
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

[Monster Invasion]

In a cozy room illuminated by soft magic candlelight, l stood in the corner of the crib. Garen understood the unique challenge that lay ahead - awakening the mana core of a baby who could not comprehend the complexities of mana. But Garen was determined to help me harness my magical potential.

Alright, infant. Garen said in a soothing voice. Just close your eyes and relax. My smile falters, my eyebrow shoots up high on my forehead as my eyes reflect a mixture of taken aback and disbelief.

What with that tone of yours?

'What did you mean?'

'Nothing.' I obediently closed my eyes. I brushed off the thought immediately, as I didn't want it to end up as a meaningless conversation.

l had no idea what was about to happen, but I trusted Garen.

What if my parents detect your mana?

Don't worry, I had concealed it with a certain spell. While I recognized Aelen's remarkable mana sensitivity, he was absent at the moment. As for Viora, I harboured doubts about her ability to perceive mana.

Drawing upon his well of mana, my chest emitted a soft, warm glow. Garen focused his energy, guiding it towards my dormant mana core. As Garen's mana touched mine, the baby's mana core responded with a faint glimmer.

But it was scattered, like stars in a vast night sky. He concentrated harder, visualizing my mana coalescing, forming a bright center within the baby's tiny frame. Slowly, the scattered mana started to draw closer, like a constellation taking shape in the dark sky.

l felt a warm sensation spreading through my body. 'It's tickling.' It was as if something was pulling my essence together. I remained still, feeling the flow of magic as Garen worked his arcane prowess.

Minutes passed, and l could sense Garen showed signs of exertion. Time seemed to slow as Garen meticulously manipulated the magical currents. He guided the fragmented mana pieces, urging them to draw closer together, slowly forming a cohesive whole. But it was a delicate dance, as he had to be careful not to overwhelm the baby's fragile magical essence.

I felt very hot or was it just me. No, I'm definitely sweating. Although l hadn't exerted myself in this process, but I still sensed the creeping exhaustion. Fatigue began to take its toll, yet I pushed through.

Garen's efforts began to show signs of progress. Yet, there was still much work to be done. The mana pieces were closer together now, but they needed more time to fully integrate and stabilize.

Garen knew that rushing the process could have dire consequences, potentially harming Raul's magical potential.

'Let's stop here…Hmm?' Garen found lthat I was sleeping peacefully. He let out a sigh. Raul's mana core was glowing with a newfound brilliance, but the work wasn't complete yet.

The Adventure Guild stood nestled in the heart of the Delrith town. The building itself was a quaint, two-story structure, adorned with weathered wooden panels and a simple, weather vane-topped roof.

As Aelen pushed open the creaky door, the sounds of laughter and camaraderie filled the air. Inside, the guild was smaller, but it exuded an atmosphere of warmth and camaraderie. Maps, swords, and trophies adorned the walls, testaments to the adventurers' past successes. The scent of fresh ink from the notice board filled the air, beckoning Aelen's attention.

He walked up to the counter desk, where a middle-aged woman with wise eyes and a warm smile greeted him. Her name was Elara, the Mistress of the Guild. The counter desk was a masterpiece of contemporary craftsmanship. Polished wood with sleek metal accents complemented each other. A monitor stood before Aelen. It displayed a dynamic virtual map, showcasing ongoing quests.

"Good day, Aelen. How may I be of service today?" Elara inquired in a melodious voice.

"I have a parcel for Mr Thrain." Aelen replied, handing the package to Elara. "Thank you for the delivery. I will ensure it reaches Mr Thrain promptly." Elara said, processing the information in the digital system. Then, giving him the payment for the delivery task.

While waiting for the confirmation, Aelen noticed another image display nearby, which showed information about the missing adventurers who had set out on the Gobrock quest. Each party member's profile and quest details were neatly presented, alongside their last known location.

"Is there any update on the missing adventurers?" Aelen asked, gesturing towards the image display. Elara processed the request and answered, "As of now, there have been no communications from the party since they left for the Gobrock quest. Their last known location indicates they were approaching the entrance of the north forest from this town, but there has been no further update."

Just then, the tranquility of the guild was interrupted by a commotion at the entrance. The door swung open, and a disheveled man hurriedly entered, his face filled with anxiety.

"Helrick! We need help!" he called out to the guild's owner. Helrick approached him. "What's the matter?" he asked. The disheveled man took a few deep breaths to compose himself before explaining further. "The town is under attack by monstrous creatures. They came pouring out from the north forest, four of them, and the townspeople are in grave danger!"

Helrick's face hardened with resolve as he nodded, fully grasping the gravity of the situation. "We will mobilize our guild members to protect the town and its people. Elara, gather as many adventurers as you can."

Helrick immediately sprang into action. "Everyone, gear up! We're going to assist the town in defending against the monster invasion!" he called out, rallying the guild members and the adventurers.

"Those in A-Class, you are our most experienced and skilled adventurers. Your task is to guard the town's main gate and repel any invasion. We need your strength and expertise at the forefront." Three A-Class adventurers nodded, accepting their role with determination and confidence and immediately exited the entrance.

"For those in B-Class," Helrick continued, "you will be stationed at key positions within the town, defending against any infiltrations or flanking attempts by the creatures. You will be securing the town's perimeter." Four B-Class adventurers also followed up.

"Next, the C-Class and D-Class, you will work alongside the town's guard and assist them in maintaining order within the town. Protect the civilians, help with evacuations if necessary, and keep an eye on any potential threats that may emerge from unexpected directions."

"Our E-Class and F-Class members," Helrick said, "will help evacuate any injured or vulnerable townspeople to safe locations. Work closely with the healers and ensure that everyone who needs assistance is taken care of." With a determined sense of purpose, the adventurers set out to fulfill their tasks. Aelen caught Helrick's nod, and in that simple gesture, he deciphered Helrick's unspoken message.

As Aelen rushed towards the town entrance, the once peaceful and bustling scene had transformed into one of chaos and fear. The sound of alarms blared in the distance, mingling with the panicked shouts of townspeople seeking safety. The sky, once painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun set, was now darkened by smoke billowing from buildings set ablaze by the monster creatures' invasion.

The town gate loomed ahead, and Aelen could see the desperate efforts of three A-Class adventurers and few other adventures trying to hold back the relentless onslaught of two werewolf-like creatures. The clash of metal against claws echoed through the air, and the ground was stained with blood.

There were other numerous weaker monsters scattered around the town but the other adventures had addressed the problems.

His heart pounded as he realized the danger his family might be in. His house was near the outskirts of town, slightly West from The North Gate. Determined to protect them, he pushed his way through the crowd, fear and adrenaline driving him forward. However, just as he neared the alley towards his house, he caught sight of that creature menacing a group of townspeople.

Without hesitation, Aelen extended his hands, and the air around him crackled with energy. The wind swirled around him, lifting his hair and cloak as if in response to his call. Simultaneously, Aelen summoned a surge of earth, commanding it to rise from the ground and form a protective barrier between the monster and the vulnerable villagers. Sharp stones shot up and encircled the creature's feet, momentarily immobilizing it. Seizing the opportunity, Aelen channelled his mana to unleash a torrent of wind blades, razor-sharp and deadly, aimed straight at the menacing creature.

However, the monster proved surprisingly nimble, dodging the lethal wind blades with remarkable speed. Undeterred, it charged forward on its four powerful feet, closing the distance between itself and Aelen in a flash.

Aelen drew upon his mastery of the elements, strengthening the winds around him. The force intensified, forming a swirling vortex of wind and earth, encircling the creature. The winds howled like a tempest, and the earth quaked beneath his command. The combined forces struck the creature with a devastating impact, sending it flying backward. Being a mage specialized in long-range combat, staying close to the monster was not to his advantage.

As the creature regained its footing, it unleashed a devastating howling shockwave. Aelen stumbled but quickly regained his balance. No matter how skilled Aelen was with his long-range attacks, the monster's incredible speed allowed it to effortlessly evade every single one of his projectiles.

"Playtime is over. My family needs me, I can no longer afford to linger here."

With a fierce focus, he began to summon a potent whirlwind, its spiralling form gathering strength around the towering creature. The tornado swirled and twirled, growing in intensity with every passing moment.

As the tempest picked up momentum, the wind began to howl like a furious beast, tearing through the debris of the ruined buildings nearby. Splintered wood, shattered stones, and other debris were caught in the tornado's ferocious embrace, forming a deadly barrage that pelted the monster relentlessly.

The creature roared in anger, its movements becoming more erratic as it struggled against the force of nature unleashed by Aelen. The relentless assault of wind and debris made it difficult for the monster to maintain its footing, forcing it to fight against the gale just to stay upright.

Yet, even as the whirlwind intensified and the monster staggered under the onslaught, the creature's resilience was undeniable. Its instincts and reflexes seemed almost inhuman, enabling it to evade the most deadly projectiles within the tornado's fury. Aelen's eyes glinted with a newfound resolve. Raising his hand high, he commanded the earth beneath the creature's feet to react, and sharp stones cracked from the ground, hovering in mid-air. These shards of earth became a formidable array of projectile missiles, each imbued with Aelen's intent to strike down the menacing foe.

With a swift flick of his wrist, Aelen released his control over the stone projectiles, and they shot forward like a relentless storm. The missiles zipped through the tempestuous winds of the tornado, guided by the mage's unwavering focus. The air around them buzzed with intensity as they homed in on their target, seeking to pierce the monster's defenses.

One after another, the sharp stones found their mark, impacting the creature's hide with a cacophony of resounding thuds. Each strike drew a pained growl from the trapped monster, as the projectiles left deep gashes on its formidable frame.

Aelen's attack, though fierce, could not break the creature's spirit entirely. The monster fought back with stubborn resilience, even amidst the tempest that held it captive. But Aelen pressed on, his determination fueling the relentless barrage of stone missiles. The surrounding onlookers gasped in awe and fear as they witnessed. As the onslaught continued, the monster's movements grew sluggish, and its strength seemed to wane. The barrage of stone projectiles had taken its toll, weakening the formidable creature, causing it to falter within the tornado's confines.

The sharp stones continued to rain down upon the monster, their relentless assault forcing the creature to retreat further into the cyclonic prison. With a final surge of power, Aelen unleashed a concentrated barrage of stone missiles, targeting the monster's most vulnerable points. The projectiles struck with precision, and the creature let out a final, agonizing howl before slumping to the ground. A hushed silence fell upon the scene as the tornado slowly dissipated, revealing Aelen standing tall amidst the debris. Breathing heavily, Aelen lowered his hand. "This—is one of the reasons—why I hate being a close-combat mage. Dammit, I used a lot of mana. That must be a B-Rank Creature."

Aelen quickly surveyed his surroundings, the other adventurers were diligently carrying out their duties, focused on evacuating the villagers and ensuring their safety. A sense of relief washed over him as he noticed the Three A-Class Adventurers completing their tasks as well. However, he realized that there was one more of that creature roaming in the town as he can still hear the screaming of the villagers.

But amidst the organized chaos, Aelen's heart pounded with worry for his own family. With a surge of urgency, he raced towards his home, hoping beyond hope that they had already evacuated or were safe from harm.

Viora gently tucked her young son, me, into bed. A soft breeze rustled the curtains, carrying with it the gentle scent of wildflowers. My eyes began to droop, my eyelids growing heavier as sleep beckoned me.


What did you mean? I asked.

No, I can see you somehow feeling distress about something. What's in your mind?

I don't know. Weird, I can't shake this feeling off. As if I want to piss but something was waiting to attack me while I'm at it. I shared my thoughts. Ever since I came here, my emotion haven't been stable.

Sorry, I couldn't understand what you mean.

Suddenly, she felt a subtle disturbance in the air. It was a familiar sensation, one that she had experienced many times before — the presence of malevolent beings nearby. She knew that something was amiss.

Raul, there's a lurking mana nearby, and it seems chaotic! Garen's words immediately knock me off from my drowsiness.

In a swift and practiced motion, Viora walked to a corner of the room where a concealed compartment was hidden within the wooden paneling.

She opened it, revealing a beautiful and well-crafted sword. The blade shimmered with a faint, ethereal glow, hinting at its magical properties. The hilt of the sword was adorned with intricate engravings of ancient runes. The handle was wrapped in smooth leather, providing a firm and comfortable grip. The crossguard and pommel were forged from a rare silvery metal, adding to the sword's exquisite design.

With the sword in hand, Viora moved with a quiet sense of purpose. She made her way through the house. As she neared the back entrance, she heard a faint screaming outside. Fear gripped Viora's heart as she saw the horrifying truth—the monster was tearing her neighbour's flesh and eating her up alive.

In that moment, time appeared to slow as her instincts took over. Without hesitation, she approached a monstrous creature while coated her body with mana, uttering a curse, "You wretched, hideous beast! Just die!" The creature had its victim trapped, tearing into flesh, and her once vibrant neighbour was now lifeless and broken, engulfed in darkness and despair.

Filled with rage, Viora tightened her grip on the sword, fused it with mana and let out a primal cry as she charged at the monster, seeking vengeance for her neighbour's tragic demise. The creature turned its malevolent gaze towards her, its glowing eyes hungry for a fight.

The sword gleamed with a radiant light as she swung it at the monstrous beast. The clash of steel against flesh echoed. Each swing of the sword was fueled by grief and anger, every strike aimed at banishing the darkness that had invaded her peaceful community. Viora fought with a ferocity she used to possess.

Viora found herself surprisingly on the offensive. The creature, taken aback by Viora's ferocity, struggled to defend itself against her relentless assault. With each swing of her sword, she tore into the beast's flesh, inflicting deep wounds bit by bit. The creature's roars of pain, echoing through the once-quiet neighbourhood.

Despite inflicting some cuts, Viora was taken aback by the creature's resilience, realizing it wasn't an easy kill. "A B-Rank creature?" Her movements remained fluid and calculated, driven by instinct and sharpened by years of experience.

She ducked and weaved, avoiding the monster's wild lunges and counterattacks. Her mind remained clear and focused, undeterred by the chaos that surrounded her. Every strike was deliberate, aimed at weakening the creature and ensuring that it posed no further threat. But the creature's claws managed to grease Viora's thigh, red blood spurted out and flowed to the ground. "Tch. Dammit."

'Huh? What is happening? What was with that sou—

l crawled out heading to the backdoor and was astonished to witness the unfolding battle before me, particularly watching my mother's swordsmanship skills as she engaged the werewolf with a speed that seemed beyond human perception.

In an instant, the creature caught sight of me and swiftly charged in my direction.

Oh, crap.


A few more chapters and we will have a short time skip.

Shyrlocreators' thoughts