
Ascension: Rise To Becoming Retarded

a man... gets reincarnated.. becomes the younger brother of ancestor of dragon nuts road to ascension and autism

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9 Chs

5. The Protagonist

My name is Bang Ding Ow...

i was once the adored emperor of the heavenly primordial golden treasure dragon Qin Ki Chi Esteemed Master Of Bing Chilling the greatest rapstar of all time...


i was betrayed by my disciple Ho Lee Fuk

and Sum Ting Wong

as my body died fools forgot to destroy my souls and i escaped with the ancient heavenly star primordial samsara reincarnation rebirth phoenix buttcheek hair and thus i was reborn

-------Scene Change‐-----

as we can see our MC in his natural habitat among many young masters jade beauties and mysterious experts inside of an auction house

as he observes people around him they also observe him and as time goes by and artifacts come along our MC does what he always did best.

Court Death.

MC: that ancient ring is fake my grandmother makes better ones

YM#1:oh you court death with this ring i can buy your entire lineage

(young master)

YM#2: *snorts* you only rely on grandpa in a ring pathetic has eyes but cannot see

YM#3: ha! frog in a well mountains beyond mountains heavens beyond heavens...

*MC gets a cold look in his eyes...*

*slaughters the entire auction house women, children, babies. everyone i mean holy shit he just killed everyone!*

MC: *snorts* that is what you get for messing with this ancestor...

*mc goes outside sees a jade beauty...*

MC:jade beauty you must become mine...

*the girls fiancee comes out*

YM:brother be reasonable this woman is my fiancee how can you say such things to women you first see??

MC: courting death *brutally fucking murders him*

the woman: omg very powerful... lets have de sex...

MC: no.

*prooceds to tell her everything about himself including his secrets and techniques gives her his resources for no fucking reason at all he is not even hitting that puss puss even yang kai was better than this dude he was stacking cultivation levels like it's blunts*


*prooceds to betray him.*

~~~~~~The End~~~~~

moral of the story...