
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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171 Chs

Castle Pangea 6

Im Sama, with its new appearance, was an imposing three-meter-tall creature with an eagle head and two pairs of feathered wings. Its body was covered in brightly colored feathers, each one trembling with arcane energy. The air around it was charged with an aura of pure chaos.

Facing it was Katahara, also known as King Crow, who was covered in wounds all over his body. Ryu, the Chief Admiral of the Marines, was in the same state, if not worse, with his elegant suit reduced to just pants, with nothing above the waist.

Monkey D. Dragon was in better condition, with only a few cuts here and there, without any significant injuries. Akagami No Shanks was like Katahara, with wounds all over his body but no serious injuries.

Dragon: Damn it, I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

Katahara: We'll have to risk our lives if we want to win... I suppose you understand what I mean.

Ryu: I didn't expect us to get to this point... my calculations were off...

Dragon: No one could have imagined this guy would be so stupidly strong...

Im Sama began to move its claws, and a whirlwind of dark energy appeared in the air. The vortex began to spin faster and faster, until it finally became a huge energy ball that floated in the air in front of the demon, before launching it at Katahara.

Katahara: So you want to play like that, bastard...

As he began to gather his hands, creating a small black sphere in the middle of his palms.

Katahara: Chibaku Tensei.

He launched the black sphere against the huge energy ball.

Both energies collided, creating devastation throughout the room... the energies were negating each other.

The others took advantage of the fact that Katahara and Im Sama were clashing their attacks to attack sneakily.

Im Sama was moving his claws to increase the power of his huge energy ball, so he was distracted.

Ryu appeared behind him with his sword completely on fire, while Akagami was on the right side, with his sword covered with advanced King's Haki, ready to connect his devastating attack.

Dragon, on the other hand, was above ImSama, with his fist covered with both advanced King's Haki and Armament Haki.

But to everyone's surprise, centimeters before their attacks connected, a rain of fire was expelled from Im Sama's body, taking the attackers by surprise.

In that precise second, both energy spheres exploded simultaneously, with neither being stronger than the other.

In the midst of the explosion, Katahara seized the opportunity to launch himself against Im Sama.

Katahara: A focus.

Katahara unleashed a massive sword slash.

Im Sama was caught off guard but was able to react in time, responding with his own spell, creating a magical portal that absorbed the sword and redirected it towards Katahara.

Katahara narrowly dodged the attack, leaving a huge hole in the ground from his sword strike.

Katahara: Katon: Great Fireball.

He spat out a huge fireball that hit Im Sama directly in the face, causing burns all over his head.

Im Sama: Damn you!

He sent Katahara flying.

Im Sama: I'll show you what true despair is.

He began to gather energy in his staff in an astonishing way.

Katahara knew that if that attack was completed, it would be devastating for the entire area, and not just for the four of them.

Katahara: Stop him!

While everyone present rushed towards Im Sama to try to stop him.

They all ran as fast as they could to try to stop him, but it was in vain. Before they could touch Im Sama, he unleashed an enormous explosive wave.

The destructive wave destroyed everything around the castle, and it was of such magnitude that all the beings in Mary Geosi felt the energy wave.

Katahara was able to protect his comrades thanks to his Rinnegan.

Katahara: Sealing Jutsu - Absorption Seal.

Ryu: I never thought I'd say this... Thank you...

Dragon: This level of destruction...

Shanks: Stay alert... this isn't over yet...

Meanwhile, Im Sama was floating in the air with his two pairs of wings extended.

Im Sama: You have very interesting abilities... being able to absorb my attack... a skilled psychic... a prodigy...

As he began to lick his beak.

Im Sama: You will be more than enough to complete my ritual...

Katahara began to sigh calmly, while trying to relax for a few seconds.

Katahara: Cover me while I prepare something.

Akagami: Alright, we'll give you a few minutes.

While Katahara activated Sasano.

Im Sama noticed that strange energy was gathering near Katahara.

Im Sama: Interesting.

While Dragon appeared in front of him.

Dragon: Ryu no kagizume.

Dragon attacked with his hand covered in King's Haki and Armament Haki, making a kind of bite with his fingers.

The entire sky seemed to darken. A huge ball of energy began to form in his hand, and the energy intensified as it concentrated, suddenly, with a deafening roar, Dragon attacked.

ImSama didn't expect that kind of attack head-on.

ImSama: So that's your best attack... then... come.

Akagami appeared on the right side of Im Sama.

Akagami: Kamusari Ryu no Ikari.

To perform this attack, Akagami would concentrate his energy and create a great dragon on his sword. Then, by performing the Kamusari, he would launch the dragon at his opponent, creating a massive explosion of flames on impact. The destructive power of this attack would be much greater than regular Kamusari, and would be capable of destroying solid objects and structures with ease.

Im Sama created a dark energy barrier around himself to try to stop both attacks.

Both attacks collided with the barrier, and for a moment, the barrier was able to withstand the attacks, but second by second, the barrier began to show cracks.

Ryu: Thirteenth Form.

While continuously performing the twelve forms of breathing in successive repetition to increase the precision and agility of his movements and attacks, with his King's Haki.

Finally, the dark energy barrier broke, giving way to unleash their maximum power.

Im Sama was surprised that his barrier broke under the attacks.

Im Sama: Bastards, don't get too cocky.

While trying to attack with his staff and sword, each in his respective hand.