
The will of a man

I was unconscious for days on end and nobody thought that I'd make it out alive but yet my men never wavered and never stopped guarding my chambers that the maester had them move me to. From what I gather it's been almost a week and I've been asleep until today, while trying to muster the strength to lean up my arm gets caught and as I look back I'm in chains and for what reason I don't know.

I yank the chain off the post of the bed and walk with it as a walking stick and sortve a weapon should I need anything, as I'm going to the door I hear voices outside and they sound rather angry?


"Apologies your grace but if you want in there to attack a man while he's asleep and can't defend himself from the words of a pathetic lord then be the coward you are and kill us all"

As things start getting heated and my men start preparing for another fight I know they're not ready for I yank open the door causing the wooden door to burst if it's hinges in a loud manner. "Now who's going to do what to me? As far as I can see you want to kill a defenseless man in chains apparently your "grace" which is funny because I'd rather call you usurper"-Michael

The red in Robert's face is undescribable at this moment in all likelihood he thinks he could take me at my strongest and honestly after slaying the mountain I can without a doubt say he doesn't have the strength to slay me fairly.

"Now what is the reason for me being chained?-michael

"What is the reason!?!? YOU killed 100 of my men! My best men! And you think you can walk away like nothing would happen? You're a traitor to the crown and a murderer you should be dead as of now"-Lord Tywin

"Ahhhh so that's what this is, do tell does your grace know why 100 Lannister men were trying to kill me? I don't believe so, so let me explain then. Lord Tywin ordered the deaths of the royal family and I should know you have no love for them, the targaryens I mean but we all know having the family slain in such a manner is absolutely not right nor is it justice"-Michael

"What should I care for about dragon spawns if they die huh! They killed my Lyana! I want them all dead! Now you will tell me where you sent them or I will have your bloody fucking head at this moment!-robert

"I will not tell you nor will you take my head your grace because I have done nothing wrong, lord Tywin was a traitor to the crown, an oathbreaker you could say in the manner of him displaying a helping hand to kings landing just to kill and slaughter its people. I have not and will not accept this sham of a charge"-Michael

After that display of a big fuck you to his grace he had me and my men thrown into the dungeons and me believing I just put my men to the executioner because of my display of pride. I am a man, a knight, a son and I will never betray who I am for the likes of worthless men.

While I'm thinking of ways for my men to not bear my burdens I hear a voice, a quiet but familiar voice and it belongs to nobe other then the spider of kings landing low and behold.

"Ser Michael I believe you know who I am but I apologize for the hurry I've already secured all of your men out of kings landing over the week of your unsure awakening so due to the time we have we have to leave now."-Varys

Unsure if I should believe him or not I did notice a lack of men brought to the dungeons with me so I said screw it im taking the chance I'm dead either way if this doesn't work, he unlocks my cell and we make our way to the docks with a symbol I've never seen before.

"You will be leaving kings landing but not Westeros entirely, you and your men have been requested in donre and have been requested to be contracted as the Martell families personal guards. They want you there personally to thank and reward you for your help in rescuing Elia and getting her out of that seven foresaken situation that could have happened"-Varys

"Absolutely. After hearing that his grace king rhaegar died on the trident I planned on getting to dorne somehow and protecting the last line of royalty. I will never let anything happen to them and I will prove it by carving a path back to the throne room for aegon and that is my oath-Michael

Sorry for the chapter being late, woke up in the middle of the day after work yesterday but I will have chapters done throughout the week until Friday. So basically these next 3 days will have a chapter. Thank you guys and please leave me any ideas to keep this fresh and entertaining as this all revolves around you guys. Thank you and love you.