
Astral Calamity

The Astral Calamity is a cyclic phenomenon that occurs every time humanity becomes too advanced too quickly. It is said the Astral Calamity is caused by an Avatar who is said to have some form of hatred against humanity for what happened 70,000 years ago. In the present day, humanity has split into different factions to combat the Astral or simply take advantage of it and abuse the sacred energy to create monsters known as Calamity Monsters and use the power to become a False Avatar. One thing is for certain, everyone knows how dangerous the Astral can be.

IndifferentLeo · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


With the 31st Division gone and me being the only surviving member of the Division, I decided to join Shella's team. They weren't one of the Calamity Slayers. They were a different group, a group who could wield and control the Astral. They were known as the Astralites. Their organization was called Anti-Calamity.

"Welcome to the Frostpoint HQ. This HQ is temporary but it's free of Calamity Zombies and other Calamity Monsters that roam the open areas. Even Froznaught can't enter the city." Shella said.

"So you're the leader of the Astralites and Anti-Calamity?" I asked.

"No the leader of the Anti-Calamity is a man named Yelt Ottoman. He's the grandfather of the leader of the Astralites, Genesis Ottoman. As you can tell by the name, she's a descendant of the captain of the First Division of the Calamity Slayers, Joshua Yeveon. She was named after his Division and shares many of the same powers as him." Shella explained.

"Where is everyone actually? The HQ seems a bit empty doesn't it?" I said and looked around.

"Well your Division was supposed to be meeting me here so I could get you all started on the process of obtaining the Astral, but it seems like Froznaught wiped out your entire Division." Shella said.

"Yeah. Froznaught killed them all with relative ease." I sighed and shivered as I remember the grin Froznaught gave me. It was such a sinister grin, almost like how an actual evil human would grin before commiting a heinous act.

"Well you are definitely safe with us. As for your question on where everyone else is, one of our members are currently here. Her name is Mao Zheng and she's one of our stronger members. She's a combat specialist when it comes down to martial arts." Shella said.

"Where is she?" I asked.

"She's in the training area of the HQ. We can catch her before she finishes her training session." Shella said.

"Alright." I nodded.

Shella and Mitsu led me to the training area to meet Mao Zheng. We took an elevator down to the training area. Once the elevator stopped, we got out and Shella pointed at Mao Zheng who sat in the middle of the floor with her legs crossed. She seemed to be meditating. I could feel her Astral Energy from where I stood and it felt extremely powerful.

I stared at her and noticed her opening her eyes. She looked at me and stood up. We made eye contact and it was literally impossible to break the eye contact we had made.

"I sensed a new presence in the area, it's you. I can sense the Astral inside of you. It's fairly weak, but strong enough for me to sense it. It is nice to meet you. I can imagine that it was Shella who brought you here?" Mao Zheng said. She had a bit of an accent and it was clear from the first few words she spoke.

"Mitsu also helped. If it weren't for her initial attack, Froznaught would've definitely eaten me." I said.

"Froznaught? The Winter Demon? You met him?" Mao Zheng asked in shock.

"So Froznaught is a he? Interesting. Anyway, I did meet the Winter Demon. He is he one who wiped out my entire Division with ease." I answered.

"He's an S-Tier Calamity Monster. It was a miracle that these two were able to make it to your aid in time. I was informed that the 31st Division was coming to meet us for Shella's ability to bestow Astral onto anyone through a procedure called Astral Awakening. I guess since you're the only one here, you can go through the process to have your Astral awakened and have it be more powerful." Mao Zheng said.

"But that's a form of advancement! I'm sure Froznaught was summoned to our location due to the sheer reasoning of me and my Division advancing! We've been in Siberia for a month now and he's just now appearing! That had to be an act of the Avatar of Calamity!" I said.

Mao Zheng looked at me and crossed her arms. "You're afraid of the Avatar of Calamity?"

"Who wouldn't be?! She's known for her countless successful attacks against humanity and wiping us out for GENERATIONS! Why aren't we learning from our mistakes? Why do we keep trying to advance?!" I asked.

"Well you see...the difference between the Calamity Slayers and the Astralites and Anti-Calamity is we are made to combat the Calamity. The Calamity Slayers were not. The first series of Calamity Slayers literally could not win against the Avatar of Calamity because they knew nothing of her. The later series of Calamity Slayers couldn't have won against the Avatar of Calamity because they didn't wield any Astral. There are only a select few who can actually wield the Astral. Those who can wield the Astral are either trying to combat the Calamity or trying to manipulate it to their will. Either way, the Astral can't be wielded by everyone." Mao Zheng said and closed her eyes.

"We've been going through this for 70,000 years! Isn't it enough?! I've lost my family, my allies, I can't lose anything else...I just can't." I said then turned around. "You all can advance, but I'm not risking it. Froznaught was the confirmation I needed for me to know how stupid this shit is."

"You can't escape your fate." Shella said. She looked back and noticed I had stopped walking. "You wield the Astral. Those who can wield and manifest Astral Energy are fated to fight against the Calamity. I can promise you that Froznaught wasn't attacking just to attack. Most Calamity Monsters are extremely intelligent, Froznaught being one of the smartest. He could sense your Astral."

I turned around to look at Shella. "What?"

"The Calamity are our natural enemy. You see, the Avatar of Calamity controls all things Calamity and uses Astral Energy hence why it's called the Astral Calamity. She's not only known as the Avatar of Calamity, but she's also the Avatar of Astra. She's the Avatar of Destruction, the Avatar of the End. She's only known as the Avatar of Calamity because when she appears, a new Calamity is born. Calamity isn't just an event, but also a being." Mitsu explained.

"A new Calamity is born? What does that mean?" I asked.

"A Calamity is a being of pure destructive power. Slowly she's been making new Deities to stop humanity at all costs. Each new appearance, a new Deity is born. That's where her sister comes in. She's known as the Avatar of Miracles, the Avatar of New Beginnings, the Avatar of Humanity as you might know her as. She's the one who always restores humanity and makes us even stronger than the last. Our generation can make this change and take down all of our adversaries and the Calamities...soon even the Avatar of Calamity will be taken down." Shella said.

I looked at all of them then sighed softly. "So I'm stuck in this fate. I have no choice but to advance?"

"I know it seems not logical to do, but it's literally the only way we can win. We can't grow if we never advance. We can't be afraid of what the future holds. We know the future and we can change it. Join us, the Astralites. Join the Anti-Calamity. We always have a spot for one more." Shella smiled at me.

It was true, we can't win if we don't advance...but if we do advance we are always destined to lose. It all comes down to fight or flight, but now it comes down to fight or die. I no longer had the option to flight. I had Astral Energy inside of me, I could manifest it although it was weak.

"Alright, fine. I'll join you all, but don't expect me to advance as fast as you all are doing. I'll fight, but I will also remain cautious." I said and crossed my arms.

"That's fair." Shella smiled and held her hand out. "Welcome to the Anti-Calamity."

I took her hand then shook it then heard a beeping sound. Shella let go of my hand then looked at her communicator then pressed the answer button and a holographic screen appeared in front of them. I couldn't see what they could, but I could hear the person talking.

"You want us to come back to Ylldrisal? Why what's going on?" Shella asked.

"News has come back that the 31st Division has fallen. There's no reason for you to stay in Frostpoint City. Get back on Nebulus and come back to the main HQ." The woman said.

"Gotcha." Shella said then hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That was the leader's right hand woman, Azusa Yoshie. She's the main commander of the Astralites. She's one of the most trustworthy people we all know. We were requested back to the main HQ. This will be your chance to meet everyone else who's in our ranks so far." Shella said. "I can get your process started once we get back to the main HQ."

I nodded and all of us went into the elevator to ride to the roof of the HQ where Nebulus was stationed. We all got into the battleship and Shella began piloting the battleship. We flew off and made our way to Ylldrisal.