
Avalon Reincarnated

Avalon Reincarnated! Follow Kwanda as he is reborn in the magical planet of Nibiru, Dragons and magic are the laws. Watch as Kwanda battles to become King of Avalon and eventually Emperor of the world.

Sgt_Caeser · Fantasy
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78 Chs

The Thing About Her Head

Kwanda has had an enormous effect on his family, however if you were to ask Wendy what she appreciates most about him

< "Is that in many ways he has saved this family, sometimes without even knowing and most importantly he is the one thing i have not been able to provide my husband, a son, he is my son." <Taken from her diary>

This is one of those time Kwanda had saved his sister without knowing, Thando is the most gifted healer to ever live. Her innate ability has been with her since the day she was born. Even the great Gaiagupta had taken notice of her talent as she was their for the birth of the girls and gave each of them a small gift. Thando is in fact so powerful in her control that she could form an aura on her second try. It should be noted that the most powerful healer ever to live had taken until age twelve to form her first aura, known as Saint Ramada, she was Martyred into the faith of the seven after saving half the continent one healing spell at time. Her achievements and good deed had the people calling her second mother.

Thando is even more talented than her, not that anyone knows, however such great ability came with a great cost she is also deeply sensitive to waves so much so that at age seven had to apprentice under Gaiagupta for a whole year to stop her from going completely insane, however this was at the cost of her potential which had been sealed until Kwanda returned from statue and handed out the new training program.

It is why she has taken such a big interest in the methods, while the rest of her family had a minor breakthrough in comparison to her not only had she unsealed the block on her power she had even managed to analyze what was going with her when she young.

Thando had been born with a unique talent which is why she had such incredible control, she has an awakened ancestral bloodline and in order to consolidate her power into its most powerful she need to find a monster which an ancient bloodline, however instead of simply going to the forest of Horus or th Kimberly hole to find one of the docile ancient monsters.

She thou knew that the first island had such a monster. Monster of ancient bloodline are separated by size, the lowest being the Titan class, followed by the Leviathan class, even rarer is the Kraken class and the most rare only ever seen once a primordial class monster, which is the reason why The witches fingers mountain range exists.

While she is hopeful that she will find what she looking for, she is equally aware that most of monsters here are descendents of Leviathan class monster thus carry the ancestral bloodline. Thando figures thou that If she understood properly the teaching that Kwanda told her about and she is applying it correctly then she could eventually become a being of similar power to Gaiagupta, who has been alive for over ten thousand according to conservative estimate of the clan, aside from the people of first era no one has lived that long in this era.

Wendy gave her the necessary information on the only kraken class she might be able hunt as it takes over three thousand years grow into a cub. Her target is in the heavily protected waters of Heavenly Turtle said to be the most adept monster at control.

The legend goes that anyone of exceptional control can find a young Heavenly Turtle because it is unable to completely hide it's presence until become an adolescent. A full grown adult Heavenly Turtle are called Heavenly Cloud Island Tiger Turtle or better known as Flying Island's and if ancient myth is to be believed they are how new lands are formed...