
Avengers Ultimate Weapon

Being molded and trained since he was a young child, to be Hydra's perfect weapon. Only for a secret experiment to shatter his worldview, to show him what was stripped from him for so long. They couldn't hope to contain his rage. His will. HIS freedom to chose his own path. If it just so happens his path crosses theirs, well, at least no one will have to clean up the mess. This is my second try at a Fan-Fiction and I'm still learning. Constructive criticisms are welcomed. I do not own anything. All rights belong to Disney/Marvel. Cover art by saralgam1980 on Deviantart I'm cross posting under the username Dante1hits on other sites.

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19 Chs

Chapter 10

I find Thor shortly after getting off the detention level elevator. He's waiting just outside the room with Loki's holding cell, in deep thought, so I call out to him as I get closer.

"Hello, Thor."

He raises his head and looks toward me,

"Sorcerer Dante, well met. It is good you have returned. I require the stone so that I can take Loki back to Asgard and fix the Bifrost. The All-Father only had enough strength to send me here to Midgard." 

(A.N. I'm going to switch to sorcerer/mage instead of seidmadur; it's just easier and more understandable for readers)

"I understand," I pull the medallion out of my shirt and show him, "I've been keeping it close for safekeeping. I hope you also understand that I can't just give it to you. But I can take you and Loki back and see what I can do about helping to fix the Bifrost." 

I explain to him. After learning about these stones, I'm not letting it out of my sight; Loki has already tried to use it once, and the staff is in the wind for now.

His eyebrows furrow in thought before nodding,

"Very well. I shall not fight you on such a matter. You have proven yourself capable enough to guard the stone. It is imperative that the Bifrost is repaired; the realms are left defenseless while Asgard's forces can not move. Let us retrieve Loki and be on our way."

He turns to the door, and we enter the room with Loki's cell.

Seeing that the narcissist is still in quite a sour mood makes me a little happy.

"What now, Thor? Come to continue your attempts to-,"

He sees me behind Thor as we walk closer to his cell, and his continence morphs from apathy to apoplectic rage.

"You! I swear to the All-Father, once I'm out of here, I shall make you pay for your insolence and the humiliation you have inflicted upon me!" 

I look over to Thor and see the sad acceptance on his face that Loki isn't going to change.

"Enough, Loki. It is time to return to Asgard and face your crimes before the All-Father." Thor interrupts Loki's indignant tirade.

Thor opens the large cell door while I watch Loki to ensure he won't try anything to escape.

Thor had brought manacles, made of a strange silver metal, that he clasped around Loki's wrists. Once they fully closed shut, I felt the small flux of energy Loki was pushing toward me falter and then disperse before reaching me. Loki huffs when his attempt at revenge is thwarted. 

Too bad, I was looking forward to breaking his nose again.

Thor grabs him by the arm and starts leading out of the cell. I follow them as we head to the elevator and move up to the flight deck.

We get a lot of looks from the crew as we walk Loki in chains out on the carrier's flight deck and come to a stop near the center.

"Give me a moment to pinpoint Asgard," I say to Thor as I lay a hand on his shoulder.

I close my eyes and start sensing for an energy source that aligns with Thor, using the space stone to expand my search far into space. It takes roughly twenty seconds to find it finally. A significant hum of energies that resonates with Thor's.

"Got it. Ready when you are," I tell Thor. He firmly holds Loki's arm as he nods to me, and I push my power into opening a path.

I feel power burst out of the space stone and join my own; instead of a portal opening, the twin powers encompass the three of us, and in the blink of an eye, we are speeding through space so fast that the stars streaking around us blur into a wash of colors.

In what felt like moments, a bright light signaled our stop as we landed in the heart of a massive city. 

The buildings look to have been made out of pure white marble. They rose high into the sky. They looked distinctly Norse in design but far more advanced.

We landed in what was the city square as a crowd surrounded the three of us, gawking at our sudden arrival. It wasn't long before a group of guards wearing full golden armor arrived.

"My Prince," The leader of the group salutes to Thor, "The king has ordered us to bring the prisoner before him and to tell you he shall summon you and your guest after he has finished."

"Very well, let the king know I shall be escorting my companion toward the Bifrost," Thor says to him. Turning over custody of Loki to the large group of guards, Thor turns to me.

"Come, I shall show you Asgard as we make our way to the Bifrost."

As we made our way through the massive city's streets, numerous people would stop and greet Thor as we passed. I got strange looks while walking at his side, but I just tried to smile.


I can't help but be in awe at the massive crystalline bridge that leads out of the central city. We walked for nearly twenty minutes before finally reaching a jagged, broken edge leading out toward the vastness of space.

"... only by shattering the bridge that led to the Bifrost did I manage to stop Loki's attempt at destroying Jotunheim." 

After I asked him out of curiosity, Thor told me how the Bifrost was destroyed.

There really isn't anything to 'like' about Loki. Thor assured me he wasn't always this way, but I think he is remembering their childhood with rose-tinted glasses.

"Well, I better get started. I'm sure I can get everything back in place. Hopefully, it won't affect its operation. That gatekeeper you mentioned, Heimdall, should know afterward, and we can deal with it." I say to Thor.

I take a deep, centering breath before pushing my senses out from the bridge and encompassing the empty area the Bifrost used to fill. Since I don't know what the Bifrost looks like or what it's made of, I have to use a massive amount of energy to overwrite the area with its previous state without anyone occupying it.

Working with the Ancient One, she aided me in exploring the reach and effects of my ability on time and space. We found minimal limitations to my total control within a quarter-mile radius of myself. She even confided that she could no longer see how my presence would affect the future; blurry is how she described it.

The leech-like draw on my power was already taking a toll on me with the seemingly endless amount it was taking. It might be too much for me to handle right now. Just as that thought ran through my mind, the medallion around my neck vibrated with a hum, calling for my attention. The stone is asking to be used.

Focusing on myself, I opened up to the power the stone always tried to pour into my body. Immediately, I felt the rush and mental high of limitless power coursing through me, filling every inch of my body with energy. I took the power and fed it alongside my own to bring back the Bifrost. The space stone's energy took over the spatial aspect of the process and lessened the strain on my own to overwrite the area's reality.

In moments, it was near completion. The encompassed area had started rippling with vibrant blue energy from the space stone, and now it was growing more and more hazy until, with a blinding flash, I felt the space shift and then lock in place.

The energies dispersed rapidly without my continued focus, and we were left staring at a giant golden sphere housed on a rotating platform overlooking the vast sea of stars beyond.

"Incredible! You have truly aided Asgard, my friend. With the Bifrost returned, our army may once more keep the peace of the nine realms." Thor's voice booms out as he claps a hand on my shoulder with a smile.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see what looks to be a flying boat heading toward us from the city. It moves fast as it reaches us in only a few moments. Coming up to the side of the bridge and hovering, one of the four guards manning the ship addresses Thor,

" My Prince, the king has summoned you and your companion to the throne room." He says as he and the rest of the guards marvel at the Bifrost's return.

"Ah, good. Come, my friend, I shall introduce you to my father."


Walking through the massive great hall that is the entryway to the palace, I can't help but appreciate the craftsmanship on display. Two rows of monolithic marble pillars with golden veins streaking across their surface tower up to the ceiling. Between every pillar, there stands a far more ornate guardsman clad in golden armor, stoically standing vigil. The walls and ceiling bear reliefs and paintings of vicious battles and moments of great triumph. Honestly, every step through the hall exudes the power of Asgard amongst the stars.

The long walk ends at a large dais holding an extravagant throne. The one sitting upon it now is an elderly man with silver hair, wearing an ornate robe that extrudes regalness. He sits poised with a large spear in one hand as he looks down toward Thor and me with his one eye not covered by an eyepatch.

A mature woman stands off to the side of the dais wearing a lavender-colored robe that wouldn't have been out of place in ancient Rome. She shows a kind, loving smile as she looks at Thor.

"Father." Thor bows his head toward the man.