
Astral Flow

A world in its dying days, the end of the world being held back by a powerful lord, death and decay slowly overtaking the world. That was the premise for the new full dive game anyways, one inspired by rpgs of the past. An interesting enough premise to draw people in, yet little did they know this would likely be the last game they ever played. Magic and mystery awaits, who will survive and who will become the one true lord? Only time will tell.

Valice_Phantom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Chapter 22

It's eerie just how quiet hundreds of people can be when waiting in anticipation.

The only sounds that could be heard as they waited on the pirate's troops to show was the wind blowing and birds chirping.

Looking around Ryder could see everyone lined up at their stations, ready to fight.

There were a dozen cannons, each manned by three people, likely for easier maneuvering and loading.

Waiting lined up in groups are the frontliners, set to charge in once the enemies get close enough.

Ryder lets out a shaky, anxious breath as he stares out at the battlefield, awaiting the inevitable battle.

It was a bit ridiculous in his mind, feeling this way over this particular battle, yet he wasn't nearly as afraid of the lord hunter.

His nerves were so on edge that everything seemed louder, clearer, sharper even… even the breeze on his face felt more direct than normal.

Each deep breath feeling like a sharp cold sting on his lungs, it was eerie just how much more vibrant and vivid everything felt.

Everything down to the last stitch in his gloves was now fully apparent, it was all becoming too much.

A soft hand ends up resting on his shoulder, looking over he sees Oto standing there looking back at him, a calm determination in his eyes.

"Just relax, we're all here in case things go bad, you'll be fine."

With a solemn nod Ryder returns his attention back to the field, the air around him feeling… different.

As the air shifted it alerted him, served as a warning and made him tighten his grip on the handle of his sword.

"They're here."

Oto quickly moved up to his side, looking for any sign of troops, not seeing a single thing. Though about to give up, a tiny bit of movement catches his attention.

There, in the distance, coming up on the battlefield were dozens of mindless soldiers stomping up to fight.

"THEY'RE HERE!" Oto yells out to all the troops, seeming to be the only other one to notice.

His voice roars through the silence, catching everyone's attention causing them to snap forward, looking at the oncoming battle.

Easily spotting the approaching mindless soldiers the groups prepare for first contact, aiming the cannons and readying extra ammunition.

Aranaea steps forward raising her hand up, waiting for the troops to get closer, a fierce look of determination burned into her eyes.

Halberd in hand she stared down the enemy, awaiting the perfect moment, the threat growing closer by the second.

What was once a quiet rumbling grew louder and louder by the second, turning into a thunderous stampede as the sea of husks became apparent, shaking most to their core.

How could they fight a mob of this size? It'd be impossible!

They were easily outnumbered!

"NOW! GIVE THEM HELL!" Aranaea's voice roared out, easily topping the sound of thunderous footsteps as she pointed her halberd at the enemies.

Without a second thought the cannons began blasting off, explosions echoing left and right as the cannonballs flew over Aranea, heading into the hordes of Husks, easily blasting holes in the sea of enemies.

Though it slowed them down the troops were still rushing right for Aranea without pause, though she didn't falter, instead holding her ground as she put her Halberd out in front of her, readying herself for battle.

In an instant dozens of streaks of blue came from behind Ryder and the cannons, causing him to look back.

There stood Demea with a group of spellcasters, all preparing and casting what seemed like arrows made of magic as fast as possible, hurling them into the horde from a safe distance.

"Alright men! Position change, get on it!!" Delvia's voice called out, the small merchant positioning herself on top of a crate while yelling out orders.

In no time all the cannon troops began raising their aim, setting it up to arc up towards the back of the hoards.

The Mages moved forward, seeming to need to get a better line of sight.

"Well boy, looks like this is it." Regis' voice caught Ryder's attention, causing him to look to his left at her.

Standing there was the death knight, a confident smile on her face and a terrifying calm in her eyes.

The pendant hanging from her neck shining in the light, almost pulling his complete attention.

"Are you sure you'll be alright without your powers?" he asks, slightly concerned for her, they were facing down more troops than he could've expected, would she really be alright?

"Ah don't you worry about me, even without my powers none of these husks could land a blow on me." Regis points towards Aranea who is now readying herself for a full assault. "Besides, I can't exactly sit back with a leader like that on the field."

Though Ryder wishes to respond, he can't find the words for a proper response, only watching as the frontline units march up to assist Aranea.

Dozens of people, including Feros, Radogan, Laurence and Regis stand ready to take on the sea of enemies, their only hope for assistance being the mages and cannons.

"Remember, we just need to fight long enough to draw out Teach!" Deliva yells out. "So put your everything into loading those cannons until that ugly pirate shows himself!"

The roar of explosions sound off once more, the cannonballs firing up over the troops in a surprisingly accurate arc, landing the shots on the targets towards the back.

Husks are sent flying, the zombified soldiers being torn apart with ease, the stragglers being hit with spells.

As the husks towards the front approached it was clear that they wouldn't make it past, the frontliners were making sure of that.

Each and every one of them, even those Ryder had never seen before, were fighting their hardest, putting their everything into this defense.

Metal on metal, sparks flying, blood splattering, it was all so very vivid… so overwhelming, and yet he couldn't look away, no he wouldn't let himself look away.

If they would put their lives on the line then he couldn't afford to turn his head, not now.

Yet the more the battle raged on, the more things seemed hopeless, the husks were just swarming with no end.

Cut ten down and twenty more seem to take their place.

There had to be a limit though, there had to.

That's when he noticed it, they weren't actually dying, no, they'd stay dead for a moment before reviving.

Each one slain would come back and keep marching, is this how Teach had planned to mow them all over?

[Towards the back]

A disembodied voice rang in Ryder's head, a sharp pain shooting through his mind, painful enough to make him stumble a bit.

The voice was odd, familiar, it sounded like an older male voice, almost like his but deeper and wiser.

"Towards the back… Oto do you have binoculars, a telescope, anything?" Ryder frantically asked, taking Oto aback.

"Huh? Yeah, here-" before Oto can even finish holding out the spyglass it's taken from him by Ryder. "Hey!"

Ryder quickly runs over to the crates near Delvia, using one to boost his height and look out over the sea of husks, confusing even the small merchant now.

"Where is it?" Ryder mumbles, looking out over a sea of monsters, trying to spot… well… anything really.

Though initially only seeing the husks marching or standing back up he eventually saw it, all the way in the very back hiding safely behind the wall of enemies was a single purple robed spellcaster.

A deep purple aura surrounding them, likely being the source of the constant revivals.

"Do we have a bow or a gun? Something long range and precise?" he quickly asks, looking over towards the merchant next to him.

"Yeah, did you see something?" she asks while moving over towards a barrel, producing a sleek looking bow. "Handcrafted by the finest hands in Resovult! They don't make it like this anywhere else, so be careful!"

"Right" Ryder nods and takes the bow from her, hoping to be able to hit his shot quickly.

If the bow was anything like any of the other RPGs he played it shouldn't be too hard.

As he aimed the bow, a surge of energy rushed through him, his body seeming to correct itself and line the arrow up perfectly.

His hand holding the string back lit up with the black flame sigil, the arrow morphing and changing right before everyone's eyes into pure dark flames, dancing wildly in the bow and ready to fly.

Ryder's eyes flashed yellow, the bow becoming engulfed in the flames as the arrow fired off with enough force to rival the cannons.

The dark arrow streaked through the sky, whistling loudly and being heard over the battle, even temporarily causing Regis to look up in surprise.

Like a pitch black comet soaring through the sky the arrow found its mark, hitting the robed figure and exploding with great force, turning into a blazing inferno that devoured the mage and a good chunk of the husks towards the back.

Oto looks at the resulting attack in disbelief. "What the hell was that?!"

Ryder looks at the bow in his hand, confused as to what just happened. "I really don't know… but I think at least the husks won't be standing back up now."

As the two of them gazed out at the battlefield once more it became clear, all the enemies were staying down now, their numbers finally diminishing.

"Perfect! Now it's only a matter of time until Teach shows his ugly mug!" Delvia shouts with a smile. Quickly she turns her attention back to the cannons "Double time! I want you all to bring out the big guns! Mow through them!"

"Do you think you can manage another shot like that?" Oto asks, trying to form some sort of strategy.

With a solemn shake of his head Ryder holds up the bow, which looks like it's been worn down beyond repair now. "I don't even know how I did that, and this bow wouldn't even hold up if I wanted to attempt it again."

"Well I don't think you'll have to worry about it!" Delvia speaks up while pointing at a figure slowly making its way through the crowd. "It looks like he's finally here!"

Thunderous footsteps echo out loudly as the pirate comes into view, his appearance shocking Ryder.

Standing there is a figure at least seven feet tall, wearing a simple red coat with black slacks and a dirty white deep v neck shirt.

The features of a Ferosian keep him from resembling what they'd pictured as a pirate though.

The exposed bits of his skin were covered in dark reddish green scales, acting as a natural armor of sorts on his hands, neck and parts of his chest.

His face was more human looking, with sun kissed skin and windswept brown hair pulled into a short ponytail, though his eyes were a fiery orange with a reptilian-like slit for the pupils.

Two tusks also emerged from the lower part of his lips, just enough to be apparent and somewhat intimidating.

Teach's feet also seemed to be different, more… dragon-like, large and scaled with what seemed to be talons.

His hands, while bearing armor, also bore claws in place of nails, appearing deadly sharp.

Lastly a pair of wings emerged from his back, along with a powerful looking tail at his waist.

"That's what a Ferosian looks like?!" Ryder asks, now afraid to face the pirate who's towering above everyone else.

How in the hell was he supposed to fight that?!

A hearty laugh escapes the pirate as he casually strolls through the warzone, swiping away husks in his path. "Well, it has been quite some time since I've been this amused!" his voice booms loud enough for all to hear. "Who bears the mark of the slumbering chaos?! Only those worthy of being a true lord would seek it!"

The commanding tone in his voice was enough to make Ryder's blood run cold, it was as if a single word would kill him.

Unsure of what to do Ryder slowly raised his hand and called out. "I do, I'm the one who has the Black Flame."

Teach stares up at Ryder, seemingly confused for a second before smiling and laughing. "You? You're the wielder of darkness incarnate?! My oh my I never thought such a small lad could be chosen as a lord bearing the mark of the slumbering chaos!"

The thunderous laughter continues on for a moment until the pirate lord shakes his head a bit. "Pardon my rudeness, it's just entertaining… this dream has been full of twists and turns I never would've expected! And now just when I thought I'd seen it all yet another wondrous surprise shows itself!"

With a strong burst of wind Teach pushes all the husks aside, clearing the area nicely, the source of the wind seeming to be from his wings as they're now stretched wide.

Proudly the Pirate Lord crosses his arm, locking eyes and awaiting Ryder's approach. "Come then, Lord of Chaos! Show me why the primordial flame chose you!"

Nervously Ryder takes a deep breath and moves forward, walking past the frontliners now staring at him worriedly.

He tosses the bow over to Regis, having not realized he was still holding onto it tightly, his hands trembling in fear.

Quietly he forces himself to grip the handle of his sword to attempt to hide the trembling of his hands.

Looking up at the towering Pirate Lord, his reptilian eyes gazing into Ryder's soul, Ryder could feel his blood run cold and a shiver run down his spine.

This was what they were hoping for, a one on one duel… but now staring down the towering draconic entity before him, the champion couldn't help but wonder… was this even really possible to win?

His wings blasted away all these husks easily, and now up close it was clear to see that he'd likely cleave through him with ease if using a bladed weapon.

With a smirk the booming and commanding voice of Teach spoke once more. "Up close you're even tinier than I expected!" he lets out another laugh before shaking his head a bit. "Now this is truly entertaining… come then, Lord of Chaos, show me what you're made of!" As he says this, Teach draws what looks to be a machete made of bone with some odd green glow coming from it.

Silently Ryder draws his sword, quickly coating it with the black flames earning an amused look from Teach.

Though much to Ryder's surprise the flames felt different, more calm, more… alive.

They danced vividly through the air along the blade, time seeming to slow greatly.

[Get ready, here he comes.]

To those around them it seemed like Teach burst forth with terrifying speed, many surprised and expecting Ryder to take the first hit.

However a great shockwave exploded out with enough force to push everyone away, slamming even the frontliners onto the ground.

Upon getting their bearings everyone could see Ryder standing there, his blade resisting the might of the Pirate King's blade, the Black Flames repelling and attempting to devour the bone machete.

Ryder's eyes glowed with an unearthly yellow as the flames roared to life and he pushed the pirate king back, now readying himself for a terrifying fight.

Teach's smile becomes an excited grin as he twirls the machete. "Superb! And here I was worried you were all flash and no substance!" he lets his wings flap a bit, seeming to get ready to increase his movement. "Let's see how much you can handle before breaking!"

[Don't panic, focus on striking when there's an opening.]

Teach blasts Ryder with a gust of air, temporarily knocking him off balance before going in for a strong overhead swing.

Ryder blocks it just barely, but is surprised to get a fist to the stomach, being hit with enough force to knock the air from his lungs and launch him back, causing him to fly through the air.

With a loud thud Ryder hits the ground, rolling a bit and coughing violently, the pain being increased for a moment before it begins to dull down.

A black liquid was on the ground from where he coughed, not blood… more like an inky substance.

[Stand up, Teach won't wait for you.]

Ryder looks over, seeing Teach going for the kill by aiming the machete right for his head.

Reacting quickly Ryder draws his dagger and rolls out of the way, using his vantage point he swings and stabs Teach in the leg, causing the pirate to stagger a bit.

Not wanting to waste any time he stands up, reeling his arm back and letting out a heavy swing against the pirate, successfully pushing him back.

Letting out a few quick breaths and regaining his composure Ryder takes up a new fighting stance, dagger in his off hand and bastard sword ready in the other.

Another amused laugh escapes from the Pirate Lord as he sees this. "You really are full of tricks! I wouldn't expect anything else from another Candidate!" not wasting another moment he takes a deep breath before roaring and charging in.

Another exploding clash occurs as Ryder parries another fierce swing from Teach, the magic rippling through the air, making it hard for some to even observe what was occurring.

Teach reaches forward with his free arm, grabbing Ryder by the head and throwing him up high into the air.

Quickly following after him Teach flies into the air, grabbing one of Ryder's legs and throwing him back down to earth with a sickening thud and cracking sound.

Landing gracefully on the ground the Pirate Lord looks over his opponent, surprised to see Ryder already standing back up, the only visible damage coming from the cracks and breaks in his armor.

Readying himself again Ryder goes on the offense, dashing in quickly, using his dagger to deflect the machete away and land a devastating slash across Teach's midsection, the flames easily eating away at the scales protecting him.

Not wanting to risk taking another big hit like that, Teach began trying to counter Ryder's swing at every turn.

Blades and magic clashed violently, loud explosions rang the ears of onlookers and the shockwaves proved too strong for any who wanted to help.

This was truly a battle against Lords, those chosen to usher in the future of this cursed land.

Though those in the frontline couldn't help but be shocked at Ryder's display, it wasn't like him at all, this skill and display of power felt different, as if it didn't belong to him.

This felt like something or someone was amplifying his abilities way beyond their natural point.

With a rage filled roar Teach swings hard enough to push Ryder back once more, the flames protecting him from the aura of that machete.

[Get ready, this is where we end it.]

The flames on the bastard sword began to dance more violently, gathering and appearing to prepare something, an attack that Ryder could see clear as day.

Silently dropping the dagger he takes the bastard sword up in both hands.

Taking up his stance, Ryder held the sword to the ground by his side, feet apart and one forward, the flames dancing against the ground as he left himself open.

Seeing only an opening the Pirate Lord charged in, machete glowing brightly as he swung directly for Ryder's neck, aiming for the kill.

In the blink of an eye Ryder swung up in an arc, slicing through the scales and fatally wounding Teach in an instant, a great wave of black flames blasting him back in the process.

Now Teach finds himself kneeling, unable to stand as his vision blurs, the pain of the flames eating away at him being the only thing keeping him awake.

A soft laugh escapes from him as Ryder approaches. "That… was one hell of a fight… I see why the chaos chose you, you're small… but you pack one hell of a punch."

The Pirate Lord weakly smiles and spreads his arms and wings wide as the machete falls to the ground. "Finish it… let this wonderful dream finally end for me."

[Now, end it, take his knowledge.]

Ryder plants the bastard sword into the ground next to him and raises his hand, the black sigil becoming clear for all to see as it shines brightly.

The champion then grabs Teach by the face, a pained groan escaping him as the rite is cast.

Though they couldn't see it, in this one moment Ryder's view changed, everything around him fading away in a blinding white light.

The smell of the sea becoming apparent as his eyes adjusted, finding himself on a ship of some kind.

[Welcome to the Pirate Lord's Memories.]

Blue waves stretched out as far as the eye could see.

The sun warmly shining down easing any aches.

The smell of the sea embracing everything.

It all invoked such a nostalgic feeling in Ryder, why was this?

Perhaps it wasn't really him feeling nostalgic, these weren't his memories after all.

Roaring cheers come from behind, voices he doesn't recognize.

Looking back to the other side of the ship a younger, scrawnier looking Teach waving to a town of people in the distance.

All the citizens bear the same draconic features as him… was this his home?

Tears roll down the young pirate's face as he tries to stay strong, waving goodbye to his friends and family.

The sorrowful nostalgic feeling only grows stronger as Ryder feels the tears begin to roll down his face.

"This feeling…" Ryder mutters to himself, feeling the trail running down his cheek.

These tears were not his own, yet his heart ached all the same, the feeling of homesickness and memories of farewells overtaking him.

[It stings, doesn't it?]

That same voice from the battle calls out, it's cold… yet comforting.

"Who are you?" Ryder barely squeaks out, unsure of what to think now.

[Simply put, I am your ally, I'll explain more later, for now focus on the memory in front of you.]

Clearing his eyes, our champion looks back at the young Teach, a map clenched tightly in his right hand as he makes his way towards the helm of the ship.

Standing there was a much older looking gentleman, not a Ferosian like Teach, a human but pride was glowing in his eyes as he gazed down at him.

A sense of adventure was slowly building in his heart, yet the pain of leaving everyone behind lingered as well.

[This is the feeling of taking knowledge, taking one's very memories as your own.]

In the blink of an eye thousands of memories begin sailing past Ryder, adventures upon adventures, countless hours of sailing and navigating the seas by the stars.

Heartbreak, joy, longing, despair, hope… all these feelings bleeding together as a grand journey unfolds before his eyes.

The quest of the Ferosian Pirate; Teach playing out before his eyes.

It was all too much to take in right away, like having someone else's life being directly uploaded into your mind.

Yet Ryder couldn't look away, feeling a sense of excitement as he saw the Pirate Lord charge head forth into danger, all in order to bring honor and treasure back home.

Not in a single one of those memories did he see the evil he anticipated.

No, what he saw was a free spirited individual courageously charging headfirst into adventure, a man who refused to stoop to the same depths as the "knights" he came across.

People who would destroy the weak for money, cut down anyone in their path, pure evil in his eyes… so what happened?

Something didn't add up to him.

[These memories will eventually be yours… if you desire to take them.]

Looking behind him Ryder sees a humanoid figure, one that looks like omen but covered in flames… the aura around them also seems different.

They feel familiar, friendly, trustworthy… as if they'd been with Ryder his entire life.

Their soft yellow eyes flicker for a moment as they point to Ryder's hand.

Slowly he raises his hand, revealing the sigil growing and changing, seeming to grow from this experience.

[You have taken his rite, but that does not mean you need to kill him, nor condemn his victims.]

Slowly they raise their hand, pointing at the figure of Teach behind Ryder.

An ominous glow forming around him, the sigil on Ryder's hand reacting.

[It is your choice, devour his knowledge, boost your power and become unstoppable.]

The sigil on Ryder's hand changes, now glowing with a faint dark light and looking like a black hole.

[Or extract the knowledge he devoured, reduce his power back to its base and free that which he could not return himself.]

Solemnly he stares down at the sigil in his hand before closing his eyes and focusing, his decision decided.

Quietly he turns and walks up to the memory of Teach, holding out the sigil hand.

The mark reacts to the aura around the memory and a violent magic begins to swirl, the darkness absorbing the memory rapidly until the vision fades.

To those in the real world the next thing they saw was Teach falling back to the ground as Ryder held up what looked like a swirling orb of pure light.

Memories incarnate stationed there swirling before suddenly the orb grows and blooms into a flower, the petals engulfing the area and drifting to the corpses around the battlefield, along with the husks stationed further away.

A beautiful storm of petals made of light flying off as Ryder lowers his hand and looks to one of the corpses, seeing that the body is healing up, restoring any damage done and bringing them back.

"Ha… never thought that your rite… would let you do something like this." Teach mutters, slowly sitting up, defeat in his eyes. "I suppose this is it, at least you're willing to give a pirate an honorable death…"

"An honorable death? Who said anything about that?" Ryder's voice was back to its usual tone now as the magic faded from him. "Your rite is gone and you're out of the race… but that doesn't mean your story has to end here."

Ryder holds out a hand to Teach, much to the surprise of everyone else here. "Come with us, there's more to see than this island at the edge of history." a slightly awkward smile appears on his face. "I may not have seen everything, but I can tell you're not the same as the previous Lord."

"And what of the others, you really think they want a memory hoarding pirate like me on their side?" Teach asks, uncertainty in his voice as he looks around.

"That has already been fixed, has it not?" Ryder motions around them to the restored people looking around confused. "If you're that worried then help us, atone for what you did by proving that you're not the terror they think you are… you're Hellfang Teach after all, isn't that right?"

For a moment there's a long silence before the Pirate erupts in thunderous laughter, his hearty laugh filling the ears of everyone in the area.

"You really are interesting… fine then!" standing up the pirate happily takes Ryder's hand. "From this moment on I, Hellfang Teach, shall be your loyal blade to atone for what I've done here… after all, I wouldn't want my legacy to simply be that of a scoundrel."

[Finish the ceremony.]

Silently Ryder places his free hand over Teach's and closes his eyes, allowing the black flame sigil to overlap their hands. "From this moment on, you are my blade and shield, you shall strike down those who would block our path and protect us from the enemy's might."

A circle of pitch black flames surrounds them, reacting to the ceremony, the magic in the air rising greatly.

"If you have no objections then state your name and accept your rank."

Teach raises his head and with a smile shouts. "I, Teach, am the first Knight of Lord Ryder! May all who oppose him fall to my blade!"

The flames shoot high up into the sky and dissipates, revealing Teach's red coat to now be pitch black, Ryder's sigil etched clearly on its back.

"Welcome to the team Teach-" Ryder begins only to be cut off by an arm wrapping around his neck.

"Congrats Kid, you just proved yourself to be a true Lord!" Regis' voice rings loudly in his ears. "Not only did you do that advanced ceremony on your own, but you beat and won over another Lord! I haven't seen anyone do that since my Lord did it with Ordan."

"It's truly impressive…" Aranea comments as she walks up, still wary of the pirate. "Though I don't want to be rude, can we really trust him?"

"Oh I don't expect you lot to trust me right away." Teach admits crossing his arms. "But that's just the fun part, I've got a lot of work to do to win you all over!"

"I suppose so…" Aranea mutters. "But that means now we have a reliable way to get to the mainland, along with it being what we should focus on next…"

"True, but let's give everyone a second to celebrate and relax…" Ryder yawns a bit, sitting on the ground now. "I'm also much more tired than anticipated, probably from all that magic- woah!"

Ryder lets out a yelp of surprise as Teach easily hoists him up onto his shoulders. "No problem, I'll carry you back to town! I'm still fully charged and raring to go!"

Aranea lets out a tiny chuckle and shakes her head. "I suppose this shall be interesting to witness." Looking back she waves everyone over and raises her voice. "Alright everyone! Back to the village or come with us to the port town, make your choice!"

Quickly everyone decides what they wish to do, most heading back to the village, only the small group of those who know each other are heading to the port.

Ryder, Oto, Yuria, Delvia, Aranea, Radogan, Demea and such.

The flames really did wear Ryder out as he couldn't keep his eyes open much longer, though satisfied with how the battle ended he still longs to know Lily is safe.

Looking up at the now night sky he sees a sight that puts his mind at ease, though he doesn't know why.

The beauty of it puts his mind at ease and lets him pass out, knowing that this was only the beginning, and soon enough he'd reunite with Lily.

This was only the beginning of his journey as a Lord.