
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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164 Chs

The first crew member

The inn was a large, two-story wooden building, and the only notable thing about it was the bright and colorful sign that read "Enter the Tavern." There were some women sitting at the bar, and the surprising thing was that there was only one man. This, for some reason, caught Katahara's attention, so she turned to look at him and kept walking towards the bar.

"What the hell is Van Augur doing here?" Katahara thought to herself. "Although I know he's originally from the East Sea, I had no idea he was in this sea on these dates. Whatever, I'll go rest first."

A woman was behind the bar, holding an empty glass and drying it with a small piece of cloth. Then she turned to look at Katahara.

"Good morning, what can I get you?" the bartender asked.

"Whatever is popular here. I will also need to rent a room for two days and one night... and I need some information," Katahara replied.

As she took a seat in a chair next to the bar, she put her hand on the table that showed a thousand-belly bill and slid it across the table in the direction of the bartender.

"It would be a total of 100 million Berry. The room is on the second floor, second door on the right. Now ask," the bartender said.

"Who is the captain of this base?" Katahara asked.

"He is Captain Pudding Pudding. He has a strong sense of justice and can't overlook the pirates he encounters," the bartender replied.

While bringing a large glass full of beer in front of Katahara, the bartender continued, "Thank you. I would also like to know where to get other kinds of companies... I think you understand me right?"

"Hohoho, sure I understand. Every man who is at sea for a long time tends to have other needs. A girl will come to your room at night. 5,000 is the cost," the bartender replied.

Katahara took out a 5,000 bill and put it on the bar. "So that would be it... now tell me, friend, why were you spying on me?" she asked.

Hearing what Katahara said, Van Augur was surprised. He stood up from his place and walked to the bar where Katahara was.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you. Your senses are really good," Van Augur said as he sat down next to Katahara.

"You're saying you're surprised that someone has better senses than yours?" Katahara replied.

"With all due respect, I don't think your senses are better than mine," Van Augur said.

"I guess I can measure forces with him," Katahara thought to herself. She then activated her Sharingan and turned her head to look him straight in the eyes.

"Then we'll see who has the better senses now," Katahara said.

After finishing speaking, she drew her sword and attacked Van Augur, who reacted as fast as he could and blocked her with his rifle.

"Then that's how things will be fine," Van Augur said.

After saying that, Van Augur tried to move away from Katahara in order to aim his gun, but he couldn't do so because of Katahara's constant katana attack.

"I don't think I'll let you use your rifle. It's a bit unfair like this," Katahara said.

But before she finished speaking, Augur fired two shots, interrupting her.



Katahara was able to react in time, dodging the bullets. Augur surrounded Katahara as he kept shooting, and she could only dodge the bullets. Then, he realized the mistake he had made by giving Augur space to shoot. He began performing hand seals.

Katahara: Suiton: Water Wall!

A wall of water began to form around him, blocking all the bullets. Augur was surprised by the appearance of a water wall around Katahara and couldn't find any openings. So he decided to attack from above. He jumped as high as he could to shoot inside the water wall. But before he could shoot, Katahara intercepted him with a kick in the chest, throwing him to the ground.

Katahara: Augur, that was fun, but I think it's time to end this, don't you think?

At that moment, the world around Augur closed like glass and collapsed, revealing the real world.

Augur found himself sitting at the bar before Katahara had attacked him for the first time.

Augur turned to look around and saw himself untouched, as if no battle had ever occurred.

Van Augur: What just happened?

Katahara: Who knows what just happened? It was a pleasure, Van Augur. I'm Katahara D. Uchiha.

After saying that, Katahara went up to his room.

With that, he planted a seed of doubt and fear in Van Augur. I guess we'll see tomorrow if Van Augur is still here.

Entering his room, Katahara took off his suit and settled onto the bed.

Katahara: Status.

[Status window]

Name: Katahara D. Uchiha

Race: Human

Bloodline: Uchiha

Weapon: Shodai Kitetsu

CP: 26,490

Abilities: Sharingan (3 tomoe), Raven Clone, Chidori, Chidori Spear (Chidori Eisō), Chidori Blast (Chidori Nagashi), Katon: Great Fireball, Suiton: Water Dragon, Water Clone, Suiton: Water Wall, Suiton: Water Cannon.

Katahara: I am now strong enough to fight a commodore, System search for the manual encounter of the ten thousand shadows.

[Open Shop]

-Weapons and Armor


-Healing Elements



-Miscellaneous Items


[Manual encounter of the ten thousand shadows (Legend Of The Northern Blade): 55.000]

Katahara: Damn, this is expensive, I didn't think it would cost this much, mmm... show me the manuals for, Water God Style and God Sword Style.

[Water God Style Manual (Mushoku Tensei): 42.000]

[God's Sword of God Style Manual (Mushoku Tensei): 42,000]

Katahara: Shit it's still too much for me to buy, show me the Kyokushin Karate and Crow Scattering manual.

[Kyokushin Karate (the God of High School): 10.000]

[Raven Dispersion (Naruto): 12,000]

Katahara: Buy the manual of Crow Scattering and Katon: Fire Dragon.

[Crow Scattering (Naruto): 12.000]

[Katon: Fire Dragon(Naruto): 12,000]

[Host must confirm]

Katahara: Confirm.

After saying that, 2 manuals appeared in front of Katahara, after he started to read it a little.

Katahara: I'll start practicing, before my visitor comes.

After a few hours, there was a knock on the door of room.

When they opened it, a woman of more than 25, with long black hair and a very well proportioned body entered the room, without saying anything, she just started to undress.

Katahara, began to kiss her until he took her to bed where he began to make out with her, all night long, until the poor girl passed out from so many orgasms that Katahara had provoked in her.Once dawn broke Katahara stuffed a five thousand bill in the woman's panties, and got dressed and then went downstairs.

When she went downstairs she saw Van Augur in the same place where he was sitting yesterday.

What the hell did he sit there all night, thought Katahara.

Katahara: Good morning, give me something to eat.

Bartender: Looks like you had a good time yesterday, I'll take a few minutes.

The moment he took a seat, Augur stood up and went to the place where Katahara was, to take a seat next to him.

Van Augur: Good morning, sorry to bother you again.

Katahara: Augur, I didn't expect you to still be here, I thought you might have left...

Van Augur: Yesterday, I was... how shall I say... amazed.

Katahara: So, you just stayed here to tell me that... just tell me what you want?

Van Augur: I would like to join you, let me be and your crew.

It seems that the seed I planted yesterday in Augur is blooming sooner than I thought, Katahara thought.

Katahara: Why should I trust you, I just met you yesterday, and besides I don't have something like a crew, I am not a pirate....

Van Augur: I'm a person who analyzes everything, and I'm sure you didn't fight me with all your power and seeing your attitude you are someone worth following, so I offer you my Senriku rifle, to use as you see fit.

Katahara: Well then welcome aboard, but remember one thing, if ever the thought of betraying me crosses your mind, I will show you that there are worse ways than death.

Van Augur: Captain, you said you were not a pirate, so you are a bounty hunter?

Katahara: A un we don't have a ship as such, let alone a Jolly Roger, all in good time, first we will collect the bounty for some pirates I killed.

After saying that, Katahara took his breakfast and went to collect the bounty from the cat pirates.

Lieutenant: Bounty Hunter Captain Pudding Pudding, is waiting for you in his office, your partner can wait here.

With that said he was escorted by the having to an office where stood a man of medium height with light purple hair, worn in several pony tails, a long goatee beard and a medium build. He wears a standard navy uniform with a navy coat and green scarf.

Captain Pudding: So you are Katahara the one who captured the cat pirates, you impressed me I must say, I myself tried to capture them many times, but they always escape at the most critical moment, I thank you for that, even though I hate pirates more than anything bounty hunters are just a little different from them, so I need to ask you, would you be willing to join the Navy.

Katahara: Thank you for your offer, but I will decline, I'm not one of those people who likes to follow orders, but I have an offer for you that says, maybe it will even get you a promotion.

Captain Pudding, was disappointed by Katahara's response, but hearing his offer piqued his interest.

Captain Pudding: Then say it, I'm listening.

Katahara: Everything has a price capital Pudding... before you say anything, let me tell you it's about a corrupt branch of the navy, right here in the East Blue.

Listening to Katahara Captain Pudding could not hide his shock, if what Katahara was saying was true, then there was a whole branch of the navy that was abusing its power in the very sea he was in.

Captain Pudding: What you say is a very delicate thing, if you lie I will kill you myself... name your price.

Katahara: 9 million Berry, that's the price of information... before you make a decision remember captain, not only will you save innocent people who are suffering, but you will also get a promotion for doing your job.

After hearing what he said, Captain Pudding was furious that a branch of the navy that was sworn to preserve the peace was hurting innocent people that it should be protecting, but he was also doubtful, because if what he said was a lie then it would be the end of his career as a marine.

Captain Pudding: Fine I will give you the 9 million Berry in exchange for the information, but remember this if what you say is a lie I will hunt you down myself until the end of the world.

When he finished speaking, he took out a briefcase, full of money and gave it to Katahara.

Captain Pudding: There's Berry's 49 million... the reward for the heads of the cat pirates and for his ship.

Next, he took money out of a drawer in his desk and put it on the table.

Captain Pudding: And this is for the information.

Katahara: I must say that you Captain Pudding are reasonable... Captain Nezumi in charge of Branch 16, is currently taking bribes from the Arlong Pirates, who took possession of Cocoyasi Village which is located in the Conomi Islands.

Hearing what he said, Captain Pudding's face became darker, veins stood out from his forehead because of the anger he felt, hearing what Nezumi did, made him explode.

Captain Pudding: I hope what you just told me is true, you can go.

Katahara: It was a pleasure doing business with you, Captain.

He took the briefcase with the money, and the millions that were on the table, and left.

Leaving the office, Captain Pudding contacted Navy Headquarters to report what was happening.

As he left the base Augur was waiting for him.

Katahara: Augur, I want you to buy supplies for 2 months, we are heading to Loguetown, it will be a long trip so buy everything you need, I will wait for you at the dock.

After that he gave the 9 million to Augur, to buy everything, after saying goodbye, Katahara went to the opposite side of the island where there was no one.

Katahara: System buy a schooner, one sail.

[Looking for, schooner, price 490Cp, confirm]

Katahara: Confirmed

And instantly appeared a small black schooner without topsails, which was perfect for few crew members, upon seeing it Katahara was amazed and got on it, subsequently sailed in the direction of the dock of the base.

Upon arriving at the dock Katahara waited for Augur to arrive to begin his trip to Loguetown, shortly after the latter arrived with some men.

Van Augur: Captain, it is a splendid schooner, these men carry all the provisions for our trip.

As soon as the men brought up the supplies, Katahara and Augur set sail for Loguetown.

Katahara: Augur you are one of the best snipers in the whole world, but you still leave much to be desired in close combat, that's why in these 2 months, we will work on that, with something called Saitama training, first we will start doing 200 push-ups, 200 squats, 200 sit-ups, then when you are strong enough, we will also try to awaken your observation haki, but before we start, do you know what haki is?

Van Augur: I have no knowledge about what haki is, captain.

Katahara: Then listen Augur the "Haki" is a power that lies dormant in all the creatures of the world ... "Presence", "fighting spirit" and "intimidation" ... It is no different from the things that humans can naturally feel like these ... 'The act of not doubting'. that's strength!!!, there are 3 types, observation haki, weapon haki, and Conqueror's Haki, observation haki grants users a sixth sense of the world around them and limited precognitive abilities, users of this Haki can sense people's presence, strength, emotions and intentions, you don't need to know about the other two for the moment, so start training, I'll train with you.

Van Augur: Thank you for the information captain, I will start right away, one question about our destination, why are we heading to Loguetown?

Katahara: We are heading to Loguetown because there are two things that are there, and I want to add them to my collection, now let's get started.

And so days then weeks passed, until they finally arrived at Loguetown, in the course of their journey, while the two were undergoing Saitama's training, the two did all the training while Katahara's clones took care of the ship,

1 month later

Loguetown arrived.

It is worth noting that in that month they did not run into any pirates, their entire journey was what would be called quiet and peaceful, but full of training.


I hope you all enjoy this project I started and thank you for reading.