
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


A quaint village known as "Delrith Town" nestled between lush, small forests and sparkling rivers.

I was cradled in the arms of my father. They walk through the village, passing by colourful houses and friendly villagers. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the distant sound of laughter.

Everyone greets us with respect, knowing that Aelen is the lifeblood of their bountiful crops. We arrive at a vast expanse of crops swaying gently in the breeze.

"Aelen, thank you for your help a few days ago. I wasn't able to thank you properly."

"Don't mention it, Mr. Horace. It wasn't that much work." Aelen smiled at the greetings.

"Oh, is he the newborn I heard? Hoho, he's quite the healthy boy. What's his name?"

Mr. Horace, his face etched with lines of wisdom and life experience, looked up from Aelen and returned the smile to the me.

"I always wanted to introduce you to my son. Meet little Raul." he said, pride evident in his voice.

Mr. Horace' eyes softened as he peered at the tiny bundle. "Well, he took a lot after you, especially his violet eyes and his facial features." he said, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Carefully, Aelen shifted me so that Mr. Horace could get a better look. "Really? For me, He's only a few days old, but I already see so much of Viora in him." The old farmer chuckled.

"Well, actually I want to show Raul around the crops and some performances."

"Hoho, if you say so then, thank you. The crops have been growing healthy with your help."

As they moved into the deeper part of the field, Aelen gestured to me. "Watch closely, Raul."

Reynold–I mean Raul, pay attention closely, you will learn something valuable today.

Huh? Okay…

I gazes up at my father with wide-eyed wonder.

With a determined glint in Aelen's eyes, he extended his right hand while carrying me on his other hand. Aelen was drawing upon the energies that flowed within him. As he channelled his energies, a soft blue glow enveloped his outstretched hand. Slowly, a small, wispy cloud began to form, its misty tendrils curling and swirling like playful spirits in the breeze. Aelen smiled as he effortlessly created the tiny cloud.

"See Raul, this is what we called it magic."

My, wide-eyed and curious, watched in awe as the cloud continued to grow, fueled by my father's magic. The tiny droplets of moisture coalesced, and soon a soft drizzle of rain began to fall from the cloud, refreshing the thirsty soil in front of them.

I reached out my tiny hand, giggling as the cool droplets landed on my skin.

Amazing! I always saw this in manga but now I couldn't describe the feeling of confronting it with my own eyes.

That was just simple magic. However, I could sense a lot of mana surging coming from your father, Raul. I believe he isn't just an ordinary person.

The cloud hovered above them, its gentle rain spreading across the fields like a loving embrace. The dry earth greedily soaked up the moisture, and the plants seemed to perk up, as if they, too, were grateful for the much-needed respite.

"Isn't it beautiful, Raul?" Aelen asked.

I nodded, my eyes reflecting my father's wonder. As the rain continued to fall, Aelen and me stood together, side by side, watching as the land drank in the nourishment. Though, it took a while before I could realize that not a single droplet of rain fell on me and Aelen's body. As if there was an invisible barrier protecting them from the rain.

The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon as Aelen and me made our way back home, the golden glow of dusk casting a warm hue over the landscape. I, now cradled in my father's arms, yawned sleepily, my eyes growing heavy.

Damn this body gets tired very fast.

To be fair, you should have fallen asleep already an hour ago but due to your skill, [ Cognitive Fortress ] you are able to withstand the drowsiness a bit longer. Garen told me.

Oh, that explained everything.

Aelen smiled down at his son, feeling a sense of contentment.

As they approached the cozy cottage nestled among the trees, Viora, the mother, stood at the door, her eyes bright with anticipation. Her long, flowing hair caught the last rays of the setting sun, giving her an ethereal aura that matched the magic that surrounded their family.

"We're home!" Aelen and I waved our hands.

"Welcome home!" Viora greeted them. Seeing her husband and son returning, Viora's face lit up with joy. Aelen and Viora exchanged a knowing look, one that spoke volumes without the need for words.

As we stepped inside the cozy cottage, Viora lit a few candles. A delicious aroma wafted from the kitchen, where a hearty meal was being prepared for the family. Sitting around the table, they shared stories of their day, each moment filled with laughter and tenderness.

"So, it was Raul's first time seeing magic."

"I was expecting he would find it more amusing about the rain magic but only show a bit of interest."

"Heh~ maybe Raul's interest is toward swordsmanship." She mused.

"Well, I won't doubt if he took that after you." Both of them chuckled. As night descended upon their home, they settled into their cozy beds, I nestled between my parents.

After 4 months...

I was still stuck in this small cradle yet it seems larger to me. I spent hours on my back, kicking my legs and waving my arms, trying to reach for the colourful toys that dangled above me. Somehow I'm bored and was attracted to it.

One day, something magical happened. Accidentally, I found myself on my tummy, propped up on my arms, peering at the world from a new perspective.

It was a bit wobbly at first, but I liked the feeling of independence it gave me.

I knew that his body was growing stronger and probably ready for the next step.

[ You have learned the arts of crawling ! ]

[ You have earned +1 Essence Point ]

As days turned into weeks, I grew stronger and more determined. I discovered that by pushing with my knees and palms, I could move forward, even if it was just a little bit. It was as if I had unlocked a secret power, and there was no stopping me now. I had really forgotten the feeling of being able to move around by myself.

At first, my movements were hesitant and clumsy. I was rocking back and forth, like a little boat finding its balance on calm waters.

But soon, my tiny limbs began to sync in harmony, and I could feel myself getting closer to my goal with every attempt.

'Oh, you're getting better! Keep it up! More! Garen was being supportive. Take another step. Yes, that way!

"Come on, Raul. You can do it!"

"Come over here, Raul. Come to your mother!"

Aelen and Viora always cheered me on with infectious enthusiasm, and their smiles of encouragement filled me with a surge of confidence. It was as if they knew I was on the cusp of something great, and they couldn't have been prouder.

Day by day, the floor became my playground, and the world opened up before me. Each new movement felt like a tiny victory, and I was hungry for more. I still stumbled and toppled over from time to time, but I didn't mind. My parents were there to pick me up, dust me off, and set me on my way again. It took a week to fully master crawling.


[ Title Earned ! ]

[ From Cuddle Doll to Crawling Dynamo ! ]

Only 16.05% of players have achieved this.

Congratulations on being able to crawl!

-You've successfully mastered the art of crawling! From now on, nothing can stop you from reaching your destination, except for your infant body that can only crawl for certain distances before falling asleep. Well, at least if danger approaches, you still have the chance to crawl away from danger and live another day! Be grateful for this achievement!

Regardless, there are still many of you who aren't able to crawl yet. What have you all been doing? It wasn't that hard! Again, it's not my responsibility.

[Tips!] The more you train your muscles at a young age, the stronger they will grow. Training your muscles during the infant stage, through appropriate physical activities and exercises, can offer several important benefits for your overall development in the future. It will contribute to better control of body movements and posture as you grow. Physical activities can also promote healthy bone development and density, providing a solid foundation for your growth.

By the way, you can check your status profile by focusing on the words or saying it out loud, "Status Profile." Obviously, the latter one makes you seem stupid, so I advise you to just follow the first one.


[ You have earned +1 Essence Point ]

Oh, so I earned a point from being able to crawl too. Yes and I advised you to inspect your current "Status Profile" as mentioned by the system.

So, I just have to focus on the words "Status Profile" like this–


[ Player Status ]

Username: Raul Varon

[ Player Stats ]

Strength: 0.2

Agility: 0.1

Defence: 0.1

Vitality: 0.2

Intelligence: 16

Perception: 13

Willpower: 4

[ Essence Points Accumulated: 1 Pts ]

[ Skills ]

O [ Lvl. 1 Soul Harvester's Transmutation ]

O [ Lvl. 1 Cognitive Fortress ]

[ Blessings ]

O [ Lvl. 1 Talent Forge ]


Huh? Why are my stats so low? Aren't they a lot higher after the trial?

That's because you're still in your infant stage. Your body hasn't developed yet. Once it has developed, it will reach your previous stats. However, it can also grow beyond that. He explained.

Wait, this is new.

Raul pressed the [ Lvl.1 Talent Forge ] and the screen took to a different page.


Title : [ Lvl. 1 Talent Forge ]

Rank : A

Cooldown : No CD

Description : This extraordinary blessing holds the power to reshape destiny itself. This is a unique and fascinating skill that grants the user the ability to develop and cultivate talents they didn't naturally possess. Specifically designed to enhance a particular skill, such as swordsmanship in this case, it allows the user to transform their lack of innate talent into genuine and formidable expertise through dedicated practice and effort. However, only one talent can be forged at a time.

The path to mastering Talent Forge is both demanding and rewarding. The skill requires the user to first identify the specific talent they wish to develop. The user must have a clear vision of what they want to achieve to initiate the forging process. To activate "Talent Forge," the user needs to channel their focus and intent on the desired talent they want to acquire.

Upon activation, the skill bestows the user with a temporary but convincing "fake" talent for the chosen skill. This pseudo-talent is not as proficient as a natural talent but serves as a foundation upon which real talent can be built.

[ Extra Tips! ] If the user of the "Talent Forge" skill has a mentor who is highly skilled and experienced in the talent they wish to acquire, it can significantly enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of their talent development process.


So, this is the blessing she told me about. T—this is a very valuable asset. No, like a jackpot!

I agree with you. Garen had a long paused before picking up the pace of his words.

Although the skill grants an initial boost in ability, it does not guarantee mastery. The user must put in consistent and rigorous practice to refine their skills and make the forged talent real. Without dedication and hard work, the forged talent will remain limited.

Over time, with persistent training, the initially forged talent starts to transition into a genuine and authentic skill. The skill assists in unlocking the user's latent potential, gradually bridging the gap between their initial lack of talent and a true mastery of the skill. He explained to me.

Unlike a one-time magical enhancement, "Talent Forge" encourages sustainable growth. The user's progress is not solely dependent on the skill itself; instead, it relies on their continuous efforts and commitment to improvement. He go deeper in his understanding of this blessing.

Are you familiar with this blessing? I asked.

No, this is the first time I see it myself but from the description I can decipher how it works. He replied.

Viora picked me up who didn't bother to crawl anymore and put me into the crib. She left a kissing mark on my forehead before going somewhere else.

You have been quiet for a while, what have you been thinking?

I'm deciding on which talent I want to forge now. It said I can forge a new talent once I have successfully created one. So, the quicker I master a talent, the more talent I can learn.

My body hasn't developed yet so forging a physical related talent would waste my precious infant time. Then, shall we go with this…

[ You have activated Lvl. 1 Talent Forge ! ]

[ You have forged "Polyglot" talent ! ]

[ Your "Polyglot" talent progress is 10%... ! ]

What's "Polyglot" and why did you decide with that? He inquired.

It's a talent to learn or adapt foreign and multiple languages with ease. Although I can understand what my parents said to me, I believe there is still more unknown vocabulary in this world.

Furthermore, what my parents said to me were just simple words. As I grew up, this talent would benefit me much more. Also, I believe it is easier to forge this talent since I was in my baby stage. An infant has a higher capacity to learn more than an adult and since my parents always talk to me every single day, it will contribute to me as my training.

Listening is one of the ways to learn a new language. Once I have mastered this talent, I believe obtaining more information about this world would be a piece of cake.

Raul— Garen shared his thoughts to me.

Yes, I know. Don't mention it. It was an accident. I just got a little bit too excited. With much less choice, I cried calling my mother. I have been practice it a lot. My baby acting skill has improved.

"Oh my, it hasn't been an hour since changing your diaper. You're such a 'Poopy Boo', Raul."

Viora took me out from my crib and began exchanging my diaper once again.

The first step to conquer the world is to crawl!

Shyrlocreators' thoughts