
Chapter 4:

Nadia smiled brightly at me, she loved anyone with black or blue hair no matter whom it is,since I have both she instantly has a weak spot for me. Lily laughed, I sighed inwardly.

" My name is Nadia, this one next to me is William, the one heeling ya is Yuri, his name is Heru the leader of our team and that is Kina and Kristina the power twins. And what is your name?"Nadia asks her hair bouncing. I forced myself to smile.

"My name is Asher of the Dawn clan, my home world is called Κρoνοs. What is this planes name?" I asked, it's always a good idea to be curious, at least a little when you already know so much about other planets. I was met with dumfounded expressions, um,come on these guys have already traveled to other world's they should know that other world's have bridges on them as well. Or did they lie to me before? Their expressions cleared one by one.

" Ah, your world is probably one of the rare ones with bridges on them (seriously, any planet that can reach the Crastina has more than one bridge!). This world's name is Crastina, it means world's meet, get it? This is where all of the world's connect, this planet dwarves even the medium stars and is far easier to get around with thanks to the teleportation stations, stationed everywhere on Crastina. Now you might be wondering what I'm talking about, it's magic not science our world is completely filled with magic there is cases when scientific world's meet ours and share their knowledge with us but their rare cases and we only have a few..... ow!" Kina was hit by Kristina, whom had elbowed him, but since he's five heads taller than she, he was hit where it actually mattered. Lily howled making me flinch.

'Liliana shut it.' I said using her full name.

"You speak to much! She would learn these things as she joins the association." Kristina scolded, she is the oldest of the two twins so naturally she barks better than she bites. I grinned inwardly. She is way to scary but she's the second weakest of the group,but to me she is the strongest. Heru frowned.

"Kitten,please refrain from showing your nasty habit of arguing with your brother over such common knowledge to Asher over here, she just arrived after all." He said. Yuri shook her head and lowered her hands.

" All healed up, you didn't sustain any bad injuries or broken anything which made healing you much easier than it would have originally been." She said. I bowed.

" Thank you,Miss. Yuri." I said, after all I do appear to be an 17 year old girl. Might as well act polite.

'You don't need to, remember. Your so polite even the cows would bow on turn! That was hilarious!' Lily teased, my face heated up a number or two.