

Melanie stretches in the bed beside her husband. She looks over at his still sleeping body, a moment of disgust passing across her face.

'I sometimes wonder why I married this man. He is just like all the others. A useless bag of flesh, worth nothing more than a way of procreating,' she grimaces to herself.

Melanie gets out of the bed gently, so she doesn't wake Mike up. She silently walks over to her closet and pulls out her clothes she has chosen for the day. It is still a bit dark out, but she can see fine, her night vision being a perk of who she is.

She removes her nightgown and glances at herself in the mirror on her dresser. Looking over her shoulder, she allows herself to truly relax for a moment after seeing her husband snoring still with his mouth hanging open a bit.

Skin turns to crusty scales, fingers elongate a bit into hook-shaped claws, and her blond hair turns black as night. Sickly yellow globe eyes look back from the reflection, a pale glow emanating from them. The elongated face no longer looks human, but instead is pointed, with fangs dripping black, extremely noxious saliva.

The creature that is Melanie grabs a bottle from inside her dresser drawer and catches the drops that she has saved up of this black muck. She quickly sets the bottle down, hearing Mike rustling in the bed behind her.

In the blink of an eye, she has transformed back into her human form, and is pulling on her outfit for the day, when she hears Mike say, "Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well last night?"

Melanie looks over her shoulder at him and replies, "Of course. I hope you had a good night's sleep as well."

She turns around, seeing the bottle not stoppered yet on the dresser. She shifts forward and deftly stoppers the bottle, slipping it into her pocket as she turns around. Mike is none the wiser of her movements.

Melanie walks over to mike and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. He smiles, and then shoos her away, as he can go back to sleep for a bit before breakfast.

She quietly walks out of her bedroom and heads into the bathroom. Once inside, she locks the door behind her, and takes out the stoppered bottle. Seeing an open and nearly empty one on the counter still, she blanches for a moment, then decides that since she wasn't asked about it, no one noticed.

Melanie takes that bottle, and places it in a hidden compartment in the back of her medicine cabinet for later. She also pulls out a large bottle of the 'milk' that she puts on the show of going to buy for Sarah. Opening the 'milk', she pours the new bottle of her saliva into the bottle, and shakes it vigorously.

The bottle goes from white to giving off a black glow. A better way to describe this would be to say that instead of actually glowing, the bottle looked for a moment as if it had sucked all the light from the room and was pure darkness!

After this, it turns back to the white of normal 'milk'.

"There," Melanie sighs out loud. She then finishes getting ready for her day of work as a human and walks into the kitchen.

Since no one is up at this time, normally, she has the bottle of 'milk' with her and plans to place it in the fridge.

Today, though, Devin is in the kitchen getting breakfast started!

Melanie stops with a start, and places the milk behind her so Devin cannot see it. "I see you are an early riser. Good morning."

Devin pauses, "Good morning Ms. Melanie. I am making breakfast. Would you like anything in particular today?"

Melanie shakes her head no, "No, you can make a regular breakfast for myself and the others. However, remember Sarah's vegan meal also."

Melanie walks over to the fridge and in a swift movement places the bottle in the fridge behind the others, all without Devin's noticing. She then takes out a bottle of vanilla creamer and heads over to their Veurvig coffee maker.

She makes herself a cup of coffee, and adds in the creamer. She also adds in a drop of red liquid from a hidden vial in her hand. "Here, Devin, I made you a coffee. I added creamer before I thought to ask you how you like yours."

Devin, startled, politely declines, "Thank you so much for thinking of me Ms. Melanie, but I cannot drink coffee at the moment. I took a multivitamin that causes me to become violently ill if I drink caffeine right after."

Melanie frowns, then smiles, "I am sorry! Maybe another time then." She walks over and to Devin's surprise pours the coffee down the drain.

"I cannot have coffee myself in the mornings," she explains. "I drink a special tea, and it helps with my metabolism."

Melanie leaves the cup in the sink to be washed, and then goes and brews herself an herbal tea that smells a bit like cinnamon, vanilla, and something pungent. Sipping her tea, she sits herself at the table and starts to read emails on her phone while waiting on breakfast as well as her family to rise.

Devin, meanwhile, has cooked scrambled eggs, turkey bacon, turkey sausage links, biscuits, and has all separately plated and on the table for the family. Placing coffee on the table for Mike, she then gets a pitcher and fills it with juice, setting cups for the three of the family by it.

She then makes a vegan omelette with egg substitute, spinach, feta cheese substitute, and a cup of the milk for Sarah.

She has everyone's places set on the table when Cameron walks in, her pigtails bouncing on her shoulders, while wearing a lively outfit of a white button up top, school blue skirt, and sneakers with ankle socks and hugs Melanie.

"Good morning Momma!"

Devin notices the amulet she saw in Devin's room around Devin's neck today.

Hey guys!

So, now we get to see a bit from Melanie's point of view. It is a bit more interesting... I would say!

Leave a review, and let me know what you think!

Thank you all for reading my story, and remember me with a power stone, chapter stars, reviews, and all that jazz for support!

Joy_Zakariacreators' thoughts