
Ascending To Infinity

Ever wondered how it'd feel to be a being above or beyond our three dimensional plane or existence? A being that has evolved or transcended our three dimensional space-time to the fourth, fifth, even the sixth dimension? A lifeform, powerful and untethered to any limitations?.... If so, sit back, relax, and join Xander in his journey as he gradually sheds off his mortality to become Infinite or Infinity... 《A Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, DC comics, Ben 10, and Rick & Morty novel》 《Note》 This novel is going to long, as in, the minimum number of chapters it'll have is like two hundred. So it's going to kinda slow in the beginning. Keep that in mind as or before you read. So please don't complain. 《Disclaimer》 I do not own any of the Heroes, Worm, Interstellar, Ben 10, DC comics, and Rick&Morty characters or original stories, only the plot of this fanfic. All characters and original storyline belong to original creators. All images used are also credited to their artists or owners.

KingSeyer · Ti vi
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68 Chs

Peter's Vision

He said somberly and then added gravely before I could respond, "If you don't win."

"...Okay, so I'm going to need an explanation for this," I said after a brief pause, my eyebrows furrowing. "What do you mean exactly by 'We're all going to die if I don't do something about it'?

"...So, basically, in my vision, I saw everyone: my brother, Claire, Officer Parkman, I think a couple and a child, and lastly, Sylar in the center of New York," he paused, inhaled sharply, and continued.

"We were all surrounding Sylar, pretty beaten up and taking cover behind cars, as he pulsed with radiation, glowing bright red like a bomb about to explode, a cruel smile on his face.

"I saw you diving down from the sky, heading towards him like a rocket or a missile. He looked up at you with hate and then flew towards you, his body so bright that I couldn't even look at him.

"The last thing I saw was you slashing your left arm down like a knife, and then all I could see was a hot white flashing light that swallowed us all..." he ended slowly, a little quiver in his voice, as if he was reliving that moment again.

"...Huh, well, that's interesting..." I muttered pensively, surprised, as I sank into my thoughts, my face sunken into a light frown.

"Hmm, that was, uh, fascinating to hear, a very interesting vision.

From what I could glean out of it, Sylar would try to go nuclear in the middle of New York, but then I would crash the party so he would, in turn, focus his nuclear wrath on me and fly towards me like an ICBM, hoping to erase me from existence.

I actually thought he was going to give me bad news, but if this was what he saw, then I guess it was great. Sylar would target me, instead of the millions of lives in the city, and I would finally be able to kill him once and for all. A damn good deal if you asked me...

"...Maybe, but that's not the point," he sighed deeply and said. "I didn't see what happened after the explosion. An explosion of that magnitude could rip you to atoms; you... might've died. He... might've killed you." he added hesitantly, his tone spiced with worry and sadness.

Hearing this, I paused for a few seconds and then couldn't help but start laughing, totally catching him off guard. Sylar killing me? That was just absurd.

"...Um, excuse me, Xander, what's so funny?" he questioned seriously, his soft voice hardened with a touch of annoyance and surprise.

"...Oh, sorry, sorry, my bad," I laughed for the last time and stopped, clearing my throat, but then a chuckle came out, as I suppressed the laughter that threatened to pour out a second time. "It just sounds so ridiculous."

"...What does? The fact that you're probably going to die or that I saw it in a vision?" he asked, his voice a little high, with anger leaking into it. "Do you think this is a joke, Xander? You could die, don't you see that!?"

"Calm down, I know you're serious. Here, let me explain," I buried my amusement and said calmly, a smile on my face. He didn't speak so I continued confidently. "Look, I get what you're saying and I believe it, truly I do. It's just the last part about me possibly dying is just funny to me because there's no way that's ever going to happen. It's just impossible."

He remained quiet for a few seconds and then sighed deeply, "Xander, you didn't see what I barely saw. The light of the explosion burned my eyes even though I saw on the road. There's no way you're going to survive that explosion. The reason I called you is for us to discuss a way to prevent that whole thing from happening, find a way to fight him on our own terms. I can't allow you to die, Xander, I just can't." He explained carefully, his tone low and filled with concern.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but let out a sharp sigh, a little surprised, as my lips stretched into a small smile.

Wow, I knew he was compassionate, but this was just... something else. I mean, c'mon, we barely knew each other and here he was talking as if me dying would be the worst thing that ever happened to him.

...Haah, some people were just meant to be heroes, weren't they?

"I understand, Peter. But you're not getting my point," I remarked thoughtfully and explained. "You see, what I mean is Sylar can't kill me because he's not strong enough. There's no way he's even going to touch me not to talk of killing me. Hell, I'd be surprised if he even manages to graze me. It just can't happen."

"...Xander, this is not the time to be arrogant. The Sylar I saw wasn't the Sylar you fought against. The power I saw him have is just too... overwhelming."

"And what makes you think the me even now is the same person Sylar fought against more than a week ago?" I replied with a question, a little amusement in my voice as I rose my head to look at the starlit sky above.

He became silent, so I continued.

"Look, I beat him the first time. And I will do it again the next time we meet," I assured him confidently. "There's an equal chance I also survive his explosion. Besides, Sylar's not the only one who would or has gotten an upgrade. So don't worry, Peter, I'll be fine."

"...You sure?" he asked unsurely in a low tone.

"Absolutely. There's nothing to worry about." I reassured, nodding with a smile.

He let out a deep resounding sigh and said, relief in his voice. "Alright, if you say so. I'll trust you for now. But still, it's better to be safe than sorry, so I think it's best if we come up with a plan for him."

"Let me worry about that for now," I commented calmly. "You just woke up from a week-long coma, Peter, just relax. I'm sure you have other things or businesses to take care of and a life to live. We'll talk about this when you've gotten everything sorted out."

"...Yeah, I guess so," he agreed and then chuckled, his voice a little giddy. "I feel like it's been forever since I last saw Simone. I'm dying to see her aga—oh sorry, you didn't need to hear that." He paused and said shyly.

"Nah, it's okay. I think it's cute," I joked, and he laughed. "You should definitely go and see her now before you know, someone snatches her away. After all, a week is a pretty long time."

"Haha, yeah, you're right. I should check out of the hospital and go right now," he let out a laugh but then suddenly paused. "...Uhm, hey, do you remember the message I said I had for you back at the hospital?" He asked wryly.

"Yeah, of course. The one from the future, right? I've been itching to know what it is. C'mon tell me about it before you suddenly go into another coma." I urged him playfully.

"...Well, it's about Sylar and also Claire. I think she might be in danger...."