
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Is he about to Kiss me?!

I shake my head vigorously like a fly was on it and earned myself a look from my grandma. I sit down and grabbed the jug of tea and poured myself some tea.

My grandma suddenly stopped Halo from putting the jam on her bread and held her hands strongly.

"Why don't you eat with us my dear?" my grandma said and I sighed heavily.

What charm did she use on my grandma to like her so much?

Halo glanced at me and I gave her a very clear warning look not to agree but she smiled at my grandma and said "I'd love to grandma"

She's. So. Cheeky.

My grandma smiled back as Halo sat down beside her but opposite me. I gave her a look while she smiled back. Is she trying to rile me up or what? I turned to my food and ate it without looking at anyone, after eating I stood up and risked a look at Halo.

And she looked up as well... at me.

I clear my throat awkwardly. "Make sure the orchard is clean" I said and made it very clear to her and she nods and I went to my room.

It's been about an hour since breakfast and I'm alone reading about the news on my phone. I got bored because the news was about us and politics.

I dropped my phone and laid on my king-sized bed and stared at my wall clock which was opposite the bed on the wall, it was 10:44am and I guess Halo might be cleaning the Garden by now.

Maybe I should go check on her?

Or maybe not?

But what if she's doing it wrong?

I sigh at my outrageous thoughts and decided to go check on what she's doing either ways.

I walk to the garden and I couldn't find her early on so I had to walk deep down. It was a huge garden after all with the orchard on one side, she could be anywhere.

Just as I passed a row of perfectly trimmed rose bushes, I saw her on her knees, touching something.

I round beside her and see what she's touching.

"What are you doing?" I yelled

She quickly stood on her feet as she noticed me and apologized, "Sorry. I was just admiring this flower" She said

"It's not just a flower but a very important one. It's called a devil's trumpet and it's a bit rare. My mom planted that there and she doesn't like it when someone touches it including her husband so what do you think she'll do when she finds out its just a stranger touching her precious plant?" I said and she tucked her hair behind her ear but it fell back to her face in a sleek manner. I remember when I asked her to get those trimmed or cut, but I'm sure there's a reason she has to keep it. I'll give it a while before I ask why she's hasn't cut it yet.

But I do know I'm her boss at work

"I'm sorry I was already done with cleaning the garden and I got bored and on my way out I saw this flower and decided to admire it a little. I'm really sorry" She said, and took her bottom lip between her teeth. I hurriedly look away cause she was kind of... tempting...

"Anyway, you can hang around the garden or whatever, but when it's lunch time make sure you don't fall asleep and make the lunch perfectly okay?!" I said and she rolls her eyes thinking I didn't see her.

"Halo, do I make myself clear?" I ask and she nods heavily. I walked back inside but I secretly didn't want to be inside. I wanted to be out with her it was like she was calling me... Not the Halo with the clumsy personality, but a Halo of beauty, mystery and a steely personality.

I know I like to distance myself from everyone, when I'm with my family I feel like running away from them... And trust me I hate that feeling and it's sad cause I force myself to be around grandma too. Even when we go to company parties, weddings or any occasion that involves going out and meeting people, I don't do well with meeting people so I just sometimes stay home or while being at the party I'll look for an empty place to stay and the worst part is that I don't do anything while being alone and I just stay and do nothing, it's literally a curse.

But even how staying alone is now my strange and stupid hobby, somehow, weirdly, I still want to be alone.

Alone with Halo.


*Halo's pov*

That two faced porcupine, just because his Dad owns this stupid mansion doesn't mean he has to boss me around like that.

Makes me wonder if they are all that rude.

I mean he has every right to boss me around, but he's way too rude while doing it.

"Make sure you don't fall asleep and make the lunch perfectly okay!" I mimic his words under my breath and bend down to touch the forbidden flower just to flout one rule. Or maybe I should just kiss him, then he'll die, cause I'm cursed anyway I kiss people and they die. I've killed two and trust me it was a real burden for me and I regretted it. But I'm sure I won't regret killing Alexander, not that I have bad intentions for him...


Of course I do.

He's annoying.

He just has to boss me around like I'm some crazy dumb girl who doesn't know how her life works. I'd totally *kiss* (kill) him if I have to.

And no regrets.

The thought of kissing him suddenly appeared in my mind.

The type of kisses normal people have and my heart skipped and I shook my head roughly.

Not at all.

What the hell am I thinking? I? Kiss Alex? that is the last thing I want to do.

Suddenly, I feel eyes on me so I look up to the entrance of the garden against the orchard and see him there, looking right at me.

What's he doing back here, again?

He takes long strides and crosses all the bushes without even looking at them.

At close range, our eyes easily meet and I become scared.

What's in his eyes is not a normal thing. Its more of a determination to do something?

What could it be?

Before I could think for long, he reaches me and cups my face in his large palms and draws his face closer.

Is he about to kiss me?!

Shit! Shit! Shit!