
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs

Castle Pangea 7

Katahara was inside Susano, with his eyes closed and his hands extended.

Only the upper torso of Susano was complete, equipped with his armor.

The mouth of the armor changed into a long beak, giving it a bird-like appearance.

He also had four arms, all of them armored, making him look even more terrifying in this form.

In his right arm, a small black sphere was forming, distorting everything around it.

In his left arm, another smaller sphere was being created.

The remaining two arms were clasped together in a prayer-like gesture.

At that moment,

Ryu, Dragon, and Shanks attacked with the best they had in their arsenal.

Im Sama couldn't block the attack from these three monsters.

His staff couldn't block Shanks' attack.

While his sword couldn't even withstand Dragon's relentless assault.

Meanwhile, Ryu unleashed a series of precise and deep cuts, capable of killing even the strongest person in the world.

Im Sama received the greatest attack of his entire existence, and his once graceful body was now in a deplorable state.

But he didn't give up, even with the damage he had received.

He grabbed Shanks by the neck with his right claw, having already abandoned his staff.

While with his left claw, he grabbed Dragon by the head.

Meanwhile, a dark energy began to strangle Ryu.

He began accumulating an enormous amount of energy within himself.

Seconds later, another horrifying explosion of energy erupted within the remnants of Castillo Pangea.

The survivors of the first energy explosion were recovering and fleeing from Mary Geosi. They suffered a second energy explosion that claimed the lives of over 40% of all living beings in Mary Geosi. Invaders and natives alike fell victim to the attack; it spared no one, not even the Gorosei themselves, who couldn't escape unscathed from both explosions.

Everything was in complete chaos, and amidst it all, only Im Sama stood, his body covered in wounds and thick, purple-colored blood.

Im Sama: Damned fools, did you really think you could defeat me... a being blessed by the "Architect of Destiny"?

But before the dust could settle, he felt an unknown energy approaching his direction.

Katahara: Chibaku Tensei.

Launching from Susano's right arm, a small black sphere that, as it headed toward Im Sama, attracted everything around it.

Im Sama: There are still a few insects left.

As he created a whirlwind around him, moving his claws in a circular motion.

Katahara: Kurouzu no Sutoraik.

A new technique of the Yami Yami No Mi, where he would concentrate dark energy in Susano's left arm and then release it in the form of a devastating blow capable of destroying practically anything in its path. The attack would possess great speed and strength, capable of piercing even the most resistant objects.

Im Sama desperately unleashed his energy whirlwind to collide with both attacks.

The energy whirlwind clashed with both energy spheres. Im Sama exerted his maximum energy to counter Katahara's attack.

Im Sama: A mortal should not possess this kind of power...

At that moment, Katahara raised his hands towards Im Sama. The Susano, with its last two hands in a prayer position, directed its hands towards Im Sama.

Katahara: Shinra Tensei.

What Katahara did was activate Advanced King's Haki to concentrate his aura in the palms of the Susano. Then, he used Shinra Tensei to unleash an expansive shockwave of force that ravages everything in its path. By combining these two techniques, the user can increase the strength and reach of their attack, turning it into a powerful weapon of destruction.

To Katahara's surprise, his combination attack was not enough to finish off Im Sama's assault.

Im Sama: Mortal...

Before he could say anything, he felt a murderous thirst from his rear.

Ryu: Sun of the King.

To perform the technique, Ryu must first focus on his solar breathing, controlling and increasing the flow of energy in his body. Then, they channel King's Haki into their body, allowing them to control and dominate the energy around them. Once enough energy has been gathered, the user releases an explosion of fiery energy that extends outward in all directions.

The attack pierced through Im Sama's chest.

Im Sama: Damned cowards... I will kill you in the most horrible way imaginable.

Ryu: Katahara, now... AHHHHH.

As Ryu cut through Im Sama's entire body with his sword, not only were Im Sama's entrails left hanging, but also his right shoulder.

Ryu pierced Im Sama's sternum and cut with all his might until the right shoulder, slicing through flesh and bone in order to retrieve the sword from Im Sama's body.

Im Sama couldn't control his attack due to the severity of the cut, causing the black energy spheres to collide directly with his body.

Ryu distanced himself from the location.

The energy spheres began absorbing everything around them, to the point where they formed a considerable-sized vortex of energy.

The attack was of such magnitude that Katahara had to try to control the energy vortex.

Katahara: Shit...

As he tried to stabilize the energy vortex.

Katahara: Go to the sky... Damn it.

Ryu: Try to stabilize it.

The energy vortex directed itself towards the sky, where it began taking the form of a black hole. Amidst it all, a small figure could be seen.

Giant blocks of rocks started being sucked into the black hole vortex.

Katahara: Damn, he turned the vortex into a black hole... Bastard... let's see who controls that damn vortex then...

Ryu: That bastard won't leave without giving his final breath.

As he tried to stabilize it with his last bit of strength.

The vortex started emitting black lightning bolts around it. For some reason, a horrifying scream could be heard from within the black hole vortex.

Katahara: He even absorbed my previous King's Haki attack...