
The Past (1)

"Who are you?" Avren asked cautiously.

Seeing his cautious appearance, the red-haired young man was very amused.

"Hey, Relax! I mean you no harm." The young man raised his hands and smiled innocently. But Avren still didn't relax.

Seeing him still on guard, the young man sighed.

"I guess you're still bearing a grudge, huh... But you know, I had no choice. If I helped you, I'll be going against your own choice." The red-haired young man shrugged his shoulders and explained.

Avren was surprised. My own choice? What does that mean? When did I ever choose this shit?

"It seems that you don't believe me. Fine! Sit down, I'll tell you a story." The young man sat down on the ground and gestured for Avren to sit down as well.

'This guy...he's quite cocky.'

Although Avren was still on guard, he decided to sit down. After all, he also wanted to know what happened to him.

The young man smirked when he saw Avren sit down. Then he started talking.

"This is the story of a man who was at the peak of existence. Except for few, no one could rival him. He was a Genesis!"

A Genesis? Avren had no idea what this is about.

"You must have heard about cultivators, haven't you? At least it was mentioned in some stories or tales."

Avren nodded. He has indeed heard about cultivation from his friend, who was a very big fan of this kind of novels. And after what he experienced today, he had deeper understanding towards the so called cultivation.

The red-haired young man in front of him must be a cultivator as well.

"When cultivators reach a certain realm, just before the Genesis, they have to choose either Eternal or Destruction Energy to advance to the final realm, the Genesis Realm."

"But since the beginning of time, all the Genesis reached their level using Eternal Energy. That's why Genesis Realm powerhouses are called 'Eternals'."

Avren nodded in understanding. But he still couldn't connect between this story and his condition. Nevertheless, the young man continued.

"But despite being an Eternal, the man himself wasn't satisfied. He felt that there was still something above! He could feel it but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't reach it." The young man's eyes reflected some sadness as he spoke.

"So he made a crazy decision. He went outside the Endless Void, to the only place where Destruction Energy existed, hoping to cultivate Destruction Energy!"

"You know, the reason why no one ever reached the Genesis Realm by Destruction Energy, is because no one under the Genesis Realm could withstand it and their bodies would disintegrate immediately! But if you become a Genesis using Eternal Energy, you can't absorb Destruction Energy at all. So, all his hopes were crushed."

Then The young man laughed lightly and continued.

"But that man was very ruthless even to himself. He decided to reincarnate, abandoning all his cultivation and starting all over again! At that time, all the Eternals thought that he was crazy. Because even if he reincarnated, he won't be an Eternal anymore, rendering him unable to go outside the Endless Void or make any contact with Destruction Energy."

Reaching this point Avren felt that the man was somewhat crazy. But he also felt admiration for the man's determination.

If there's any mistake or you don't understand something please tell me. Also, if you have any advice, please do.

Unknown20xcreators' thoughts