
Astral Transcendence

[!] I stopped posting this story here. I just want to test it here, guess I didn't have great luck. Anyway, I'm working on to post my finished project on Royal Road.

Shyrlo · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

[ Hunting Prowess 2 ]

I needed to kill this orc immediately. It wasn't a hopeful wish but a necessity. My fingers clutched the hilt of my sword. Step by cautious step, I closed the gap between us.

As I encircled the orc, its malevolent gaze fixed upon me, its eyes like predatory orbs that tracked my every movement with an unsettling intensity.

The creature seemed to single me out from the cacophony of battle, as if it recognized the imminent threat I posed, and this realization sent a shiver down my spine.

The orc moved in a strangely sinister yet strangely graceful way, almost as if it were born to embody malevolence.

The way it moved seemed unnatural, like a horrifying dance of violence that defied the laws of nature.

With each swing, the gnarled, clawed fingers at the end of its limb aimed to rip and tear through anything in its path.

It repeated this pattern relentlessly, creating a deadly spiral of destruction that required constant focus and precision to avoid falling victim to its brutal onslaught.

I drew in a steadying breath, with focused intent, I channeled the mana within me, feeling it course through every sinew, imbuing my limbs with mana.

As I prepared to engage the menacing orc, a plan formed in my mind. "Go for its lower body," I whispered to myself.

The idea was to disable it, hinder its movements, and give myself an advantage in the impending clash. The same way how I defeated an orc during the Astral Trials.

I closed the gap. But before the monstrous creature could execute its lethal attack, Vanessa unleashed a flurry of flame-made arrows, wreaking havoc on the orc's focus and disrupting its impending strike.

Capitalizing on this opportune moment, I swiftly drew my sword, its blade shimmering with mana. With unwavering precision, I targeted the orc's brawny legs. The strike was ruthless yet lacking power; it cut deeply into one leg while grazing the other with a shallower gash.

A scream of agony erupted from the orc's twisted mouth. In a fit of rage, it slammed its colossal fist into the ground where I had stood just moments ago, but I had already executed a deft evasion, fluidly sidestepping its retaliatory assault.

"Luria! Dixe! Support him from the rear. I'm going to hinder its movement. Give me 2 minutes," the mentor issued her command.

With unwavering determination, both girls nodded in response. Luria, a girl with dark brown hair and deep, intense eyes, swiftly drew her sword from its scabbard. It was evident from the mentor's instructions that she was the one known as Luria, entrusted with the task of providing combat support.

Beside her, Dixe held a small wand in her hand, her cobalt-blue hair mirroring Sarla's unique hue. Dixe's hair was elegantly tied into a long tail that gracefully rested upon her left shoulder, distinguishing her from the others in the group. Her pale blue eyes sparkled with a quiet intensity.

Luria's sword stance commanded my unwavering attention. Her stance was impeccably firm, with her feet planted firmly on the ground, providing a stable foundation for her actions. Her grip on the sword was precise, and the blade itself gleamed with readiness.

It was evident that she had dedicated countless hours to perfecting this martial art, as her stance exuded a sense of mastery and discipline that spoke volumes about her commitment to the craft.

Watching Luria's sword stance, it became abundantly clear that her mastery of the blade far surpassed my own. As I narrowly dodged another stone hurled by the orc, I made my way toward her, recognizing the need for teamwork.

"Follow my lead," I instructed Luria, my eyes remaining locked on the menacing orc. "We'll strike the orc simultaneously. I'll draw its attention while you aim for the leg I've already wounded."

Though I didn't glance back, I sensed Luria's silent agreement through the subtle nod of her head.

Our synchronized charge toward the orc was met with a spectacular barrage of ice stones and flaming arrows that rained down upon the beast. Each projectile found its mark, penetrating the orc's tough hide and inflicting substantial damage.

This onslaught created a critical opening for Luria and me to close in on the orc, seizing the opportunity to engage our formidable adversary from a more advantageous position.

As we closed in on the orc, it demonstrated an unnerving resilience by swiftly regaining its composure.

Sensing the urgency, I took the lead and surged forward, accelerating my pace to draw its attention . In response, the orc's primal instincts honed in on me, its menacing gaze locking onto my every move.

In that critical moment, as the orc's massive fist hurtled toward me, I created a swift and controlled gust of wind beneath my feet, propelling me upwards and away from the impending strike.

This agile maneuver not only saved me from the orc's crushing blow but also enabled me to gracefully ascend and land onto the creature's imposing upper body.

As I locked my gaze with the orc's fiery crimson eyes, a strange connection seemed to form. Its pupils contracted as it mirrored my intent stare.

With a quiet intensity, I remarked, "You know, there's a famous quote from one of my favorite characters in the Olden Rings." Its body flinched upon hearing me speak.

In that suspended moment, time appeared to stretch, and I channeled a fiery essence into my sword, preparing for the impending clash.

"In the heat of battle, staring into the eyes of your enemy can reveal the unwavering resolve that separates victors from victims."

The orc launched a powerful swing of its arm towards me, but I swiftly leaped into the air, raising my sword high. The orc stared at me but In that crucial moment, the sun's radiant light framed me from behind, blinding the orc.

Meanwhile, Luria, with her sword charged and poised for action, executed a masterful strike. In one seamless motion, she sliced through the orc's legs, causing the creature to stumble and fall to the ground, forced into a kneeling position.

With its massive hand planted on the earth, it struggled to bear the weight of its own body.

A subtle tremor began beneath the ground, as if the earth itself responded to a call. Gradually, the soil and rocks around the orc's lower body and arm started to shift and rise.

Thick, sinuous tendrils of earthen energy snaked upward, encasing the orc's limbs and binding them tightly. These bindings appeared almost spectral in nature, glowing with an earthen hue.

The spell's intricacy and power became apparent as it solidified, creating an unyielding prison of earth and stone. This was what the mentor meant by giving her 2 minutes.

Only the upper half of the orc's body remained free, leaving its head and back exposed, as if presenting it to me as a challenge, urging me to deliver the decisive strike that would end the battle once and for all.

The creature's defiant gaze met mine, its fate now hanging in the balance. Starting from the hilt, a searing and intense flame burst forth, its core a brilliant, blinding white.

The flames seemed alive, dancing and writhing along the length of my blade, casting a hypnotic, flickering light that bathed the sky.

Both of the girls were left in awe as they beheld the fiery spectacle of my sword. Even the mentor couldn't hide her astonishment at the display.

Vanessa, her bow momentarily loosened, looked at me with a sense of pride and encouragement. "Atta boy. Finish it off," she said with a tone of approval.

With a firm grip on my sword, I descended towards the orc, my intent clear: to sever its head from its monstrous body.

In one fluid motion, the blade sliced through the air, executing a seamless and precise cut.

The orc's head tumbled to the ground, lifeless, while I gracefully cushioned my landing using the wind, ensuring a swift and elegant return to solid ground.

[ You have killed a C-Rank Monster ]

[ You have earned +15 Essence Points ]

I sheath my sword and sat my body on the ground. I was completely drenched in sweat. Vanessa was the first to approach me.

"That was amazing. Kid, you really looked like your mother!" Vanessa enthusiastically exclaimed.

I was still catching up my breath and then asked while chuckling . "In what way?"

"A lot especially during the final blow."

Vanessa recollected that crucial moment, saying, "Just like Viora, you coldly severed its neck, oh, your expression is void of emotion like her too during that time. It was a stark contrast to the earlier struggle I could sense in your face as you dodged the monster's attacks."

With a chuckle, she playfully added, "That orc probably felt sheer terror when it locked its eyes with you."

I let out a slight chuckle. "Honestly, I can't even recall what my expression was like at that moment. But thanks for having my back."

"Don't mention it, kid." Vanessa grinned and extended her hand. I gratefully accepted it, using her support to rise to my feet once more.

I looked at my bracelet to see our party's current points.

{ Team Points : 34 }

{ Points : 10.5 }

Since Vanessa helped me out, I guess the points from killing the orc is halved. Oh, it seemed the others were doing fine too.

As I stood there, the two girls and their mentor gradually approached us.