
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Strange Eye Contacts

"She's deep asleep. Don't wake her up you big baby"

"What the hell grandma? How can she peacefully fall asleep, and how can she sleep for so long that it's past dinner time already?"

"Just leave her alone Alex. Imagine how tired she must be which is why she fell asleep. Try to understand."

"No way, Lisa didn't act like that. What's the point of working here if she doesn't get tired?"

"Fine. I was wrong. look here dear, people like Halo never gets tired. Why? Because each day, they wake up to something big and it keeps them stronger. So, she either fell asleep because she was bored or hungry. Did she eat lunch with you?"

"Eat lunch with me? Why the hell would she eat lunch with me? she's not supposed to even have a drink of water here"

"Oh my God. So you starved the poor girl till she fell asleep? Is that how I raised you to be?"

I woke up to the sound of those voices and immediately I opened my eyes, the voices stopped talking.

Hurriedly, I stood up from the single chair I was sitting or should I say sleeping on and turned to see Maurice and Alex staring at me.

Maurice wore an indulging smile while Alex, as always is staring at me.

What's his problem? he just got back today from his world travelling. He should at least get some rest not glare at me because I slept off...

Well, I slept off.

"Are you done sleeping now? Do you know what time it is?" Alex half yelled and I turned around to look at the big golden wall clock on the wall.

I gasped loudly. It was already 7:35pm. And of course I slept too much. Damn it.

I just happen to sleep too much when I'm hungry and now Mr young master is angry with me.

"I-I'm sorry" I said bowing my head

"That's how it is, you're always sorry. I came back home to have a wonderful time and enjoy my spare time but you just had to ruin that, right?" He said and I looked up to meet his angry eyes on me.

The eye contact we made was deep and startling and he sighs and looks away.

"Don't look at me when I'm talking to you. How many times do I tell you that" He says and I roll my eyes because he wasn't even looking at me

"Yes of course. I'm sorry".

I do seem to apologize a lot to him.

He sighs and turned to Maurice. "Come on grandma, your food will be getting cold" Alex said and held his grandmother's arm and walked her to the dining room..

Wait. Food!

What food?

I know I didn't cook!

Then who did?

Goodness I can't believe I slept foolishly and completely forgot to make dinner.

If Alex fires me now, I'll have no justification.

"Hold on. If I'm eating dinner, then she is too." Maurice says stubbornly and turns to me.

"Grandma... Let her eat dinner with us? I was planing to fire her after this stunt she pulled" he said with anger and Maurice just smiles patiently

"Don't be whiny dear, you can't fire her. I won't allow it. Just because she slept and forgot to make dinner doesn't mean you have to fire her, everybody makes mistakes and besides you've already made dinner so just leave the past okay! Stop being so whiny" Maurice chides him softly.

Wow! So he cooked dinner.

Alex sighs and says to Maurice. "Okay then. You both can go and start eating dinner I'll be there to join you, go ahead first"

"okay dear, and Moon dear, you'll be having dinner with us before you leave. Is that okay with you?" Maurice says to me and I slowly nod, afraid to catch Alex's eye.

He'll probably think I'm shameless.

Maurice walked off to the dining room and Alex walks up to me and the sounds of his heavy boots now creep me out.

"Halo" He calls and I looked up at him and he looked away almost immediately.

Is there a thing with him not being able to look me in the eye?

"I told you don't look at me in the eye when I'm talking to you" he said and I looked down.

"Sorry" I whimper.

"I don't know why my grandma likes you, but I know the feeling is not mutual. You do everything wrong and you don't even realize it. It's not about being only pretty, it's about being thoughtful as well" He explains as he chastises me softly.

Like I enjoy being pretty, it's a burden to me too.

"I'm sorry, I promise to never make a mistake like that again" I apologize sincerely. Because even if I apologize a thousand times, I'm fine as long as I just don't get fired.

"Don't worry. Like grandma said lets leave the past. Do you know we have an orchard and garden?" Alex asks and I reply with a negative shaking of my head.

"Well now you know, by tomorrow I want you to not only clean the house but also the garden okay?" he said and I nod.


Why did he suddenly calm down on me? I was expecting a little more fire although I know that when I got this job I didn't know I have to meet someone like this but just a little orchard can't make me quit this beautiful and actually likable job.

"I'm off to eat dinner, you better be there since it seems like my grandma can't do without you." Alex said and walked to the dining room.

I took a really deep breath before heading to the dining as well.


Eating dinner with Alex and Maurice was so weird I had to eat slowly because I was pretty uncomfortable with them.

After eating dinner I did the dishes, cleaned the dining room and also the kitchen before grabbing my bag, bidding Maurice goodbye and heading home.

I got home and met my mom at home. I always got home earlier than she does. She asked why was I late but I just told her I had to run a simple errand before coming home because she'd be angry and hurt if she heard that someone is giving me a hard time.

She always says I'm her everything, and she's mine too so it's a mutual thing.

I got to my room and plopped down right on my small bed and sighed slowly. It was night time already so I just went to take my shower in preparation for bed. I changed into my pajamas and got back on my bed.. I didn't feel tired or sleepy at all so I just opened my window and stood there. Looking at the crescent moon. Weirdly enough, any sight of the moon always cheers me up no matter what I'm going through.

Although tonight, something seems different. I'd packed my hair earlier to bath but it just loosened on its own and fell all over my shoulders.

As if my being is not weird enough. I just leave the window open and go back to bed, hoping I sleep off before it's too late.


The next day, I got ready for work again, I grabbed my bag and head to work.

Same old routine.

I got to the Rivers mansion and when I got in the first person I met was no other than Alex.

Is the day ruined already?

"G-good morning" I said staring at the floor.

Since he made it so obvious he doesn't like making eye contact with me. Weirdo!

"Morning, hope you know what you're doing today?" He says with a mischievous smile which I saw as I looked at him.

I nod slowly and smiled too. I don't want him to think I'm getting intimidated by him although he has a really pretty smile even that one was crooked. "Well set to work" he said he said turning to leave.

I was about to walk to my right and he was about to walk to his left and we ended hitting each other, I almost fell but he caught me by my waist.

I could've sworn I'd have fallen down but for Alex.

I gasped loud out of fear and looked up at him to see him looking at me like he's about to make me his breakfast.

He was looking at me deep and so was I... It was another eye contact.

"No matter how hard I try to look away, to force my own eyes away from these eyes of yours, it keeps calling me to look at them and I can't-can't..." His voice trails off.

He suddenly stands up straight, let's go of me and backed away "Ignore everything I just said and pretend you never heard anything" He says and walked away briskly.

What was that?

What was that that passed between us both when I looked deep into his eyes?