
Beastly Mates

Madoc and Zayeden Ferreire both hail from the Crimson Lunar Tribe. They are 19 years old. They are the unknown males that will become Sachi’s mate. They are the strongest males born in the last three hundred years. Their mating is the key to helping unite all the tribes in a massive unification that will benefit them all. As identical twins, made from one egg, they are a naturally occurring clone, therefore they are one. Sachi Bennion is the daughter of the Sanguine Lunar Tribe. The youngest of the Alpha's children. She is the only daughter born with the alpha birthright. And not just any birthright, she is the special alpha. A tragedy happens and she dies, but has her body taken over by the Sachi from the future. Sachi was just an ordinary girl that worked in the fashion industry, along with her best friend. She dies in a horrible car accident, but not before Selene the Lunar Queen offers her the chance to step into her special alphas place. Sachi agrees and wakes up on the riverbank, badly injured from the ride in the water. Now she must keep her promise to the original Sachi to help her find her mates and fulfill the destiny that Selene the Lunar Queen has laid out for her. With the disappointment Selene has faced in her children, she sends the twins and Sachi to help reteach her children the proper ways of the werewolf people. Far to many are trying to take on the attributes of the humans and their mother is not pleased. Excerpt from the story: Original Sachi Bennion: "PLEASE, please, I beg of you, to avenge me." Sachi Bennion: "Who? Who are you? Are you speaking to… me?" Original Sachi Bennion: "Yes, yes I am. Please, please avenge me. I was supposed to be paired to one of the men from the Crimson Tribe with any luck. As you have seen from some of my memories, I will not see that particular possibility unfold." Sachi Bennion: "What would you like me to do? In my original world, I was nothing more than a clothing designer. Basically, a tailor that designed the outfits. I have no skills in fighting or how to be a leader. How will I manage such a feat? Hell, my only other possible skill is the fact that I studied herbology as a hobby." Original Sachi Bennion: "Do not worry so much on that front, I will leave with you all my skills and fighting knowledge of this world. That way, you will not be so lost. Be sure to make use of those skills and train hard as you will surely need them to help you for the task to come. When my mate is found, you will be among the strongest female alphas in the whole tribe. Finding him will unlock us both completely, then we will be able to transform. That is part of why I was killed by them. Jealously!! Fucking jealousy! I cannot let things stand. It is to be my duty to help rule whatever tribe I am mated to. I refuse to let them get away with taking my role that I was groomed for my whole life. It is UNFORGIVABLE!! I beg of you; make them all pay for what they have done." Sachi Bennion: "I understand, I shall do my best to avenge you. I promise to help figure out which one actually pushed you in and I will make them pay. I always keep my vows to people. This I will do since you have died unnecessarily with such grievance. Those who cannot respect family and traditions have no rights to speak of in my opinion."

SinisterGoth1977 · Kỳ huyễn
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106 Chs

Prologue Part 3

The process seemed to be one that spread like an infection of sorts, though clearly hard to describe, if the person were not compatible with this infection, they would simply die from it. But if you were immune in any fashion, or your body seemed to have no reaction at all, you would then turn into one of them. In this reality, so much more different than books and movies had made it out to be in her original world; pure bloods could not fully transform till they were properly mated. Forcibly or accidently turned humans were considered a wild card. Their transformations could not be fully predicted for at least the first fifty years.

Due to being former humans, their bodies were never meant to change, so the infection would force the body, and it was never a predictable outcome. Some went through the change smoother than others. Unlike the lore and myths from her original world, the werewolves could change at any given time. The only factor the moon played, according to her memories, was the three days of the full moon, they were at their strongest. Almost seemingly invincible to a degree. Though a werewolf of either pure blood or made could live up to six hundred years depending on how well their health was. Though there were the rare few among the strongest alphas, that if they meshed well with their mate, the two could live almost a thousand years without incident. With at least this much basic knowledge for now filling her mind, she drifted off to sleep as her mother cleaned her wounds. Who knew that this kind of memory transfer would be so damn tiring? Her only thoughts, "I need to sleep, I need to sleep for a long time". Maybe things would be a little clearer in the morning and maybe she could ask the strange woman she met some basic questions.

Waking up to the sound of chirping birds the next morning, she opened her eyes and tried to stretch, a sharp pain spread quickly across most of her body as she had momentarily forgotten where she was. Retracting her arms and legs back into herself, she curled into a partial ball as she breathed heavily at the pain surging through her body. She was thankful that her bones had not been broke in those rapids, but it did not stop the pain from all the bruising that her entire body underwent. It was clearly more painful that just having a broken bone in general. Her mind flashed momentarily to when she had broken her leg in an ice-skating accident when she was younger in her original world. She retracted into herself once more, her only thoughts, "yep, so much more painful than that". After a few moments, her mother entered the area with her bed as the doctor who had finally showed up, followed closely behind. She fought back tears as she groaned softly to herself as finding comfort at this point was impossible. Her mother neared her bed as she sat in the chair next to it. She lifted her daughters' hand as the pack doctor came closer to start an examination.

Ceilic Bennion: (Grasping her daughters' hand softly, she gently rubbed her fingers along her hand, she wiped the tears that had accumulated away with her left hand…) "Please have a look at my daughter doctor. What medicines can you give to ease her pain? Even if only a little bit."

Doctor: (Checking her pulse and outward bruises, he lightly probed her belly and checked her limbs, her body reflexively pulling away at certain points…) "Well thankfully, the one thing we werewolves do all have in common is the ability to heal well. Though most of her injuries will take a bit longer than a normal bruising. After all, it appears to be down to the bone. You can tell by the color on your skin. The extent of the bruising was pretty serious, for all we know, you could have cracked some of your bones."

Sachi Bennion: "I really could not tell you doctor, though it feels like my body is on fucking fire! Do you have anything for the pain I feel on the surface at the very least?!"

Doctor: (Leaning over a bag he had brought with him; he took out a vile of white powder; then what appeared to be other containers of ingredients…) "Let me see what I have in my bag for poultices and pastes."

Ceilic Bennion: "That would be wonderful. Anything to help ease her pain."

The doctor went to work using the little table in the corner of her room. Taking out a mortar and pedestal, he ground together a recipe that would act as both an antiseptic and a pain reliever. Mixing some white willow bark and coca plant together. Once it was crushed together well, he slowly added the tea tree oil to make a nice thick paste. Using shredded sweet grass stalks, he affixed layers of the paste in place as he wrapped it around the worst areas with the mix. When she saw what he was doing, it dawned on her that he was making the one that made the salve and poultice at the same time. It was the best choice to help add to the numbing effect of the pain relief. For now, that was all she could focus on as she was slipping in and out of consciousness due to the large amount of pain. Hopefully, the paste would mix well and help make this fresh pain more bearable.

As she slept, the doctor then help make some extra mix for her as well as making a mix that would help with abased flesh wounds. Using tobacco leaf, crushed garlic, and aloe vera was a simple slave that could be used to help promote healing. Lastly, he spent the rest of his time mixing one that would help to prevent infection, draws out most poisons, and penetrates deep into the tissues. He blended tea tree oil, lanoline, aloe vera, ground mustard seed, and crushed garlic. Lastly adding crushed tobacco leaf to his final mix. With these three main poultices, most injuries could be treated and healed with little to no complication.

Sighing heavily, he finished putting all the medicines in some containers with lids and handed all three mixes to her mother. Smiling, she gently took the medicines from him as she placed them on the table next to her. Smiling in satisfaction, the doctor bowed lightly and left her mother with strict instructions on how to apply each one. Also instructing her that if anything else was needed, to make sure and get him right away. With those final instructions being given, he picked up his bag and left the home. Only her parents remained as her mother picked her hand up once again, holding on as if she did not want to let go. She spent most of her time fidgeting in her chair as an unexplained uneasy feeling tried to creep up on her. She squeezed her hand ever so gently as she rubbed her fingers.

Her father looked on with a concerned look, unsure of how to process just what happened to his daughter. He puzzled over how she came to be in the water in the first place. He had gotten so paranoid, that he ordered his guards to lock down the mansion, no one, including her siblings or cousins were allowed inside. After a few hours, Sachi woke back up as both her parents were now sitting next to her bed. Her mother still holding her hand, refused to let go. Her father looking down with a pained expression upon his face. His only thoughts, "who did this to my child?", but it was a nagging thought only while she slept. Sachi painfully, turned her head toward both her parents and gave the best smile she could muster, despite the overwhelming pain. As she did, her father spoke.

Adie Bennion: (Taking a fresh cold damp cloth and placing it upon her forehead…) "What on earth happened to you for you to have ended up in the river as you have? I know you are not that clumsy."

Sachi Bennion: (Looking up to her father with a pained smile…) "Father, you may not believe me, but what would you say if I told you one of my siblings or cousins had pushed me in on purpose?"

A pained look upon his face appeared followed by a frustrated groan. He looked at her in disbelief as he could not understand why anyone would do that. He looked down at her once more as he responded back.

Adie Bennion: "But why? Why in the hell would they do such a thing?"

Sachi Bennion: "Father, my fate is well known in our tribe. I was raised specifically to be the alpha female mate of whoever the gods choose for me."

Adie Bennion: "Yes, we have raised you for such a purpose. What does that have to do with what happened to you?"

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