
Chapter 12: Zursis

While Obaka sets out to explore the West and South of the lands, Zursis, wife of Achillies , makes her way into the chambers where Subaka and the other Orcs are held.

"Subaka…may I ask you something"? Nakia asked, as she was trying to control her breathing.

"What is it?" He replied.

"Do you really believe that we will escape from this place"? 

Subaka shook his head in disbelief.

"You're our leader and Second in Command, how is it that you lack faith in the Chief"? "Not only is my brother the Chief, but he is your partner as well".

Nakia remained silent for a couple minutes and then she spoke again.

"You're right, what was I thinking, I shall not waver. He will return to us". 

Just as Nakia was starting to gain some motivation, Zursis arrived at the chambers.

"My, my, what a talkative species you are ''. She said, as she walked in and started to look around for Obaka's cell.

"It was brought to my attention that the leader of your kind was captured as well. I was also told by my husband that he was being held here, so where is he"? Zursis asked, smiling.

"Like we would ever tell a mere human where our leader is". Subaka said unbothered.

Zursis's smile grew wide as she walked over to subaka's cell and stood in front of it.

"I shall repeat myself once, where is your leader"?

Subaka still refused to answer and since he refused, Zursis went into his cell.

"Since you refuse to answer me, you shall receive punishment". She said as she unbuttoned her upper garments. As Zursis unbuttoned her upper garments, she revealed her breasts to subaka.

"What the hell is this human doing"? Subaka thought.

Zursis moved in closer on Subaka until she cornered him and then shoved his head between her breasts.

"Fear not young Orc for your pleasurable moment as of right now, will be your demise, so enjoy while you can". She said as her grin became a devilish grin.

"How absurd…I'm unable to move my head, the only thing I can do is just lay upon her bosoms". Subaka thought.

"That's right little Orc, enjoy resting there because the longer you lay there, the more I will continue to drain your life force". Zursis said as Subaka's body started to become weaker and weaker.

"Fighting it is futile, once I place someone in between my bosom, that person's body becomes unresponsive and falls victim into being my next meal. I can also access my victim's memories".

While Subaka was still unable to move and his face buried in Zursis's breasts, her breasts started to change. They grew wide and developed a mouth with sharp pointy teeth. 

"I've acquired all that I need to know about your leader's whereabouts and it turns out, he isn't even here, however, this is the end of the road for you". She said as she was about to devour Subaka.

Just as Subaka was about to succumb to his demise, Nakia yelled out something that caught Zuris's attention.


Zursis stopped and pulled Subaka's face up from in between her breasts. She then turned towards Nakia's cell and walked over to her door.

"ME…FILTHY AND FOUL"? Zursis asked, laughing.

"How absurd. Such bold words coming from an Orc, when you are indeed foul yourself".

"I did not come here to dilly dally all day with the likes of you two, however, now that I've acquired information about you leader I shall make my way back to my quarters". 

Zursis body had returned back to normal and since she had gotten information on Obaka's whereabouts, she locked Subaka's cell and made her way back to her quarters to discuss her newly acquired information with the King.

"For this is not over… those Orcs will soon bow before us all".