
Being Expelled from the Wealthy Family

hahan_hani · Teen
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40 Chs



After Jiang Fuli finished speaking, he put his phone back into his pocket.

His phone vibrated several times, but he didn't check it immediately.

When Ming Dongheng saw Bai Mi and Jiang Fuli come in, he took out the dinner from the incubator.

Lu Xiaohan saw Jiang Fuli coming in from the corner of her eye, so she got up from the sofa, sat up straight, and spoke to Dean Jian in a low voice.

Only Baishen, Jiang Fuli and Jiang He were left without food.

Jiang Fuli lowered his eyes and looked at the food on the table. The food was freshly heated and still steaming.

Bai Su sat on the chair and picked up the chopsticks, a little nonchalantly. Seeing that he was still standing there, she couldn't help but raise her head and asked, "You don't want to eat?"

Beside her, Jiang He took a sip of water from the Dabaicai cup, then looked up and blinked.

Jiang Fuli came back to his senses. He sat next to Bai Shi and said, "Eat."


The next day, August 8th.

Bai Su woke up early. She changed out of her pajamas and put on a sweatshirt.

The phone rang, she answered it, turned on the speaker and put the phone aside.

He leaned over, opened the bedside cabinet, and took out six large blocks of iridium.

"Sister," it was Xiao Qi on the other end of the phone, his voice was gentle, "Master Jin is here, and there is also a Mr. Xu."

She slowly tied her hands and feet with iridium. The red ribbon made her wrists look even whiter, and the red gems on them sparkled. "That's Xu He. You discuss with Master Jin about arranging him."

Now that her physical strength has been improved, she usually takes off the iridium except for morning exercises.

Xiao Qi knew her daily schedule, so she called her at the right time. "The address should be in Guangyuan District. Master Jin said he had to wait for notification from above."

"Okay." After finishing the call, she put on the Bluetooth headset and opened the door.

Lower your head.

Jiang He was bending over and pushing a large gift box towards her door, one meter away from her. The blue gift box was square and eighty centimeters long. It was difficult for him to hold it, but he was unwilling to ask for help.

Ming Dongheng followed him expressionlessly.

Seeing Bai Mi coming out before he put his things away, Jiang He raised his head and a cracked expression appeared on his delicate little face.

Bai Su paused and looked at the bow on the blue gift box.

I vaguely remembered that today is August 8th.

It is also the second day of the seventh lunar month.

Her birthday.

"For me?" She squatted in front of Jiang He and looked up at him.

Jiang He let go of her hand, and his dark eyes met hers, and he said depressedly: "Yeah."

He got up early today, wanting to put the gift at the door of Bai Mi's room before she came out. With a keen sense of numbers, he guessed everything, but -

The only thing I didn't expect was my size...

Not enough to lift this gift box.

"Thank you." Bai Xi patted his head, then squatted in front of him and opened the gift box.

As she expected, there was also a piece of Lego inside.

It was the scene of her first meeting with Jiang He. Behind her was a water truck, in front of her was a bus stop, and further ahead, there was a black car.

It's a huge project.

She picked up the piece of Lego easily and placed it on the bookshelf in her study.

Bai Su lifted the weight with ease, as if she was holding only a feather. Jiang He looked up at her and opened his mouth, with an expression as if he was watching a horror movie.

Behind him, Ming Dongheng folded his arms across his chest and looked down at Jiang He, with the corners of his mouth twitching.


At noon, in the study, Bai Shi rested his hand on the computer page with his brows drooping, and his other hand controlled the computer page to print documents.

On the computer WeChat page, messages from He Wen kept coming in.

He Wen: [A study of topology, a photon]

He Wen: [You haven't finished reading it yet? ]

He Wen: [...]

Bai Mi stretched out two fingers and typed out a word calmly:



Jiang He sat on the stool next to her, holding a game console in his hand, playing the game while swinging his legs.

Lu Xiaohan, Tang Ming and others were not in the apartment early this morning.

After the document was printed, Bai Xi reached out to close He Wen's dialog box, and the next second, her cell phone rang.

This time it was Jiang Fuli. His voice came through the electromagnetic waves, less chilly than usual. "I'll be back in half an hour."

Bai Mi was looking for a stapler and stapled the documents together slowly, "Okay." "What are you doing?" Jiang Fuli heard the sound of a printer on his phone.

"He Wen has two documents," Bai Xi said casually, pressing two fingers on the stapler, "I just printed them out. I'll take a look tomorrow."

Jiang Fuli's voice turned colder, "Two servings?"

"What?" Bai Xi raised his eyebrows.

"Nothing." On the other end of the phone, Jiang Fuli knocked on the wooden box in his hand calmly, his face cold and clear, and he didn't discuss the two documents with her anymore: "Wait for me to come over."

He hung up the phone and looked at the small garden in front of him, "Let's go."

Behind it is a carved corridor.

Beside him, the middle-aged man bowed his head respectfully, "Yes."

He Wen, who was looking at data in the laboratory, suddenly sneezed.

The person next to him looked at the air conditioner temperature and although he didn't think it was high enough, he still said, "I'll ask someone to turn it up a bit."


Yunxiao District cracked down severely for more than half a month.

Most of the clubs and bars were devastated, and there were only a few that were not affected.

These include Qinglong Bar and Sijing Club.

There are many different opinions in the circle about the backgrounds behind these two people, but most people know that it is not simple.

Sijing Club.

Bai Fuli and Jiang He arrived. There was a manager waiting at the door. When he saw the two of them, he hurried forward to greet them, "Master Jiang, Miss Bai, the Third Master is already waiting for you on the top floor."

He bent down 90 degrees and didn't dare to look directly at Bai Mi and Jiang Fuli.

Just by bending down, he saw Jiang He being led by Bai Shi.

The manager quickly gave Jiang He a friendly smile.

Jiang He saw him bending his waist 90 degrees: "..."

Today, the entire Sijing only received people like Bai Xi, and the manager didn't know Bai Xi.

But he knew the identity of this Young Master Jiang. He respectfully led people to the internal elevator and glanced at the girl next to Jiang Fuli.

I want to memorize her face.

As soon as he saw the other person's loosely tied hair and felt the subtle pressure from the person next to her, the manager was startled and quickly retracted his gaze. After the feeling of oppression on his body disappeared, he carefully wiped the sweat off his forehead.

The rumors were indeed true.

In the top-floor box, Lu Xiaohan, Tang Ming and others had already arrived early and were setting up the box.

Lu Xiaohan held the ribbon and directed Xu Sanshao and Ning Xiao, "Master Xu, move the letter A downwards, and Xueshen, move the letter R a little to the left. That's right, it's just right..."

Not far away, a few core waiters brought in the things they needed.

The core employees of Sijing Club are all familiar with Xu Sanshao.

Seeing Xu Nanjing being ordered by a girl, everyone couldn't help but look in this direction.

The faces of Lu Xiaohan, Ning Xiao and others are all unfamiliar, and they don't match the young men and women they are familiar with at all. Who are they?

Commanding Young Master Xu like this?

The waiter put the things down and walked out, then saw the manager coming over with a few people.

"Mr. Jiang, Miss Bai, this is it." The manager personally opened the door and let Bai Shen and others in.

The waiter beside him lowered his head and didn't dare to look around.

Before the door closed, they seemed to hear the voice of Mr. Xu San, "Sister A-Xu..."

After the door closed, the waiter looked up at the manager and said, "Manager, they are..."

The manager had no idea who these people were, so he just ordered, "Be careful with your hospitality and remember their names and faces."

He lowered his head, took out his pager, and dialed a message.

Then I looked back at the box——

The past two months have not been peaceful. He has been trembling with fear after several severe crackdowns. Now... what kind of people have come to Jiang Jing?


In the box.

Lu Xiaohan dragged Bai Xi to take photos. Seeing that there was nothing for Xu Nanjing to do, he walked over to Jiang Fuli, poured himself a glass of wine, and swung the glass lazily, "How many guests do you have, Sister Xi?"

He prepared a gift for everyone who came today.

"Her uncle, aunt and grandfather," Jiang Fuli stood nearby, looking in Bai Shi's direction, and said nonchalantly, "There should be another teacher."

Uncle, aunt, grandpa?

Xu Nanjing was surprised.

He knew that Bai Shi's grandfather lived in Qingshui Street, so how come he came to Jiangjing?

"Xiao Qi and Brother Mao haven't arrived yet." Tang Ming moved a stool over and added.

Xiaoqi, Brother Mao?

Xu Nanjing thought that Bai Shen had only Tang Ming and a few other friends in Jiangjing, so who were Xiao Qi and Mao Ge?

He is thinking.

The door of the box was opened respectfully again by the manager.


Chapter 238 Ji Heng Arrives, Academician Ma's Gift (Part 1)

The manager respectfully brought Xiao Bingwen in.

He had just gone downstairs to prepare the cake. As soon as he entered, he saw Jiang Fuli's profile, which was blurred by the light. The relaxed smile on his face disappeared, "Mr. Jiang."

He greeted Jiang Fuli.

Jiang Fuli tilted his head lazily, in a very indolent manner, his light-colored eyes swept over Xiao Bingwen. His phoenix eyes, which had always been very imposing, were much softer today. He nodded slightly at Xiao Bingwen and continued to watch Bai Shi taking pictures.

Xiao Bingwen tensed his body and dared not look around anymore.

He just sat next to Xu Nanjing and asked in a low voice: "Why are they all in Jiangjing?"

Xiao Bingwen said he was asking about Lu Xiaohan and the others.

"She got into Jiangjing." Xu Nanjing heard from Lu Xiaohan that she was admitted to Communication University.

"How come you are so good at studying?" Xiao Bingwen was surprised.

The Xu family has been busy with the old man's birthday recently. Xiao Bingwen was busy with a cooperation project some time ago and didn't have time to rest. Today is Bai Mi's birthday, so he helped plan it.

Although it was summer vacation, Tang Ming and Ning Xiao did not stop doing exercises.

As soon as Jiang Fuli left, Xiao Bingwen breathed a sigh of relief. He also stood up and looked at the door of the box: "Miss Bai's grandfather..."

The lights were turned off, leaving only the candles on the cake lit.


When Director Chen came over with the wine he had collected for decades, the group was sitting together in a lively atmosphere.

It's quite a lively scene.


After a while, the box door opened again.

Even if he told this to others, it would be hard for anyone in the circle to believe it.

Director Chen nodded to Xiao Bingwen, then greeted Jiang Fuli, Ji Heng, Bai Shen and the others, and said to Ji Heng: "Uncle Ji, we two are going to have a good drink today."

As she spoke, Dean Jian added, "That's right."

Jiangjing was so lively as soon as he arrived, with the sound of children chattering all around, and Ji Heng had a very obvious smile on his face.

Baishen didn't say anything.

Of course Xiao Bingwen knew that his father wanted to stand on his side now.

She looked back and didn't see Xiao Qi. Xu Nanjing put down his wine glass and looked at the yellow-haired man in the middle. He recognized him at a glance as the spirited young man he had seen from a distance at the intersection of Qingshui Street before.

"Yeah." Ji Heng, who was always serious, rarely smiled. He greeted Lu Xiaohan and then looked at Bai Shi. He didn't look thin and was in good spirits.

His current status is completely different from what it used to be. After returning this time, there will be no problem for him to be promoted to the top leader of Yunxiao District.

He was familiar with Liu Shuhe, so naturally he knew Dean Jian.

Behind him followed the calm Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing who didn't dare to look around.

I've been in Chang'an District, but Assistant Yun has also heard about the recent commotion in Yunxiao District.

Mao Kun often competes with Director Chen for the job of washing dishes.

Xiao Bingwen sat next to Xu Nanjing. Opposite him was Dean Jian. Jiang Fuli was also sitting on the seat. He felt quite uncomfortable. On the other hand, Lu Xiaohan, Ning Xiao and the others were all more at ease than him.

I transferred my household registration and stayed in Class 15.

Lived in Qingshui Street.

After taking Ji Shaojun out for a walk last time, most people in the circle also knew about Ji Shaojun's existence.

"Not sure," Ji Shaojun looked at Director Chen, "I'll tell you when I'm sure."

Of course, Director Chen also came at the right time. The Yunxiao District had cracked down severely and everyone from top to bottom had been replaced. He had made some political achievements at that time and just happened to take over the position of the top leader after he submitted a report.

He turned off his cell phone, opened the door and went out.

Sijing Club has a lot of fun, and Xu Nanjing originally wanted to invite more people to liven up the atmosphere. However, Jiang Fuli said that the Ji family didn't like it to be too lively, so Xu Nanjing didn't invite anyone. He even didn't let Gao Yan come, and she only brought her gifts.

Xiao Bingwen was really surprised at this moment, "Friends regardless of age difference?"

He quickly stood up and greeted Director Chen politely, "Director Chen."

"Brother Jiang, you mean..."

Tang Ming and Ning Xiao haven't seen Dean Jian and Ji Heng for a long time. "Grandpa, Dean Jian."

One has yellow hair and the other has red hair.

He couldn't help but look at Bai Xi and the people around her.

She left Xiangcheng at the end of June and hadn't seen Ji Heng for a month and a half. They basically just had video calls.


at the same time.

The group of people gathered together and started chatting casually.

"Well," Jiang Fuli stopped tapping on the table and said calmly, "I have collected the previous exam questions for you last night. You can do the questions tomorrow."

"I'll stay here for a while." Ji Heng put down the pipe in his hand.

Four-layer cake.

"Are you also working in Jiangjing?" Ji Heng asked Mao Kun to sit down quickly.

Academician Ma has just finished his work. For researchers, it is normal to get off work at 11 or 12 o'clock every night.

Tang Ming was not quite sure, but Ning Xiao, who had been in the provincial team, had heard of it. He was so smart that when Jiang Fuli mentioned this, he understood what Young Master Jiang meant.

The two were talking.

"Grandpa Jian and I want to make a video, and we need a Warring States robe," Lu Xiaohan explained, "but I haven't been able to find what I want online."

Since she came to Beicheng, she met Jiang He.

Xu Nanjing also stood up and whispered, "It should be sister A-Xu's grandfather who has arrived."

As he spoke, Assistant Yun looked at the nine steps of the Sijing Club. Although he liked to have tea breaks with Academician Ma during academic lectures, he had never seen such a scene.

"What ceremony?" Director Chen has always been very interested in the affairs of Bai Xi's family. When he heard Ji Shaojun speaking, he raised his head.

He nodded.

Opposite Dean Jian, Xiao Bingwen couldn't help but take over as the leader of the Guzheng team. How talented is Bai Mi?


As they were talking, Jiang Fuli beside Ning Xiao also put down his chopsticks, lowered his head, and asked Ning Xiao and Tang Ming in a low voice, "Have you signed the contract?"

When Bai Mi was hanging out in the library in Jiang Jing, the two of them had already reached the top of the overall ranking in Xiangcheng.

Ji Heng held the wine glass, and nodded after hearing this: "It should have been yours."

"Oh, Master Jin is here. He is settling those masters." Mao Kun, wearing slippers, greeted Bai Xi and Ji Heng in a carefree manner, "Grandpa, sister."

Call Jiang Fuli "Brother Jiang" and Dean Jian "Grandpa Jian".

The representative of traditional Chinese music.

The tone always gives people a sense of careless alienation.

He said a few simple words and then went back to talking about fishing.

The group chatted a lot.

Jiang Fuli next to him looked down at his phone. Ji Shaojun said they had arrived.

Compared to the introverted Bai Shi, Lu Xiaohan was sunny and unrestrained. She hugged Ji Heng's arm that was not holding the pipe, "Grandpa, how long will you stay this time? Is there any hope for my Warring States robe?"


Lu Xiaohan put down the camera and found out that Ji Heng would be staying here for a long time. "So you're going to stay here permanently this time?"

The lights in the box were on bright enough.

So the person next to him should be Bai Shi's grandfather?

"He?" Dean Jian didn't understand who Bai Shi was referring to, and just said the same old thing: "You have such high standards for yourself, you are really suitable for our Guzheng faction, don't you plan to take over?"

Finally, he looked down at Jiang He beside Bai Shi and smiled again: "You have grown taller."

Xu Nanjing looked at Ji Heng, then looked at Dean Jian who was chatting happily with Ji Heng, and didn't react for a moment.

Outside the box, the manager brought in two more people.

After a long while, Jiang Fuli said, "You know Jiang Dayou has a class with the same peak, right?"

It is also decorated with lifelike thin rose petals.

Dean Jian discussed the guzheng with Bai Xi, "I think you can play "The Desert"."

Bai Shi held the chopsticks, her brows were lazy, "I can't practice, I can't play the feeling she has."

They had a phone call the night before yesterday, and Ji Heng was still in the familiar yard.

The two of them chatted and laughed happily, as if they were soulmates meeting each other.

"They want me to take over the branch." Ji Shaojun sat next to Shen Qing and told Ji Heng about the recent situation.

When she called him "Grandpa", Lu Xiaohan turned around in surprise. When he saw Ji Heng, he put down the camera in his hand and ran over excitedly, "Grandpa, why are you here?"

For them, doing practice questions has become the norm.

Several people sat down around the coffee table.

Bai Xi, who was taking photos with Lu Xiaohan together with Jiang He, seemed to have noticed something. She looked over here and saw Ji Heng and Shen Qing at a glance.

He knows Dean Jian.

Assistant Yun stopped the car and looked back at Academician Ma in the back seat. "Academician Ma, is this the place?"

After coming to Xiangcheng, all the people around me are still there, not a single one is missing, except Zhang Shize. Everything else is just like a passing visit.

"Warring States robe?" Ji Heng looked at her with some interest.

Why does her grandfather seem so familiar with Dean Jian?

Jiang Fuli was opposite her, looking at her quietly through the candlelight.


In my impression, even towards Liu Shuhe, Dean Jian was strict with him. He had very high requirements for his students. The three students were all carefully selected by him, but Dean Jian was not very satisfied with them and remained ruthless.

On Bai Shi's left is Jiang He, on her right is Jiang Fuli, and next to Jiang He is Shen Qing, who is bending down to peel shrimp shells for Bai Shi and Jiang He.

The sound was not loud, but it made Ning Xiao and Tang Ming feel nervous.

His mother finally got some help from Mr. Chen, and in the end Bai Shi himself knew him.

Indeed, it has been a long time since we last met.

I didn't expect him to appear in Jiangjing today. Bai Xi stood up and asked, "Grandpa?"

"Nan Jing," he looked at the old man with his back to him. He had a straight back, a strong artistic aura, and an imposing manner. "Is that Dean Jian?"

"I signed for the Department of Physics." Ning Xiao replied.

Walking in front were two old men, one with his hands behind his back and the other holding a pipe, and they were chatting.

Ji Heng was deeply impressed by him. In his eyes, these were all lively juniors.

Jiang Fuli nodded slightly, his wrist resting on the glass table, his cold white fingertips tapping on the tabletop from time to time.

Beside Xu Nanjing, Xiao Bingwen finally came to his senses. He didn't know Ji Heng, but...

Why is this here today?

"Yes." Xu Nanjing had met Dean Jian before, so he was not surprised. What surprised him was why Ji Heng and Lu Xiaohan were so familiar with Dean Jian. "Sister A-Xu plays the guzheng well. She and Dean Jian are close friends regardless of age difference."

In the midst of the excitement, Xiao Bingwen quietly went out and pushed the cake in with the manager.

When Lu Xiaohan looked up, she saw Mao Kun and Xiao Wu, "Brother Mao, you guys are a little late. Isn't Xiao Qi here?"

Jiang Fuli was talking to the manager with his head down.

Ji Shaojun poured the wine, "They are going to hold a ceremony to recognize their ancestors."

Bai Su stood in front of the cake, her face blurred by the candlelight. She looked at the cake and could hear the voices of Lu Xiaohan and Tang Ming.

Apart from attending classes, it is impossible for his apprentice to invite Dean Jian to dinner.

A group of people came in from outside.

It was not until the two of them approached that Xu Nanjing reacted. He put down his wine glass and said, "Dean Jian, Grandpa Ji, Uncle Ji, Auntie, hello, I'm Xu Nanjing."

Why is this person also in Jiangjing?

Is Baishen playing the guzheng so good?

He also left the institute early today.

"It's right here," Academician Ma looked at the building of Sijing Club, then looked down at the address Jiang Fuli gave him. After confirming it, he said to Assistant Yun, "Wait for me here. I'll come down after delivering something."

He picked up the old black notebook and a USB flash drive that were placed aside and got out of the car.


In the driver's seat, Assistant Yun watched Academician Ma walk up the magnificent stairs.

His eyes did fall on the notebook in Academician Ma's hand.

He has been working with Academician Ma as an assistant professor for a long time.

Academician Ma always carries this notebook with him. He doesn't know what the USB drive is, but the notebook should be Academician Ma's hard work to date.

Although he used too many code numbers, there was no doubt that this was also the level of confidentiality.

At the gate, the manager respectfully welcomed the old man upstairs.

When he turned around, he seemed to see infrared rays falling on the steps. He paused, looked over there again, and it disappeared again.


The Sijing Club is very quiet today.

Top floor.

When Academician Ma arrived, Bai Mi had just finished blowing out the candles and Lu Xiaohan turned on the headlights.

"Have you looked at the algorithms?" Academician Ma no longer considered the environment here. He asked Bai Shi a few routine questions. Bai Shi answered them one by one and had his own insights.

Jiang Fuli tilted his head and looked at her for a while.

Jiang Fuli followed Bai Shi lazily.

Before the discussion was over, the door was opened by the manager again.

"Why hasn't Sister Xu come back yet?" Lu Xiaohan handed a piece of cake to Xu Nanjing, "Eat cake."

In addition, he was busy with auctions and mineral matters, so he flew abroad for several months and only finished his work in early July.

Jiang Fuli tilted his head and looked at Bai Shi. "Let's go to the terrace and take a look?"

Xiao Bingwen was discussing in a low voice with Xu Nanjing why Director Chen was so respectful to the yellow-haired guy.

Her eyes fell on the tall man beside her. He had his eyes downcast, and behind him was the light from the club entrance. She couldn't see his face clearly, but could see his smooth jawline. His whole figure was dignified and cold, just like the cold moon hanging high in the sky, detached from the world.

It can be seen that she studied it seriously after returning.

But when she was about to leave Jiangjing, Academician Ma still came to see her off.

A living fossil of the Department of Physics.

Then he lowered his brows and covered her right hand. Jiang Fuli's palm was always cool, like spring water flowing slowly from the snow-capped mountains in summer.

Xiao Bingwen had only seen him in lectures or university physics books, but now he appeared in Sijing.

Jiang Fuli's eyelashes drooped. He spread Bai Shi's fingers and placed a long wooden box that he had covered for a long time in her palm. He looked up, and the surrounding lights shattered in his light eyes and turned into stars in the sky. He seemed to be very nonchalant: "Gift."

Academician Ma is an international leader in quantum physics.

These professional terms clearly show that the identity of Academician Ma is known.

Lu Xiaohan cut another piece of cake for Xiao Bingwen.

He didn't have time to be surprised that the academician came just to see Bletilla striata.

Ning Xiao lowered his head to look at the questions on his phone without looking at Xiao Bingwen.

Baimu looked around. It shouldn't be so quiet here normally.

Xiao Bingwen looked at Tang Ming's baby face and suddenly felt that his classmate Bai Xi had become unfathomable.

Academician Ma finally met someone who met his expectations in every way, and he has not plunged headfirst into the bottomless pit of dark matter like Jiang Fuli did.

Now Academician Ma has come out?

Bai Mi was also very surprised. Academician Ma should be a person who doesn't care about what's happening outside. His circle is very simple, only about physics. Other social activities are not on his mind.

Jiang Fuli walked on her left with one hand in his pocket. The waiter was standing at the elevator door and pressed the elevator door button when the two of them walked over.

"Don't worry, take it." Academician Ma looked at her and coughed a few times. "If this year is your starting point, then I hope you can fly to the top of the mountain with our dream. The answer is on the way."

He got out of the car and opened the door for Academician Ma. When he looked up, he saw the pair of extremely pale eyes, "Young Master Jiang."

Bai Mi held the notebook in her left hand, walked to the railing, supported herself on it with one hand, and looked at the lights of thousands of houses downstairs. The flowerpot next to her was blooming with pink roses.

The assistant had only seen one person with such a cold aura.

Tang Ming patiently explained to Xiao Bingwen, "I know Academician Ma. I attended his lecture last year and bought the book on condensed matter, but I still don't quite understand it."

Xiao Bingwen held the fork but didn't eat. He just subconsciously asked, "That's Academician Ma... Do you know what Academician Ma does?"

Bai Di looked at Academician Ma, whose eyes were cloudy but gentle. Bai Di could tell from their first meeting that Academician Ma was not in good health.

"Academician Ma." Bai Wei walked to the gate, "Why are you here?"

"Miss Bai, are there any other guests who haven't arrived yet?" Xiao Bingwen asked as he turned his head and saw Academician Ma standing outside the door. His hair was as messy as ever, and he was holding a notebook in his hand.

Academician Ma had not originally planned to come, but Jiang Fuli said that this was an important year for her.

Xu Nanjing held the cake but didn't move. He still looked at the door. "Why did Academician Ma come to see Sister A-Xu?"

Bai Su looked him in the eyes and smiled lazily, "What is it?"

Jiang Fuli loosened his hand, with a faint smile in his eyes. He was rarely gentle, and at this moment he looked even more calm and detached, overshadowing the beautiful roses around him. "Take a look."

There is a green lawn under the terrace, with a few wooden tables and gazebos occasionally, and lights dotted around.

Assistant Yun called out respectfully.

The scores are ridiculously high, most of them are admitted through competition.

After Assistant Yun drove away, he looked in the rearview mirror and saw Jiang Fuli following the girl into the club and talking to her in a low voice. He could see clearly that Bai Fu was holding Academician Ma's notebook.

"Thank you." Bai Xi accepted the notebook. She always respected teachers, including Heaven, Earth, the Emperor, Parents and Teachers.

Xiao Bingwen blinked.

Jiangnan University's most famous major, the Department of Physics, is the top in China and is ranked among the best universities in the world.

"Jiang University," Tang Ming scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "I didn't do as well as Sister Xu and Ning Xiao in the exam. I could only barely meet the requirements of the Department of Physics."

Xu Nanjing noticed one point. He knew Bai Wei's last ranking on the Jiangjing app, which was basically the same as her college entrance examination ranking.

"Don't spread what happened today." Academician Ma closed his eyes in the back seat.

Academician Ma was not interested in this kind of gathering, so Jiang Fuli and Bai Di sent him downstairs.

There are too few top-notch talents in the country.

When they were at the Boyuan base, Academician Ma suddenly came to attend the class, and later Bai Xi took them to the lecture.

He looked at Baishen as if he was looking at the near future, and his voice was gentle. "This is some of my experience since I entered the industry. There is also a USB drive with my saved information. You can read it slowly throughout your college years."

She glanced at Jiang Fuli, who stood up first. Bai Su then whispered to Ji Heng that she should go out with Jiang Fuli.

The roses next to them were blown by the wind, and the shadows of the flowers fell on the hands of the two people, trembling slightly.

At the beginning, Xu Nanjing had tutoring from Jiang Fuli but he only got into the Economics Department of Jiang University.

However, Ning Xiao and Tang Ming had already guessed something.

Then why are you so calm?

When Xu Nanjing heard that he had attended a lecture by Academician Ma, he suddenly looked up and asked, "Which university did you apply to?"

Beside him, Xu Nanjing had met Shi Yu before, so he was calmer than Xiao Bingwen. However, he had more and more doubts in his heart, considering that it was both Principal Jian Zhongyou, Shi Yu, and Dean Shu.

I didn't pay much attention to the college entrance examination.


After Bai Mi and Jiang Fuli saw Academician Ma off, they went upstairs.

"This..." Bai Su lowered her eyelashes and looked at the notebook and USB drive.

The terrace is very large and is surrounded by flowers. Standing on the top-floor terrace of Sijing, you can overlook the bars and night market on the opposite street.

The lights in the club corridor were not bright.

It's not hot outside at this point.

Downstairs, Assistant Yun watched Academician Ma come down in less than ten minutes, and there were two people beside him. Assistant Yun looked at the girl with her hair loosely tied up in a bun.

In the box was a white jade hairpin with a delicate texture and crystal clearness. Under the dim light, it seemed to be covered with a layer of fluorescence. A poppy was carved on the end of the hairpin.

Bai Shi's classmates were all very casual, and didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with these people coming to see Bai Shi.

At that time, the sky was full of stars.

Reach the top floor.

Lu Xiaohan said, "Ask her what she wants to study in the future. I heard that Dean Shu also asked Sister Xu if she wanted to study Chinese."

"I heard it's your birthday," Academician Ma looked at the surroundings. It was very quiet and no one was disturbing him. "This place is very suitable for reading and doing research."

Lu Xiaohan doesn't know Academician Ma.

Academician Ma couldn't stay any longer, so he didn't go in. He looked at the people in the room, his eyes swept over Jiang Fuli and Xu Nanjing, and waited at the door for Bai Mi to come out.

Academician Ma handed the notebook and USB drive to Bai Xi.

She used to like standing on the city wall, watching the sunset, the moon and the stars.

Foreign laboratories were unwilling to hire him because they had violated so many regulations for him.


And inside the box.

Why are you here?

Xiao Bingwen looked at Tang Ming who was embarrassed. Tang Ming, Ning Xiao and the others were all students from Xiangcheng. He thought they were just like Lu Xiaohan, who just got admitted to a school in Jiangjing. How come they are all in Jiangnan University? Not only that, but they are all in the Department of Physics of Jiangnan University?

When did the Department of Physics at Jiangnan University become so popular?

Finally reacting, Xu Nanjing put down the cake and said, "Wait, how much did Sister A-Xu get in the college entrance examination?"

"She?" Lu Xiaohan sat casually on the table, picked up the camera next to him, and controlled it to watch the playback. "750, full marks, the top scorer in the national exam. Go search the news in Beicheng and Xiangcheng. The Beicheng Education Bureau couldn't control it at the time. It was overwhelming. That's the plagiarism of the top scorer in the national exam... Tsk."

Having seen such a grand scene, Lu Xiaohan was not surprised at who came to see Bai Mi.


Even though there is a blocking system this year, the topic of the top scorer in the college entrance examination still caused quite a stir.

But people like Xu Nanjing naturally wouldn't pay too much attention to it.

He even saw the news about Bai Shi from Lu Xiaohan's circle of friends. As for the others, he didn't know much, and he didn't participate in the college entrance examination gambling pool.

The Xu family focuses on comprehensive abilities when cultivating talents.

Since he was little, Xu Nanjing hated the Xu family asking him about his grades and comparing him to Xu Jinyi and Xu Jin. But when he grew up, he never became such an annoying parent.

It was only at this time that I heard from Lu Xiaohan the news that Bai Shi was the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

Although there are top scorers in the college entrance examination every year, there is only one top scorer every year, and they are all extremely talented people. Xu Nanjing has only seen one top scorer around him since he was a child.

Ginger is attached to Li.

That year, Jiang Fuli took the college entrance examination directly from his freshman year in high school, and Jiang Xijue ranked second on the list.

The Chen family should be more concerned about this year's college entrance examination, because there is a Liang Wu Yu, even Xu Nanjing has heard of him. The Chen family wants to do their best to cultivate him and has created a lot of momentum in the early stage.


"Sister A-Sui... the top scorer in the college entrance examination with full marks?" Xu Nanjing's knowledge of Bai-Sui was still at her 199th place.

Then it all makes sense.

Why did Principal Shi rush over when I went to the police station to look for Bai Xi that night?

Why did even Mr. Xu say that there was such a big commotion? That night Xu Nanjing just thought that Jiang Fuli was too ruthless. The Chen family was in politics, and the Xu family had cooperated with them.

It was not until recently that he realized that the Yunxiao District had been replaced from top to bottom.

Although Jiang Fuli was the fuse, the only things he wanted to clean up were probably the bars and clubs. As for those who were purged... they should be related to Baishen.



Bai Su was sitting on a chair in the pavilion, with her arms folded across her chest in a very casual posture. Her hair was draped behind her. It was dark and delicate, and had grown to waist-length in the past year. It hung behind her head, and the breeze blew her dress and long hair.

Jiang Fuli carefully combed his hair, the jet-black hair passing through his slender, cold white fingertips.

"Can you do it?" Bai Xi asked leisurely.

The cool lights around the terrace flowed across her face, creating a hazy shadow.

"Don't move," Jiang Fuli calmly turned his hand around. He was always calm and composed, and his tone was neither hurried nor slow. He held her hand while talking to her, "I will join the group tomorrow, and it may take more than half a month."

This type of research is covered by a confidentiality agreement from the outset.

"More than half a month," Bai Xi said, "Then when you come back, I should have started school."

Jiangda will start reporting on August 29th.

There were a lot of white chrysanthemums in her hair, so Jiang Fuli tied it into a half bun. The white jade hairpin looked even more soft and flawless on his fingertips, without a speck of dust on it.

His posture was not very skillful, but he smoothed out the loose pieces around it. This time it was much better than last time, not so messy.

Not pretty, but neat.

The poppy at the end of the white jade hairpin has a strong sense of craftsmanship, but it looks just right when it is adorned on her head.

Jiang Fuli took a step back, and felt that he had made much progress this time compared to last time. He slowly responded to Bai Xi's words, "There, the signal is blocked in most cases. I will go with Dean Ma."

He picked out some things that could be said and told them to Bai Shi.

"Jiang Jing..." Jiang Fuli thought of the incident at the bar last time. He hesitated for a moment, "Try not to fight if you can. If anything happens, tell Xu Nanjing immediately. I have already communicated with your grandfather. He lives on the first floor..."

Jiang Fuli has been renovating the first floor for a long time.

He liked quietness and was not used to using the elevator with others. Before coming here, he bought all the apartments from the first to the third floor. Of course, he did not tell Bai Xi about this. Later, when he found out that the owners of the fourth and fifth floors were Xu Nanjing and Ning Xiao, he did not move.

Otherwise, no one can buy these two unless he agrees.

During the time in Xiangcheng, Jiang He had been following Ji Heng.

As for Ji Heng... Jiang Fuli couldn't see what he was missing. He had seen those two thin pages of household registration, and after consideration, he decided to install decorations on the first floor that Ji Heng was more familiar with.

"First floor?" Bai Xi's radar was alerted. She had seen the decoration of the first floor. After listening to Jiang Fuli's words, she raised her head and asked, "You bought the first floor?"

Things are about to develop in an unpredictable direction.

Jiang Fuli pressed down the remaining strands of her hair that were blown by the wind, and then calmly changed the subject, "I gave Ning Xiao the annual exam papers of Tongfeng Class. I explained most of them. If they don't understand anything, you can explain it to them."

Bai Xi is going to take the entrance exam for the Tongfeng class, so she naturally hopes that others can also pass.

Yang Lin's major in biology is not within the scope of her class. She thought about Ning Xiao, but she was a little worried about Tang Ming.

Bai Su wanted to say something, but her phone, which she had placed aside, moved. Xu Nanjing gave her a bunch of exclamation marks and the word "shocked".

Realizing that they had been outside for a long time, Bai Shi rolled up her sleeves and stood up, glancing at Jiang Fuli, "Go in first."

She walked in front, and Jiang Fuli habitually lagged behind her by one step.

Quietly watching her walk forward carelessly.

She gave him a jade, and he gave her a jade hairpin in return.


In the box.

When Bai Xi just came back, Director Chen was drinking with Dean Ji Hengjian.

"Just now, those were people from the Academy of Sciences," Director Chen was talking to Ji Heng about Academician Ma. He knew the commotion Bai Shen had caused. "Miss Bai, was she booked by them?"

Director Chen was also born and raised in Jiangjing. Although he was a military officer, he still knew some of the things he should know.

"She has such a high talent, so let's hand it over to the country," Ji Heng took the wine glass, filled it up again for himself, and filled it up for Dean Jian and Director Chen, "It should be."

When he said he should, there was always a sense of loss in his tone. He was proud but also had an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

Director Chen nodded, raised his glass and talked to Ji Heng, "Miss Bai, this is just the beginning..."

As he said this, he turned his head to look at Ji Shaojun, and Ji Shaojun's expression seemed a little wrong, "Brother Ji?"

Ji Shaojun came back to his senses and said, "It's okay."

He picked up a piece of food with chopsticks and said slowly, "A-Xu should come back often. Just look at Xiao Jiang and you will know."

They are talking here.

Over there, Xiao Bingwen and Xu Nanjing were still staring at Bai Xi, "Sister Wan said you were the top scorer in the college entrance examination?"

"Yeah." Bai Xi sat casually next to Lu Xiaohan and asked Ning Xiao about the test questions.

Xu Nanjing opened his mouth and asked, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Why are you saying this?" Bai Xi leaned back and raised her eyes slightly. The look in her dark eyes made Xu Nanjing's tone pause.

She acted as if getting full marks in the college entrance examination was a common thing and just a goal in her life, so there was no need to mention it.

Xu Nanjing fell silent. He thought that if his mother knew that she was the top scorer in the college entrance examination, she would definitely host a grand banquet in Jiangjing.

Even though the Xu family has been around for so long, there is only one person in the ancestral hall who was the top scholar in three subjects hundreds of years ago.

Bai Shen reached out and knocked on the table, then looked at Ning Xiao and Tang Ming, "Have you two roughly read the questions?"

Ning Xiao raised his head and replied, "I looked through it and the overall difficulty is not bad."

He and Tang Ming have already gathered together to discuss the topic.

Bai Shen occasionally said a few words beside her, and Jiang Fuli leaned slightly on the armrest next to her, occasionally lowering his head and glancing coldly at Ning Xiao's questions.

Lu Xiaohan was watching the camera playback nearby.

Huangmao and Hongmao didn't understand, so they took a chessboard and played Gobang. After Hongmao lost, he went to Ji Heng and brought Jiang He over to let him take charge.

Occasionally, he would ask Baishen to help him conceive.

Bai Su was leaning against the sand, her white dress spread out beside her. She was playing with a chess piece in her hand, and from a distance of three meters, she casually flicked it onto the chessboard.

The chess piece landed firmly in the key position.

She has delicate features, so the word "beautiful" is too general.

She was giving instructions in a lazy yet calm manner, and Lu Xiaohan beside her occasionally tilted her head to show her the pictures on the camera.

Jiang Fuli only spoke a few words to Ning Xiao and Bai Shi.

Among them, Lu Xiaohan, who had the worst grades, was from Communication University. As for Ning Xiao, he was even better than those from the affiliated high school, not to mention Bai Shen.

Liang Wu Yu, who has received much attention in the past two years, has been used as her stepping stone.

Xiao Bingwen looked at this group of people and finally understood why Xu Nanjing didn't ask him to find those young masters and young ladies in the circle to liven up the atmosphere. The circle of this group of young people was far more exciting than theirs.

This group of young people were full of vitality and ambition. Xiao Bingwen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Nan Jing," Xiao Bingwen looked at Bai Xi in the crowd and couldn't help but say, "I always feel that these people are not that simple..."

Jiang Jing always says that it is difficult to get into the circle of Xu Nanjing and Jiang Xijue.

Looking at it now, he feels that the circle of Baishen will be the one that will be really hard to approach in the future.

"It's not just them," Xu Nanjing was more familiar with Bai Xi than Xiao Bingwen. He recalled what Lu Xiaohan said, "There should be a few more people. Sister Lu should be there, but I haven't seen her. As for the other good person, I've only heard of her."

"Good person?" This was the first time Xiao Bingwen heard this.

"He was imprisoned in Xiangcheng Prison during his senior year of high school," Xu Nanjing bit into a cigarette and glanced at Xiao Bingwen. "Lawyer Chi personally handled the case and was sentenced to one year in prison. During that time, Brother Jiang personally tutored him."

He's really a ruthless person.

Until now, Xu Nanjing still doesn't know what that good guy's name is.

Xu Nanjing pressed the lighter, blew out a smoke ring, and narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly.

Lu Xiaohan just said that there are four people admitted to Jiangnan University, and one of them is Yang Lin.

Despite losing too much blood, Yang Lin was able to calmly arrange the scene and hold a knife to kill her father. Xu Nanjing didn't know what was in her heart, but as someone who came from such a family, her tenacity was the same as that good guy.

Xiao Bingwen listened. Jiang Fuli went to the prison to provide counseling in person. And Chi Yundai? ? The top lawyers in Asia?

He tapped his knees and looked at Bai Shi and the others.

Jiangjing is really lively.



The day when freshmen report to Jiangjing University.

Shanhai Apartment, first floor.

Ji Heng held a kettle in one hand to water the succulents and cabbage, which had grown very tall. In the other hand, he held a mobile phone and talked to Ji Shaojun, "Don't worry, we live near Jiangda University, and we can still make it there."

On the other end of the phone, Ji Shaojun hung up.

He picked up the package and was about to go out. Shen Qing rarely stayed here and often went to Bai Mi's place.

When he opened the door, he saw the building manager and Xiaojie.

Today is Sunday and there is no work. The building manager knows that Ji Shaojun has always been self-disciplined, so he came to discuss the banquet with him.

Seeing him holding a bag, I was a little surprised, "Where are you going? Shall we take you there?"


Chapter 241: Enrollment, the pressure from the boss (Part 2)

off day.

The housekeeper hadn't said in advance that he would come. Ji Shaojun was also surprised to see the housekeeper appear at the door. "A-Xu starts school today. I have to take her to school."

When it comes to Baishen, the Ji family always pays attention to every detail.

In the past, the Ji family did not have such a strong atmosphere, and Ji Heng always stayed alone in Qingshui Street.

For the entire Ji family, everything is cold.

Ji Shaojun brought a drawing board with him to teach his students.

Ji Shaorong basically never goes home, and Ren Wanxuan is not close to any member of the Ji family.

Bai Su seemed to be sent by God to connect the two cold families together. Ji Heng became more energetic, and a group of children jumped up and down in his yard all day long.

People in Xiangcheng always believe that no matter how far the children of Xiangcheng fly, the wind of Xiangcheng will always protect them.

What a coincidence, Baishen also has the surname Bai.

The housekeeper glanced at Ji Shaojun. He had always known that Ji Shaojun valued his niece Bai Su very much. "She must have a lot of stuff for the new semester. Let Xiaojie take you to school. He happened to drive a business car today. Also, Miss has told you that she wants to treat you and Miss Bai to dinner first."

Ji Heng has been living in Shanhai Apartment since he came.

Butler Lou only found out a few days ago that Ji Heng had come to Jiangjing.

"I'll go by myself," Ji Shaojun thought. Jiangda University started today, and Jiangjing Avenue would definitely be congested. Driving is not as smooth as the subway. "I'll take the subway."

The Jiangjing subway is always very crowded.

Xiaojie took Ji Shaojun to the subway station. He looked at the subway entrance opposite and hesitated: "You really don't want me to take you there?"

"No need." Ji Shaojun looked down at the time on his phone, said hello to the building manager, and walked directly to the subway station opposite.

This place is some distance away from Jiangda.

The closer you get to the university town, the more people there are in the subway. Most of them are happily bringing their children to report to school. The registration time for all major universities is very unified.

When Ji Shaojun got off at Jiangda station, there was a Jiangda reception desk at the subway station.

Guide the freshmen going to Jiangda to school.

It was the first time that Ji Shaojun felt such a lively atmosphere. He came out of the subway station. The road on Jiangjing Avenue was extremely congested. He looked at the sun above his head and walked briskly to Shanhai Apartment.


Mountain and Sea Apartment.


In Bai Xi's room, Shen Qing circled around her box, "Is this all you're bringing? Do you have your harp belt?"

In the past, even in Xiangcheng, Bai Mi did not live in school.

Although she has rented a house outside the school, Bai Xi still has to live in accordance with the regulations. Shen Qing is helping her pack her things, but she always feels that she doesn't bring enough things.

Bai Zhu lazily sat on the windowsill, with the curtains drawn and a window open. The light was quite strong at the moment. "I just reported in, so I won't bring my piano with me for now."

The light traced a clear path for the dust floating in the room.

She squinted her eyes and watched Shen Qing counting the things in her box. Everything seemed peaceful.

"Well, when will He He come back?" Shen Qing was halfway through packing when he suddenly looked up at Bai Xi, "Is Xiao Jiang not coming back today?"

"I don't know." Bai Xi looked downstairs. Ji Heng was a little unaccustomed to the climate in Jiangjing. He had a wooden umbrella in his small yard, casting a cool shade.

She looked at the umbrella, but her eyes were not focused on the real thing.

The exercises that Jiang Fuli left for Ning Xiao and the others were not difficult for her. She had been urging the two to do the exercises some time ago. She was also busy with the songs that Dean Jian and the others wanted, and she was also reading papers and the notebooks that Academician Ma left for her. It was not a big deal to be busy.

But during the time he was in Jiangjing, Jiang Fuli was always there no matter what was done.

Even when I was in Xiangcheng before, he could always accompany me through the alleys of Qingshui Street most of the time at night.

Sometimes they would study until the early morning, and she would occasionally give him a question or two, and he would always respond in time. In the past half month, he and He Wen seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Only at certain times will he come online to reply to messages.

Long ago, she was able to get through the Avici Hell and countless storms on her own.

Just as I was thinking about it, Ji Shaojun appeared in my sight with a small bag.

Bai Su came back to her senses. She turned back to look at Shen Qing and smiled lazily, "My uncle is here."

Shen Qing went downstairs to call Ji Shaojun.

Bai Shi picked up the phone beside her, unlocked it slowly, and opened WeChat.

There was a lot of news about Class 15 on WeChat, and Lu Lingxi was also talking to everyone in the group.

Bai Xi clicked on the two dialog boxes above and clicked on one of them. The last time she had a conversation with Jiang Fuli was on the 20th.

She took a photo of the downstairs. The cabbage in the photo was growing well and the sun was warm. She walked over and slowly typed a few words -

[school starts]

It is the end of summer now, the clouds are floating and the sun is shining. The scene outside the window is what I feel in my heart. I wonder if you are doing well?


Hall 303.

Ning Xiao had already packed his suitcase. Tang Ming's parents came two days ago and stayed in a nearby guesthouse. They sent Tang Ming to school today, but Ning Xiao had no one to send him off, so he went with Bai Mi.

Lu Xiaohan is going to start school in two days. Her parents have already arrived and are currently traveling in Jiangjing.

At this time, she was holding a camera and was about to go into the school with Bai Shi to shoot along the way.

Ning Xiao didn't have much stuff, so he planned to take his bedding from the school office.

Other things can also be bought in the school canteen.

Shen Qing prepared a lot of things for Bai Xi, including some daily necessities, which she had already bought a few days ago. With so many people around, she was not afraid of having too many and too heavy things.

Today is the first day of reporting, and there are already many cars parked in front of the gate of Jiang University.

Afraid that there would be more people if they waited any longer, Shen Qing and Ji Heng sent Bai Shi to report first.

Although she lived near Jiang University, they wanted to send her to school in such a grand manner. Bai Xi followed their wishes and cooperated with Shen Qing and Ji Heng.

At the gate of Jiang University, the Tang family had already arrived.

Tang Ming was wearing a baseball cap. When he saw Bai Xi from a distance, he waved excitedly, "Sister Xi, the academic genius, this..." Before he finished speaking, he saw Ming Dongheng behind Bai Xi, wearing sunglasses and coolly carrying Bai Xi's largest black box, which contained some of Bai Xi's books. It was quite heavy.

Bai Xi and Shen Qing seemed to be very close to each other, but Ming Dongheng was a cold and ruthless man who separated himself from the people around him.

As soon as he saw Ming Dongheng, Tang Ming put down his hand and stopped waving.

"What's wrong with you?" After Lu Xiaohan greeted the Tang family, she saw Tang Ming with a very serious look on his face.

After Tang Ma greeted Bai Xi and Lu Xiaohan one by one, she went to pinch Lu Xiaohan's face. After hearing what Tang Ming said, she glanced at Tang Ming and said, "Xiaohan, don't pay attention to him. He keeps saying 'no need' all day long."

A group of people appeared on the campus in a mighty manner.

They immediately attracted attention. The group of people all looked good and had great aura, especially Bai Shi, who was wearing the Cuiwei long skirt that Ji Heng had newly made today.

The three-quarter sleeves reveal a small section of the fair wrist.

The sunlight shone on her emerald green clothes, making them dazzling. Green is a picky color, but it suits her very well. Her skin tone looks even whiter and her long eyelashes droop lazily.

This kind of bold yet restrained beauty is very attractive.

Not only the reception desks of various departments, but even the freshmen and their parents couldn't help but cast their eyes towards her.

Discuss together in a low voice.

When she was asked if she was a star, a big man in a black T-shirt was standing behind her. Although he was wearing sunglasses, it was not difficult to see that he was scanning the people around him.

He looks a lot like the well-trained bodyguards you see on TV.

For a moment, no one dared to step forward.

Bai Mi and the other three were in the same major. Tang Ming looked at the enrollment scene which was as lively as a vegetable market. He found the School of Physics among a bunch of signs and walked over quickly.

The people from the School of Physics were wondering if this girl was a newly signed star, and the next second they saw this girl walking towards them.

The guy with the crew cut looked at Tang Mingning, Xiao, and Bai Shi and opened his mouth, "You...you are all from the School of Physics?"

"Yes," Tang Ming said with a smile.

The crew-haired boy looked at Bai Xi who was lazily standing behind Tang Ming, and the corners of his mouth couldn't be retracted instantly. He looked at Bai Xi gently over Tang Ming and said, "Junior, I'm Gu Xiaoge, a sophomore in the Department of Physics, and also in the Organization Department of the Student Union of the College. Come on, I'll take you to report to the college! Do you have any luggage?"

Tang Ming: "…"

Under the envious gazes of other people from the School of Physics, Gu Xiaoge took Bai Mi and his group to report to the School of Physics.


The seniors who were still waiting for other freshmen looked at the backs of Bai Xi and his group and discussed with each other.

"She seems prettier than Senior Ming, right?"

"Remove it."

"Wait, do you think that junior girl just now looks like the girl who became popular on our school forum last year?"

Someone took out his phone and took a look. "Really? She was admitted to Jiangnan University, and she's in the Department of Physics?"

"Physics? Damn, she's so perverted??"

"Pervert, the top scorer in this year's college entrance examination is the most perverted. Damn, it's a good thing I took the college entrance examination last year, otherwise I would have been in the same class as these people..."


The registration area is in the auditorium. There aren't that many people at this time. There are only a few freshmen queuing in front of each college table.

Ji Heng and Tang Ming's parents stood by and waited. Ji Shaojun told Ji Heng that Qi Mu Yining wanted to treat them to a meal.

"Eating is a hindrance..." Ji Heng thought for a moment and suddenly remembered something, "They don't know that Ah-Xu is in Jiang University now, right?"

Ji Shaojun nodded, "I don't know."

Manager Lou is so enthusiastic towards Ji Shaojun. How could he be so unkind if he knew Bai Mi?

Ji Heng seemed to be thinking about something. He held a bag in his hand, which contained Bai Shi's schoolbag. "Tell them tonight."

Not far away, Gu Xiaoge took them to the Physics School's reporting office and told the three freshmen in advance, "Prepare your ID cards and admission letters."

There are two more people in front.

Gu Xiaoge spoke skillfully to the members of the Physics Department Student Union, "These three are from North City, and they all got into our school."

Then he introduced Bai Xi and Ning Xiao, "This is a junior in our college this year, and he is also President Bai of our Student Union. Hehe, I hope you can all pass the assessment and join the Student Union. You don't have to worry, junior sister."

"President Bai," Gu Xiaoge turned around and asked Bai Shiming, "Is Liang Wuyu also from our college? When you see him later, remember to tell us and make sure to recruit him into our student union."

"Not yet." After President Bai completed the registration of the previous information, he took Tang Ming's ID card and admission ticket, entered Tang Ming's ID number and admission ticket on the computer, and checked the information one by one.

When he saw Tang Ming's college entrance examination results, he looked up at Tang Ming and smiled, "Welcome to school."

The next one is Ning Xiao.

Bai Shiming was stunned for a moment when he saw Ning Xiao's results. After registering, he took the initiative to say, "Student Ning, add me on WeChat so that you can find me if you have any questions."

He took out his cell phone.

Ning Xiao added him.

Seeing him like this, Gu Xiaoge couldn't help but glance at Ning Xiao.

Bai Shi was standing at the back. She didn't have an admission letter, so she only took out her ID card and admission ticket.

Next to him, Gu Xiaoge chatted with the talkative Tang Ming, "It's not easy for you to get into Jiang University, junior. There are two perverts above you."

"Ah," Tang Ming scratched his head, "Is that so."

Bai Shiming took Bai Shi's ID card and admission ticket and entered them into the computer. There were few female students in the School of Physics, so he looked at Bai Shi more. He lowered his head and noticed that Bai Shi's ID number was from Xiangcheng, the same as the two boys before him, and pressed the Enter key.

He saw Baishen's admission score.


He had always known that this year's top scorer in the college entrance examination surpassed Liang Wu Yu. Many people thought that Liang Wu Yu had made a mistake this year. He also knew that she surpassed him with full marks. Bai Shiming couldn't help but look up.

Bai Su raised her eyebrows. She stood in front, tapping the phone screen slowly with her fingertips, her lazy eyes falling on him.

Bai Shiming was the first one to intuitively feel the pressure from the top scorer in the college entrance examination, from the senior sister, this feeling of standing at the top and looking down on the crowd -

Look down on everything.