
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Tranh châm biếm
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164 Chs

avoiding tragedy

10 days later, 5 ships guided by the Shadow of Aghata had reached the leg of a giant creature.

It is an elephant the size of an island that has legs so long that they reach the bottom of the ocean, in each leg it has an extra joint, this Beast was Zunesha.

[From this chapter on, Momo will be how Momonosuke will be referred to]

Katahara was on the deck of the ship.

Katahara: Robin, tell everyone to ready their weapons and be ready for when we get on the back of this creature.

Robin was confused, how they would climb so many kilometers.

But at that precise moment Katahara began to float, and not only the Shadow of Aghata rose into the air, the other ships also began to rise.

Laxus noticed immediately, his captain's eyes, his eyes were red as blood, with a whirlpool within them replacing his iris.

Robin wasted no time in communicating his captain's orders to the other ships.

Everyone began preparing their weapons for battle.

Robin: Captain, we have a total of 600 men ready for battle.

Katahara: Those are good numbers… Robin, Laxus, Agrom, Drust and Dabi will each have 100 men under their command, as soon as we arrive their objective is to eliminate all the invaders.

The moment Agrom heard the invaders, he was furious.

Agrom: What do you mean captain invaders?

Katahara: The Mink tribe is suffering from an invasion of pirate beasts, if I must admit that this must be their third day of battle.

Agrom at that moment gave off a murderous thirst.

Agrom: Those damned dare to attack my home….

Dabi: The battle must be intense, your people are difficult to fight for three consecutive days.

Katahara: Drust, your mission is to get through the entire battle and get to the Minks' base and start treating as many as you can with your team... As for the others, you can form a strategy at will, to save them.

Agrom: My people will never forget this captain.

Laxus: We can't go directly to fight...

Dabi: That would be very stupid, Agrom will start attacking with his men from the rear, taking them by surprise, while we position ourselves on their flanks.

Robin: With my men we will open a path from behind so that Drust can reach the wounded.

Agrom: I will lead the attack.

Agrom roared.

Katahara: Agrom, I need Jack alive, you can't kill him… you'll find out who he is, he stands out above all others.

Agrom just nodded to his captain.

Laxus: You will lead with Drust and Robin, while Dabi and I position ourselves on their flanks to launch an all-out attack, receiving attacks from all directions it will only be a matter of time before we finish off those bastards.

Robin: Then it's decided.

Katahara just listened to the whole plan as she continued to raise the 6 ships.

Although it is the strategy of a rookie, they will improve, they must do it, being the best strategists is obtained with experience, they still have time until…. Katahara thought.

Katahara: We'll be there shortly, Laxus, Robin, Agrom, Drust, Dabi, you can go with the men from each ship.

At that moment they all disappeared using Soru, they were all on the deck of another ship, specifically on the deck of the other 5 ships, explaining what they would do the moment they reached land.

It wasn't long before they reached Zunesha's back, Katahara slowly and delicately placed all the ships on the ground avoiding damage.


Receiving a loud roar from everyone.

Agrom and his men ran straight into the battle without waiting for anyone, all of his people had some trouble following him except Urouge who followed close behind.

All the commanders started heading for their target as planned.

Katahara: Come on Momo, or we'll miss everything.

Momo: Yes Master.

Katahara started along with his 100 men behind him headed for the thick of the battle, but they weren't as desperate for blood as their battle-brothers.

Katahara: Momo you know why we're here.

Momo: To save the Mink tribe, master.

Katahara: That's one of the reasons… I guess you know Mist Root.

Momo: Yes master, he is a member of the

Nine Red Scabbards, he is a ninja.

Katahara: He is in this place, hidden, that's why Kaido attacks this place...

Momo was shocked.

Momo: He's... he's here.

As tears began to show on her face.

Katahara: You can't cry over everything little Momo….

Momo: I… I'm sorry… master.

As he wiped the snot from his nose.

Katahara: A warrior, let alone a king, must allow himself to look weak in front of others, Momo.

Momo: Yes master, I understand.

As they continued on their way steadily, Agrom and his party had already arrived at the battle.

Since they crossed the walls, dozens of bodies could be seen.

And the only thing that came to mind was MURDER.

The more they advanced.

He could see the bodies of Minks of all ages all over the place, the destroyed buildings, the screams of children and the wails of his people all over the place.

He also saw hundreds of the invaders' bodies all over the place, it could be seen that for every centimeter given up it cost them dozens of lives.

Agrom turned around and saw his men who were under his command and spoke.

Agrom: Kill all these bastards, you heard, or I'll kill them myself.

After that he let out a powerful roar that was heard throughout the place, this roar froze everyone who was in battle.

Few people knew the owner of that roar and those were, the King of the Dawn and the King of the Night.

On the part of the beast pirates, they knew that this would get even bloodier, another mink had arrived that with only his roar was enough to paralyze the battle.

Instead, the musketeers and all the minks were glad that a brother had arrived as reinforcement.

Nekomamushi, the king of the night, a giant catlike mink with sharp teeth, a round head, small, slanted eyes with a scar running from the right side of his forehead to his cheek, claws, and a thick, striped tail. His hair is blonde, thick, and abundant, reminiscent of a lion's mane in the way it spreads down his neck and back. His attire consists of a large red robe with numerous yellow circles stamped on it, a light pink haramaki around his waist, a white shirt, white sandals, and white pants, all of his clothing was covered in blood and wounds.

Nekomamushi: It can't be him, can it?

Inuarashi is a dog-like canine mink. He has orange fur with dark brown floppy ears. He is very big, so much so that Wanda next to him seems small even when he is sitting. He wears small sunglasses and a long royal cape on his back. He wore a turquoise striped suit, white pants accompanied by a belt, brown gloves and a long maroon cape, just like the king of the night, he had all his clothes in a mess with several cuts all over his body.

Inuarashi: Surely that roar is unmistakable.

At that precise moment, hundreds of humans began to attack the pirate beasts from behind, they were led by a giant werebear and that was Agrom himself.

The battle became even bloodier with the arrival of Agrom and his people, Agrom shattering everything in front of him with his sharp claws.

You could see dozens of hands all over the place breaking the neck of their enemies, blue flames that burned everything in its path, you could even see black lightning all over the place, destroying everything in its path.

At that moment Jack transformed into his Mammoth form.

In this form, Jack gains immense size and destructive power, collapsing various structures in the Mokomo Dukedom with a single swing of his trunk.

But before he could continue destroying the place, they began to be attacked from both sides.

A rain of fire and lightning rained down on all the pirate beasts.

Everyone was fighting with everything they had, dozens of people were dying every second, the balance had changed for Jack, now he was surrounded by enemies and not just minks, another force had arrived.

Cries of desperation were heard, along with the smell of blood that permeated the place, along with the smell of gunpowder caused by the shots, dozens of bodies littered the streets, and blood ran like a river.

All the beast pirates were having significant casualties, the men who had arrived were not mere pirates, they all had training and not only charged like crazy into battle, those who had firearms were the most fearsome, with each shot it was a life loser, bullets were something to be feared, while those with swords or sabers were experienced men, not going down so easily.

In conclusion, the beast pirates were screwed, they couldn't handle a formation of this caliber, not only were they outnumbered, they were also being rounded up and slaughtered like pigs in a slaughterhouse.

For his part, Agrom had killed everyone in front of him until he caught up with Jack, who was in his mammoth form.

Agrom: My captain was right, you stand out from all this scum.

Running towards him at full speed, landing right behind his back, as he got into a karate stance.

Agrom: devil's spear

His hand emulated a spear, which he covered with Armor Haki.

Agrom's blow went through Jack's body, as if through butter.

Making Jack scream in pain.

Agrom followed up with consecutive attacks, spilling blood all over the place, obviously Jack's blood, until the latter transformed into his human form.

Jack: This will unleash war... my captain won't forgive this... you think I wouldn't recognize that robe... Darks Crows.

Jack knew he had to retreat, but before he tried to do so, more men arrived as reinforcements for the minks.

Agrom began to hit Jack taking out all his fury, Jack was also giving his all, but he was outmatched in everything, strength, speed and precision, for each attack he launched, Agrom launched 2 more powerful blows that left him in a worse state .

Jack tried to defend himself, but Agrom had pierced with his technique, specific joints that impeded the mobility of his body.

It didn't take long until all the beast pirates began to be massacred, this seemed more like a massacre than a battle.

Corpses of the pirate beasts could be seen all over the streets of the Mokomo Dukedom, littering the streets with rivers of blood.

Agrom stopped hitting Jack, quenching his thirst for blood, and turned to see the whole place, he realized that the battle was almost over, screams and pleas were heard being silenced forever, by all his army.