
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs


Katahara headed with the commanders to the Germa Kingdom, which was now inside Markland Island, they were specifically looking at the new giant snails that the Germa Kingdom had been using to make the tanks and bipedal vehicles.

Katahara: Where did they get another 10 Judge giant snails.

Judge: They're a species that roams the new world, we just capture and indoctrinate them.

Hanzo: We have a special platform to test the prototypes.

Katahara: Then let's see our new toy….

Ratchet: It would have taken us at least 5 years to just make the prototype, but thanks to everything that was in the lab at vegapunk… he's a genius.

While they will go to a platform far from the center of the Germa kingdom.

When they arrived they saw several scientists in lab coats inspecting a gigantic, pure black tank.

Judge: We contacted the company, Van Trekords, as you told us, they provided us with all the weaponry, I didn't know they made your Katahara weapons.

Hanzo: It seems that Rugar, is immensely into seeing the BaneBlade…

Katahara: Of course he was, he's an expert in weapons, and with a mobile fortress like this, which is armed to the teeth... from now on ask Rugar for all the weapons you need.

Ratchet: I think we should explain a little bit about our baby.

Hanzo: Sure sure…

Ratchet: The Bane Blade is armed with 6 attached heavy bolters, two machine guns, a Demolisher cannon, and a Mega Battle Cannon with an autocannon, searchlight, and smoke dischargers.

Hanzo: Perhaps you are wondering what heavy bolters are, well, they are an anti-personnel weapon, extremely heavy, we found your information in the plans that you gave us, sir, we also sent a copy to Mr. Rugar for him to study.

Ratchet: Where the hell did you get those blueprints from, even with the technology we found in the Vegapunk lab, we couldn't replicate everything on the blueprint...

Judge: Let's continue with the explanation. This is a super heavy BaneBlade tank, it has a crew of 1 Driver, 1 Person in Charge, 3 Gunners, 3 Loaders, 1 Communications Operator, 1 Engineer.

Hanzo: For armor it has: what we call super structure for its large size 200mm, for hull it has 180mm, gun mantlet 180mm, and finally 220mm turret.

Judge: We had to use an alloy of the most durable materials out there for all the armor.

Ratchet: The physical parameters… It has a weight of 316 tons, a length of 16.5m, a width of 8.4 meters, a height of 6.3 meters, and a height of 1.2m.

Those who had any knowledge of weapons were surprised.

Van Augur: This is not a super tank, it's a mobile fortress, even the strongest shots won't be able to penetrate its defense...

Dabi: I doubt that even a shot with Haki can penetrate more than 1 meter of hull…

Shiryu: This is a weapon of destruction… a war with this thing…

Katahara: Explain us better about the Ratchet weaponry.

Ratchet: It has 2 types of weapons.

Hanzo: Some names didn't even exist so don't be surprised... it has 2 primary weapons, 1 battle cannon, whose size is 120 millimeters, its ammunition is High Explosive Piercing... able to pierce super heavy weapons, it also has 1 Demolisher cannon , The Demolisher Cannon is a large-caliber, short-range, direct-fire cannon that we're sure is for siege-type or against other enemy vehicles.

Judge: The secondary armament consists of 1 automatic cannon... at this point we had problems because it had 2 laser cannons, and as far as we know only the pacifists the latest creation of the world government has such technology... we had to change it for 2 turrets, it also has what what we call heavy bolters, 6 heavy bolters.

Katahara was amazed hearing all the features of the BaneBlade, they were able to replicate everything almost perfectly.

Laxus: What kind of power source does it have?

Judge: We used the energy cores that the pacifists had that our lord gave us…. But because of the massive amount of power the BaneBlade uses, I used the only 2 power cores we had.

Katahara: I guess Laxus can help with the power cores...

Laxus: It will be a pleasure to help.

While molding black colored electricity in his hands.

Hanzo: That takes a problem off our shoulders… so why don't we see it in action.

At that moment some people entered the BaneBlade.

At that moment the BaneBlade began to move, all over the platform, as it aimed its battle cannon at a metal wall that was extremely thick.

Katahara: Shit it's a mobile fortress… Shiryu you think you can cut that thing…

Shiryu took the cigar out of his mouth and watched the Super Tank's movements, and shook his head.

Shiryu: That's too much to try to cut… I even doubt that Mihawk can cut it.

A smile appeared on Katahara's face.

At that moment the Super Tank began to fire.

The entire metal wall received the full attack of the Bane Blade, until the battle cannon began to fire.

The metal wall is destroyed with just one shot from the battle cannon.

After that he changed direction and aimed at a much thicker wall just ten meters away, he fired the Demolisher Cannon, destroying the wall like paper, destroying a bit of the ground in the process.

Everyone present was amazed at such a display of power by the new super tank.

The ones who were proud of their work were the 3 minds that directed the construction of such a superstructure, the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Katahara: It's wonderful… they did an excellent job…

Hanzo: Thank you sir…

Judge: In a few days we will also have the first prototype of the predator next to the Sentinel.

Katahara: Wonderful…Judge tell me how you are doing with the job I gave you…

Judge: It will take approximately 1 more year to be finished, I rushed all the procedures, but I made sure that everything went correctly.

Katahara: That's good, you only have 1 year to finish, I'll need us to have at least a few BaneBlades.

Ratchet: If we had an assembly factory everything would be much faster... but we don't have the funds or the equipment to do it...

Van Augur: I can make a call to my uncle…

Katahara: How much money would they need to set up a factory… and how long would it take to get it up and running.

Leaving the group of scientists thinking…

Hanzo: At least a few hundred million Berry…

Ratchet: As for how long it would take to get it up and running, thanks to my robots it would take less than 1 month to get it up and running.

Katahara: I'll give you enough funds shortly, until then do your best.

At that moment Katahara withdrew with his commanders.

As soon as they reached the place where Ragnar told them they could stay.

Katahara: Soon we will have visitors I want everyone to be prepared for battle...

At that moment Katahara went to where the group that was going to Gyogin Island was.

Katahara: Ris, I hope you are well after everything that happened.

Ris: Yes captain, I'm in great shape, Commander Drust did an excellent job treating me.

Katahara: I need you to leave immediately, take 5 boats, and have all our Coating Mechanics, you will not use a pirate flag… I just want you to go and bring as many as you can… try to convince Madam Shirley, if she refuses just leave it so, communicate as soon as you arrive at your destination.

Ris: Yes captain, I won't let you down.

Katahara: You will take all the Gyogin who participated for the position of commander, also At Wieser, Colin and Conis, Robin will be in charge of assigning them the ships, you can withdraw.