
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Kỳ huyễn
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78 Chs


When Wendy and Thando arrive at the hall Kwanda rushes to them, "Are you guys ready to go, we have been waiting for you guys for a while now?" Wendy smiles as she pays him on the head "Well good morning to you too, I see you managed to dress properly and to answer yes we are ready, girls?"

Everyone nodded together, each of the families was ready each with their own goals in mind. The Chatwin's, Khan's and Chestnut's all make their way towards the airship. Captain Eoghan, had readied the ship today he had three stops to make First is the Kwanda and, all the Chads are going to the Third Island. Priya and Anita are going to be dropped off at the whirlpools leading to underground Island and lastly Liza, Thando and Zodwa are going to spawning grounds on the other side of the first Island.

The trip would take about four hours the way Captain Eoghan planned to do it, also giving the adults a chance to go to the reason for the fog. Under the order of grandpa Nolan, due to the rising tensions all over the kingdoms. Nolan has been calling in every favor he has under the sun, in preparation for something, that something being an opportunity.

Kwanda was literally beaming with energy the closer they got to the third island and closer to his target the Levithan fairy. In fact, his mana was beaming off him, Liza only smiled "Hey mom, I think he will become an adventurer please prepare yourself.' she said in jokingly manner.

A smoke bomb went off ass soon as they arrived on the third Island Liza And Kwanda had disappeared at the same time the boys were so surprised that they took a few seconds before flying off to the third island. Liza returned about thirty minutes later she nodded to the Doctor who commanded Eoghan to proceed on with the rest of the mission.

Kwanda was already in the middle of the island in the forest, the trees here grew to only about five meters tall but hugged every inch of the mountain. The faires here are said to be forest folk who consumed an ancient beast which made them into leviathans. these fairies have the most potent spell power in relation to size. The Leviathan fairies have figured out how to cast powerful magic with very little mana. Kwanda is looking for the Leviathan Fairy Queen, the only type of Leviathan with a strong enough core for his crown. His sisters are here to complete there crowns unlike him who is still only on his second jewel out of the seven.

Wendy had made sure to let them all know that this trip is about the future, due to the updated training knowledge given to her by Kwanda 'it's best that everyone achieves their individual goals while here, none demonic creatures with a link to link to dark magic are virtually none existent these monsters all have a connection to it.'

Kwanda had set traps instead of trying to go head to head with Queen he is really adept at teleporting himself around the traps he had set up checking them out. He had already been out hunting for a few hours now. He had even fought a Hegoat, it was really interesting how powerful it is. The fact that it could even run such high speed in the forest is amazing Kwanda thou is more amazing he used the speed to lure it into a tree, with it stuck by the horn it was a simple matter dispatching it.

The fairies, however, are a much cleverer foe, not the smartest monsters but also not brain dead like the undead. He is having a much harder time finding them. He had only one clue as to how to attract a Fairy Queen and that would require a normal fairy, actually a bunch of them. Conventional wisdom when hunting outland fairies is to use a root of Dragon Flowers, of course, he had brought some but so far no luck. A few hours later at the bottom edge of the forest, he saw the three brothers at the ravine, they were chasing a Wind Giest, a higher plain ghost-type monster that had regained its corporeal form.

Kwanda teleported back to the top of the mountain forest, Liza had told him 'not interact with any of the others while he is out here so that he can practice his teleport as much as possible it is his trump card so he needs a lot of personal experience with it.' Plus if they found out he is here for a Fairy Queen they might freak out. While everyone can have a crown, not everyone can fill it with powerful jewels. Take Thando, for example, she is one jewel away from completing her crown, if this were the first age she would have known that she needed to have a powerful catalyst jewel, like that found in a Heavenly Turtle. To help unlock her triple crown from the very beginning. However, because it is the last piece her crown will be a single crown that can hold twenty-one jewels, something not done since the first age.

Kwanda has also been thinking about picking up another jewel while here at least if he can get a multi-elemental monster like the Arties, a round calm like monster that grows pearls of each element. They are not difficult to find in fact they are some of the most common monsters around however to find one with more than three elemental pearls formed, you have to come to a place like this were powerful monsters converge.

It was already getting dark Kwanda was not too worried he had already set up in a cave, that had a few Jenga's inside, a wolf-like creature that can climb like a squirrel. Its fur was a wonder leathering material. As night came, Howlers roared as they awoke sending shock waves across the island, Sun-flies glowing in the dark and finally fairies.