
Chapter 3: Colours

_____Ashers POV______

"I'll be fine. Thank you." I

said in perfect wanzo(their language.). Which made Heru,the leader of the gaurdian knights stare. Their apart of the main capital guard, or as I had put it knights. But they are the main force, they take care of those whom crosses the bridges and poses a threat to

the capital and the smaller worlds surrounding the World's meet, or rather the Crastina. This is where dozens of worlds meet and where the strongest of all world's gather.... so you could say I am in imposter, because I did not come here to protect my world nor any other, sure I'd help, but I want to find a way to remove my first seal... the one my parents placed on me to make sure I never exceed or stand out, I never learned why though, I had asked when I sometimes reincarnated when I was little I'd ask surprising them. But.... they'd never answer me. That is why I came and that is why I'll stay and search every other planet. Yuri began to step forward, I panicked and stepped back into the fire. That is when it happened, colours of all kinds flashed before my eyes.

'Wh-what the.... what the heck?! This isn't supposed to have happened, I wasn't supposed to gain even more magical powers?!' I though to myself or tried to. Lily laughed.

' How could you have forgotten?! (Snigger) Every time someone crosses they receive their favorite magical element. How could you forget that thanks to reawakening every single time you die and what you have experienced have mount up to you gaining every element because you believe that without one element the other elements would no longer work or exist. So you fell in love with each of them all on your own. (Laughs.)' Lily said, idiot no need to cackle. I stepped back out of the fire and patted the spots that are burning, Yuri had taken four steps back when she saw what I had done. Oops. Maybe I should refrain from scaring her and the others.

" Uh, can I heal you or not?" Yuri asks raising her arms.

" Um,uh, I, uh, sure. But please do not touch my skin." I answered, sure it hurts but I really don't like someone touching my skin. She smiled, and nodded her head, she stepped forward and placed her hands above my chest, not touching my skin or my shirt. Light magic flowed slowly from her hands and wrapped around my body. Last time when I first got here my skin was completely popped open and bleeding in a lot of places, I was scared and did not know their language so when they spoke, I panicked and stepped forward unfortunately Willaim had his dagger out to help with the bandage's and well I'll leave the rest to your imagination, just to clear one thing up, I did not die. I felt the tendrils of magical light wrap around my injuries until everything sealed completely. My red skin faded into pure white, relief courses through my veins as soon as I was completely healed. Which made the colours stand out even more.