BATMAN making his last stand against New God Darkseid A Wayne business centered fanfic with canon divergence
[2nd chapter today]
"Fall back!" Batman shouted.
Raymond was shot- straight in the eye. The Taskmaster girl did that while the Master and Batman was still fighting- making stealth attacks.
"We are leaving" Taskmaster said- and Antonia- the female ghost complied by retreating while Batman covered the policeman with his cape in answer to their gunfire.
/thud thud thud thud/
Helicopter sounds. It was strange how the air borne vehicle was given permission to fly in New York. The ladder came running down. Taskmaster and Antonia catching their ride from the top most piece in haste.
*bang* *bang* Police officers gathered around Holt's body shooting at the leaving skeleton mask duo.
But they were long out of their range. Batman retreated, moving towards the policeman's body.
Holt's fellow police officers aimed their guns at him. "Stay put" Batman closed down to him.
He picked out a cylindrical from the belt- aiming it at the eye. The bullet- was off brain somehow- hitting a part of a skull to dampen the effect but it having its own consequences on the policeman's health.
"Call an ambulance." The police man to his side said to his partner. Batman pulled his Batrang close to the eye- that was the only blade he had to do the cutting.
However the cut was not required to be too deep- now the thing could be pulled by the magnetic cylindrical thing he had brought earlier.
*tnnhg* The bullet was out, not without opening some new wounds along the way, but it was out.
The surrounding officers stayed put- something not right in accordance to their line of work, but they stayed put while Batman did his magic on Holt.
The Caped crusader used some sort of spry for the wound mending, effective was the word they all would like to stay. Ambulance sounds were there in low volume due the distance, but the first aid had been administered adequately.
Batman put the man's head back to the ground while the Ambulance workers got him up to the stretcher. Nobody said anything as they saw Batman leaving- the report to their superior suggested they were late that day to the docks.
Bruce pulled out himself of the suit.
Actions are not without consequences- he knew that. The assassins were no doubt Hydra.
There were other possibilities, true, but the professionalism was hydra grade. Even when a seasoned killer shoots a man, he thinks twice but there was no hint to repulsion in taking a life for Taskmaster, no move from his was without the intent to kill.
And his protégé was being taught a similar curriculum.
There were times Batman had thought it would have been good for him to have support.
Alfred, Robin, Nightwing- the nocturnal activities would have a much higher success and frankly, something he would never admit was that Bruce longed for them.
For the Nightly works, Bruce was but one man. He was not able to be everywhere.
New York was big, the world was bigger and his estimations did not help when he figured the world needed protection.
'because when the earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it.'
He needed firepower- for what was coming. Because it will come the only question was when. The proof tha gods existed, powerful artifacts that could power the earth for eons were in the hands of men, people were flying in metal suits- with firepower capable of destroying a small country to the ground. Experiments- Human experiments that gave men immense power- or at least gave the illusion of immense power.
There was also the Hulk, the only thing better than the Doomsday knock off here was that his intentions were one of protection. The Hulk had never been a fight willingly. But there was always a need for failsafe.
There was peace on earth- at least that was on the surface. But the peace was dwindling.
/Bruce picks put the Nth metal knife he had bought to this earth and walks toward the Destroyed Destroyer./
Undercover terrorist organization- that Batman could do. But everything else was out of his pay grade-
Bruce's job was to put everything out there within the Bat's pay grade.
[Informative chapter ahead- things may seem out of contact, because they are]
Batman gadgets mentioned till date.
1] Batsuit- One casual bulletproof, the second one is the stealth one, and the third one is the metal suit- The metal suit resembles the BatmanvsSuperman one- for those who asked.
Casual one is used everywhere until mentioned otherwise, Batman used the stealth one in the Hand-Grimaldi Arc and the metal suit was used vs Iron Monger.
2] Batwing- initial prototype destroyed in the Hand-Grimaldi Arc due to collision with Thor's hammer (it was mentioned) and the final one, with the big guns was destroyed by the Bifrost. The second one did destroy the Bifrost in return and melted the Destroyer armor which Batman took for himself from S.H.I.E.L.D. truck.
3] Batmobile- Undergoing construction, it was delayed as it was not Batman's priority among the whole Hand- Thor arc.
4] small time gadgets- Grappling gun, Sonic blasts whose concept is from Iron man 1 sonic paralyzer, Batrang, Magnetic cord, Wound spray- concept from Avengers: infinity war one which Tony uses post blip.
5] Nth metal blade, 15cm. Made of Nth metal, brought with Batman falling in 2008
6] Kryptonite shard, 10cm- self explanatory if you had a glimpse of superman- animated or otherwise.
7] Chipped away tip of the Flaming sword, taken from the Flaming sword that could cut anything out of existence in DC universe, but the flaming sword did not work as it was supposed to be so Batman returned it to Chloe in Lucifer Wedding chapter, for it be safe and be in the arsenal of a responsible force, to be used when circumstances don't bode too well.
8] Blood of Han Xiao the hand ninja, which has some demon influence within for the body be transferred into gaseous state, a vial of this given to Lucifer for him to give Bats a way to integrate this into his own blood, as the cosmic bath had its own adverse effects.
9] Cosmic powers- Liquification of self, giving night invulnerability against physical attacks for time. Adverse effect include radiating Infrared and Alpha rays. Not good for the user. Batman seeks to get to the middle ground of gaseous state in Hand ninjas and Liquification with him- Vaporization.
10] Wayne enterprises, ~$17 billion company, Bruce has 63% of it on his own name.
11] Null void projector/ Ultimate Nullifier- [broken state] cannot be repaired by the Batman alone as a major part of its invention was done with the Motherbox and Cyborg.
12] Batcave- head of operations, include Batcomputer. Wayne enterprises' boon- three satellites for the Wayne or Bat to control.
13] Did I forgot something?
[Fuck you @ronysa]