
Part 1; Epilogue

It's an odd feeling, awakening from nothingness, in that moment it feels like true peace has been obtained… then you're thrust into the chaotic world of creation once again.

It was a feeling Lily knew all too well.

How long had it been now exactly? Truly she didn't remember, nor did she care anymore, these dreamless sleeps had become her ordinary.

No life.

No death.

No light.

No dark.

Just an unending nothingness, a place where she felt the most at ease, away from the prying eyes of the world.

Somewhere where she could collect her thoughts uninterrupted before waking up in that stark white hospital room again.

No, that wasn't right, there was no way she'd wake up there now… nor did she truly know where she would wake up.

Though she knew for certain she'd entered a half asleep state, the outside world slowly becoming more and more audible to her as a bit of light danced across her eyes, begging her to wake up.

Unfamiliar voices begin to rouse her awake, one being a more high pitched female voice… almost too energetic for her own good. The other was a male, calm yet light hearted, easily keeping up with the energy of the other.

Lily could feel just by the shakiness of her resting spot and the sound of something slowly spinning that she was being moved, to where or for what reason was unknown to her though.

It had to be some kind of horse drawn wagon as an animal could occasionally be heard from the front.

Slowly and carefully she opened her eyes and began to sit up, noticing no bindings were on her, in fact an odd dark green cloak had been used as a makeshift blanket.

A gasp is heard as the female voice speaks up. "Vonder! She's awake!"

Looking towards the voice a curious sight greeted her, the voice came from a fairy… or at least she assumed so.

Sitting on the man's shoulder was a small woman, she had messy wavy auburn hair, burgundy eyes filled with curiosity, fair skin and two butterfly looking wings on her back. Her only attire seemed to be a simple long sleeved blue dress that reached to her ankles.

"Oh? It's about time, hopefully you slept well back there sleeping beauty!" a slight teasing but warm and friendly tone came from him, as he temporarily looked back at her.

This man had bright red hair, brighter than Aranea's, long enough to where it was tied into a short ponytail. His eyes were a deep emerald green that sparkled in the golden sunlight, nearly blinding Lily with its radiance.

Lastly a warm friendly smile was on his face, one that didn't feel as hollow as the stranger's.

Though his attire concerned her a bit, it was all very well made armor, looking to be a mixture of silver, steel and dentanium. He could probably easily tank any attack she sent his way… not only that but three ominous looking swords rested on his back.

One was pitch black, engraved with blue runes.

The second looked like a holy blade, shining steel with an ivory handle and gold inlays.

Third was a mysterious silver blade that seemed to have an otherworldly aura about it.

"I think you scared her…" the fairy spoke up once more, noting Lily's silence as she took in her situation.

With a sigh the swordsman shook his head and looked forward again. "Can't say I blame her, this isn't exactly something anyone would want to wake up to…"

"Um, excuse me… who are you two, and where am I?" Lily spoke, though surprised she did so as her body seemed to act on its own.

"Right, introductions… I'm Vonder Wolfsbane, professional monster hunter." the swordsman states before continuing. "The small one here is Aida, don't worry she's friendlier than she looks."

Aida smiles brightly and waves at Lily. "Nice to meet you!"

Her mind eased a bit Lily lightly waves back, feeling she's in good company.

"Now then as for where we are… just take a look ahead." Vonder speaks up once more, getting her attention as Lily moves to the front of the wagon.

There she sees an incredible kingdom made of iron stretch out before her.

Castle towers reach up towards the heavens while great metal walls protect the city.

A feeling of nostalgia and sorrow washing over her as she feels another presence beside her.

Looking over she sees the stranger next to her, gazing longingly at the castletown with tears in his eyes.

The emotions only build in her as Vonder announces to them.

"Welcome to the great Iron kingdom of Resovult."




In another place at another time a slumbering soul slowly opened her eyes.

Her gentle green eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding the room, the only light in the room coming from the glass window behind her.

An odd sense of nostalgia and longing filled her to the very brim, causing old memories to resurface that had long since been buried.

Slowly she lets her hand drift across the armrest of the cold metal throne she rests upon, the feeling keeping her grounded to reality, reminding her that nothing could change.

The sound of footsteps invades her thoughts, causing her to look front and center to who was approaching.

A familiar figure swathed in black walked forward before kneeling, his eyes never meeting with hers.

Softly she spoke, her voice retaining a calm and almost slightly distant tone. "Shade, I see you have returned… please raise your head."

Hesitantly the Lord Hunter raises his head, feeling nothing but shame as he gazes upon her form, guilt filling his heart and freezing his speech for a moment before he musters the courage needed. "My Lady, it seems as though you were right… those Outlanders were the missing piece… one even bore the blessing of the slumbering chaos."

"As expected, nothing can escape my sight." her voice holds slightly more emotions as the light in the chamber brightens a bit. "Tell me, dearest champion, how many fell to your blade before they proved themselves?"

"...nearly ten thousand, they flocked to me like moths to a flame, all falling before one proved themselves." Shade looks down once more, replaying all the fights over in his mind.

Quietly the woman stands from her cold throne, walking to Shade and holding her hand to him. "Fret not over the spilled blood, for all you've done is awaken them from this dream." The smallest smile forms on her face. "For you are their savior, remember?"

Shade looks up at her, slowly taking her freezing cold hand and standing up. "My Lady…"

With a serene aura she motions to the clear glass window behind the throne, the night sky and all the cosmos on full display. "Everything is as we have foreseen… the breaker of destiny is here."

Shade follows her gaze, his eyes widening in a mixture of awe and horror as he stares up at the phenomenon before them.

The stars burned brightly with a vivid azure hue, shining like gems.

Astral Meteors, spells of great power, streaked across the sky like shooting stars, leaving behind crystals falling like snow.

Io, the goddess of the moon, awoke only momentarily, her domain dancing with a brilliant black and blue flame.

The Lord Hunter could do nothing but tremble at the sheer amount of power on display, only being snapped out of it as the one next to him spoke.

"Our Lord has returned."