
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · Thành thị
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11 Chs

First Day of Work.

That day I got home feeling happy I couldn't thank Aunt Beatrice enough for making me get this job she's a wonderful person.

More to the joy, when my mom came home from work, I told her about the news and she was totally happy for me.

At night time, after eating dinner, I went back to my room and walked to my window. My window was wide opened and I smiled as my hair splayed out with the cool wind.

I felt energetic as I looked at the sky, I can't believe I got a job, it's been almost two years now since I haven't gotten a job.

After that night I ran from my job after my boss's...

Ignoring the cold breeze, I left my window open because I can't imagine closing my window except during day time.

I close my window during daytime but leave them open at night time, because somehow I just feel like its what to do, even if my mom has told me to close it like many times and says unless I'll end up catching a cold, but it hasn't happened.

I haven't been sick for many years, since when I was a child and now talk about a simple cold. I don't feel cold even when it snows. Every weather for me is just cool and perfect.

Spring, Autumn, Summer and even Winter.

That night, feeling excited that I have a job now, I fell asleep and as you would have thought, I had the most amazing sleep ever!

I slept so well that I felt so happy the next morning.

After eating breakfast that morning, I took my bag and went straight to the Rivers mansion.

I took a taxi there by myself even though it was a little expensive, but whatever.

I'm getting paid today.

Imagine me getting paid a full week.

While trying to calculate Sixty dollars multiplied by seven days a week, I arrive at the mansion.

When I got to the mansion, I opened the door and walked in since Lisa gave me a spare house key yesterday.

As soon as I entered, I met Maurice in the living room, watching the television. I smiled warmly and approached her quietly.

She sensed me and turned around slowly.

"Good morning Ms Maurice" I said with a big smile and she slowly looked me up and down gave me a weird look.

"Don't you remember me from yesterday? It's me Halo" I said and she nods absentmindedly and looks away.

"What about Lisa?" she asks, her voice were calm and strong and didn't sound in any way like that of an old woman at all.

She's asking about Lisa. I guess she doesn't want me here.

I understand anyway. It'll take a while to adapt.

"Lisa? Lisa is gone, she had to take care of some things so she had to leave, but don't worry Ms Maurice, I'm here now" I say cheerfully and she sighs

"What did you say your name was again?" She asks

"Halo ma'am" I reply politely and she suddenly turns to look at me

"Halo?" she repeated and I smiled and nod.

She stands up from her chair and comes close to me and placed her hands on my cheeks gently. "You are truly a beauty. I'm guessing that's why you're called Halo. The true meaning" She says and I smile.

Anyway, that's a good start as she's liking me already.

"You're truly a beauty, an extraordinary one" She comments and I smile widely.

It feels good to hear it from her even though I'm sick of hearing it everyday.

Some people still make a difference I guess.

"Thank you ma'am" I said and she smiles too

"You can call me grandma or just Maurice" she said and I was so happy to hear that.

No way! Did she just say that?

"Alright, I'll just call you grandma" I said and she lets go of my cheeks and went back to the couch to continue her movie.

"Well, grandma, I'll be doing some cleaning and after that I'll make you some potato porridge, how does that sound to you?" I ask happily and eager to get to work.

"Anything you cook and give to me sounds nice" Maurice said and I blushed slightly.

My prayers were answered.

She totally is not a fussy old woman.

At least I have one member of the family on my side.

Shortly after, I set to work and started cleaning the house. Although, I didn't get what I was cleaning because every nook and cranny were clean already, but I just recleaned it anyway.

The house was so big that I got tired of it all after working for a while, but I didn't give up.

I cleaned every where and after that I prepared some potato porridge for Maurice.

"Your food's here." I call her to the dining to come eat.

She walked over and sat down.

She took the first taste and smiled wide.

"It tastes just as beautiful as you are." I only laugh.

"Come and join me. You should eat too. You've been working for a while..."

"No grandma. I'm fine. You eat, use your medicines and go get some rest while I finish up."

And after she ate I gave her, her medicines and finally she went to her room for her afternoon siesta.

I did learn a lot yesterday from Lisa to say the least.

After working, I didn't know what else to do, so I just sat down on a single couch and stared at the huge wall clock that was made out of intricately cut gems that laid on the wall.

I didn't know when I slept off there.

After a while, a feathery soft hand tapped me from my sleep and I woke up and looked by my side and saw Maurice.

"Moon darling, won't you eat something? Looks like you just slept here on an empty stomach" Maurice said and I suddenly stood up

I can't believe I slept off.

Hold on a second.

And wait did she just call me "Moon"?