
Becoming the king of apocalypse as a Zombie

This novel will be paused for the time being. A former underground boxer decides to live a good and normal life. after deciding to attend the concert of his favourite Japanese idol to have a good time he wouldn't expect that his fate would change forever. a sudden blinding flash of light in the outer atmosphere followed by a loud bang caused everyone to lose consciousness. 1 day after everyone passed out people started to wake up. when Joseph woke up he saw that people were vomiting blood and falling down and after several seconds they would get up and attack people that were unaffected by what had happened the scene of seeing nearly 50000 people fighting and running for their lives made him realize that he needs to get out of there no matter what but as soon as he decided to get up and run... Hi this is my first time writing a novel and English is my 3rd language but I will try my best to write an interesting novel pls go easy on me ^-^ Read the auxiliary chapter for more information

Miyuki_Cat · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Venturing out in Tokyo

Joseph could've gone to Tokyo dome city but due to the Concert most of the people were already at Tokyo dome and people who had gone to other places of Tokyo dome city were too scattered for there to be a powerful zombie that Joseph could spare time to look for, right now he needed efficiency and the right place was Tokyo's biggest shopping mall.

The distance from Tokyo dome to AEON lake town mall was 23.3km 5 hours walk but if Joseph were to rush there it wouldn't be that long he wanted to take a look around and see the changes in the world.

Joseph got out of the Tokyo dome the scene in front of him shocked him to the point that he thought he was inside the Tokyo dome for several years.

The grass had covered most of the area the previously medium-size trees were now over 10 meters tall and 3 meters wide they were thicker than most trees in typical and common jungles.

Bushes that were almost 1 meter tall were now several meters tall and their branches had spread wide from the hard surface of the ground 10 centimetres tall grass had grown covering most of the surface area.

Some of the buildings that had roof gardens had vines growing downwards and covering most of the walls of the buildings.

the cars that had crashed outside were already decaying and had rust all over them.

It was a bizarre sight but at the same time beautiful, how mother nature had already started reclaiming what was hers once.

Joseph didn't know if he hated this sight or not but as he was wandering around Godiva told him that he should be careful since some of the mutated trees had evolved to monsters but not all of them.

he then moved on till he reached a clothes store he was half-naked and his pants were dyed red with blood from both him and his opponents naturally his shoes were in terrible condition and Joseph didn't like it when his shoes were dirty he moved inside and as he was walking he came to a floor mirror than when he saw himself he was shocked his skin colour was still mulatto but his previously dark-brown eyes were now a shining icy blue colour his curly hair was now straight and it had also changed colour from brown to icy blue.

Joseph was surprised but that wasn't all.

seeing as no one was around he got completely naked and fully examined his body. His muscles were more refined and toned out the wounds he had received from different places before the apocalypse was now completely gone without any trace as he was examining himself a sudden smile appeared on his face and he said nice well as for the reason you have to use your imagination. he then asked Godiva why he had changed so much but he only received a few words: wear something, you shameless bastard.

After that he went outside still completely naked it was as if shameless ba*tard liked walking around naked he went into an apartment nearby he then went to the first unit he saw the owner of the unit had become a zombie so he killed him and took a bath, water was still working after that still completely naked he wore the flipflops of the owner and went back to the clothes store there he chose a series of new clothing to wear he was a man that cared about his appearance so naturally, he never would forget the drip even if it was the apocalypse.

He had to choose clothes that make it easy to fight after all there would be no meaning to looking good if he just dropped dead because he wasn't able to move comfortably. So he went to the sports section and choose what he always would wear when he trained. A black lycra shirt accompanied by a normal black T-shirt to wear on top, full-length black training tights and black sports shorts to wear on top the of tights as he was moving to the shoe section he saw an oversized powder blue(A6D8D4) zipped sweatshirt so he took that as well.

He then went to choose his shoes and socks he chose a pair of black ankle sports socks and it took him 2 hours to settle on a pair of black shoes the choice was limited due to the shop not being a big one he said to himself I will definitely choose a new pair when I reach AEON lake town.

After 3 hours of leaving the Tokyo dome, Joseph was now set so he continued since he was a monster and a powerful one at that most of the other monsters such as stray Cats, Dogs and other zombies avoided him after moving for a while on the way he saw a group of goblins which shocked him he didn't know fantasy monsters were also on earth joseph wasn't an otaku but due to his love towards Fuyumi he had watched several anime after all Fuyumi had done several cosplays before.

He knew goblins were weak so he wasn't concerned and asked Godiva why 4 goblins were walking around before getting any answer several Goblins came out of a building dragging a naked woman who didn't seem alright as Godiva was about to answer him he had already rushed the goblins he took out his metal pipe and tried his best to not kill the Goblins in one hit he made sure he inflicted them with as much pain as possible he broke each and every one of their bones some of them fainted from the pain he had no rush he let them be till they woke up the others died under the damage and pain. after he woke the others up he then hit them till they died his metal pipe which was supposed to be 4x tougher than normal ones shattered after its durability hit zero.

The woman looked at Joseph she noticed Joseph was a monster but since she didn't feel any hostility she was calm she told Joseph to kill her she didn't want to live.

Joseph wanted to refuse but Godiva told him that she has suffered too much mental damage to continue she will either kill herself once she can move or becomes the prey of other monsters Joseph extended his hands and grabbed the woman by the neck he then snapped it as fast as he could so she wouldn't feel any pain.

She was dead it was the first time that Joseph had killed a human being his heartbeat raised and he was shaking but due to unyielding wills hidden passive his emotions calmed down quicker than before he took the woman and put her inside a car then burned car due to high humidity of the air and fresh vegetation growing everywhere inside the city fire didn't spread too much and it died down.

Joseph asked Godiva about where this monsters came from Godiva told him that it's most likely due to some dungeons being formed and each of the dungeons had a gate underneath them that would spawn monsters till it was closed. each dungeon presents a reward to people that clear them after finishing her words Joseph asked if she knew where this dungeon was located at.

Joseph wasn't an apostle of justice or anything he had seen people die before but if it isn't a normal death and something like this then he wouldn't just sit still. Rewards were also something that would make him stronger by combining the two objectives he moved forward he then saw another group of goblins which were dragging another woman he was enraged but he bit his lips and followed them after walking for 4km he reached the foot of the Skytree tower Godiva then told him where the dungeon gate was located at it was at the top of the Skytree tower.

Joseph was ready to move and clear this godforsaken dungeon once and for all.

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