
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs

Mary Geoise 2

Two weeks later in Wano, 50 ships filled with gold were at the ports, unloading all the gold, while more than 30 ships were at another port unloading raw materials.

Meanwhile, at Onigashima, Katahara was in front of a giant screen.

Katahara: As I promised, if you gave me the gold, I would depart for Mary Geoise with my entire crew.

On the giant screen were the Five Elders, the Gorosei... they are the highest-ranking World Nobles, as well as the leaders of the World Government.

The one who spoke was Saturn, a tall and robust man with thin legs. He has his hair styled in several very thick locks and his bushy beard is white, as well as he has a wide scar that runs across the left side of his face from his forehead to the beginning of his beard. He wears a completely black suit with a purple tie over a white shirt, as well as black heeled shoes and a black flat cap. He always carries a thick cane with him.

Saint Jaygarcia Saturn: You have less than a week to reach Mary Geoise... Uchiha D. Katahara.

Katahara: As agreed, Five Elders....

As the connection was cut.

Katahara: Laffitte.

As Laffitte appeared in the shadows.

Katahara: Everyone board the ships, we're leaving in 2 hours...

Laffitte only nodded his head.

Katahara: Robin, come in.

Robin entered the meeting room.

Katahara: The Adeptus Mechanicus will stay in Wano, tell them to prioritize the acquisition of Pluton, and call Momo.

Robin: As you ordered.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people of all shapes and sizes were preparing all their weapons and boarding the ships and balloon ships.

Minks, Onis, Gyiogin, Sky People (Skypieans), Germa Soldiers, Giants, even the Kuja were preparing to set sail.

Katahara had a small chat with Momonosuke before giving him his instructions.

Then he headed to where the High Lords were.

Ragnar: We will stay to protect Wano.

Reiju: I never imagined this situation.

Boa Hancock: I still refuse to let my sisters go there.

Katahara: Don't worry, if anyone wants to lay a finger on any Kuja, the massacre will start sooner than planned.

Hitsugisukan: I just hope everything goes according to plan.

Kozuki Hiyori: I can't believe I managed to fool the World Government...

Katahara: If everything goes according to plan, the world will be able to see the dawn of a new hope.

Ragnar: We'll be waiting for you to celebrate the victory.

Kozuki Hiyori: I wish you the best of luck...

As Katahara stayed watching through the window.

Boa Hancock: I wish you the best, my dear, I'll be waiting for your return...

Katahara: And I'll return triumphant... to be with you, my dear.

As he grabbed Hancock by the waist and gave her a passionate kiss.

Katahara: When this is over, we can leave this place...

As Katahara left the place and headed to his flagship, the Shadow of Aghata.

A few hours later, a massive fleet of over 100 ships was sailing the seas, while above them in the sky, more than 70 ships were floating in the same direction.

Laffitte: I never imagined I would ever be invited to the Holy Land of Mary Geoise.

Drust: That holy land will become the graveyard of the Celestial Dragons.

Shiryu: I'm looking forward to hearing a Celestial Dragon scream...

Meanwhile, in the meeting room of the ship, Katahara was talking to a Den Den Mushi.

Katahara: Don't worry, the channel is encrypted. Even the most advanced encoder in the world wouldn't be enough to uncover us.

The person he was talking to was the Maximum Authority, as well as the cause of the civil war within the World Government... Admiral Flora Ryu "Flame Sword".

Ryu: I just sent you the report on the five elders... even I was surprised, they're complete monsters.

Katahara: Master of Observation Haki, Armament Haki... Maximum swordsmanship mastery... User of the Merc Merc Fruit... User of Prehistoric Zoan, Gigantosaurus... Master in martial arts, creator of Rokushiki... Damn.

Ryu: We have no information on Im-Sama... but using Uranus to attack Marine Ford was too much.

Katahara: Three admirals and two high-ranking members of the Revolutionaries to resist the attack... and they still got injured... impressive...

Ryu: The two of us will take care of Im-Sama... But if you betray me, I will kill you even if it's the last thing I do.

Katahara: The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right?...

Ryu: I haven't forgotten all the deaths you caused to get to where you are...

Katahara: Not just me... you also have the blood of innocents on your hands, Ryu... We both did what was necessary to get to where we are...

Ryu: And that's why we're having this conversation as allies... and not as enemies.

Katahara: Once this war is over... my time in this world will be over...

Ryu: What do you mean by that?

Katahara: See you in Mary Geoise...

Hanging up the Den Den Mushi.

Katahara: I hope I'll be ready to face that bastard.