
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs

The shadow of Aghata part 7

They were all eating while sailing.

Robin: Augur I didn't know you were part of the great Van Trekords company.

Katahara who had never heard of the company was intrigued.

Katahara: Augur's family seems to be renowned.

Robin: The company is the second largest in the world, the only one that surpasses it is Redustries, which is located in the new world.

Dabi: What is the new world? Robin.

Katahara: It's what the second half of the Grand Line is known as. The only ones who have fully explored this area were Gol D. Roger and his crew.

Dabi: Gol De. Roger, the only one who became the king of the pirates.

Robin: Captain, since I joined we still don't know what your goal is, The adventure, to make a name for yourself in the world.

Then for a few moments there was silence where nothing could be heard, not even the waves of the sea.

Katahara: Our goal for now is to build up our strength...

Robin: Then our goal is to build up our forces, and then attack, but who the world government, attack some kingdom.

Katahara: You are smart Robin, in time you will realize who our targets are.

After that Katahara took out his sword and began to practice.

But from one moment to another the sword began to vibrate causing Katahara to stop practicing to try to control the sword.

Katahara: What the heck is this... aarhg

At that moment Katahara's surroundings began to crack, causing the entire crew to rush over to see what will happen.

Katahara stopped using force to subdue the sword instead it began to swing in the direction of the clouds, releasing powerful black slashes that split the clouds in two.

After a few cuts the sword stopped vibrating.

Robin: Capita, you're all right.

Katahara: The sword got out of control, don't expect this yet....

Robin: Go back to what you were doing, I'll be here a little longer.

What they didn't know is that those slashes Katahara threw into the sky were sent with all the strength Katahara had, which is why he was now extremely tired.

Katahara did not want to show weakness to his crew.

During the next few days, Katahara stopped practicing with the sword, because he noticed that the sword vibrated every time he wielded it, as if it was rejecting Katahara.

So he decided to spend more time meditating, and practiced his bare-handed fighting style.

Van Augur: captain navy ship approaching.

Katahara stopped training and turned to look at the ship.

Katahara: Dabi take care of that ship.

As she turned around to continue training but at that moment she was looking closely at the man in charge.

Katahara: Wait.

Van Augur: Captain, a pirate ship is approaching from starboard.

Katahara then realized that the Marian was not chasing them.

Katahara: Looks like they are not here for us, Dabi approach the marine ship.... Augur eliminate everyone from the pirate ship.

The two obeyed, Augur aimed his rifle at the pirates and started firing without fail, eliminating more than 30 pirates in less than 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, the navy ship was getting closer and closer to the pirate ship they were chasing, but when they reached them they realized that they were all dead, and then they saw a pirate ship approaching them.

The one in charge of the navy ship was Shu, he is a very thin man, he always covers his face with a kind of veil, and his hair with a cap, Shu wears the standard Marine uniform and a jacket slung over his shoulders.

Shu: Shit it's the Darks Crows, get us out of here now.

Soldier: Captain, we'll get away from them.

Shu: Are you forgetting who almost killed the Dry brothers some time ago, if they couldn't we can only think about escaping.

At that moment a dark colored cut broke the mast of their ship, preventing their escape.

Shu: Shit, we're screwed...fire the cannons in their direction, and get ready to fight.

At that moment he saw the man who was about to fire the deck cannon fall.

Little by little all the men on the ship began to fall.

Shu: Shit, they are annihilating us and we can't even defend ourselves.

At that moment Katahara's boat reached them.

Katahara: Well. Well... If anything Captain Shu from the navy.

Dabi then boarded the navy boat, and went down to the second deck.

Katahara: Robin... Kill him.

At that moment Shu launched himself against Katahara.

Robin: Two fleur: Clutch.

From the body of Shu emerge two arms, they grab them from the top of the mouth.

To then pull his head back to break his neck bones.

Katahara: Augur, go with Dabi and bring everything of value.

Then katahara took out a fruit from her ring and put it on Shu's lifeless body.

Robin became interested in what katahara was doing and watched him closely.

He was extremely surprised to see how the fruit his captain put on the corpse began to change.

Robin: Captain....

Katahara: What you just saw is a secret.... only I can do that.

Robin was still shocked by what she had just seen, she was silent until Dabi and Augur carried everything of value to the ship.

Katahara: Robin, we're leaving.

Then Robin got on the boat and went to talk to his captain.

Robin: Captain you know that if the government finds out or the emperors of the sea even the revolutionary army will come after us.

Katahara will just look at her before speaking.

Katahara: Robin.... My dear Robin.... Just worry about training, you still have a long way to go to reach the general level of the crew.

Robin didn't expect that answer, she just nodded and headed for training.

Time went by until they arrived at Water 7.

Shortly after they arrived, Laffitte and Drust appeared.

Drust: Captain.

Katahara: I hope your trip was smooth.

Laffitte: It was for the most part, until we could figure out how to properly steer a boat that size.

Katahara: You must have had a hard time.

Robin: They had some other problems.

Drust: No, fortunately not... Brogy and Dorry were fascinated with the new ship, they said they would go after their old comrades first and then go after the Yetis to recruit them before returning to Elbaf.

Katahara: Well, with that we just have to wait until they return from Elbaf.

Laffitte: Why don't we go get our new ship, I can't wait to see it.

Katahara: Come on, I just hope Icburg didn't have any complications.

A short time later the entire crew arrived at Galley-La Company.

Kalifa: I guess they're here for their ship.

Katahara just looked at her.

Laffitte: Miss Kalifa would you be so kind to call the Icerburg, he is waiting for this meeting.

After hearing that Kalifa went to look for Icburg.

Katahara: Laffitte, I want you to go to Lucy and tell her that I wrote down all the information about akuma nomi users, as discreetly as possible.

Laffitte bowed with her hat and then transformed into a shadow to infuse the shadows of the place.

Kalifa arrived shortly after with Icburg.

Icburg: Mr. Katahara, the ship is just as you wanted it, I must say that it was more difficult than you can imagine, we had to stop all the works to use all the manpower.

Katahara: Why don't we go see it.

Icerburg: Sure, follow me.

They all followed Icerburg and Kalifa to dock 1, where hundreds of workers could be seen admiring a ship.

Icerburg: I must say that this is the masterpiece not only of mine but of the entire Galley-La Company.

Kalifa: The Ship is 69 meters long from stern to the tip of the bowsprit, 55 meters high, a breadth of 13 meters and 3 masts and 4 sails hanging from them, with 1 lookout station located on the middle mast. Accompanying this is armed with 45 guns on starboard and port side for a total of 90, 8 guns aft pointing astern, also has capacity for 81 people.

Icerburg: It has a total of 4 decks, the main deck where the 10 main crew sleeping quarters are as you requested, as well as the medical cabin and captain's cabin, the 2nd deck with the sleeping quarters for the other crew where the mess and galley are also located, the 3rd deck where all the supplies will be kept along with all the armaments and ammunition, the 4th deck for cells and the training machine, along with a small library.

Robin: Captain, this is not a pirate ship, it is a warship.

Katahara: It's our flagship, you can't expect to have a mere pirate ship.

Laffitte: Captain, what worries me is how we're going to manage something this size.

Katahara: You could handle a giant ship, you shouldn't have a problem with handling a ship this size.

Icerburg: I also added a log pose at the helm.

Laffitte: That will save me a lot of time, I must thank you Mr. Icebrug.

Robin: Captain you have a lot of gold decoration, that will make other pirates covet our ship.

And indeed what Robin said was true, the few pirates in the place were eager to get their hands on the ship they were seeing.

Katahara: Well Icerburg, I must thank Galley-La Company for such a great job... we will leave in a few hours, first we will go to eat something, I don't think anyone wants to leave with an empty stomach.