
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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164 Chs


Shiryu approached Katahara's group, and saw the great destruction there, he also saw the bodies of Kurohige's crew, and deduced that they were slaughtered.

Shiryu: So I have to face 9 huh.

Katahara turned to look at him.

Katahara: You seem to be looking for the truth.

While pointing at Kurohige's body.

Shiryu: That's right I was looking for Marshall D. Teach.... Kurohige, but seeing that you finished him off.

Katahara: Let me guess you were going to join him.... I have a better proposal.... join me, after all, once the riot is over they will put you back down there.

Shiryu looked at him for a few moments...then unsheathed his sword and killed all the guards.

Shiryu: Anything is better than being in there... Captain.

Katahara: Hahahaha, fine, fine, Drust and Dabi you will take care of Magellan, Urouge go to level 2 and free all the prisoners, Augur and Robin you will go to level 3 to free everyone, Laffitte and Laxus will take care of freeing everyone from level 4, Agrom you will go with Shiryu to level 5 and free everyone.

Laffitte: Captain.

Katahara: I will go to level 6 after all the strongest ones are there. Once you have released everyone we will meet at level 1, eliminate all the guards that get in your way, but let Mugiwara have his way.... Drust take this you know what to do.

I hand a fruit to Drust.

Drust: Yes captain.

Laffitte: Yes captain

At that moment everyone began to go to their respective level, Katahara disappeared used soru, heading as fast as he could to level 6, it was not long before he reached level 6 where were the worst criminals in the world.

Katahara: I don't have much time, so I'll make it quick.... Who here will bow their head to me.

Augur and Robin were freeing all the prisoners on level 3 and killing any lair that got in the way.

Robin: How many we have so far Augur.

Augur turned to look at the men behind them who looked like a whole army.

Van Augur: I'd say about 8,000 men.

Robin: That's more than I expected... Looks like your aim is better than I expected.

Van Augur: It's easy why they're all in cells.... I wonder how many you have released the others.

As for Urouge he was pounding on the cells with his Haki covered fists smashing door by door.

Urouge: Come out I give you your freedom.

All the jungle prisoners came out immediately.

Urouge: I wonder how many I have released so far.

Elsewhere with Agrom and Shiryu they were on level 5 a place where the cold was intense.

Shiryu: Do you have any idea why the captain wants us to release these poor bastards.

Agrom: I don't know much about the plans... I might be the last one to join the crew until you joined.

Then they were attacked by wolves that were eliminated by Shiryu.

Shiryu: I guess the captain is planning something big so he needs so many men.

At that level all the prisoners they freed were looking at them with eyes full of tears and gratitude.

Meanwhile lo Laffitte had taken care of freeing all the prisoners on level 4, and was heading to level 1 to wait for the others.

Laffitte: It looks like I have just over 5,000 people....

As soon as Laffitte and all the prisoners reached level 1.

Laffitte: Release all prisoners on this level, RIGHT NOW.

Laxus Move you bastards.

Magellan was currently chasing Mugiwara, but was stopped by Emporio Ivankov.

At that precise moment Drust and Dabi appeared, Dabi stopped Magellan with a giant wall of fire.

Drust: Mugiwara, you are lucky.

Dabi: Magellan is ours go away.

Ivankov Emporium: Who the hell are they? They are not prisoners.

Luffy: I know you guys were in the Sabaody Archipelago, your captain saved Zoro from that admiral.

Ivankov Emporium: Mugiwara-boy do you know them, are they friends?

Luffy: No, but they won't cause us any trouble.

Dabi: Go away, he's ours.

Magellan was furious and threw from his sword a gigantic mouth full of poison at Drust, who counterattacked with a flare of immense fire.

Emporio Ivankov and Luffy together with all their allies ran out of the place leaving Magellan fighting with Dabi and Drust.

Drust: That power you have interests me....

As he lunged at Magellan trying to cut him with his poison.

But Magellan used his poison hydra to attack Drust and Dabi.

While Dabi launched powerful fire attacks, Drust attacked him with his scythe.

Drust managed to use soru and appear as close as possible to Magellan to cut him with his Haki covered scythe.

The scythe stabbed Magellan's left shoulder.

Magellan: AAAAAAHH... damn.

At that moment Dabi appeared behind Magellan.

Dabi: Arrow of Dawn.

Shooting an arrow of pure fire at Magellan's back, causing Magellan to fly off and crash into the wall.

Drust: Looks like we make a good duo, Dabi.

Dabi: There's no doubt about it...Flaming Storm.

Launching a powerful fire storm against Magellan who was still recovering from the powerful blow.

Drust: I can't use poison against a guy who is pure poison, there's only Haki left.

As he started his attack against Magellan.

Magellan was totally furious that the poison he was giving off was starting to melt whatever it touched.

Magellan: Venom demon: Jigoku no shinpan.

Magellan generates a kind of reddish colored poison that is able to melt even Galdino's wax, which takes the form of a red demon, being Magellan's most powerful technique.

Drust did not escape the poison and continued his attack against Magellan who was surprised and furious why his poison did not affect Drust.

Drust: I also use poison as a weapon, no poison can harm me you idiot.

As he continued to launch powerful attacks with his scythe.

Dabi: Drust.... supreme Entei.

Then Dabi started to create a gigantic wave of fire even bigger than before.

He launched the giant wave of fire at Magellan who hit it with fist covered in black poison.

Magellan was not strong enough to withstand Dabi's attack and suffered burns all over his body leaving him badly injured.

Magellan: Damn you, the headquarters will soon be here.... And it will be the end of him.

Then Drust stood in front of Magellan preparing his scythe to finish Magellan.

Drust: No one will come to your rescue.

At that moment Drust decapitated Magellan with his Haki covered scythe.

After doing so he put a fruit on Magellan's body.

Dabi: Drust you should ask the captain to give you that fruit, after all you also use poison as a weapon, and with that power you would be the perfect poison human.

Drust: Maybe you're right...

At that moment the fruit began to change its shape, Drust kept the fruit and went with Dabi to level 1.

When they arrived they saw hundreds of prisoners.

Drust: Damn, there are more than I expected.

Laffitte: I guess they finished with Magellan.

Dabi: That's right... Looks like you did too.

Laffitte: hohohohoho, that's right, that's right Robin and Augur are done too.

Drust: How many are there so far we have just over 10,000, still missing Shiryu and Agrom and also the captain.

On level 6 Katahara was with the prisoners who decided to bow.

Everyone was silent.

Then a man started to shout.

Prisoner: I will bow my head, let me join you.