
Beast Taming Patrol

When Lin Su discovered he could travel between two different worlds with his tamed beasts, the world gained a Beast Tamer formidable in a way that defied science. ----------------------------------- Without a system, without a female lead, Crossing Two Realms, original taming beasts ----------------------------------- This book is also known as "Beast Taming Science," "Smuggling with Balls," "The Unloading Routine of a Tool Ghost," "I've Crossed Over, and I'm Faking It"

Book shortage forced to write a book · ACG
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93 Chs

Chapter 25 Huge Harvest (seeking investment and followers)_2

This time, no beam re-scanned Qiuqiu; as the two of them set foot in this place, the scene within the space swiftly changed into a thick snowfield.

"Qiuqiu, get ready." Lin Su said solemnly as he set Qiuqiu down from his arms.

The first level seemed simple, but the opponent's Snow Trace skill level was not weak. For Snow Trace at the juvenile stage to achieve that level of skill was already quite commendable. Snow Trace at the same skill level as Qiuqiu were generally already advanced to the elite stage.

If it weren't for holding back the level in preparation for evolution, Qiuqiu should have advanced as well.

The second level would definitely be much more difficult than the first, Lin Su wondered what the opponent this time would be...

Seeing Snow Trace appear again, Lin Su and Qiuqiu fell silent once more.

What's going on, Snow Trace again?

Never mind, no matter.

"Snow Trace is approaching, be careful," Lin Su immediately issued a command as he watched the opponent about to move.

Ice flowers bloomed under Qiuqiu's feet, and with several quick leaps, it swiftly closed in on the opponent, whose feet almost simultaneously bloomed with ice flowers, causing Lin Su's pupils to slightly contract.

The speed is so fast, this Snow Trace's running speed is almost on par with Qiuqiu's.

Could it be...

He glanced at the snow beneath the opponent's feet, which bore no footprints.

Traversing snow without a trace, this time's opponent had reached Tier II.

So, this is the difference between the first and the second layer?

What about this Snow Trace's Frost Storm then?

Lin Su tensed up, wondering if this Snow Trace's Frost Storm had also reached II...

"Quick detour, be careful as you approach."

Following Lin Su's new command, Qiuqiu halted its steps and began to twist its body quickly, changing from a straight approach to a side detour toward the opposing Snow Trace.

Meanwhile, the Snow Trace, seemingly alert to the change in Qiuqiu's actions, leaped up without hesitation and viciously spewed a wide-ranging Frost Storm toward Qiuqiu below.

The terrifying storm erupted from Snow Trace's mouth and spread rapidly in all directions, like radiation, sweeping up frost and snow, and almost completely covering Qiuqiu's evasive range, leaving no gaps.

As a Snow Trace of the same Tier II level, the opponent clearly knew how to counter Qiuqiu most effectively.

However, a larger attack range does not come without a cost.

The cost is that the power is correspondingly weakened.

"Snow Blow, Frost Storm!" Watching the opponent closely, Lin Su issued the command the moment Snow Trace opened its mouth, and he slightly relaxed inwardly.

Fortunately, the opponent's Frost Storm had not reached II; it seemed a bit less skilled than Qiuqiu's, and there was still a chance of winning.

Without hesitation, Qiuqiu blew hard, and large swaths of snowflakes appeared in the air, drifting lightly downwards to form a thin wall of snow.

The next instant, a storm carrying frost flowers burst through the wall, shattering the snow wall into countless flurries of snowflakes, swept up by the fierce wind, becoming part of the many sharp frost flowers in the Frost Storm, fiercely striking the onslaught that seemed like a natural disaster from above.

The combination of Snow Blow and Frost Storm increased the quantity of frost flowers within the Frost Storm, thus enhancing its power — this combo of skills was something Qiuqiu had found online on its own.

As Qiuqiu bravely faced the opposing Snow Trace's Frost Storm without dodging, it was as if the heavens were torn apart, with countless Energy Storms sweeping out, creating a massive gap in the overwhelming Frost Storm.

In the unexpected moment for the opposing Snow Trace, the aftershocks of the two clashing Frost Storms brutally hit it, tossing its still airborne body fiercely away.

"Now is the moment!" Lin Su's eyes sparkled as he quickly issued the command, "Frost Storm!"

The second Frost Storm, like a focused energy cannon, blasted out, and the countless frost and snow within the storm precisely hit the landing spot of Snow Trace, sweeping it away in one go.

At that moment, the snowfield once again dissipated.

The second layer, passed.

Watching Lin Su's name quickly moving up on the massive screen, and the text behind his name changing from the first layer to the second layer, Mu Yuxing, who had been staring at the screen the whole time, looked somewhat astonished.

Is this the second layer already?

Different from the first layer, the second layer of the Beast Taming Tower features beast enemies of the same species, but all non-core skills are elevated to a higher skill level.

Therefore, the opponent Lin Su faced should have been a Xue Henqing whose Snow Trace had reached Tier II.

Not only had he won, but he won faster than Mu Yuxing had anticipated.

Keep in mind that Lin Su had joined the Beast Taming Union just a month ago, which was also when he contracted with Xue Henqing. In just one month, had he not only started from scratch to make advanced energy solutions, but also trained his pet beast to such an exemplary level?

Soon, Lin Su walked out of the Beast Taming Tower, holding Qiuqiu in his arms.

Seeing this, Mu Yuxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he didn't pass the third layer.

The opponent on the third layer would have had a skill level one level higher in core abilities.

If someone were to pass the third layer on their first attempt at the Beast Taming Tower, even the chairman would have been alerted.

Although there are many Beast Tamers capable of clearing the third and fourth layers in the tower at the moment, clearing them on the first attempt holds a different significance.

These Beast Tamers had attempted the tower many times, enhancing the proficiency of their Pet Beast Skills to an extreme degree thanks to their previous experiences.

Mu Yuxing averted his gaze, settled back into his seat, and leisurely sipped his tea.

This young man also seems to be a promising talent in combat training.


Lin Su didn't notice Mu Yuxing's gaze; right now, his face was full of satisfaction.

This visit to the Beast Taming Union had been immensely fruitful.

He hadn't passed the third layer of the Beast Taming Tower.

When the Xue Henqing on the third layer had unleashed a Frost Storm from several tens of meters away with a flick of its hand, he knew there was no point proceeding further.

A Xue Henqing of such strength was not something Qiuqiu could confront at the moment.

So, the third layer, perhaps next time.

Even though he had not passed the third layer, the benefits from the first two were enough to satisfy him completely.

After clearing the second layer, Qiuqiu's Frost Storm had finally reached the pinnacle of Tier I, just a step away from Tier II.

To challenge the third layer, it would be best to wait until Qiuqiu had broken through to Tier II of Frost Storm, so that facing a Xue Henqing that also mastered a Tier II Frost Storm, Qiuqiu could quickly hone its combat skills.

Lin Su had the intent to attempt the Beast Taming Tower again to regain the rewards of the first and second layers, helping Qiuqiu's Frost Storm to swiftly reach Tier II, but the Beast Taming Tower had its own rules, allowing a Beast Tamer only one entry per day.

So even if he were to return, he would have to wait for the next opportunity.

"Meow...(*꒦ິω꒦ີ)" (Just a little short of breaking through...)

"It's okay." Looking at the dispirited Qiuqiu, Lin Su smiled slightly, "Haste makes waste, and there are no shortcuts to mastering skills. You need to keep a correct mindset, hurrying won't help."

"Meow~" (Okay~)

"Moreover, although we can't enter the Beast Taming Tower again right now, you can continue training Frost Storm here in the yard," Lin Su said with a smile, "This afternoon, focus solely on Frost Storm while I start preparing for the major competition of concoction makers."

"Meow?" (What's the competition of concoction makers?)

"Oh right," Lin Su chuckled, "I talked about this with Elder Mu when you were resting in the Beast Taming Space, so it's normal you don't know."

He looked down at Qiuqiu in his arms and cleared his throat, "We might need to make a small adjustment to our evolution plan."

"Meow?" (What changes?)

"There's a magical place here in Shenwu called the Nirvana Pool ..."

Lin Su quickly briefed Qiuqiu about the situation, concluding, "So, I will strive to win first place in the concoction makers' competition. That way, we can proceed with our evolution in the world of Shenwu, and if it happens inside the Nirvana Pool, your advancements will certainly be greater."

"Meow!" (Yay!)

As they talked, the person and his pet walked into the Lin Family estate.

"Let's go, let's have lunch first, then you start training Frost Storm, and I'll start preparing for the competition of concoction makers."

"Meow! (๑ŏωŏ๑)" (Go for it!)