
Avian's Advent

Haruto, the story's protagonist had lived contentedly and had a long life ahead of him to look forward to but is one of many who perishes due to unforseen circumstances. He is then reincarnated as a monstrous bird! How will he survive and adapt to his new life? What will his future adventures as an avian in another world entail? Cover not mine.

Frostoon · Kỳ huyễn
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24 Chs

Humans vs Elves?

Deep down i knew that my bird parents had already perished. Its a classic turn of events. The parents sacrifice themselves in order for their children to survive. That kind of thing. So why did i follow the elves back to certain doom? Well i truly did want to see what happened to my bird parents. To be honest i'm not that attached to them right now, after all its only been a few days since i've been born into this world but i'm still grateful and appreciate them for taking care of me. On the other hand, i'm following them in hopes that i can find out more about this world. Seeing those 'elves', I've been reminded that i know next to nothing about this world's inhabitants. So i'm following them in hopes that i gain more information from their interactions with the humans.

Of course, i left the hatchlings behind. Since i dying here is a very real possibility, i didn't want to bring them down with me. I convinced them to take a nap on top of a tree that is a fair distance from where the 'elves' first appeared.

So now its been a few minutes since the elves rushed off into the direction of where the humans are. I hurried back on the path i took when fleeing, where the atmosphere gradually dropped to freezing temperatures and the ground took a more blue crystal-like appearance with each step. Everywhere i look, all that fills my vision are blue crystal structures that ressembled the plants i've grown accustomed to seeing these past few days. There was also a cool mist shrouding the area, making it a bit difficult to see through.

Then i heard the faint sounds of battle, sounds of explosions and the clashing of metal, getting louder as i continue to tread along the icy ground. I also ran into humanoid shaped statues of blue ice, seemingly being some of the humans who got caught in the blast. Wow mother bird sure was stronger than i thought to be able to kill this many humans.

I eventually made it to the scene of battle and unsurprisingly, the humans were down in numbers. They came here with only around 50 people and the majority of them had already frozen to death before the elves got here. I'm surprised they were able to put up a fight for this long against a 100 of these elves. Actually, calling them elves by itself is an insult to the flawless elves that i knew from back on Earth. As far as i'm concerned, they look more like demons if anything.

...Should i start calling them demonic elves? Fiendish elves? Hmm.

"Get out of here Don! We will hold em off!"

Ah! Right, i'm here for more info. I scan the battlefield, spotting several dead elves already while non of the unfrozen humans have fallen yet. Wow these humans are no joke. I made sure i was properly concealed before i start listening attentively.


"No buts! Its better if you survive and make it back to camp to alert general Atlas than to die here in vain with us!"

Wow how valiant! I still hope all of them die and get what they deserve. Serves them right! So what if i was a human before? Its not like i ever gave a damn about strangers! I don't really care about what happens to them! Especially so for these people since they are the ones who stormed into my home and murdered my family! Go elves! Slaughter them like how they slaughtered my family! Oh right they finished off the remnants of the flock. Whatever! Just kill each other then! Hehe wish i had popcorn right about now.

"Kekeke! Think we will let you escape!?"

"Its just the 5 of you and a hundred of us!"

"Heh! Only one of us is needed to wipe the floor with you ugly bozos!"

"Also, its 83 now retards. Can you count? Or are your brains as rotten as your faces?"


So its not just me that thinks they are the epitome of ugly huh?

Veins bulge out of a couple of elves' heads. Oh wow i've never actually seen that happen in real life before.

"Of course you mucks wouldn't be able to appreciate our unnatural beauty!"

"Thats right! Yall are just jealous of our gorgeousness!"

The humans then started making faces as if saying 'how delusional can they be?' This only further erages the elves.

And frankly, i agree with the humans. These elves have a serious case of narcissism.

"Calm down brothers and sisters! Don't let their words get to you! They are just trying to distract us! Do you really think you could fool us? We have you surrounded!"

"Oh, we know, our brains are still working perfectly fine unlike your rotting ones."


So much for calming down.


With that, a brilliant flash of light covers the area, blinding everyone in the vicinity including yours truly.


"I'm sorry and thank you for everything seniors!"

I can imagine them posing gallantly while this Don runs with tears in his eyes.



"DON!? DON!!!"

"Sorry seniors! I looked away a little too late!"

"Dammit Don! Forget it! Everyone scatter! I'll carry Don to safety!"



At this point my eyesight had already came back since i was furthest away from the flash.

A quick rundown of what is going on. Basically the Don guy got semi-blinded by his own teammate's spell and got pierced in the leg by a stray arrow while stumbling about. The supposed leader of the humans brightened up and decided: Hey! Isn't this our best chance for all of us to get out of here alive? And got everyone to run.

What was that about your brains working fine?

The elves who can't see anything are firing non-stop. Let me remind you that they were surrounding the humans, so right now they are not only shooting into the encirclement, but also at each other on the opposite sides of the encirclement.

What was supposed to be an epic battle turned out to be a pretty stupid one.

There goes the humans, already out of sight. The elves are starting to gain back their vision and realise the friendly fire going on, alerting those still blinded to stop.

After recovering, they continued on to chase after the humans.

Now that thats all done and over with, where in the world is mother?