
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"I just noticed we didn't catch your name." Shella said as she set Nebulus on autopilot back to Ylldrisal.

"My name is Vera Tsukiyomi." I said.

"Tsukiyomi? I didn't expect anyone of your bloodline to still be alive." Mitsu said.

"You know her bloodline?" Mao Zheng asked.

Mitsu nodded. "I do. Her bloodline was one of the strongest ever to exist. Their bloodline started 40,000 years ago, they had a plan set up called the Lunar Obliteration Project. They would use the moon to gather enough energy to strike down the Avatar of Calamity. The Project succeeded, but the attack failed to strike the Calamity Goddess down."

"Really? Why did it fail?" I asked.

Mitsu shrugged her shoulders. "No one really knows. Their attack was called Final Moonlight. One of the strongest magic attacks known to man. The only magic attack that made the Avatar feel any sort of hesitation because of how powerful the bloodline was."

"What other powers did my bloodline have? Mom and Dad never really used their powers...like at all." I said.

"Well the main one is called Moon Magic. It might seem useless because their magic is said to only work at night, but there are times their magic works in the day as well." Mitsu explained.

"How?" I asked.

"The moon has to be in the right part of the sky so you can see it and resonate with it, but you won't have to worry about that. We have evolved for generations. You no longer need the moon to use your powers. All you need is the Lunar Energy inside of you and that is only going to awaken through the Astral." Mitsu answered.

"I see.." I said.

An alarm began to set off and red lights began flashing. We all were on alert and looked out the window. Froznaught was running along the summit and roaring. Froznaught skidded and looked at us then unleashed a powerful beam at us.

"Nebulus! Defense Mode!" Shella commanded.

"On it." A voice said then an energy barrier blocked the beam and repelled the attack.

"It's Froznaught...How the hell did he catch up to us so quickly?" Shella asked and glared. "Looks like we aren't able to wait to awaken the Astral within you. We will do it right here within this Battleship. Mitsu, Mao Zheng! Hold him off for as long as you can!" Shella said.

"On it!" Mitsu said then ran to the elevator to ride up to the top of the battleship.

"You can count on us." Mao Zheng said and followed Mitsu.

"Come with me." Shella said then walked off.

I stood up and followed her. "So it isn't the act of the Avatar of Calamity...We are truly destined to fight the Calamity."

"Yes, there is nothing we can do to change it either. Don't worry, once you're awakened...you'll be able to fight them off like we can. Just relax for now. You aren't out there just yet." Shella said then sat me down in a chair then sat beside me then made me lay my head down on her lap.


"Shhhh...just relax. The Astral will awaken momentarily, you'll feel it." Shella said.

Froznaught roared and landed on the battleship. Mitsu and Mao Zheng looked at Froznaught and felt his Calamity Energy surging everywhere.

"Cover me." Mao Zheng said then ran ahead.

"Leave it to me!" Mitsu said then performed hand gestures then slammed her hand against the floor.

Multiple circles appeared on the floor and Froznaught noticed it. He looked at Mao Zheng then swiped his claws at her. She jumped over his attack then looked surprised to see his grin. Froznaught shot ice spikes at Mao Zheng using the spikes on his back.

"The spikes on his back...are weapons too..?" Mao Zheng asked in shock.

A black chain emerged from one of the many circles Mitsu made appear then wrapped Mao Zheng and pulled her out of the way of the spikes. Froznaught roared and caused a shockwave. The shockwave shook the ship and caused a slight malfunction on the battleship.

Mao Zheng grunted as she lost her balance and fell on the floor. "What the heck is that thing doing to our battleship?!"

"Tch! This thing is annoying..." Mitsu said.

"WARNING! WARNING! LOSING ALTITUDE!" The AI said as the alarms blared.

Shella looked at me and looked at the alarms. "Just a two more minutes. I know you all can handle that..."

Froznaught jumped in the air then charged up a massive energy ball with his mouth.

"Fuck...I guess I have to use this. Stand back Mao Zheng!" Mitsu said then performed one hand gesture then a symbol shined on her hand. "This is the Ryuuzouji Clan's special move!"

Froznaught let out a powerful roar and fired the beam at Mitsu.

Mitsu used her energy to fly up to the beam. "Ninja Arts: Dragon Gates! First Gates: Vermilion Blow!" Mitsu bellowed and her chakra surged around her body then an energy exoskeleton of a dragon formed around her body.

"The Forbidden Ninja Arts?! Mitsu you can't use that! It'll kill you!" Mao Zheng yelled.

Mitsu bellowed and began to break through the beam but Froznaught strengthened his beam. "Second Gate: Azure...Storm!"

She broke through his beam and roared as a second energy dragon formed around her. Froznaught stopped his attack then flew down to her and opened his mouth. He went in for the kill by trying to eat Mitsu.

"Big mistake! Third Gate: Shenryu Flash!" She bellowed and a third energy dragon formed around her then she kicked Froznaught away and appeared above him, striking his weak point. He gave a pained roar and began to descend to the ground. Mitsu grunted as her body began to undergo a lot of stress. "I have to end this now!"

Froznaught flew upwards with his newly developed ice wings. He roared once again and flew to Mitsu.

"Dragon Arts: Dragon Blow Barrage!" She bellowed and flew to Froznaught then sent the three dragon at him and all three dragons struck his weak point and sent him crashing down to the ground.

Mitsu panted and began to fall from the sky. She was exhausted after releasing all of that built up energy at once. Froznaught flew back up and roared. There was nothing stopping him even after Mitsu's attack. Froznaught saw the easiest kill of his life when he noticed Mitsu falling from the sky. He went into eat her, but was stopped when he was struck by a powerful slash. He roared in pain then noticed Shella.

I had Mitsu in my arms then landed on the battleship once again then walked over to Mao Zheng. "Leave the rest to us."

Mao Zheng took Mitsu from my hands then nodded.

I walked ahead and my Lunar Energy flowed outside of my body then I flew up towards Froznaught. Shella and I attacked Froznaught simultaneously and he couldn't keep up.

"Keep up the pressure! We have to bring this thing down or else he'll follow us back home!" Shella yelled.

"Right!" I responded.

We continued to attack him and wear him down. Froznaught roared and pushed us both away with his aura then a blizzard was summoned. I grunted as the blizzard was more powerful than last time. I groaned as I was blown away due to the high winds. Shella flew to me and caught my hand. She noticed Froznaught flying higher in the sky. The blizzard began to grow smaller and smaller until it was condensed into a tiny ball of energy.

"What the hell is he doing?" I asked.

Froznaught roared and the ball of energy floated to his mouth.

"This is his ultimate attack! If we dodge it, it'll kill Mitsu and Mao Zheng and destroy Nebulus! We have to tackle it head on!" Shella said.

"But that's straight suicide!" I said in shock.

"Mitsu has done the same thing for me on countless occasions. I will return the favor by saving her even if it costs me my life!" Shella said.

I looked at Shella then looked at Froznaught. The Winter Bomb was his strongest attack. I watched as the attack grew in size and looked at the sky, noticing the moon. "Alright let's do this.."

Shella smiled and I could tell that she really liked my answer. She let go of me then I concentrated my energy to flow powerfully around my body. I held my hand at Froznaught and gripped my wrist.

"Astral Arts: Prominent Star Storm!" She bellowed and rapid flashing happened behind us and a Fusillade of stellar beams homed straight to Froznaught.

I bellowed and fired off a massive Moon Boosted lunar beam at Froznaught. He roared and sent his Winter Bomb crashing down at us then looked surprised when he noticed the stellar beams then roared in pain as she beams hit him. I grunted loudly as the Winter Bomb began overpowering me.

'I can't let this attack break through my attack! I have to push it back! I can't let them die as well!' I thought to myself and yelled as I tried to draw out more power.

Shella flew over to me and unleashed a beam at the Winter Bomb to push it away. She bellowed and our two beams collided and began to push away the Wintet Bomb. Froznaught roared and flew up to the sky then fired a beam at his down Winter Bomb to push it back down.

"We can't let it win! Concentrate Vera! Release all that anger you have within you! I know you're mad! You're fighting the beast that killed your entire Division! You're fighting the beast that can end the world!" Shella yelled.

'We have to kill Froznaught...Like Shella said it will follow us back to Ylldrisal! I can't let innocent people die! I can't allow the Calamity to win!' I thought to myself. 'This is my Fate...I will fulfill my role!'

I yelled and my aura released tiny sparkles and I used all the energy I had to make my beam stronger. Our attack destroyed the Winter Bomb and broke through Froznaught's beam then struck him. He roared in pain as our beam struck his main core and pierced through his body. Froznaught stopped roaring and his body slowly lost its color and disintegrated into black and red particles.

I smiled and closed my eyes then began to descend from the air and Shella flew down and caught me. I was out cold from exhaustion.

Shella flew back down to the battleship and looked at Mitsu and Mao Zheng. "Froznaught is dead."

"Finally!" Mitsu raised her arms in the air and smiled. "That beast has been giving us trouble for MONTHS! Now we can rest easily and head home without any trouble."

"Mhm! We can even spread the news to Genesis." Mao Zheng smiled.

Shella nodded and looked at me. "She was a big help as well so I'll put in a good word for her as well. Vera Tsukiyomi."