
The Past (2)

The red-haired man looked at Avren with a complicated gaze. But Avren didn't detect it. Then he continued.

"That man paid no heed to what they were thinking and gambled. Before he reincarnated, he made an unbreakable connection between his soul and body that even reincarnation couldn't break. Then he asked his friend, who was also an Eternal to put his body deep outside the Endless Void."

"After he reincarnated, he cultivated all the way to the level before the Genesis again. Then he used the connection between his soul and body to sense and comprehend the Destruction Energy without making contact with it. But...he eventually failed! He could feel the Destruction Energy but still couldn't use it."

"He tried to search for an answer for countless years he finally discovered the reason. It was his memories! His memories from his previous life when he cultivated the Eternal Energy, prevented him from advancing to the Genesis Realm using Destruction Energy."

Even Avren felt sorry for that man. After all his effort he still failed. Life is really cruel.

Seeing his expression, the young man laughed.

"Hahaha. Don't feel sorry yet. That man's will was simply monstrous! After finding out the reason, he sealed his memories and reincarnated again! This time, he asked his friend to guide his reincarnated self, as he would no longer have his memories."

This time, a spark appeared in Avren's mind as he thought of something. But he didn't speak and continued to listen.

"This time, his friend's guidance, he finally succeeded! He was the first being to become a Genesis using Destruction Energy! Oh, he also regained his memories."

"But after that... He discovered that there was no difference. He was still a Genesis after all that. He felt the same feeling he had before. He still felt there's more! So, he made an even more ridiculous decision."

"He wanted to cultivate both Eternal and Destruction energies at same time! This thought was simply crazy. Everyone knows that these two energies can't mix. There's no way to cultivate them together."

"It's like he became addicted to reincarnation. He reincarnated over and over again sealing his memories concerning cultivating one of the energies, and cultivating the other. Then tried to unseal his memories after that, hoping to combine both of them. But he still failed."

"He kept reincarnating and failing so many times that all Eternals called him the Reincarnation Maniac."

Avren was quiet. He was already guessing where this is going.

"Until one time, he managed to sense and comprehend both energies at the same time, shocking all the Eternals! No one knows what changed that made him able to do that. No one knows what had changed. Maybe it's his unyielding and unbreakable will."

"Anyway, although he could sense both energies, he still couldn't cultivate them."

"Until one day, he decided to reincarnate one more time. But this time, he didn't seal his memories. He severed them! Separating them completely from his existence!"

"Do you know what that means? That means, he will no longer be the same person again! He sacrificed his own existence for a chance to achieve his goal! That selfish bastard... ignored everyone's persuasion and did it!" When speaking to this point, the young man's voice was chilly. His anger was evident from his tone.

Avren was shocked from how determined and decisive the man was. If he were in the same position, he didn't think he would be able to leave his loved ones like that.

After calming his anger, the red-haired continued.

"That man was known with many names and titles. But his real name was...Avren. And as you have guessed, you're his last reincarnation."