
Asgards Burning Prince

Aerion was born into an unparalleled dynasty, read as he delves into the very depths of the Marvel Universe while keeping his flames burning and his spear sharp to ward away from encroaching evil.

RewindTime · Phim ảnh
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28 Chs

God of Spears

The golden construct of a spear dissipated into golden sparks as Aerions now burning orange eyes saw the construct.

The woman seemed to have no pupils as the white of her eyes were only visible, not that he cared. 

His palm latched onto her face, he used all his strength and twisted his body to gain momentum as he slammed the woman into the ground below with an earth shaking smash. 

Dust rose as birds hundreds of metres away flew off in panic.

"Spears against me won't prosper" the Gods voice carried through the large field easily as the dust cleared and the sight of the armoured Asgardian was revealed.

He was kneeled above the form of the blond woman who looked dazed as she stared up at the teenager. Her pupils seemed to have returned as she frantically started to look around the field.

Aerion felt the air grow charged and suddenly ducked as a gold covered fist was suddenly slammed into where his head once was. 

He kicked off the ground and threw himself just over a dozen metres away from the pair, the Asian man's hand reignited with a gold construct forming over his knuckles and wrist. 

The woman slowly stood and copied the movements of the man by summoning a golden circular shield & sword construct. 

"Who are you!" The man shouted with anger present in his tone. 

Aerions blood was rushing as his eyes assessed the potential fight. 

His eight foot long spear materialised in his right hand, the red ribbons blowing in the wind as his eyes burned into the two forms ahead of him. 

He lifted the spear and pointed it at the pair while his blood red cloak flapped and his dark armour reflected the light of the sun.

The red snake assessed the pair, its green eyes frightfully intelligent.

"I am Aerion Brightflame, Prince of Asgard" his voice ring out clearly "Rid yourself of the weapons or die"

"Asgard?" The Asian man repeated quickly.  Aerion felt himself blink, this man knew of Asgard? "Do you know Thor?" The man asked. 

"He's my elder brother" Aerion confessed as the man's golden construct dropped and he nodded. 

"My apologies then, I am Gilgamesh" he said as he offered Aerion his hand to shake. 

Aerion grasped the man's forearm in a typical Asgardian greeting. "I am Aerion" he repeated as his eyes slid to the blonde woman. 

Said woman looked over at Gilgamesh who nodded subtly "Thena" she said with a nod as she also dissipated the golden constructs. 

Aerion turned to Gilgamesh whose eyes were focused now upon the corpse of the beast "You would turn your back to me just like that?" He asked with his eyes wide in surprise. 

Gilgamesh turned with a simple nod "I met your family, when some ice monsters attacked and Thor showed up, the man was honourable and I'm sure you would follow in his footsteps" of course Gilgamesh wasn't exactly telling the teenager that he still didn't trust him at all.

He simply turned his back to inspect the corpse of the Deviant while Thena kept her keen eyes on the teenager. 

Aerion nodded, of course Thor came here. How else would they have heard of him? "What is that, last I checked they were not running about Midgard" he questioned as his eyes ran over the beast.

"Deviants, only a small number of them still exist." Gilgamesh said as he turned back to the teenager. "They should be completely gone within the decade" he said as he eyed Thenas form.

Aerion took a few steps towards the corpse and kicked it lightly and watched purple vivid blood spill from the large hole in its head. 

Aerion turned to the Asian man "I need to ask, what year is it?" 

Gilgamesh turned to the teenager and thought for a few seconds "1522" he said as he started to eye the corpse again not seeing the widened eyes of the teenager. 

Said teenager eyed the ground for a few seconds before sighing "Ah, alright" he said slowly as if still absorbing this information. 

He might as well make good use of his time, his eyes slid over to the far older blonde woman who looked back at him. 

"You want to spar?" 


Opinions on the story so far? Not sure this was the best chapter lol

Constructive criticism welcome!