
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · Thành thị
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11 Chs

Alex Really Hates all of this... But does he really?


I just came back from Los Angeles to rest at home after business and then when I came home there's this girl, Halo, who happens to be the new house keeper.

She's beautiful... Very beautiful infact... I mean the way her hair is, it's color, her eyes which is a bright shade of brown, if not hazel infact, her lips, her everything, she is beauty itself... Her name to me sounds so familiar, and also once again she seems familiar, but I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone as pretty as her in my entire life because I'm certain I'll remember such a face and features.

But then she just has the personality where everything she does is done with stupidity. Our past house keeper Lisa, would never act like Halo.

Lisa always did everything perfectly and also stole my brother's heart... Lisa's beauty isn't close to Selene's but she actually stole my brother's heart, and imagine if a pretty girl like Halo has good intentions and manners like Lisa, she'll have guys falling to her feet, they might be falling to her feet, cause she's naturally pretty but when they get to know her personality they'll fall even deeper and harder.

And just yesterday she made me very angry, by sleeping when she's not supposed to like she owns this place and she left my grandma starving. I don't get why my grand-mom likes her but I don't like her. I literally had to cook dinner when we have an housekeeper. And then there's this again, I don't get why I can't look her in the eyes and talk face to face, because when I look at her eyes, I feel something that I don't want to feel, something I can't even define, and when I don't look at her eyes, I feel like its calling me to look at her. And all those time she keeps her head down, I just glance at her and look away, she's making me look too weird...

But what can I say, I was already weird since I was six.

Long story, I wasn't actually that weird until when my dad took my brothers and I to visit grandma and grandpa who was still alive then and when they lived alone.

Getting there my brothers and I were excited but not my sister. She doesn't like my grandfather for anything. That day, we got to my grandparents house and my three brothers and I played like never before I didn't want that sudden playdate to end... But when it was night time, my brothers became tired and went inside the house to chat, while I stood outside alone still wanting to play more. I could still remember the night clearly the clouds were dark, the stars were shiny and the moon was big, bright, full and round. That night I gazed at the moon because it was pretty and because it felt like it was smiling at me calling me to play and the next thing I know was that it was the next day and I just woke up.

I couldn't remember what happened last night, and just when we're having breakfast that morning my mom asked what did I went to do at the river in the deep down part of the forest behind my grandparents house during night time. I just couldn't give her an answer cause I didn't know what they were talking about.

My dad barely persuaded my mom to leave me that I was still a child, but then later that day my older sister told me that last night I was found at a river side, unconscious and drenched in water. When we all left our grandparents house and went home, I suddenly didn't want to associate with anyone.

In school, I suddenly became the quiet boy, I didn't play much and didn't talk much and my mom got worried and took me to a doctor and the diagnosis was that I'm okay. I grew up like that, staying away and distancing myself from everyone, not talking much and doing things my own way. My friends called me weird, my brothers called me weird, and so did my sister. I couldn't do anything as much as I wanted to do something fun, and play like my brothers. That dull spirit still lives in me but all the time when I'm alone I don't feel like I'm alone. And since I didn't want to remain a weirdo forever, I had to force myself to associate with people including my brothers and suddenly everyone thinks I'm back to who I was but I know this isn't me, that dull spirit still lives in me, thankfully, I don't see my self as a weird person until "she" came.

She's not only making me feel like a weirdo, but also making me look totally crazy. Like I'm really fussy, though I'm not. And then this morning we just had to bump into each other accidentally, I caught her by her waist and I couldn't help it but stare at her face.

"No matter how hard I try to look away, to force my own eyes away from these eyes of yours, it keeps calling me to look at them and I can't-can't..."

I stopped talking cause I realize I was being not only weird but stupid.

Why the hell did I say that?

Feeling embarrassed I let go of her said and said

"Ignore everything I just said and pretend you never heard anything" I said and walked away fast. I could hear her mumbling something to herself and her eyes baring holes into my back but I just let her be and went into orchard and garden at the back of the Mansion, as I opened the small fancy gate to the garden, my phone starts to ring and I brought it out of my pocket and walked into the garden with it in my hands.

I looked at the caller ID and it was my Dad. I picked it and we started to talk. About politics, grandma, my Mum, my siblings. All in all, the conversation was going smoothly until he told me my brothers are done with their jobs in London and they will be coming back home soon. I sighed depressingly because those triplets are one of a kind.

Not that I don't like them but they are so mischievous sometimes, and also impudent. After asking about my health and grandma's health like the twentieth time, he ended the call. I dipped my phone back in my pocket and sat down on a wooden bench beside a huge tree, and sighs. I looked deep down in the garden and remembered when my brothers and I use to play when we were kids.

Well that was the good old days, I didn't like the sun on my body, I never did like the sun, but I can't go inside because I might bump into Halo and would see as me as a weird person or ask me to explain what I was saying earlier which is something I totally cannot do. But still who cares, I stood up immediately and turned to see Halo.

I flinched unconsciously a bit but I got control of myself because she had shown up out nowhere.

"I-i hm... made breakfast" she said and I nod slowly. She looks down all through.

"Okay. Go ahead first" I said rudely with a wave of my hand. She nods and gives me a quick glare before walking briskly away...

She's really something. She's giving me a lot of glares like that. Her own boss. Her audacity.

I walk inside and went to the dining room and saw grandma eating and Halo standing beside her, "Ms Maurice do you--

"Oh call me grandma dear" my grandma cut Halo off and she nods

"Sorry! grandma, do you need butter or jam on your toast?" Halo asks, and my grandma smiles and points at the jam. Halo picked up her toasted bread and help her spread the jam generously. I moved to the dining table and the two of them finally noticed me...

I glance at Halo but she was busy spreading the jam and making a long work of it.

Suddenly, she looks up and our eyes meet.

Oh, I really hate this.

Her eyes flash into mine and I suddenly get this urge to get close to her.

Like really really close.