
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Beautiful Horrors (2)

That incident caused chaos around the whole school and around the neighborhood, some people thought I had done something to Pete but some people who saw us together, came as witness to tell others that I did nothing to Pete, and that we even stood apart that day and people believed them because everyone knows me that I'm harmless.

It took me a little over a week to recover from that shocking incident. Then, I started to wonder if it was my confession that killed him or if he had some sort of sickness or disease before. But, according to his parents, nothing was ever wrong with him, he was a healthy child who exercised and took care of himself and because of that, I started to feel guilty about Pete.

After those times, I went back to school and slowly got over the incident but never let any boy get close to me. And those I liked, I kept it to myself for fear of killing them.

And it worked.

Although the waves of men and boys never stopped, I didn't give them a chance.

Not until Prom night.

I went with my female friends, choosing to not have a date.

Well, Erroll was another boy I liked in my final year but I didn't dare to even approach him, but it seemed to me that Erroll liked me too.

That prom night, outside where I was getting some air from all the dancing and jumping around inside the hall, I stepped out.

Erroll came to meet me and initiated a conversation. Initially, I wanted to leave but he made me stay.

After talking for sometime, Erroll suddenly confessed how he felt about me but I didn't give him a reply I just walked away from him leaving him heart-broken.

Even though I wasn't the cause of Pete's death, I don't want it to happen again.

Because I was still felt that like was my fault.

Even after I told Erroll nothing but obviously giving him the sign to leave me alone, he didn't leave. For that night, he always hung around, looking at me.

I really want him to stop.

Its our last night in high school which means after today, I'm free from high school or hurting my school friends and would have to only worry about college.

But still, Erroll didn't leave.

"Time to choose our Prom King and Queen."

We all whooped and waited to see who emerged as winner.

"Erroll Reeves..."


I clapped and watched as he went to the stage to collect the crown.

"And his queen is... Halo Denver!"


I didn't even enter the competition.

"Go on. We entered for you. You're beautiful enough to earn it." My friends pushed me out into the spotlight where the entire school was clapping and whooping their pleasures.

Shyly, I climb the stage and stand as possibly far away from Erroll.

I see he looked hurt but it was for his own safety.

"Now, as is the tradition from years past, the king and queen will lead the entire school into the dance floor. So... The floor is yours."

Erroll extends his hands for a dance and I oblige.

I mean, a dance doesn't hurt.

Out on the dance floor, it's a slow song so we just do the waltz.

Not until...

"I love you Halo! " Erroll shouts for the entire school to hear and then kissed me.


Oh Fuck!

Before I knew what was happening, Erroll was doubled over, throwing up blood.

I fainted as seeing such a scene again was too gross for me to bear alone.

After then, college was on a pause.

Everything I needed to learn was taught to me at home.

My mum assured me that nothing that happened was my fault.

I eventually believed her.

I mean, loving someone doesn't mean they have to die even if they confessed or kissed me.

That's just plain absurd.

Suddenly, one morning, my mum's screaming woke me up.

My Dad had died in his sleep.

So, we had to live somehow from there on. I started job searches. Life was supposed to get normal from there but it isn't easy to get a good job with just an high school certificate so when I got the job to work at a cafe, it was all I needed for the while.

But life didn't get normal. While I was at home, my beauty only blossomed forcefully and my hair got longer and whiter.

The cafe started to do very well once I started to work there. There were more customers, mostly men but any service is good service.

Not until my boss's husband joined the throng of men that stayed around me all day.

My boos was very angry and fired me that day for being an infidel.

What could I say in return that would have made her believe me?

So I just left.

My job searches all started again.

Lucky for me, I got a job at a firm that paid really well.

Like always, the men's attention were all on me.

And the females were not exactly helping as well when they saw me as a gold digger.

One full moon night, I was working overtime and I saw my boss approach me.

"You work well for someone with a high school certificate only. I like that."

I nod my thanks to his insulting compliment.

"See, even those who finished well have all gone home. Ironic isn't it?"

"It is."

"So, you deserve a promotion then. Why don't you come to my place tonight and we can discuss the details there?" He asked and placed his hands on my thigh.

He suddenly twisted sideways after touching me, and I see his head go 360 degrees and that sickening crunch of bones.

And then he fell down, dead.

Blinded by tears, I ran home.

"Why?" I shouted up at the moon which seemed very aloof.

After all this, I got the reality that my beauty is a curse.

I didn't bother to look for jobs anymore cause it seemed like I cause chaos, tears and death everywhere I go...

So everyday, I just stay at home doing nothing, waiting for something that will change...

Which hopefully, will come soon because I am tired.

Tired of it all.