
Woah, im a skeleton!

My name is Luck Yamamoto,

Im 16 and im a high school student.

Im a nerd for fantasy games.

Im not good at school stuff, i always get around 55-60%.

But i mostly just play video games.

I bought this new vr game called Fantasy world online, kinda of a weird name but its meant to be really high quality.

Im currently walking home from school, but ill be on the game soon.

Alright! Im finally home! Time to play my new video game all night!!! Says Luck.

« [{ Select your name }] »

"Im gonna choose my usual name, "Lucky""

« [{ Select your class }] »

[{ these are the choices



-Dual swordsman






-More (there all locked)

Im gonna choose Swordsman, ive always been one.

« [{ Youve chosen the class "Swordsman}] »

Nice, whats next?

« [{ pick your home town }] »

(The world has the same places as earth)

I pick tokyo.

« [{ Tokyo picked }] »

[{ Pick your starter weapon }]

-Rusted katana


-Rusted mage staff


I pick the question marks

[{ ???????? Has been picked}]

[{ youve been given the "Soul katana" (Gogly)}]

Wait really!!! Thats why people call me lucky!

[{ Soul katana has been activated }]

What do you mean its been activated???

[{ the side affect of having the soul katana is that you will be a skeleton }]
