
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

New Allies

We made it to Ylldrisal a few days after we beat Froznaught and the battleship landed on top of a facility then we got out. I was still a bit tired, but was capable enough to move around. I looked around and was in awe.

"You said we were going to the main base! You didn't mention an entire CITY like this!" I said.

This was Ylldrisal, but that was the name of the country we were in. We were in Kaigake City, a massive city with a huge population. It was a Sci Fi-esque city and on some of the billboards was a few members of the Anti-Calamity as not only were they heroes to the people of Ylldrisal, but famous around the country.

"Welcome to the Capital of Ylldrisal, Kaigake City. This is where our main base is actually located. As for the main base, you're standing on it." Shella said and smiled.

I looked at Shella then looked down at the building I stood on. It does explain why we landed on the building. "Wow...Alright. I wouldn't have guessed this."

"Come on in. It's cold out tonight. You can meet the leader of the Anti-Calamity and the leader of the Astralite then we can get you settled in tonight and ready for tomorrow." Shella said.

I nodded and followed everyone inside then we headed straight to the main office so they could report to the leader of the Anti-Calamity. We walked inside of the office and I noticed the man who sat at the desk was a guy who didn't look over 30 years old.

"Hello, Mr. Ottoman. We've just come back from Frostpoint City. We were held up a few days because Froznaught intervened with our trip but we managed to defeat him." Shella said.

"I see, well good job on slaying the beast. We also heard the news of the 31st Division being wiped out. It seems the Calamity Slayers haven't been great in terms of making good progress as of recently." The man said. "I see a new face. Who might she be?"

They moved out of the way so I could fully see him and so he could see me. I blinked and still couldn't believe this man was Yelt Ottoman.

"Hello, Miss. It is a pleasure to see a new face amongst the group. For you to be here, that means you wield the Astral." He said jokingly. "All jokes aside, my name is Yelt Ottoman. I am the leader of Anti-Calamity and Overseer of Ylldrisal. Who might you be?"

"My name is Vera Tsukiyomi. I am the lone survivor of the 31st Division, the Sacred Guardians." I introduced myself.

"Ahh...so there was a survivor. That's the first because usually everyone in a Division is dead. And you bare the Tsukiyomi name, interesting. You'll be a great addiction to the team. You'll fit right in with everyone else." Yelt smiled.

"Are you really the grandfather of the leader of the Astralites? That just means your granddaughter is fairly young." I said.

"Not really, she's about your age maybe a bit older." Yelt answered.

"Yelt is actually 150 years old. He outlived Genesis's parents. Her parents were killed by a Calamity Monster and Yelt completed a goal the Ottoman Bloodline have been working on for a long time. Project Everlast." Shella explained.

"Project Everlast?" I asked.

"Yes, it is a project that the Ottoman have been working on for a while. The Project was intended to give people Immortality and Eternal Youth." Shella said.

"Interesting." I said.

"Anyway, we have to go report to Genesis now and introduce her to Vera." Shella said.

"Alright. I'll call you if I need anything from you." Yelt said.

"Alright. Good night." Shella said then walked out the office.

I followed her and we headed to the elevator. We road a few floors down and entered the home section of the base. Mitsu and Mao Zheng went to their rooms for the night. Shella and I walked down the hall then into a room and noticed a woman closing a book.

"Surprised to see that you're still awake, Genesis." Shella said.

"Well I was extremely anxious and couldn't sleep. I was worried about all of you when I heard the news of Froznaught attacking and everything." The woman said. She spotted me and tilted her head. "Oh? Who's this?"

"This is Vera Tsukiyomi. She's the lone survivor of the recent Division that was wiped out by Froznaught. She actually assisted in the death of Froznaught." Shella said and smiled at me.

"Oh really? Well it's nice to meet you, Vera. My name is Genesis Ottoman. I'm the leader of the Astralites even though Azusa is a better leader than me." Genesis giggled and rubbed the back of her head.

"It's nice to meet you, Genesis." I said and smiled politely.

"Well anyway, I think were are going to head to bed for the night. I'm going to show Vera around, you can join if you want. That's if you don't have anything planned for tomorrow that is." Shella said.

"I shouldn't have anything to do tomorrow. I can tag along and show her around with you." Genesis said and smiled.

"Great! See you in the morning then." Shella said.

"See you in the morning. Good night." Genesis said and smiled.

"Good night." Shella said.

We walked out of Genesis's room and she closed the door. Shella lead me to her room and we walked inside.

"You can stay in my room until we can get you your own room. Uhm...if you want, you can sleep on the bed and I can sleep on the floor." Shella said.

"Why would you sleep on the floor? It's your room. You should have the bed. I can sleep on the floor." I said.

"Are you sure?" Shella asked.

"I did that when I would spend the night at my old friend's house. I would never take the bed from anyone else. It's either I sleep on the same bed, or I sleep on the floor." I said.

"Sleep on the same bed?" Shella asked and looked at her bed. It was big enough to fit the both of us on it. "Are you a wall person or an outside person?"

I looked at Shella then scratched my head.

After a bit of deciding, we came to a conclusion. Shella was gonna take the wall and I was gonna take the outside. Shella was already fast asleep on her side and I stared at the ceiling.


"Mama!!" I yelled and grunted as the roof of the dojo began to collapse. "Papa!!"

"Vera..." My mom weakly called out to me.

I ran to her and got on the ground. "Mama! Papa!"

I looked at the flames as they raged wildly. My mother held my cheeks with her trembling hands then brought my head to hers then placed her forehead on mine.

"Your father is already dead...As much as I want to go with you...my legs gave out." My mom said and smiled. Tears formed in her eyes.

"Mom, we can still escape..! Let me help you! Let me help you stand!" I cried and tears streamed down my face.

"Please save yourself...find a good husband who would protect you at all costs, find good friends who will stand beside you. You're my only baby...I don't want you to lose your life. So please...Go!" My mom said then used her energy to push me away.

"Mama!" I cried and watched as the roof collapsed.

My mom smiled at me through the cracks of the demolished roof. "I love you."

I got up and tried to reach her but the final piece fell and killed her as well. I froze and heard a distant roar.

"Pitiful mortal. As a Calamity, I must make sure all advancements end. I will spare your life right now. Remember my name. My name is Kohaon. I am the Calamity of Inferno. Me and my dragon, Ragnyth, will meet you in the near future. Next time we meet, hopefully you'll be stronger and worth killing." Kohaon said and walked away.

I looked at Kohaon and reached my hand out at him. I was full of rage and my breaths were heavy. "Come...back here you bastard..! I'll kill you..! I'll kill you for this! Don't...walk away from me..!"

〔End of Flashback...〕

I wiped my tears and closed my eyes. "Kohaon..."

The next day arrived and I was already up. I stood by the window and stared outside. Shella woke up soon later and sat up. She stretched and yawned then looked over then noticed me standing by the window.

"Vera?" She spoke softly and rubbed her eyes.

I continued to stare out the window. "I remembered why I want to fight. I...I have to avenge my parents. The memory came to me last night. Them dying in a fire after an attack on my home. Kohaon..."

"Kohaon..? The Calamity of Inferno? He killed your parents?" Shella asked.

"Not just my parents...my entire town. My entire town went into flames. I will kill him and his Dragon. I'll avenge those who fell by his hand." I said then placed my hand on the wall.

Shella looked at me then got out of bed. "Well, you can't do that as you are. You might've helped kill Froznaught, but you are far from ready to face off against a Calamity. Calamities are far stronger than any S-Tier Calamity Monster. Stronger than any normal God and Goddess."

"I'm aware of that. After all they are born from the Avatar of Calamity herself. I'm just letting you know what my goal is. He'll pay for what he's done." I said. "At the time I didn't know what he was when he said his name...now I know exactly who he is. I will destroy him."

"Well before all of that, how about meeting your new Allies first. You can have a few of my clothes and later today we can go out shopping so we can get you more clothes and things." Shella said.

I looked back at Shella then nodded. I walked over to her and we went to her closet and she let me pick out the clothes I wanted then we both got ready for the day. After getting ready, we walked out of the room and went to the elevator to go down to the lobby of the base.

I noticed a woman walking with one of the staff members to the dining area to have breakfast with them.

"That's Azusa Yoshie, the Second in Command of the Astralites. She's a major authority figure and a running up chairwoman in the OSSA, the Order of Shining Sisterhood Association." Shella explained. "We can go say hi to her really quickly before we go meet the others."

"That's fine by me." I said and nodded.

We walked over to Azusa and Shella tapped her arm. Azusa looked back at Shella then looked back at the staff member, telling him to go on ahead.

"Good morning, Shella. I'm glad to see you made it back to Ylldrisal." Azusa said.

"Yeah, it feels good to be home. Just as you predicted, there was a high ranking Calamity Monster in Siberia. Froznaught, but he's been handled now." Shella said.

"That's good. Who's you're friend here?" Azusa asked.

"This is Vera Tsukiyomi. She's a lone survivor of the Division that was killed a few days ago." Shella said.

"I see, a survivor. Well it's nice to know your instincts are at an all time high. My name is Azusa Yoshie. It's a pleasure meeting you." Azusa said. "I have to go, so I'll catch up with you two later."

Shella waved and Azusa walked off. "That's all the Astralites so far. Me, Mitsu, Mao Zheng, Azusa, Genesis, and you. We are hoping to recruit more members, but that's gonna take time and it requires Yelt to pinpoint those who have Astral Energy in the area. That's how we found Mitsu and Mao Zheng. That's how Genesis found me and Azusa as well."

"Can you explain the Order of Shining whatever?" I asked.

"The Shining Sisterhood is one of the old Divisions that's being revamped. There are two captains of the Division, both can use Astral, and both refused our request to join the Anti-Calamity. Apparently they have some gripe against Yelt, but Azusa doesn't want to waste potential allies, so she's forming a secret alliance between us and the Shining Sisterhood." Shella said.

"Oh, the 23rd Division. I wasn't aware that Division was getting revamped. Why not revamp the Genesis Crest or even the Xeno Strykers?" I asked.

"Because the head bloodline of both Divisons were wiped out. Before you ask why Genesis doesn't take over, it's because she's only a descendant, not a direct bloodline member. If she was directly related to Joshua Yeveon, she could've revamped the Genesis Crest." Shella explained.

"Hey! Good morning you two!~" Genesis said as she hurried over to us.

"Speaking of Genesis." Shella smiled. "Hey Genesis. Good morning."

"Good morning." I waved at Genesis.

"Are you ready to get the day started? I'm ready." She smiled.

"Yeah let's go get some breakfast first." Shella suggested.

"Okay sounds good!" Genesis smiled.

With that said, the three of us went to get breakfast. I felt like I was more valued here than I was with the Sacred Guardians. Just by the way Shella talks about me to the others made me feel like I was actually worth something here. I still had my guard up because I wasn't too sure about everyone yet but so far, I'm content here.