
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs


3 weeks later, 11 ships reached Markland Island.

When they arrived at the port, about a thousand people disembarked.

What was most striking was that a group of 10 warriors were escorting Douglas Bullet.

All the commanders also disembarked.

Laffitte looked paler than usual, the moment he hit the ground, he couldn't stabilize on his feet, and fell to his knees.

Laffitte: Arg...shit...not now...

While from his shadow a figure began to emerge.

Laffitte: CAPTURE HIM!

The shadow was a short mink cat, wearing a light button-down shirt, dark pants, light boots, and a dark button-up jacket. He also has glasses on, a curved-brimmed top hat with goggles on it, and a jet pack on his back.

This was Lindbergh, the commander of the revolutionary army.

Lindbergh: Where am I... you fucking bastard.

As he turned to see Laffitte who was still kneeling on the ground.

At that moment all the warriors who were on the dock pointed their weapons.

Lindbergh realized that he was in trouble and no matter how strong he was, he would not leave the place without a fight, but before he did anything, he noticed 4 people in black suits with red clouds watching him as they approached a weakened laffitte. .

Shiryu: Priority target 1....

Ryuma: So looting the island wasn't the only mission.

Aslaugh: Hey! Who is this little kitty? maybe I should have fun with him.

At that moment Agrom grabbed her shoulder, and pulled her.

Agrom: I will be the one to take care of your kind.

Aslaug: Damn bear... tsk.

As he watched as agrom approached Lindbergh.

At that moment, dozens of seagulls got a squawk all over the island, dropping newspapers.

Agrom: You don't have to be defensive...

Lindbergh: What the hell are you saying…I was kidnapped and surrounded by darkness for who knows how long….

At that moment Lindbergh received a blow to the back of the head leaving him unconscious.

Katahara was the one who knocked Lindbergh unconscious.

Katahara: I hope you had a smooth trip....

As Douglas Bullet approached, who was surrounded by warriors.

Katahara: Douglas Bullet...Heir to the Demon...I heard my vice-captain sweep the ground with you....escort our guest to the training ground.

As he noticed a man right behind Laxus.

A tall man with long blond hair that reaches his waist. His eyes are red and he has strange black symbols on his eyebrows similar to the cross-shaped tattoo he has on his throat, he wore a long open white suit with ruffles on the neck and sleeves, violet pants tucked into his high black boots with white laces and a kind of wide dark belt with a pink streak in the middle

Katahara: Basil Hawkins... Laxus will give me a detailed report...

Laxus: Captain... I brought him because he can use a very rudimentary type of magic...

Katahara: Well... let's all go to the hall, a banquet awaits us... Shiryu, you also have a lot to tell... May all the warriors rest, they deserve that, a banquet awaits them with kilos of the best food and dozens of liters of the best drink...

Receiving shouts of cheers in response.

All the commanders were in the great hall enjoying a banquet.

Dabi: Looks like they had a lot of fun... especially your Laffitte...

Laffitte: Looting the Bona Festa treasure, it was relatively easy hohohoho... maybe you would have burned it all...

Dabi: Do you think...

Robin: I heard they took on the Neo Marines...as is the mysterious admiral.

Agrom: He's a tough guy...more than expected...a user.

Augur: User... Zoan, Paramentia, Logia...

Ryuma: We have no idea... I was only able to watch their fight a bit, controlling the plants at will...

Aslaug: A mythological Zoan... I once heard of a Zoan who had total control over plants, she didn't even need to eat... she just needed the sun to feed...

Laffitte: If he controls the plants, we can send Drust to take care of him like a pesticide... or our dear Dabi, who could set all the plants on fire...

Provoking laughter from some of those present.

Drust: A pesticide... seriously, it was the best thing you could come up with.

Alaug: Laffitte, hahahaha, a pesticide... my dear Drust... Hahahaha.

Drust: Shut up Aslaug.

Shiryu: Don't worry Drust, someday they'll grow up...

Katahara: Now that everyone is more relaxed, it's time to talk about important things... Shiryu.

Shiryu: Captain... Mihawk was better than I expected... if he hadn't acted crazy during this last period, he would have perished...

Ryuma: Your swordsmanship is one of the best in the world... perhaps considered the second best...

Katahara: It seems that among us is the strongest swordsman in the world... Congratulations Shiryu...

Receiving praise from all the other commanders, Shiryu showed a satisfied face and a smile that was something he almost never showed.

Katahara: Now Laxus... let's talk about that student you brought...

Receiving the attention of all those present.

Laxus: Not much to say captain, Basil can use magic, although at a basic level, he doesn't control magic to the extreme like I would, or has a decent level like Laffitte would, with proper training he can be of great use. . . aid. . .

Katahara: Then he will be at your command, watch him until you feel he is trustworthy... Laffitte.

Laffitte: Captain... the treasure I found in the Bona festa vaults... was something I didn't expect... it could easily pay any Yonko's bounty.

Robin: It's in the billions... That's something that comes in handy now that the Adeptus Mechanicus needs a big injection of money.

Katahara: They all completed the mission perfectly, even Shiryu, with a little help from Drust's poisons, you are now considered the best swordsman in the world... for that and everything they achieved in this mission will help our great plan ... I have something for all of you my friends... my brothers.

At that moment Katahara placed a briefcase on the table.

Katahara: Here's a gift for all of you... my dear commanders... Laxus, I'm sure you remember Myskina Acier.

Laxus: Pure gold...

As he got up from his seat.

Katahara then opened the briefcase, there were found 10 rings, of different colors.

Katahara: This ring represents their rank as commanders... it also has something that the Adeptus Mechanicus was working on... Pure gold with this ring on your fingers, your body will stop aging, stopping aging also means stopping any disease that a smeared on the body... they also have a special magic like different seals... that I personally add to each one.

Everyone was surprised by what was obtained, showing faces of confusion.

Ryuma: Captain, this isn't natural....

Katahara: This is science.

Robin: Because a double-headed eagle as a symbol, our flag...

Katahara: This is the double-headed eagle, personally I would prefer a raven, but the higher council was adamantly against it, saying it can't be used and would have to be something more noble...

Drust: The High Council... Reiju always refuses to tell me what they're talking about.

Katahara: Just remember this, once you decide to wear these rings, you will no longer be mere pirates and will be commanders of the new empire.

Laffitte: New empire?

Only a few quickly connected everything their captain said.

Dabi, Laxus, Augur and Robin did not hesitate to get up and take a ring each respectively.

To immediately kneel in front of Katahara.

Commander Laxus Dreyar... I swear to be true to my lord's wishes.

Commander Toya Todoroki, also known as Dabi... I swear to be faithful and to act in accordance with my lord's wishes.

Nico Robin, Grand Master of the Sigillites, I officially pay my respects to my lord.

Commander Van Augur, I swear to be the punishing fist of my only lord.

Surprising everyone present, including Katahara himself.

One by one, everyone present began to rise from their seats.

Shimotsuki Ryuma, the first sword, I will give my life for my lord's resolve.

Commander Dokutā Drust, I pay your respects to your great lord.

Commander Agrom, I swear on my life, to serve all the orders that my only lord.

Commander Laffitte, I pay my respects to the only sir, my life is yours.

They were all on their knees, paying their respects to Katahara.

Commander Zheng Shiryu, pay your respects to your lord.

Commander Sonkire Aslaug... pay your respects to your new lord.

10 people were kneeling with nothing but admiration and determination to follow every command of the person in front of them, Uchica D. Katahara.

10 people were on their knees showing their respect to their new lord, all had the ring on different fingers.

At that very moment, the commanders who would bring terror, death and despair to entire worlds that opposed their lord were emerging.