transfusion. The main hospital had a blood transfusion of Dantroleum, which was just used up last month. We are still contacting other hospitals. If you have any channels, ask the research institute if they have any in stock."

It's strange. Normally, the main hospital must have stock. How come one was used last month?

Old Mrs. Xu looked at Xu Wenyao and said anxiously, "Wenyao, don't you know a few people in the laboratory? Ask them if they know."

Xu Wenyao lowered his head and clicked on WeChat. "They are already asking, and they are also trying to find a solution."

The situation was urgent, so Shen Qing went to draw another tube of blood. She walked closer, holding her arm.

Ji Heng just stared at the emergency room. He had maintained this posture from the beginning. "What did the housekeeper say?"

Ji Shaojun hung up the phone and shook his head, "He said he's in touch."

The two were talking. Next to them, Old Lady Xu and Xu Shujie were hearing this for the first time. Who was the building manager?

That's when it happened.

The elevator door next to them opened, and a girl in white came out with her eyes lowered. Jiang Fuli walked on her left, and Ming Dongheng followed behind them with the car keys.

After such a long time, seeing Jiang Fuli's particularly cold face again, Xu Shujie and Old Lady Xu couldn't help but stop and take a step back.

Outside the noisy emergency room, you could almost hear a pin drop.

Bai Shi stopped beside Ji Heng and stood lazily.

As long as Ji Heng and Ji Shaojun were fine, Bai Xi was easy to talk to. She even politely greeted Xu En and Xu Wenyao, "How are things?"

Xu Wenyao glanced at the message on his phone, shook his head, and said with difficulty: "The situation is not good. There is a shortage of medicine. Chen Hong said that his cousin did not ask for the medicine from the laboratory."

"Ah," Xu Wenyao was the only one in the family who knew the people in the laboratory. Old Mrs. Xu was a little panicked. "Is this medicine so scarce? Tell them that our Xu family has money and we must find a way to find it."

"Grandma, if we can get it, we will definitely use it to save lives," the nurse explained to the old lady, "but this medicine is scarce, and the one in the main hospital has been used up. If those labs don't have it, we really have no other choice."

Jiang Fuli followed Bai Xi slowly. He pushed his baseball cap down, didn't look at other people, and talked on the phone.

Instead, Shen Qing looked at Bai Xi and said, "Ah Xi, your mother is still lacking blood..."

Xu Wenyao paused for a moment, "You also have panda blood?"

"You have Rh negative blood?" The nurse was a little anxious and said quickly, "Come with me quickly!"

Bai Su glanced at the emergency room and rolled up her sleeves calmly, "Okay." Compared to the last time Shen Qing was injured, she was in almost two different states.

Beside her, Jiang Fuli grasped her wrist accurately and looked up at the emergency room. "Emergency room on the 7th floor."

He whispered a few more words before hanging up the phone. He glanced coldly at the nurse next to him. The well-defined face under the light looked even more fierce. "Jiangjing has a blood bank that sells Rh-negative blood."

The sound is also cool.

The nurse didn't dare to look at him, nor did she urge Bai Shi to have blood drawn. She was just wondering, Rh-negative blood is so rare, when will there be a blood bank?

That's when it happened.

Downstairs, a white-haired old man pressed the elevator button. No one knew that beneath his calm appearance was a very excited heart.

The last time he arrived in Danping City, he was sent back. This time he can finally be given a chance to show his abilities!


Chapter 246 246 Which Jiang? Asking Master Mu to come out

Seventh floor.

Xu En was no longer in the mood to negotiate with the police, so Ming Dongheng called the police aside.

Bai Shi's phone rang, this time it was a WeChat video.


"Bai," Lance was wearing the clothes Ji Heng had made for him at this time, and was talking to Bai Shen, "I have a student who was involved in a case of evil high fever."

Because he praised Baishen's mother as "a beautiful case", Lance went to the laboratory to find someone to atone for his sins.

Jiang Fuli lowered his head, and Lance greeted him when he saw him, "Hi, Jiang."

"Bai," Lance looked at the hospital's Jiangda sign behind Bai Shen, and his eyes lit up, "Are you in Jiangjing?"

"Yes, I'm at school." Since there was a blood bank, Bai Mi was not in a hurry to have blood drawn.

"This international medical summit will be held in Jiangjing..." Lance said to Bai Mi.

Housekeeper Lou didn't know that Mu Yining had eaten with Bai Shen, so he looked at Mu Yining in surprise, "Miss, did you go to see Miss Bai?"

"Thank you, Dr. Zuo."

The Mu family has always been strict about rules. Seeing his impatient look, the housekeeper said, "Assistant Wang, why are you so flustered?"

Xu Wenyao called very timely. He told Bai Mi that Ji Mulan's child was successfully delivered by caesarean section and was now in an incubator.

"Doctor, thank you so much!" Xu En and the Xu family thanked him repeatedly.

When Xu Wenyao heard Bai Xi didn't say anything, he knew that she didn't care about these things. He thought that she wouldn't deliberately check the results. "The winners need to defend their thesis. Chen Hong is already working on the defense PPT. I'll give you the results directly when they come out."

The two quickly arrived at the building where Bai Shaoke was. Bai Shaoqi was downstairs, calling Bai Shaoke.

Yesterday was the day when Mu Qing and his group of young talents died.

Jiang Fuli put down his phone and said gracefully, "It's not a big deal."

The anesthesiologist looked down at the medicine box in Dean Gu's hand. Without even having time to consider why the dean of the main hospital was here, he quickly turned around and ran to the emergency room.

Old Mrs. Xu's fingers were shaking as she held the cane.

"I just saw Bai Shi," Bai Shaoqi glanced at him and said softly, "We are in the same dormitory building."

After breakfast, Bai Xi printed out the paper given by He Wen in the study.

Bai Xi raised her head and her eyes met with Bai Shaoqi who was standing opposite her.

The nurse did not take it immediately, but pushed the blood in, then came out to take Bai Shi's mobile phone, went into the disinfection room to disinfect it, and then went back to the emergency room.

Assistant Xu thought of Lance and breathed a sigh of relief: "It should be Dr. Lance's people."

They are seniors and don't have many courses.

Xu En looked at Bai Wei and Jiang Fuli. Jiang Fuli was wearing a baseball cap and standing on the left side of Bai Wei. He lowered his head slightly, and his clean and slender fingers were pressing the phone, looking very inhuman.

[Give me the results after the math model is out. ]

"Yes, it's Miss Bai's mother," the housekeeper had contacted her last night, "but when we found the laboratory, they had already found the medicine. She is out of danger now. I heard that the baby she gave birth to is still in the incubator."

He Wen personally guided the numerical modeling, Dean Huang added him on WeChat, and Academician Ma sent Bai Xi to the airport. Xu Wenyao could accept what happened today. "It should be. It's good that everyone is fine now."

The elevator door opened at this time.

In the office, Dr. Zuo looked up at Bai Shaoke and said, "The teacher attaches great importance to the results of this math test."

Ji Heng finally reacted, his dark eyes finally showed other expressions, and he thanked Jiang Fuli, "Xiao Jiang, thanks to you this time, I asked you to make this trip."

"Almost." Qi Jun pushed his black-framed glasses.

If other patients hold a mobile phone and say that there is a teacher who can help them, the nurse will call the security guard to take the patient's family away.

It was already eleven o'clock, and since her life was no longer in danger, Bai Mi did not stay any longer. She took back her cell phone and went back to Shanhai Apartment with Jiang Fuli.

"Yes, her last name is Bai Shaoqi, just like you." Kong Wei saw Bai Shi approaching her and explained in a low voice, "She said that her brother's teacher is a student of our dean."

Bai Mi got up to eat, as she had to go to school later.

Song Min paused, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

When Bai Xi came back, Kong Wei was talking to someone at the stairs. Seeing Bai Xi, she waved excitedly, "Bai Xi, come here quickly, this classmate is from your hometown."

The dormitory door is closed at this time.

After saying that, he hung up the phone and pushed the door into the office.

"Well, it seems that I don't need to help with anything." Dean Gu paused and put his hands behind his back. "Then I can only leave first?"

Jiang Fuli stood aside, slowly stapling her papers with a stapler, his eyes passing coldly over them.

The anesthesiologist looked at the gray-haired old man, hesitated for a moment, then recognized him, "Dean Gu?"

Kong Wei mentioned Bai Shaoqi to Yu Simin.

Fortunately, the rescue was successful.

Mu family.

Yu Sheng and Qi Jun came down from the dormitory building and were about to go to the computer room when they saw Xu Wenyao and Chen Hong coming back from outside. Chen Hong sounded very excited, "Wenyao, have you told your junior? The results are out today!"

I know he is talking about Jiang He, "Will it be too difficult for him to be in the first grade?"

"Well, she and her classmates are in the library. We'll look for her later." Xu Wenyao had just come out of the hospital and there was a faint smell of disinfectant on his body.

He knew that Jiang Fuli would be back soon.

Speaking of this, the housekeeper took his cane and followed her a few steps forward, and said worriedly: "You know, he won't leave the temple these days."

Jiang Fuli finally looked at Bai Xi at this time, "Are we going back?"

Xu Wenyao nodded to a few people he knew, then went upstairs to the dormitory to get his books and look for Bai Mi.

"Oh." Bai Xihei put his head halfway behind his head, picked up a bun that Kang Yulou brought over, and replied nonchalantly.

Outside the hospital gate, Assistant Wang ran in without notifying anyone, "Boss Mu! Boss Mu!"

Dr. Zuo's teacher is Dean Huang.

Xu En has called Chief Physician Li again to ask about Dantrolein. "Doctor, please hold on. We are already looking for it..."

"Then we'll talk again when we have a chance." Kong Wei felt that something was wrong, so he smiled at Bai Shaoqi and caught up with Bai Xi back to 407.

Xu En whispered to Bai Xi: "Thank you."

MTR The old lady had never heard of it. She just tilted her head and asked Xu Wenyao: "Wenyao, is the old man just now the dean of the main hospital?"

"Meng Jiang's ginger." Xu Wenyao lowered his head to look at his phone.

"Eat, Miss Bai." Jiang Fuli raised his hand and elegantly picked up a crystal dumpling and put it into her bowl.

Jiang University is full of talented people, and Song Min is just like everyone else here. He knew this since the last time he came to Jiangjing.

If Bai Mi and Ji Heng were not there, she would have wanted to ask if it was possible to have the baby delivered by caesarean section first.

Housekeeper Lou was reporting to Mu Yining about Ji Shaojun. Mu Yining looked up and asked, "Is his sister also in Jiangjing?"

Xu Shujie and Xu Wenyao were relieved to see that Ji Mulan was not in danger of life. Xu Shujie looked at Assistant Xu and asked, "Do you know the doctor that Bai Shen mentioned?"

Dr. Zuo smiled and said, "If your competition results are good, it will also be good for my professional title evaluation."

In the dormitory, Bai Xi put the computer and printed documents on the table, and also put a small pot of succulents on the table, which Jiang Fuli asked her to put in her pocket before leaving.

Bai Su hung up the phone and heard his voice.

At this time, the operating door opened again.

Yu Simin obviously knew the dean of the Physics Department. "Her brother's teacher is the dean of our Physics Department. Is he so powerful? But the people in Jiangda are all very powerful. Look at our Dean He Wenxue..."

Digital model?

The anesthesiologist came out of the operating room with his hands raised, looking at the people at the scene with a pale face, "Mr. Xu, the patient's temperature has reached 42, and the fetus in the abdomen may..."

"I heard they're still investigating the brake issue." The Mu family has always taken matters like this seriously, after all, such a big thing happened before.

"Then you should be able to continue your studies in graduate school?" Yu Sheng envied.

"Wait for me a moment," Bai Shaoke was looking for Dr. Zuo. He held the phone and lowered his voice, "I'll be down right away."

Half an hour later.

"It has nothing to do with you." Ji Heng just looked deeply at the emergency room. He only said this, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Albert is the doctor that Lance found for Baishen who has studied malignant hyperthermia.

Yu Sheng walked beside Qi Jun and heard Chen Hong mention the mathematical modeling: "Chen Hong, you guys are so happy, are you going to win the second prize in the competition?"

Bai Su stopped and tilted his head lazily, "What if he is also thinking, 'What kind of people am I in the same classroom with'..."

Bai Shaoqi made many friends at school. She looked at Bai Xi and said nothing.

It was already late, and Xu Wenyao did not return to the dormitory, so he took Xu Shujie's car.

"We know Mr. He Wenxue, but he doesn't know us," Kong Wei laughed. "Mr. He Wenxue is an idol for us Xicheng people. We are going to check in at the No. 1 Doctoral Building later. Are you going?"

Xu Wenyao called so early not just because of this matter, "Did you know that the numerical simulation results came out this morning?"

Qi Jun shook his head, "The first prize winner will be admitted to graduate school, and the second prize winner depends on the chance."

"You are only a sophomore. There are also foreign students participating this time, and there are quite a few juniors and seniors," Dr. Zuo clicked on the email. "It is already very outstanding that you can win the second prize. I will apply for a place in graduate school for you and take you to meet the teacher."


at the same time.

But... Ji Mulan had never returned to the Mu family, which Butler Lou thought was a surprise.

I really don't know about this white peony.

The medicine arrived, and the people in the corridor finally relaxed again.

Miss Bai has such a good memory, how could Jiang Fuli not know?

She probably remembered every complaint he wrote there.

Ming Dongheng looked at him expressionlessly.

Mu Xianguang has eaten very little these days.

The two were talking.

Assistant Wang didn't have time to explain to the housekeeper. He just panted and handed a piece of information to Mu Yining. "We didn't find any information about Miss Bai, but in Xiangcheng, there are a lot of news about Miss Bai."

"We just did our duty," the doctor shook his head. "It was mainly because the blood bank of the main hospital arrived in time, and the director of the main hospital personally sent dantrolene. The doctors of MTR gave us guidance..."

Lance? Who is this? Xu Shujie was wondering when Ji Mulan's attending doctor came out again to report that everyone was safe.

As he spoke, the doctor became more polite to the Xu family.

When Mu Yining heard that it was Bai Shi, she immediately reached out her hand.

"I'm not going. You guys have fun." Xu Qian retracted her gaze, took the book and went out.



Xu Qian came out of the bathroom and heard them talking about He Wen. She looked up and asked, "Do you know He Wen?"

Freshmen at Jiangnan University have no classes these two days, and military training will not begin until their sophomore year.

After the two left, Xu En looked very tired. He had been nervous all night and was not in a very good mood at this time: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought her out."

The anesthesiologist came out with Bai Shi's phone and returned it to Bai Shi. "The patient's fever has subsided and he is no longer in danger of death. I would also like to thank Mr. Abbott for giving us critical guidance."

"You are so smart, you will definitely do it. Miss Qi introduced Dr. Zuo to you..."

Mu Yining didn't answer. She opened the envelope, which contained several photos and information clipped from the news.


The next day, early in the morning.

The gray-haired old man stepped out the door, his eyes swept around the corridor, and finally landed on Jiang Fuli, "Mr. Jiang."

Chen Hong looked up and saw Qi Jun and his friends. He paused for a moment. They had not interacted much since Qi Jun left the team before the last game. "I think so. No problem."

Xu Wenyao: [President Huang, I understand.]

Since the last wedding banquet, Xu Shujie vaguely heard Ji Heng call that man "Xiao Jiang".

RH negative blood bank, Director Gu, MTR people.

The physics notebook is still with Bai Mi, and she takes it out and flips through it when she has nothing to do.

"That also requires integrating into society." Jiang Fuli hung up the phone, returned to the hall, sat next to Bai Mi, and picked up the chopsticks slowly.



Bai Shaoke replied, "It might be a little difficult to win the first prize..."

Not only Bai Shaoke, but also Qi Jun and others are waiting for the results of this competition.

Bai Xi lowered her eyes and casually said something to Lance, then handed the phone in her hand to the nurse who had just pushed the blood bag over, "A teacher has done research on evil fever, you can take it in, maybe it will help."

Dean Huang gave him a sentence two hours ago -

Dean Gu looked at Bai Xi for a moment. He didn't dare to say anything. He just asked Ming Dongheng in a low voice, "Is there any brain injury?"

It was a narrow escape from death, the entire emergency room doctor's nightmare.

Ming Dongheng nodded grimly.

She had always thought it was "Jiang" or something like that, but Xu Wenyao said it was "Jiang". Xu Shujie thought of Director Chen and suddenly stepped on the brakes. The car stopped on the side of the road. She turned to look at Xu Wenyao in shock, "He can't be..."

She took the coat handed over by the servant and put it on. When Mu Yining mentioned the accident, she was silent for a moment, "Where's my dad? Did he come out today?"

As soon as she spoke, Jiang Fuli's eyebrows began to twitch.

"Doctor," Old Mrs. Xu came forward with a cane, "Is there any hope?"

Jiang is also a common surname.

Bai Xi replied to Tang Ming in the group, saying that she would be there with a book. Ning Xiao and Tang Ming had already taken seats in the library.

"Bai Xi and the man next to her..." Xu Shujie drove the car onto the avenue and tilted her head to ask Xu Wenyao, "Jiang... which Jiang is he?"

The operating room door closed again.

Xu Wenyao sat up straight. He had always respected Dean Huang. After finishing the numerical modeling this summer, he and Chen Hong stayed in the library and read many papers and books that He Wen gave them.

Fellow countryman?

"I can't be sure, but with dantrolene, the chances are very high." The nurse said hurriedly and went in.

But the patient's family was able to access the Rh-negative blood bank and obtained dantrolene in a short period of time.


Downstairs in the dormitory, Song Min was waiting for Bai Shaoqi, and the two of them went to find Bai Shaoke together.

Bai Mi withdrew his gaze, said hello to Kong Wei, and walked towards Room 407.

Above President Huang...that's Academician Ma.

He was also holding a blue box that was emitting a cold air.

Xu Wenyao mainly talked to Bai Xi about the mathematical modeling. He was very confident about winning the award, but he didn't know if he could win the first prize. Jiang Fuli stood on Bai Xi's balcony. He was wearing a white shirt today, with his cufflinks taken off and his cuffs rolled up several times. His delicate eyebrows drooped, and he spoke to the person on the phone in a low voice, "Don't want to go to school? Wait until I come back."

"Well," Dean Gu looked at the anesthesiologist and handed over the blue box, "Dantrolene is still frozen. Save the life quickly."

Even Qi Jun felt that the second prize was not stable this time. After hearing what Chen Hong said, Yu Sheng could not help but complain to Qi Jun: "He actually said that the second prize is definitely no problem. Not to mention that they found a new student, the key is that they don't even have a guidance teacher. But Qi Jun, can you guys secure the second prize this time?"

"I'm glad that you're okay. Prepare a gift for me. How could she suddenly get into a car accident? Have you checked?" When Mu Yining heard that it was Bai Shen's mother, he stopped.

Dean Gu: "…Okay."

The first one is a screenshot of a news report from Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. The background is Xiangcheng No. 1 Middle School. There are several banners hanging in front of the gate. The first banner has white characters on a red background and is very eye-catching.

[Congratulations to our school's Bai Shi for winning the first place in the national college entrance examination in science?