
Batmans Daughter

What if Damion Wayne wasn't an only sibling? What is Thalia decided to make more heirs? Meet Akilah, Damion's twin sister, looked down on by her family since they don't consider girls proper heirs to the Demons Throne. Beaten to be submissive and quiet for the better part of her childhood, she never understood that she was just as successful as her brother or maybe even better. Her mother, Thalia, and her absolute refusal to even think that Akilah was her daughter even though she witnessed her being conceived. Sent her at the tender age of three to train under the most elite fighters, hoping the child would die from the training. Unfortunately that wouldn't happen, instead Akilah's lack of a family figure turned down a dark path of death and control. Trained personally by Lady Shiva and taught by several other scholars gave Akilah her own state of mind. Promising herself to never fall victim to the Al-Ghul's plots she returned to their home. They were not accepting at her unwelcome visit, but no matter what they seemed to throw at her she bypassed all of it. Raz Al-Ghul, her grandfather, seeing great potential in her skill sets decided to let her stay. Her brother frowned upon the idea and tried to argue his own point, he didn't even remember his sister much less cared about what would happen to her, but Raz put him down. A fighter like her, if given the right training, could even escape the greatest fighters and maybe even stand beside Damion as the second hand. Akilah, frowned upon the idea of once again being used, but she had her own ideas as well. If she could get far enough into the inner circle of the League of Assassins then she could gather enough information to destroy them from the inside out. But not everything will work out as planned, and a killer is not accepted into a world of heroes so quickly. A night dweller in Gotham is starting to notice strange activities........ What will she do next?

Jess_H_C_O · Thanh xuân
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10 Chs

Chapter 5 -Comas with Migraines

>POV Scarlett <

When my hearing finally returned and no the ringing in my ears didn't count. The first thing I heard was the beeping of some damn alarm clock. Wait a minute that sounds to familiar to be an alarm clock.

I slowly cracked open my eyes my entire body felt like I was hit with a bus, sore and painful. I tried moving but it deemed pointless when I couldn't even move my fingers. That and my vision was having a hard time focusing.

Damn this really sucks.

Suddenly a cheerful voice spoke "Ya up now aren't ya Scar." Gosh it was the last person I wanted witnessing me like this. Sara.

"No I've died and gone to hell." I groaned out and even that hurt.

"Maybe it'll stop ya from making stupid decisions." She chirped.

I was starting to notice the outlines of the shapes in the room. They're becoming a lot less blurry now.

"What the hell happened? I feel like I've died and dropped off of heavens doorstep." I really couldn't remember anything past the weird radio call and no one being there.

"Well ya did flatline on the docs* (doctors) when they were trying to save your sorry excuse of a person. Plus Heaven did kick ya, we all know you wouldn't even ascend it's a straight shot to hell with you."

If I could kill with a look, she would've been fried on a shish-kabob. Now I'm starting to see, I'm strapped to a bed with a hell of a lot of tubes coming out of me. And that beeping sound is a heart monitor.

"So, anyways what's the last thing you remember? I'll start from there." She continued on.

"Let me see... I remember dieing after that huge bomb." I gave her a look smirking painfully and continued with, "Then I was kicked out of heaven when they didn't want me."

She looked ticked now, hahaha. "Well then you should know that you almost lost your leg, Scar."

That shook me, "What?"

"Ohh, so you didn't know, guess you're really not omnipotent in the after life."

"Stop screwing around I'm being serious here! Did I lose my leg?" I panicked.

She looked at me furrowing her brows "Are you death or somethin'? I said almost lost it."

I gave a sigh of relief.

"Don't feel relieved yet. The Doc said that if you ruin your leg like that again its gotta come off. You won't be able to use it again."

"Really?" I asked feeling confused. What happened?

"What am I? A walking tape recorder? Yes that's what they said." She said, "Plus when the bomb went off part of the building collapsed on your leg so it is brokenish. But apparently some sort of fracture occured in your leg after it fell down on you. Good news is that after some healing you'll be fine and dandy."

"Oh" Is the only thing I could say after that. Well sounds like I won't be walking for a while. Wait a minute I thought Sara wasn't supposed to be back from her mission for another 3 weeks. Looking at her she seemed to be clean any trace of the wilderness gone. Her hair was styled like she was planning for a modeling job.

While I thought deeply she caught me looking and asked "Is my face really that beautiful that you need to drool over it."

"Bwahahaha! xD You really think that I could stand to look at sewer rat hair and a sunburnt face?! Hahaha, I'm crying now because of you." In all honesty I lied about her looking bad. She really had a beautiful face one that people would die for. Honestly with forest green eyes and beautiful baby blond hair that fell flat against her back. And a thin body with an athletes muscles makes her so bold compared to others. Maybe she could win Mrs. Earth with her looks. Not that I'll ever admit that to her face. Ha!

Now I on the other hand dye my hair brown, and wear blue contacts completely opposing my original hair and eye color. My hair is wavy despite me ironing it too many times and my eyes are a plainer blue, dark and not very photogenic. I miss my white hair since it was really pretty to style and all of that, but I just can't risk my family finding me. Damn that makes me feel a bit sad inside.

"RUDE YOU HEATHEN! I TRY HARD FOR MY PERFECT FACE THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" She huffed [Now I take it back that is the funniest reaction], "Now if you'll excuse me I have to apply my chapstick." Rummaging through her bag to find a compact mirror and some lip balm. My gosh she is wearing that ugly green bag with a headline on the front saying 'Men beware I'm a knife'.

"Hold up, I thought that you were going to be gone for another 3 weeks or did you leave early?"

She looked at me oddly and slowly drawled out "No.... I didn't come back early. In fact I've already been here for a week."

"What are you talking about? Last time I called you, you still had three weeks left at that place."

She gave me a pitying look, "Scar sweetie you've been sleeping for the past 4 weeks."

Ok now that makes sense I would have rather been hit with the truth now then face it later. Though if it's been four weeks then my leg has already started healing. I'll be up and running in no time less to time to grieve over small stuff.

"But of course ya won't be able to leave the hospital until the leg heals."

"DAMN IT WOMAN. STOP GIVING ME THE BAD NEWS!" Now I'm agitated and pi**ed, good job Sara. Not only have you successfully given me all of the bad news and watched me suffer, but now you're just making it worse!

She blinked innocently, "By whatever do you mean? I would never do such a thing." I can hear the sarcasm leaking out of your sentence. Screw you.

I breathed out a huff, not only does my body hurt but now that I'm more aware I noticed that there was no sound except for me and Sara talking. I wonder where the doctors are. Aren't they supposed to attend to a patient when they wake up from a coma? Like the movies? I carefully scanned the room again, and Sara was paying too much attention to applying her lipstick to notice, that I was scanning her over. She sat beside me on my right near the only window on a wooden chair with a cushion.

She sat straight wearing an uniform for the marines, legs crossed over one another, gazing into her small mirror. I changed the direction of my gaze to the rest of the room. It was really plain with its white walls and plain bed sheets draped over the hospital bed. The door didn't seem like it had a lock and their wasn't a window to see out into the hallway. But it was surprisingly quiet despite the fact you would think after an explosion like that there would be more injured to attend to.

Well maybe that's where the Doctors where, helping the other patients. But where is the sound?

"Sara, where the hell am I?" I said cautiously, I didn't want to believe it but there's always a chance.

"What do you mean? I told you your at the hospital." She asked confused.

"You know that is not what I meant. Saint Lewis is always around the corner." I said testing her.

"Scar stop talking gibberish." she failed the test.

I immediately sprung out of the bed not caring about the tubes being ripped out of my arm. I wrapped my left hand around her neck pushing the chair down. She was surprised by the sudden action and the fact I was choking her. I leaned down next to her face and growled "Who the hell are you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." she choked out gasping for air.

I picked her up and then slammed her down again on her back. Knocking all the air out of her lungs she tried to pull in more but couldn't. I was intent on killing her 8f she didn't start talking now.

She saw that and started gasping out, " I'm a part of-"

"Of?" I growled


AJAX? "Who the hell is AJAX?"

She smirked making me more agitated than I already was.

"Your living hell."

I gave her a small smile looking down on her. I squeezed harder, "Sweetie nothing can possibly match what I've already been through."

That made her frown and she looked like she wanted to say something, but I threw her across the room into the wall. She slid down trying to suck in air.

I took this time to restudy her and I noticed she looked like Sara in every way. A self absorbed beauty queen who could even pull off a trash bag.

I flashed her a sadistic smile, "Care to tell me who AJAX is?"

She looked up at me, "It's not who its what AJAX is. But I'm surprised that it didn't work on you."

"Hmm, what didn't work on me and you still haven't answered the question."

She looked at me furrowing her brows, her neck was starting to bruise, "I am a psychic with mind abilities. That's how I imitated your 'Sara' by alluding you."

"Makes sense since I'm immune to most psychics anyway. But what is AJAX?"

She stumbled as she tried to stand up. "AJAX is a sort of company that works with the human body. They try to enhance the capabilities of normal people and make them better."

I looked at her and picked up the chair setting it right and sat down, sinking into the cushion. "Now that we have that covered, where am I?"

"You're in the mindscape. It's where the calmest part of your mind is and it's the one part that makes rational decisions." She explained carefully and she gave me a look, "Not that it works on you apparently."

"Look I don't give a crap about your company AJAX or whatever I just want to go back to the war at hand."

"Eh, sorry no can do. You're already here I'm just here to analyze your mind to give them the best way to control you."

"Wow no limited time offer or blackmail to force me to join? Damn evil organizations today are just lacking in everything aren't they?" I smirked at her, "Did you get what you came for?"

"Yes", she said triumphantly making me wonder, "What happens to your dear Sara if you don't join? Anything can happen to her if you're not cooperative through the experiments."

Omg, is she really using that against me? I started laughing which caused her to frown messing up her entire image. Making me laugh so much harder at just looking at her. "You really think you can ever find her? Hahaha, you'll die of old age first! Hahaha!"

She glared at me, honestly she is really childish I wonder how old she is? She spoke "What do you mean by that? We have people all over the world who can look for her."

She's bluffing I can tell from looking at her expression. She doesn't have any resources like that or else they wouldn't have to resort to blackmail. As a liar myself it's easy to tell when other people are too.

"Try it I really want to see how far you can really go." I taunted.

"Oh you'll see. I may not look like much, but the people supporting me truly are men of power who could use a war weapon. Now wake up." She snapped her fingers causing me to blink and wake up in a totally different environment.

I took a look around a metal room. I was lying on a freezing table with each of my limbs held down, and a guard over my face preventing me from turning sideways. There were several machines overhead of me and a blinding light that I had to adjust to.

"Well Scar dear how are you doing?" A voice crackled over head.

I tried to open my mouth but I couldn't with it restrained like it was.

"Oops I forgot you can't talk right now with that thing over your mouth." They chuckled.

'Screw you first of all. And secondly I feel like this isn't going to end well at all.' I thought mentally and stayed waiting for them to do something.

*Sigh* the invisible speaker crackled again, "I must admit I expected a reaction from you," shame, prepare to be even more disappointed, "but you're a difficult puzzle piece to solve. But like I said this place is going to be your living nightmare. I wonder if a soldier like you can still feel pain?"

How the hell did I even get here in the first place? Like I remember distinctly being bombed and then almost dying. What the hell is with the creepy ending.

Suddenly something behind me made a strange whirring noise and it was getting closer. One long metal arm with tubes running down its side hovered over me.

"This is a serum that will 'add' to your DNA and give you, let's say some extra abilities."

'Ohh sounds SO foreboding you can at least try to make this sound scary.' I scoffed

"It's also painful as fu*k just so you know." Wait what?, "Start the experiment."

Suddenly a needle the size of 7 inches came out of the metal arm. Some sort of blue liquid started filling up the tubes right down to the needle. It was getting closer to my arm and I was silently freaking out because hell I don't even know what this stuff is.

"Now at first its just a small prick then it feels like your entire body is burning from the inside out."

It pricked my arm and they was right it didn't hurt at first. But that was at first. And then it started to burn, no worse than burn it was my entire body being destroyed from the inside out. It was excruciating every second of it and I couldn't move or make a sound.

The speaker crackled again but it was like the blood pounding in my ears was stopping any sort of sound from coming in. I don't know what the hell they used on me but for the next two years under this company AJAX I never saw my friends again. Not even my family found me here but I was tortured and tormented into doing some pretty bad crap. I was almost never in control of my actions but I could see everything that happened.

Luckily within the next two years the heroes finally found AJAX and defeated them. Without even knowing it they saved hundreds of life's forced to do their biding. I wasn't one of them because even AJAX had back up plans to restart. I was project Xylon the ultimate killer the one thing that I never wanted to be.

But I was taught to do everything in just two years after being forced to take on some new abilities and knowledge. I later destroyed them because you should never give anyone that much power. So here's my new profile....

Name-Scarlett Al-Ghul

Age- 12


Abilities- (Sharp wings- metal wings that can cut through solid steel and can be pulled in or out of her body.), (sound manipulation- amplify, decrease, move, and even stop sound waves around her.), (Increased speed- exactly how it sounds she can run up to 95 mph), (Adrenaline kill- side effect from the blue serum, it causes her in dire situations to completely run on adrenaline to complete her mission. This can amplify any of her abilities in this mode. ), (sound knowledge> categorized mind that can let her think clearly or recall on anything she knows.), (Mind shield-cannot be mind controlled or telepathically communicated with.), and ( Strength).

Side effects- (Sharp wings- no longer a bother since increased speed and strength helps), (Sound manipulation> only works in a certain area around her and she developed Hyperthymesia memory.), (Increased speed> sometimes her mind runs off of track because of how fast it's going.), ( Adrenaline kill- it might over amplify some of her not needed abilities at the time so she always needs a clear mind, and that doesn't always work when you're running pure adrenaline. So the possibility of her killing someone in this state is high.), (Sound knowledge> always remembers everything she's told no matter what so no forgetting anything with her. It makes her a lot more calmer to other people views but inside she could be freaking out.),

Sanity level- ranges from 0/10 - 8/10

Height- 5,0

Basic appearance> CHANGED!! Due to the serum AJAX injected Scarlett with she changed her eye color from red to electric blue.

[---- 2 years later-----]

POV- Damian Wayne/Al-Ghul

It has been 7 years since I've last heard from my sister Scarlett. I obviously haven't told father yet at her discretion, since I'm not sure she even knows that there are others in our family. Despite wanting to find her I cannot look suspicious searching for a person my father doesn't even knows exists.

My other brother Kai hasn't been in contact with me either for years as well. I must admit that I am concerned about their well being. What am I supposed to do?

I pondered furrowing my brows as I looked at the Batcomputer. The results were still turning up negative, and this was the only time I could use the computer to do this when father was gone. Why must you be so hard to find? The both of you really must be worse than me in some ways. I have at least the courage and skill to kick anyone's butt if need be. You two ran from your problems.

I ran the simulation again as I heard footsteps creep behind me. Honestly this fool thinks that he can scare me? Ha, pathetic.

"Boo!" Grayson said behind me.

I only responded with, "Grayson, you fool, you fail at even remotely sneaking up around me."

"Whatcha doing Dami?"

"tt" I clicked my tongue at him, "Why do you need to know?"

"If you waited till Bruce was gone to do this than it must be a secret right?~" he responded playfully.

I blandly said "It is none of your concern Grayson." The computer beeped and I looked up to find it saying on the screen 'Match has been found positive'. I felt my jaw drop I had not expected this and I sat up straight immediately. "Computer track last known location immediately." Forgetting Grayson was behind me.

"Who the hell are you looking for?"

Annoyed I looked back at him and was about to say "None of your concern." but was stopped by the computer.

"Mrs Scarlett Al-Ghul was last spotted in Russia in city A." Computer said.

"Al-Ghul?! There's more of you?!" he said shocked, "Who is she?"

The Computer beeped again, and this time said, "Mr. Kai Al-Ghul has been spotted in Italy, city D."

I felt so happy but at the same time annoyed that the computer was saying this out loud.

"Wait why are you looking for other Al-Ghul's I thought they tried to kill you several times?" He asked confused, "Besides I've never heard of these two before."

"Neither have I, Dick. So yes an explanation should be in order right Damion?" A voice said creeping up behind me. Crap how the hell is he back so soon.

I blinked, " Father I didn't realize you would be back so soon. Aren't you supposed to be on patrol?"

He walked beside of me and looked down, his face cold. "Do not change the subject Damion."

"I don't see why this is either of your concerns at all. So why are you asking?" I responded back rather annoyed and slightly nervous.

"Computer, who were you authorized to search for?" Batman asked directing the question away from Damion this time.

"I am directed to search for-" crap, Scarlett will murder me for this, " Robin's siblings Scarlett and Kai Al-Ghul."

Now it's over, she's going to chop my body into pieces when she hears of this. Father turned to give me a questioning gaze causing me to sigh.

"I can explain...." I started.

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