
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs

Kin'emon the Fire Fox

Meanwhile Dabi's group had captured Vergo and were on their way to meet up with Laxus' group.

Laxus: Dabi will be here soon, we'll wait here.

Nami: Are you talking about Hellfire Dabi…

Laxus: He has someone who needs to be treated.

At that moment Luffy and the rest of his crew appeared followed by Smoker and his marines.

Laxus: Looks like they're already here.

At that moment Dabi arrived, carrying an unconscious Law, while Shiryu dragged a dying penis from a stone.

Van Augur: Laxus, it looks like you found the children...

At that moment all the Mugiwaras got together to try to calm down Luffy, who had the intention of starting a battle against the Darks Crows.

All of Luffy's gang was now together.

It wasn't long before laughter was heard coming from a hallway.




Caesar: And to think that I would have all the evils in one place... I don't even want to imagine what Mr. Kaido and Doflamingo will give me if I eliminate the Darks Crows.

Laxus, who was having a conversation with Nami, turned to see Caesar.

Drust: And you are...

Van Augur: It's one of the priority targets, Caesar Crown.

Laxus: So he came here, without having to go looking for him...

Van Augur aimed his Senriku at Caesar, but before he fired he noticed something and lowered his weapon.

Right behind Caesar, footsteps began to sound.

Each step he took put more pressure on the whole place, it was an intimidating aura, which put everyone present on alert, except the commanders present.

Step by step, Caesar's smile faded and in its place a face of panic and fear could be seen.

You could see 2 women coming out of the hallway.

Right behind them came a robed man carrying a sleeping child.

This man was Katahara.

Katahara: Well... well, it seems almost everyone is here...

Dabi: Captain...

Katahara: Looks like they caught Vergo's rat... Drust looks like you almost finished the cure for Law's poisoning.

Drust: I'm finishing making him captain...

Katahara: Well, Laffitte will soon be done with what I asked...

At that moment Kin'emon realized that Momonosuke was in Katahara's arms.

He did not hesitate to draw his sword and get into an attack position.

Which made all the mugiwaras follow him.

Kin'emon: Pirate, give me back my son.

Momonosuke was sleeping in Katahara's arms.

As the mugiwaras moved into attack stance, the commanders drew all their weapons and stood in front of them.

Katahara: It seems you didn't understand Kin'emon… he's with me because he wants to… and he's not your son.

Luffy: You return Kin'emon's son.

Kin'emon: Luffy-dono, I must ask you to help me get my son out of this dirty pirate.

Luffy: No problem.

When Luffy entered his second gear.

Zoro unsheathed both of his swords, while Brook unsheathed his sword.

But before everyone could begin to fight, they were hit by a huge bloodlust, causing everyone to feel a knife to their neck.

Katahara: I think they didn't listen to me… Momonosuke is not your son Kin'emon, YOU'D BETTER STAY AWAY FROM THESE PIRATES.

Nami, Usopp and Chopper trembled in fear, Zoro and Saji were ready to start fighting.

At that moment a laugh was heard.


Lafftte: Do you want to start a party when I'm not here...?

While dragging the lifeless body of Monet.

Leaving everyone with a shocked face, especially Luffy who was not used to seeing corpses.

Luffy: You... You... killed her.

Throwing himself against Laffitte.

But before he could get to him, he was hit by a black bolt of lightning that sent him flying into a wall.

Zoro was the next to launch into a fight.

But he was stopped in his tracks by Shiryu, who delivered a powerful slash that sent Zoro flying.

As for Sanji, he was aiming at Katahara, but Drust hit him.

Kin'emon charged at Katahara, but was stopped by Ryuma.

Drust: Reiju won't forgive me if I hurt you Sanji… so you'd better give up.

Hearing his sister's name, Sanji stopped his attacks.

Sanji: My... My sister... you did something to her.

Drust: Looks like I'll have to apologize the next time we meet.

Like 3 dragons came out from Drust's back.

Katahara: A pointless fight.

Aslaug: Here is Captain Caesar.

Katahara: I came from afar for you Cesar...

César: What… what… what do you want from me?

While trembling with fear.

Katahara: You will work for me, from now and forever….

Receiving a surprised look from Cesar.

Laffitte: Captain, here is the fruit you asked for.

While delivering a fruit to his captain.

Katahara: Yuki Yuki Fruit, one more to the collection.

Kin'emon: I'll show you why they call me, Foxfire Kin'emon… Karyu Issen

Kin'emon leaps into the air to attack with a powerful flaming slash.

Ryuma watches him before countering, attacking with a strong and precise slash, putting out not only the fire, but also disarming and knocking Kin'emon to the ground.

Ryuma: It seems that the samurai of Wano, lost strength in all these years...

Kin'emon: How… How… Who are you…

Ryuma: I am known as Shimotsuki Ryuma the tenth commander of the Darks Crows.

Leaving Kin'emon in a state of shock.

Luffy went into his 4th gear Luffy, but was imprisoned by dozens of black beams that blocked each of Luffy's limbs.

Laxus: I must say that you are strong enough to resist this kind of magic.

While dozens of rays began to chain Luffy who could not free himself.

It didn't take long until all the Mugiwaras were completely subdued, Luffy was unconscious, while Zoro had his old wound made by Mihawk open, as for Sanji, he was about to fall unconscious.

At that moment Smoker arrived with all his people.

Katahara: And what are you going to do, Smoker, you also want to fight.

Smoker: I appreciate my life, and most of all I appreciate the lives of my subordinates... but Vergo is a Marine... and those children...

Katahara: Clearly it is... Vice Admiral Vergo of the Navy... But now it belongs to me, and as for the children I will take care of them, if you want to have them, you will have to fight...

As Aslaug and Agrom stood before Smoker and all his people.

Smoker: We're leaving...

In the midst of so much noise, Momonosuke woke up.

Momonosuke: Master, what's up...

Kin'emon and everyone listened as Momonosuke had called the crow king Master.

Momonosuke: Father...

As he started to cry.

Kin'emon got up from the ground and ran to hug Momonosuke.

No one stopped their advance, watching as their captain gave the order to stop.

Kin'emon: Momonosuke...

Momonosuke: Father….

They both hugged each other and started crying.

While the Mugiwaras were being subdued, they used the Kairōseki handcuffs on Luffy, while on Sanji, Drust immobilized him with a stun, Franky fell to the ground unable to move, Brook was tied on the ground, Usopp was unconscious, Chopper was unconscious in the ground and the only person who had nothing on and was completely unharmed was Nami, who was next to Laxus.

Shiryu: It wasn't even worth it for all of us to launch into battle 3 of us would have been enough….

Katahara: Just let them flourish Shiryu, and I assure you they'll put up a first class fight...