
Unspeakable Truth

( Rin was in the basement , he could see his father and brother lying dead on the floor. the floor was covered with blood , there was a katana in his brother's hand with blood stain on it and his father was bleeding heavily like some sharp blade pierced through his stomach . his father was holding a wooden box tightly pressed against his chest , the box was glowing brightly. As he was approaching closer to them it glowed more brightly...…....….)

< all dark >

Rin's eyes opened but was unable to see things clearly , he was in a bed and there was a curtain beside him . Rin's head was heavy and the body was numb as if all its strength had been taken away. He was hardly able to move or speak but still he gathered his strength and tried to sit. He looked around him there was no one but he could hear some voice behind the curtain .

"hello…..….. anyone there, can you tell me where i am ? "

A middle aged woman in white dress came from the other side of the curtain , gave him a glass of water. Checked something on the monitor and then turned towards him .

" are you feeling all right , you are in the city hospital "

" a guy found you in your house lying unconscious on the floor and immediately he brought you here "

" did something happen.... your check up shows that you are perfectly fine "

( Thinking back at what he saw in his house , he asked the nurse )

" where is dad and my brother , are they in the next room ? "

NURSE : what are you saying ? you are the only one that he brought in.

RIN : no , I saw my father and brother were also there .

NURSE : you should take some rest , kid . You can check up on them when you yourself can walk properly . now , you should probably rest . I will be near , you can call me if you need something.

Rin's head was spinning , he couldn't think clearly.

"all that I saw, was it a dream? Again!!! What's happening to me? what's the deal with this series of bizzare dreams?..... Still thank god, it was only a dream"

Rin reassured himself that nothing has happened to them, all that he saw was just a dream. He didn't seem to have the energy to stand up and check on them. so he decided to lie down, until he recover.

Six hours went by, Rin woke up ,finally he had some energy to move . all his pain seemed to vanish . he moved out of the room , looked around the corridor , few patients with their family were sitting on the bench waiting for the doctor to do the treatment . he went to the reception and asked for the person who brought him to the hospital . The staff gave him a paper with a name and phone number written on it.

Rin took out his phone , called his father ...… no one received the call . then he called his brother , his number was out of network.

"what the hell is wrong with them , neither did they come to see me nor did they call , and now no one receiving the call. "

Without thinking much about it he immediately called the number which he received from the staff.


This number also wasn't going through . Now, rin was furious, for the last time he called again on that number, finally someone picked the call.

"hello.... who is it?" said the man on the other side of the call.

"um, are you the person who brought me to the hospital." asked Rin.

"ohh, you are that kid..... yeah, I brought you in." replied the man.

"thank you for what you did but who are you and how did you know that I was in the house."

"I am the cab driver who gave you the ride to your home. Don't you remember me? you didn't pay for the taxi so i had to check on you when you didn't came back for some time, I went to your door, knocked it several time but none replied. So I didn't have much of a choice but to look around in the house. After searching for some time, I found you lying unconscious on the floor of your basement"

"ohh! So that was you. Thanks again man, you are a lifesaver. By the way was that everything you saw? Did you find anyone except for me.

"no kid, all I found was you, unconscious. Is everything all right?"

"yy….…..yeah, I guess so. Sorry for the trouble"

"funnily enough, you haven't paid me back... yet" The man said sarcastically.

"my mistake, I will return your money very soon."

"haha.... ok kid, until next time we meet. (beep)

The phone call ended. Rin was not sure what he was going to do. He took the bill receipt from the counter and paid the money. all he could think was to check on his family, that they were alright or not. He came out of the hospital, took a cab to his home. He was worried not because he was not well and was in the hospital but because he was not getting anything to know about his family .

Rin reached his home, the first thing he could think of was that to see his family. He rushed towards the door, it was still open. he was getting a bad vibe about it. He tried to think that what he saw was true and started looking for them all over the house. No trace of them being in the house was found. He thought about the basement but couldn't bring himself to believe that was all true.

Rin came out of the house, looking on the streets assuring himself that they are going to come home soon enough. He stood there, eyes on the way back to home, looking for their family. few minutes passed, his mind was not clear to think through properly. He ran to the the neighbours hoping they knew where his father and brother were.

He checked on nearly every houses near him, all he could get was that they saw his father in the morning. After that neither they saw his father nor his brother. Now he only had one place left to check which he really didn't want to.

Gathering all his strength he moved towards the basement, he was standing in front of the basement door. his vision was getting blurry. Maybe it was water droplets in his eyes, no more he was thinking about anything. All his emotion seemed to mix together. Not knowing how to react, He opened the door to the basement. He climbed down the stairs, turned his face towards the place where he saw them last time.

There was nothing, no trace of blood or his father and brother, he was startled but was also overjoyed to finally seeing that all that he saw was just a stupid dream, it wasn't real but then all the smile on his face faded away as he saw the wooden box kept at a corner of the room.