
Morning Report!

Devin rises reluctantly out of bed at the crack of dawn. She has not slept since awakening from the nightmare and revelations. She stretches, her back making a protesting cracking noise as she releases some tension from the night before.

Devin has some time before she is supposed to start making breakfast for the family there, so she uses her laptop to write a message and sends it to headquarters to give them an update:


This assignment is already showing to be a lot more complicated than the others. I am not allowed to even go in the area where the girl lives in the house. She is only allowed out of it during breakfast and dinner.

I have found disgusting smelling liquids in bottles, a mysterious study with scrolls and signs of magic, and even letters with bloody fingerprints on them!

All of this on the first day!

The worst was last night. I fell asleep and dreamed that I was back in high school. That's not the bad part though!

I dreamed that the girl's dead twin brother came and warned me about the situation not being what it seems at all! He said the girl is not the danger!

I will be in touch.


She sends the message and closes her laptop, stowing it back in the hidden compartment in her suitcase.

Devin walks over to the closet to pull out her clothes, and pauses. She remembers the bottle she found in the bathroom. That stuff was repulsive!

She picks her maid out fit for the day, slips off her pajamas, and starts to dress. When she is buttoning up her shirt, she thinks she sees movement behind her in the mirror.

Devin spins around in a defensive stance, but no one is there.

'My mind is playing tricks on me now after that dream,' she thinks to herself while shaking her head to get rid of the feeling it gave her.

Once dressed, Devin quietly slips out of her room and begins her day by cleaning and tidying the living room.


Once she steps out of her room, a dark cloud-like shadow that seems more like a gaseous, oozing translucent slime slips out from behind the headboard of her bed where it hid in the shadows. It marks something on her mirror before slipping through an unseen crack in the wall behind the mirror itself:

Coming. It's almost time.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait for an update, as well as for such a short chapter! I have been super swamped with life!

I plan to start releasing more chapters on a regular basis real soon!

What are your thoughts on this chapter? The book so far?

Leave me a review, maybe even a power stone vote! It means a lot to know you all enjoy my writing!

Joy_Zakariacreators' thoughts