
Avatar of the Sun in Twilight [English]

A seal that houses part of the sun power, has a host who has been imprisoned a long, long time ago, although he doesn't know it since he just woke up. (This is an AU, the mc didn't transmigrate, it's not a harem and I don't know who will be the romantic interest, if everything goes well it will be 3 chapters a week although it can change depending on the situation. any criticism will be gladly accepted, but I ask you not to be so hard as it is the first time I write) (the rights belong to their respective creators, the cover image is not mine and I found it on pinterest, if the author bothers I will remove it without problems) (I'm not a native English speaker, and I'm using a translator so I'm sorry for any mistake)

duskesito · Phim ảnh
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24 Chs

Chapter 16

Once I saw another pile of ashes, I quickly grabbed my staff again and headed back to where the humans were.

Once I arrived I told them that the tour was over and it was time for them to go back, although a few of them seem to have gotten angry and reprimanded me, but I really don't have time for this. I took my cane and pressed it against the ground, creating a small break.

"I told them, the tour is over."

Although they still look just as angry, they still left, without first taking a few quick pictures of the place.

When I looked back, I could see Alice supporting Bella along with Edward, when I was about to ask them about what happened inside the room, I could notice how the door of the room opened, before the person who was leaving saw me, I shot out of the place and quickly took the elevator.

I just hope it wasn't Marco who came out of that door, no matter how fast, I would know immediately if there was another person, due to the bond of relationship.

Once outside the temple, I quickly bought a red cloak, and pretended to be a person at the festival.

Come to think of it, Aro must know of my existence at this point, all it takes is for him to have touched one of the 3, and he would know of my existence.

This whole thing just gets even more complicated.

I will think about that in a while, now I must concentrate on finding a place to stay, if I stay here for a while, I run the risk of being found faster, but I will be able to hunt more vampires, but I must also go to Seattle to investigate the increase of newborns in that place.

Well, I'll stay around for a while, I can get more accurate information about the Volturi, after that I'll go to Forks to see how the wolf cub is doing.

Now I just have to figure out how to get money... so far I've survived on the money Carlisle gave me before we went to the baseball field. And I don't want to work, I'll just waste my time. Tsk, maybe I'll just steal from some crook or other out there, it'll be faster and more efficient.

--1 week

Well, this week sure has been rough, there have been a lot of vampires roaming around, it was really to be expected, after all, this city is the home of the Volturi, but there are really a lot of them, especially during the night, and the "banquets" they do.

They take a group of tourists, and trick them with a supposed tour, and once they go in they never come out again. It has happened once this week, and I managed to stop it because I started fighting with the vampire who was acting as a guide, the problem is that before I could kill him, the vampire ran away when he saw me.

Today there seems to be another one of those "banquets", but this time I will not attack the guide, since during this week I have seen how the vampires as soon as they see my cane, decide to escape, so I figured they must have been warned, so this time I will go as one of the tourists, but hiding my cane and passing it off as a plane put in a bag, and putting on a hood.

Once the tour started, I noticed that the guide this time was a giant vampire, after looking at him for a while, I knew I had seen him before, he was Felix, a former guard of the Volturi, I know he has no special abilities, but he is physically superior to the other vampires, and that was enough for him to keep his position apparently.

I decided to keep a low profile and follow Felix, although I don't know where he would take us, after a while of following him and passing by some touristy parts, it was already getting dark, it seems that the beginning of the "banquet" is coming.

Felix said that the end of the tour is coming and to accompany him.

I knew I had to act now, or it would be too late. As I was about to pull out my staff and shoot out against Felix, a pain started to invade my mind, I quickly sent solar energy to make a shield, as strong as possible, I was too careless, I didn't use the radar before and I didn't check the surroundings either, I made a damn rookie mistake.

When my mind cleared, my surroundings were a bloody massacre, there were a bunch of vampires taking blood from the humans lying on the ground with a pained face, I knew who had done that, but I don't have time to think about that.

I took out my staff quickly and stabbed backwards a vampire that was approaching me, after that I approached the vampires I had closer and started killing them, at least that's what I did until Felix appeared next to me.

I could see how his fist was approaching me, faster than I could approach my staff, so I decided to dodge him by jumping backwards, unfortunately he also approached me and wanted to hit me again, I quickly threw a kick to get him away from me and give me a little break.

Once I did, I quickly used the radar to find out the exact number of vampires in this room. oh god, why do you hate me so much, there are about 10 vampires in this room, not counting the 5 that are not participating in this, I guess they are Marco, Aro, Caius, Jane and Alec.

I don't know if Chelsea is in this place, the mess is too much for me to know.

Felix was in front of me, but this time I was ready, just a brush with my cane and I was finished, so I pointed my cane at him, and I shot in his direction.

When I was close to going through him, a sensation took over my mind making me move my staff away from Felix's direction and Felix's blow hit against a sun shield I had on my body.

What the hell, even though I was confused, I knew it must have been some ability of some vampire in the room, and from the feeling in my mind, I know it's a mental ability, so I kept adding even more solar energy in my mind to prevent any more leaks.

While I was doing that, I had already pulled myself together, and this time I didn't wait for Felix to come to me, I didn't have the time to give myself that luxury. I quickly shot off in Felix's direction, on the way stabbing a vampire that got in the way, though I knew from his eyes that it was a newborn.

Once Felix was in my range I again aimed my staff at him, Felix also responded with a fist, which was heading in the direction of my face, to my regret his fist is faster than my staff which is odd since I per se use the staff due to the range and the amount of solar energy it can store.

I quickly used my remaining hand to stop Felix's fist and change the direction of my staff backwards as I could feel a vampire coming towards me.

As I opened my hand to stop Felix's fist, I pull out a needle from my sleeves, and put it between my fingers, to make a small opening in Felix's fist.

[Current costume]

Although I can put solar energy into objects, they tend to explode rather quickly because they are not used to this energy, this is even more so on metallic objects, but they still manage to hold out long enough to be a danger to vampires.

Once Felix's fist connected with my palm, I could notice how he realized what happened, he quickly stepped back, but it was too late, the needle had already injected the solar energy, it was a matter of time before it was made ashes.

About the vampire that approached him from behind, it seems to have been another newborn, since he didn't even think to dodge the staff.

Once I got rid of Felix, I decided to get out of here, it was too dangerous to stay in this place, besides, almost all the humans are dead, or in the process of turning.

As I was running towards the exit, and little by little more newborns were attacking me, I heard a cry behind me.

Oh god, please stop playing with me for a few seconds, you fucking bastard.

Braking quickly, and with my cane sweeping the surroundings, I quickly fixed my gaze on a crying girl on the ground.

How the hell did she manage to survive for so long, that's for later, since I can't save anyone now, I'll at least get this girl out of living hell.


N.T.: the vampire that made the MC not to attack Felix, is a vampire that appears in the books, but not in the movies, has the power to create a shield in other people, this shield makes the others unconsciously not to attack this person.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

duskesitocreators' thoughts