
Batmans Daughter

What if Damion Wayne wasn't an only sibling? What is Thalia decided to make more heirs? Meet Akilah, Damion's twin sister, looked down on by her family since they don't consider girls proper heirs to the Demons Throne. Beaten to be submissive and quiet for the better part of her childhood, she never understood that she was just as successful as her brother or maybe even better. Her mother, Thalia, and her absolute refusal to even think that Akilah was her daughter even though she witnessed her being conceived. Sent her at the tender age of three to train under the most elite fighters, hoping the child would die from the training. Unfortunately that wouldn't happen, instead Akilah's lack of a family figure turned down a dark path of death and control. Trained personally by Lady Shiva and taught by several other scholars gave Akilah her own state of mind. Promising herself to never fall victim to the Al-Ghul's plots she returned to their home. They were not accepting at her unwelcome visit, but no matter what they seemed to throw at her she bypassed all of it. Raz Al-Ghul, her grandfather, seeing great potential in her skill sets decided to let her stay. Her brother frowned upon the idea and tried to argue his own point, he didn't even remember his sister much less cared about what would happen to her, but Raz put him down. A fighter like her, if given the right training, could even escape the greatest fighters and maybe even stand beside Damion as the second hand. Akilah, frowned upon the idea of once again being used, but she had her own ideas as well. If she could get far enough into the inner circle of the League of Assassins then she could gather enough information to destroy them from the inside out. But not everything will work out as planned, and a killer is not accepted into a world of heroes so quickly. A night dweller in Gotham is starting to notice strange activities........ What will she do next?

Jess_H_C_O · Teen
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10 Chs

Chapter 6 Unexpected News

POV> Damian Wayne

"Wait a minute, you have other siblings and you didn't tell us?" Dick asked, he seems to be troubled by this. This has been the second time he's repeated this question.

Though I must admit I am more concerned as to what my father is currently thinking. I was seated in the chair still but facing away from the screen that was currently narrowing down my siblings location.

He looked over the screen still with an unreadable expression. Unsurprisingly enough Grayson was still in shock after I told them the vague version of my childhood. I did admit the fact I haven't had contact with them in 7 years, but I didn't mention the reason why they left.

"Yes Grayson, I have other siblings. Do you need your ears checked again? Clearly you have not been processing this new strain of information well." I replied coldly to Dicks question.

He gave me a look and said, "Dami, you know this is a serious matter right? First of all they're severely underage to be running around on their own. Secondly neither you or any one has ever mentioned them before. Why?"

I gave him a glance over, still wearing his outfit to go on patrol with father, guessing that's not important anymore at this point. Pondering on what exactly I was supposed to say. I mean after all they left the Al-Ghul's because they hated the family (with the exception of me) and that they were only created to be genetically experimented on. No one ever mentions them because I made a promise not to for my sister, and Mother does not even see them as human beings. Just tools to use for killing.

Why? Well they never wanted to go back there and I've never blamed them. Though I still think that it is cowardly to run like that from your problems. The perfect assassins is what they were in my Grandfather's eyes nothing more, but they never wanted to kill anyone.

I was raised to kill the enemies of the Al-Ghul's as the future heir to the demons throne and I never thought much about taking someone's life. That's different now, I have a reason not to kill anyone ever and Scarlett isn't one to introduced to something new favorably.

She was never one to be calm, she was a fighter and an excellent one at that. Being trained personally by the best mercenaries there were taught her to fight her way out of her problems. I don't think she knows of any other way, I mean I am not saying she's incapable of thinking, she is capable. But despite her vast amount of knowledge I've never witnessed her ever using it.

On the other hand Kai is a genius he always has been. He might even rival Drake in terms of knowledge at this point now. But he never fought as well as Scarlett and relied on everything mathematically not instinct.

Neither of them have experienced yet what it's like to have someone to fall back on when you can't do it yourself. So I don't believe that either of them are capable of putting their current lives on stop. In fact they'll most likely reject any help that's ever going to be offered.

"Damian?" Dick called out. I snapped my attention back to them both they were looking at me concerned. "You weren't responding after I already called your name twice."

"I am quite fine Grayson." I said curtly and leaned back against the chair giving me full view of both of their actions. Dick gave me a look telling me he clearly didn't believe me. I frowned and was going to say something curt again but was interrupted by father.

"When you said the last time you saw them was 7 years ago. Did that mean communication as well?" Father questioned me.

Well, technically no. Scarlett and Kai have both sent me a letter once in a while telling me they've been fine. Considering I've moved out of the Al-Ghul's home though I haven't received a letter since.

"I suppose you can say that. We haven't had a direct conversation with one another but they've both written me a letter once in a while." I sighed at the thought.

"What do you mean they've written you letters? Have you received any while you have been here?" He prodded at me trying to get more information I am not willing to share.

" No"

"Have you ever been given the chance to write them back?"

" No"

"I take it that means you have no idea of where either of them are staying?" Piped in Dick.

" No"

"Care to answer the previous question on why you have not told us you have other siblings?" Father asked with a frown over his face.

" Maybe it was because they're independent, highly skilled, and trained assassins who dislike being tied down?" I deadpanned.

Although from the looks of it neither of them picked up on my sarcasm judging by the way they both looked down at me in disappointment. I sighed, there was no chance we're going to find them. They were taught to hide from everything and everyone if they don't want to be found they're not going to be found.

The computer beeped again, sayings that it narrowed down the location of its two objectives. "Scarlett has been last reported to be seen in Moscow, Russia in street A. This was three seconds ago coming from satellite B, no further reports found. Kai has been last reported to be seen entering a diner on C street in Sicily, Italy exactly 5 minutes ago."

Is it just me or does the computer speak right after I declare that there's no way we will find them? Supposedly it's just a coincidence.

"Well that settles this interrogation. So do you both feel like going to Italy or Russia first?" Dick smiled and then ruffled my hair.

I tried to fight him off and Father, pondering in thought, didn't say anything until it got to the point where I drew my katana out.

He looked over to me and said to put the sword away. "I'm not sure of approaching them as total strangers is a good idea Dick. They don't know us and Ras Al-Ghul wasn't the best parent figure, so hearing we're family will push them away."

Dick looked up from trying to smother me after I was forced to put my katana away. "Don't tell me you're honestly thinking about leaving them there, right? They're kids! Highly trained or not, everyone needs a family and they don't have any from the sounds of it. Why else would they leave the Al-Ghul's?

We all know they were not the parenting bunch, no offense Damian, and that they only raised their kids to kill. You took us off the streets why not them as well?"

Father raised a hand telling Dick to stop talking. "That is not what I am suggesting. Like you said they are Al-Ghul's as well and Wayne's but consider the fact that they left the Al-Ghul's. Both of them haven't had contact with the Al-Ghul's in 7 years, with the exception of Damian. They obviously do not want to forced in to any situation. That will include being forced in to a new family life."

Dick frowned, "Yeah, but-"

Father cut him off again, "I will still try to take them in. Maybe if they won't join this side of their family they could join the Titans."

Dick sighed, "Okay, fine how are we going to approach them?"

Father looked at me, "Well, considering the fact that they did keep in contact with you for that long. You just might be the perfect Kryptonite for this mission, Damian. And considering they are rather separated we'll need two teams to find them, call up Red Robin and Red Hood, Dick."

Oh, so he wants to try something like that? Hmm, this might work but that's going to depend on how guilty I can make the both of them feel for abandoning me.

[Currently in a completely different time zone, AKA Russia 🇷🇺] POV-SCARLETT

I was meditating, I usually only do it to make up for the lack of sleep I usually get. My wings were spread out behind me, the only time I could have them out without needing to feel the strain on my shoulders.

It's gotten a lot less, the strain, after spending 2 years with AJAX. The amount of crap they have injected into my veins made it so I have denser muscles more than normal people do. Of course don't forget about my new perks that let me handle it without much of a problem.

'Ahhh' I mentally sighed, I was listening to every snow flake drop, every particle of water freezing, and the small heater next to me whirring out hot air. Calm, peace, and silence (Not really of you're me, I can, if I wanted to, listen to the tectonic plates move under me.) But this the closest I can get.

Sara next to me breathed in, and slowly exhaled. I'm so thankful that I managed to find her after I destroyed what was left of AJAX. She had to fake her own death after AJAX destroyed my mind trying to find her location.

I found her after a couple of months but it wasn't all that bad. She had come up to Russia, where our last hideout was and told my brother Kai what happened. He had told Rose and they all tried to track me down unsuccessfully.

Now, that I'm back I helped Kai and Rose set up a diner in Sicily. I don't know what it is with Italian food, but they both crazy love it. Me on the other hand, I prefer peace, I just want a small break away from school (Yea, the online school here doesn't require me to physically attend to get my degree. Kai already has his degree or in fact several along with Rose.) and from fighting.

But to be honest all of that trauma is still affecting me. I hardly sleep anymore since I don't want to constantly relive the worst moments of my life. Plus, now that they've changed my eye color to give some sort of enhanced something. I'm not really sure what they tried to accomplish in doing so, but I don't think it worked.

I slowly opened my eyes, gazing out to the beautiful winter sight (There was a blizzard at the moment). I was currently renting a house in the city (Yes we did lie about our real ages and made all of the transactions online.) next to a bar in which I also own (Under a fake name).

Everything was going good so far. No heroes, no villains, and no evil corrupt governments trying to fight, kill, or force me to join them. Complete relaxation.....

My phone next to me rang off signaling the end of my break and the start of my job. I winced while I reached over to turn it off my wings cutting through the wood flooring. The sound, when I'm meditating like that, is a lot louder when I am focusing on the sounds near me.

Sara sighed loudly as she got up as well. We both needed to head down to the bar to do our own shifts. She, the bar tender, and I, the accountant.

I pulled my wings out slowly from the floor trying not to ruin it any more than I already have. Sara helped pull me up and I tucked my wings out of sight again. We both went for another night of serving drunken mercenaries.

___________ Later Down in the Bar, 1 hour_____


"Sweets can ya get me the cocktail 7?" A customer asked me while I was doing my rounds.

I turned to look him in the eye and asked "Sure, anything else sir?"

"No thank you, Ms." he said gruffly.

"You're welcome, Sir." I walked forward to Sara while holding this month's accounting files. "I have this month's bills and accounting files, and the customer at table 3 wants the cocktail 7."

"Really? How's this month's bills?" she asked me while pulling out the liquor and lime.

"Much better than last month's, we've experienced a raise in customers and income. But this month's bills will take 25% of that income and another 20% for liquor."

"It's still a 55% income despite all of that though, so we're doing pretty good." She commented after hearing the report and gave me the cocktail 7.

I took it and left the accounting books on the bar for her to put away. "Don't forget to be careful serving the after hours customer's." She nodded in response and I walked back to table 3 and gave them the drink.

Walking around all night serving and accounting was starting to give my shoulders more strain. Probably the work of my wings, but I can't take them out for a while yet. I remember when I used them when I was younger, painful as heck but they were really efficient. Not so bad anymore at least, I don't want to activate too much of my power. It tends to come back to bite me if I do.

I walked back to the bar and stepped behind Sara into an opening in the back. Walking back to six feet there was a door that led to the back office. Where I spend most of the night until the After-hour customers arrive. The mercenaries is what they really are, but they come here to discuss business and we have a strict no kill policy here.

So for the next four hours I chill, do paperwork, and then I leave to discuss business with said mercenaries, to find who's on what kill list and when to avoid gang wars in the streets.

Later I switch spots with Sara and take over the bartending job. I purposefully put the strongest drinks out to avoid any real fighting between the killer's. Can't fight if you're too buzzed to move and to buzzed to mean anything.

The first of them arrive only after the first hour. I greet them, knowing them personally because these guys are regulars. Not to important but they have a lot of status in their world and carry titles.

Zero, the 15th best hacker in the world only comes after 12 minutes from 12am. Then there's Void who's somewhere in the top 20 ranked assassins. Sitting to the left of Void at table 3 always, is the one and only Lady Vic. She doesn't visit as often as the rest of everyone else though.

Me, personally, I almost joined the mercenaries after I left AJAX but I decided I needed a break. I am still apart of the underworld despite that since I need several illegal things from the black market. I go by 'Spades' the unknown assassin who's never been seen.

Skipping several hours of no real conversations with these men. I move ahead to after the bar closes and I decide to take a trip by walking a bit. After all no one's stupid enough to attack me in this town. Not with everyone knowing that here I hold all of the real power and knowledge.

__ Meanwhile we have the Batfamily casually staking out____ POV- Damian Wayne/ Al-Ghul

Sitting up three roofs over from one particularly suspicious bar. There stands one very young boy about the age 12 in a red and black suit. A Robin if you will.

Casually laying on a stone wall next to him was a stranger in a red helmet but a bat logo on his chest.

It was down right freezing here, thankfully Father installed something into the suit to keep the warmth. Out of every country in the world and my sister just had to pick one with the worst weather. You would think that she would appreciate the warmth of the desert, but no all of her Arabic heritage obviously skipped her.

I sighed, "Jason, do you see any sign of activity or the target?"

The man behind me answered with, "I cannot believe you didn't tell anyone about these two. Honestly, how can you not mention siblings? And stop calling her a target she's your sister."

I ignored him and continued watching people gather in to the bar. I cannot believe that my sister managed to hide in plain sight so well. The Al-Ghul's are old fashioned so the chances of them thinking of looking for her in a modern city is low. Absolutely brilliant.

Then I saw someone walk out and on closer inspection I knew it was Scarlett.

The comm in my ear crackled, "She is within sight close in."

I turned the mike on my comm on, "Drake, if you think cornering a trained fighter is the best idea. Then you've lost the only thing that your vital for this mission, your braincells. Which in my opinion is overated."

"Nightwing are you sure this is a good idea?" Jason asked blocking out Drakes poor comeback.

"Look, Batman and Cass left for Italy and he trusts us enough to use Damian to convince her." Dick cheerfully said, "Now go welcome another member of the family."

"How the hell did I even agree to this?" Jason asked, and I'm sure he continued talking but I cannot be certain since I jumped off the building to follow her.

_________ POV-Scarlett_____

Walking into the freezing night wearing nothing more than a leather jacket (usually used to hide my wings but I decided to just pull them in despite the fact cutting through my skin is painful. It causes me a lot less shoulder stress.) and a handcrafted gun on my waist courtesy of one arsonist (who shall not be named).

Naturally I would've chosen the route from the back of my bar, but it seems that someone is planning a rumble (gang war) near that way.

I started zoning into the silence listening to the sounds around me. Strangley enough I picked up several heart beats and someone is trailing me. I casually felt around for a presence and discovered four distinct people.

My first guess? From the way they positioned themselves above me I almost mistook them for assassins. Then I realized if they were assassins there would most certainly would be more of them. I focused on the person behind me.

They were good at hiding their presence (like an assassin) and had enough skill to be silent when they walked. I decided that if I had someone coming to kill me better to interrogate one at a time.

I turned around the corner on my left as it came up and positioned myself just out of sight from any of the roofs. I calmly waited as they rounded the corner and I listened to their steps careful to also keep track of the others. Step, step, step....

Only after a couple of seconds they reached the corner and I shot my arm out taking them by surprise. I used this sudden attack to pull them over and slam them against the wall knocking out their breath. The shadows covered their face but I could clearly see the small R logo on their black, green, and red suit.

I drew my fist back to give him a cold knockout punch. But I was interrupted when the gasped out my name.

"Scar--" he wheezed.

"And who might you be?" I questioned.

"I know you haven't seen me in years but that doesn't give you the right to kill me yet. I thought that you would've at least questioned me first." he responded with.

"Kai- wait no. Damian?"

He looked up, the hood falling back revealing a very familiar face with an exception of a mask. He gave me a small smile. Blue eyes and black hair with an Arabian tan most certainly identified as Damian since Kai was like me, white hair and red eyes ( But my eye color changed so now it's electric blue).

I miscalculated as I felt an electric energy near me. I slowly turned my gaze to be confronted with the fact I was surrounded. I looked back to Damian and slightly loosened my hold giving him some air. They must have known I wouldn't kill him, but they still used him as bait instead.

The man to my left had a blue and black suit and was carrying a the electric stick. One above me was holding a gun pointing down into the alley wearing a red helmet and a leather jacket. On my right was the red, black, and gold man keeping me from leaving through the only escape. After quickly checking them over I believe that if I put 60% of my effort into fighting then I'll leave with no injuries.

"Scar-" my attention slowly shifted back to Damian, " we are not here to kill you."

I cut him off, "And what? You thought cornering a highly trained assassin, who can still kick her brothers butt, was a good idea?" finishing sweetly and sarcastically.

"No, listen to me. I'm not here on Mother's orders." he huffed still slightly out of breath.

I hate to call my brother a liar but I don't believe him. I let him know that with a raise of my eyebrow and shifting my expression for him to read.

"I'm quite serious, I left the Al-Ghul's home 2 years ago. I was sent to live with our Father."

"What?" Out of complete surprise I dropped him.

Everyone surrounding me slightly loosened their stances. I looked at Damian, "How ever do you expect me to believe that, with every scheme that woman made to kill me and Kai?"

"He isn't lying about leaving the Al-Ghul's and being left with his Father." The blue one spoke up to defend Damian. I cut him off from saying anything else.

"And not to point out the fact you not only tried to attack me but you did it with a bunch of costumed freaks. Damian I can't begin to describe my disappointment in you at the moment. You'd think that you were at least taught fashion taste by our Mother." I calmly ignored the other person.

Damian gave a sour look, and everyone else looked offended.

The guy with the helmet above me retorted, "I take it back, what I said earlier when we flew here, that she would be different from Damian. She is a thousand times worse and she insulted my fashion taste."

I looked up to him to give him my fake apologizing smile, "If it helps I was actually, mostly talking about the other two and Damian. The leather jacket suits the helmet quite a bit and the helmet gives you some protection." I pointed to the other two, "They obviously don't have any sort of protection for their heads, and the three of them look like they came waltzing out of a costumed circus."

He started laughing and the other three looked especially insulted. Damian gave me a cold look and I just shrugged at him. Get a better costume if you don't want people to make fun of you, common sense.

The helmeted figure put away his gun and jumped from the top of the building to behind me. Giving me one escape route but one complication since I can now be pulled down in four directions.

"She might have your spunk, Damian, but she's a lot better at insulting us." he exclaimed, you can still hear the laughter in his voice.

I scanned the area again, now the space we were enclosed in was a lot smaller and I hate being cornered.

Damian sensed this almost immediately, "Scar, I'm being serious and I know you don't believe me still but if this was really our Mother's plan. Don't you think she would be watching? Not to mention that there would be a lot more than just the four of us."

He confirmed my suspicions about no other people. But he was right, my Mother would most certainly be watching far but still within sight.

I gazed towards him still trying to keep the four of them within some distance of sight. "Then why are you here? I specifically remember that you promised not to tell a damn soul about us. I didn't want to deal with the repercussions of Al-Ghul enemies, we look like an easy target being separated from the main family."

He gave me a guilty look, and once again the blue one came to defend him. "He didn't tell us about you. If he had we would've looked for you a lot sooner." Ha, you wouldn't have ever found me, "But we found out only on pure accident."

I gave him a cold look, "An accident that should have never happened. Damian knows better than that, I'm highly disappointed in him." turning my gaze back to my brother at the last part.

"Disappointed in me?! You were the one who left and made me take that damn promise! I'm sorry that I didn't keep the secret but now that makes the three of us even with each other now." He sounded really pi**ed.

That made me feel a hell of a lot guiltier being reminded that I did in fact abandon him. I must've let it show on my expression since it made him feel guilty too for bringing it up.

"Look, I'm apologize I shouldn't have brought that up." The rest of them a looked confused and were thinking the same thing 'What the hell are they talking about? And did he really apologize? He never says sorry, what hold does this girl have on him?'

"But I want to give you the chance of a new home and family. You don't have to keep living like this and on your own." he coaxed with a much softer tone in his voice.

A new family? Sounds like a dream, I've never had someone who cared; out of the small friend group I had we would all die for each other. Plus the fact I have serious mental trauma that can't be fixed and I've killed people before and I'm afraid to do it again.

Damian knew I was going to refuse and so did the rest of them. But I breathed in and slowly exhaled before making my decision just yet.

"First why don't you introduce me to your friends first? Then maybe we can talk about my answer." I gave him a small smile.

_______ We moved back to the house because it was more comfortable than the cold and no one could bother us._____

I learned that the one with the helmet is Jason Todd, the one in blue is Dick (Richard) Grayson, and the third one who looked the most collected was Tim Drake. All of them were heroes with the exception of Jason (Red Hood) and Damian was currently a sidekick to our Father (Batman). Although Robin is the worst codename I have ever heard.

Damian was currently settling in with life at Gotham and the rest did their own things. He told me about the no killing rule our Father had and that there were others in the new family. Like Catwoman apparently and Cass though I haven't seen them.

He also started school and he offered a spot at Gotham academy. When I heard that I started laughing and when he looked at me confused I explained to him that I was already in college. They were all surprised at that part and asked me how I took classes. I told them that Kai graduated with honors in a whole bunch of stuff and I only half graduated with some finished majors, doctorates, and other stuff. So I did online classes instead of physically attending.

Of course Damian was upset that I made it to college long before him. Which made me laugh harder at his mood. The rest of them, especially Tim, looked at me with respect at hearing me graduate in half of the classes the college offered. But they were more surprised when they heard that I owned the bar and several other properties that have been managing well.

Jason asked me if I fought in any competitions or other stuff to earn money for all of this. I told them that, yes I've fought but no not like that, and explained to them that I no longer involve myself in unnecessary situations. Everything was funded by me, Kai, and two others who also have ownership.

It was slightly silent after that before someone broke the silence by asking, 'How exactly do you have white hair when your brother has black?' I gave him a look and laughed at the question. I didn't answer truthfully by saying it only affected me and Kai and it was a genetic thing. But Damian gave me a small look telling me that he wouldn't say anything against my lie.

Eventually it got pretty late and Damian finally asked, "Have you made your decision?"

"Yes, but I need to talk to D* ( this is a nickname) alone." I sighed.

Everyone left the room leaving me and Damian alone.

"I didn't mention this before, but do you remember why I left the Al-Ghul's?" I asked

"Yes, you disliked harming others for no real reason." Damian answered slightly confused.

I gave him a sad look, and it took him a moment to realize what it meant. But before he could say anything I started talking again, "D, I broke that rule" my voice cracked and I almost cried, "it might not have been of my own free will, but it still happened."

He looked at me determinedly, "The more reason you should come with me. You won't be stuck in another crazy situation like that again. I may not know the specific details but If it wasn't of your own free will. Then it wasn't your fault and it's not something you should be beating yourself up over."

I breathed out and I told him my story, the reason why I haven't come to find him after he moved. I told him the basics of my years the army, AJAX, and AKIRA were all after me. I was tortured and so mentally destroyed that I didn't think that I was fit to be in a family. The Army signed my death certificate, AKIRA might have had something to do with me being randomly kidnapped, and AJAX was destroyed but I don't know how far they had their reaches in society.

He listened and I told him my entire story and he felt a thousand times worse. Of course I only mentioned that I was given some abilities but didn't tell him the specifics of that either.

When I was done, he said at the end "Scar you need help. And I might not be able to provide you with relief for every traumatic event you've experienced, but it better than being alone."

I gave him a sad smile again and started to speak again but he cut me off. "You owe me this much for leaving me with them. You know you owe me this much after everything I've been through too." He gave me a pleading look that must've killed his pride on the inside.

I agreed in the end.

_____ POV-Dick Grayson_____ Outside

It was surprising that she managed to build an entire life on her own without help from almost no one. I'm honestly impressed with her skill set not only being capable of fighting but to also have a mindset like that at her age? That's impressive.

"She is really similar but completely different from Damian in so many ways." Drake commented besides me. We were kicked out of the room so she could talk to Damian alone. Hopefully he'll convince her, but I don't think she'll be easy to convince.

I nodded in response to Tim's comment, "I agree, being that capable on her own and still standing despite being on her own is amazing."

"Not just that, but the fact she's completely capable of supporting herself and she supposed to be an amazing fighter. At least from Damian's perspective it seems and she has a tight hold on him. Any one else notice how she got him to apologize to her?" Jason piped in as well.

The three of us gave each other a look, we all know how stubborn and prideful Damian can be. He would never apologize unless it was absolutely necessary and even then it was only half meaningful. He truly felt sorry when he gave that apology to Scarlett.

That was completely mind blowing. They seem to be taking a while though we've already been out for 40 something minutes.

"From the sound of it, it's going to be near impossible to just convince her to uproot everything she's done here to go back to Gotham." Tim sighed out and I admit that I agree with him. I think Bruce was really on to something here when he said this would be difficult. I wonder how Bruce and Cass are doing though.

"Nobody else is concerned about the way she moved?" Jason suddenly asked.

Completely confused, I asked "What are you talking about Hood?"

"You didn't notice how silently and skillfully she was walking the entire time?" Jason asked looking at the both of us, "When she pulled Damian out of the alley and pushed him against the wall so quickly and picked him a foot off the ground while doing so. Also, when she never made a sound when she walked the entire time and she looked like she was fully ready to take all of us on despite the major difference in size."

I never even thought about that, "Didn't Damian mention that there was a reason why the Leauge of Assassins wanted them back so badly?"

Tim looked at me furrowing his face, "Maybe-"

He was cut short from his thought when the door opened and it revealed the two identical siblings.

Scarlett sighed and looked physically defeated and Damian was wearing a knowing smirk. I really hope he didn't blackmail her into this.

"I have decided to join you to go back to Gotham." she winced at the end. So he did do something.

"This is of your own decision right?" Tim asked her.

She gave him a look that said 'no it clearly was not my decision', but still said " Yes it was of my own choice."

We all mentally cheered inside, I was especially happy that there was another one of them. Hopefully I'll be able to hug her when we take her home. But from the looks of I don't think she'll take it as a friendly gesture and more of an attack. But it'll all be fine in the end when she starts living in Gotham and finishes her online college. Maybe she might join the crime fighting part of the family. I really hope she isn't a Jason fighter and sticks with his version of justice.