
Ascending Mortal Cultivator

Paused (For now) Wait for it's return in late 2024!! Bai Hu, a youth who lost everything to demonic cultivators, was saved by an orthodox cultivator. Later, he found out that he had a spirit root, allowing him to step on the path to immortality. He vowed to the Heavens that one day, he would wipe out the demonic cultivators and establish a name for himself in the cultivation world. Follow Bai Hu on his journey laden with obstacles and bones as he fights for recognition and revenge.

DaoistWenMing · Huyền huyễn
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44 Chs

Zhang Yun Guang

Bai Hu stood in the arena and readied his sword. Opposite to him stood Zhang Yun Guang who brandished his horsetail whisk.

A few minutes ago, the trio arrived at the arena and called for an elder. Seeing Zhang Yun Guang who is the grandchild of the renowned Grand Elder White Feather, he quickly cleared the arena for them.

"Bring out a box"

The elder understood and took out a small black box. He then took out 3 stones, 1 white, 2 black, and placed them in.

After sending away the elder, Zhang Yun Guang turned to Bai Hu and Cheng Xia while triumphantly holding the black box.

Bai Hu smiled wryly while Cheng Xia stood there expressionlessly.

Slightly embarrassed, he cleared his throat, "Ahem"

Shaking the box around for a few seconds, Zhang Yun Guang reached into the box and pulled out a black stone.

Bai Hu glanced at Cheng Xia from a moment and stepped forward to take a stone. He reached his hand into the opening and pulled out another black stone.

Cheng Xia: "..."

Bai Hu turned to Zhang Yun Guang, "I guess we'll be fighting first"

They then both jumped onto the platform on opposite sides while Cheng Xia stayed where he was.

Bai Hu took out his sword while Zhang Yun Guang brandished his horsetail whisk. Once they readied themselves, a blue light shone and an illusory hourglass manifested.

The sand inside slowly fell until...



The moment the last bit of and hit the bottom of the hourglass, Bai Hu dashed forward leaving trails of lightning in his wake, while Zhang Yun Guang twirled his horsetail whisk to conjure 3 watermelon sized fireballs.

With a slight flick, the fireballs flew towards Bai Hu. Bai Hu saw the incoming fireballs and tried to dodge to the side while still closing the distance, but Zhang Yun Guang merely made a hand seal and the fireballs began to follow Bai Hu.

Bai Hu's pupils shrunk when he felt the heat of the fireballs behind him and he hurriedly jumped into the air.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

3 consecutive explosions rang out and Bai Hu just barely managed to dodge the attack.

Taking advantage of the fact that Bai Hu was still in the air, Zhang Yun Guang formed 3 large icicles and sent them flying towards Bai Hu.

Since he was midair, Bai Hu couldn't dodge unless he flew out of the way. However, flying in the arena is considered a loss, thus he had to defend himself in other ways.

With a thought, the seals on Bai Hu's sword lit up and a flash of white light followed. 3 silvery white birds manifested and met the icicles head on.

Bang! Crackle!


Bai Hu landed and charged through the debris, and with wind and lightning at his service, Bai Hu quickly closed the gap between him and Zhang Yun Guang.

Bai Hu was right in front of Zhang Yun Guang and was just about to swing his sword when he felt an indescribable aura rising.

His muscles tightened and he leaped back and lightning speeds.


Energy of the 5 elements scattered in all directions and the air distorted. All Cheng Xia could see was a burst of flames, water, branches, rocks, and swords before visibility was disrupted by the dust in the air.

Zhang Yun Guang had a triumphant smile on his face. His right hand was outstretched like he had thrusted his palm forward, except his fingers were hooked like claws and smoking. The current Zhang Yun Guang was nothing like a scholar and more like a martial artist.

But then, a voice brought him out of his sense of victory.

"Not bad"

Zhang Yun Guang tensed when Bai Hu made himself known.

It was clear that his situation wasn't the best. Bai Hu's robe was dirty and the fabric above his abdomen was torn. The skin where the fabric had torn had blacked slightly and he was bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

This did not make Zhang Yun Guang any less tense, as he himself knew the power behind his attack.

Bai Hu wiped the blood off his face with his sleeve, "Fellow Disciple Zhang sure hid his power well. If I hadn't reacted in time, I may have been seriously injured"

Zhang Yun Guang smiled and resumed his usual appearance of a scholar, "Fellow Disciple Bai sure is humble, my attacks must seem like tricks in front of you"

Bai Hu merely smiled, "May I ask the name of that attack just now?"

He nodded and raised his palm again. 5 different colored lights lit up on each of his fingers, each representing one of the 5 original elements.

"This is my grandfather's signature move, 5 Lights Origin Palm"

He then thrusted his hand into the air, sending out a small wave of elemental energy and disrupting the natural order of qi in the air.

Bai Hu analyzed the attack and realized why he had taken such a heavy hit.

A few moments before, just as Bai Hu was about to be hit with Zhang Yun Guang's 5 Lights Origin Palm, Bai Hu had set up all his defenses and even used the second form of the 9 Beasts Spear Art, Charging Bull.

The 5 Lights Origin Palm's ability to disrupt the qi in the air had disrupted the formation of both his defenses and his attack, thus making them much weaker than normal.

"Fellow Disciple Zhang's attack sure is profound, now..."

Bai Hu drew his sword, "Shall we continue?"


A layer of purple lightning cloaked Bai Hu's body and flames covered his silver sword. Zhang Yun Guang tensed as he knew that he wouldn't be able to pull off another surprise attack and waved his horsetail whisk in a wide ark.

Dozens of spell circles appeared both in the air and along the arena floor, turning the place into a minefield.

Before any of the spells could take effect, Bai Hu stomped the ground and sent wisps of lightning in all directions. The wisps disrupted any spells that they hit and had gotten rid of over half the spell circles Zhang Yun Guang had put down.

Zhang Yun Guang frowned and made a hand seal with his free hand, "Restrict"

Huge metal chains shot out of a few of the remaining spell circles and targeted Bai Hu in an attempt to restrain him. Bai Hu tried to deflect the chains but they kept on coming back, so instead, he waved his sleeve and lobbed hundreds of small purple beads at the chains.

Hundreds of small explosions rang out as the Thunderflame Beads left many small holes and cracks along the chains, knocking them back and rendering them unusable.


At some unknown point in the battle, Bai Hu had taken out his metal beads. Any chains that Zhang Yun Guang tried to throw at Bai Hu were unable to advance and forced him to completely discard the idea of restraining Bai Hu.


With a wave of his hand, the spell circles changed from gray to blue, and an endless flow of water began to pour out of them.

Zhang Yun Guang flicked his spatial pouch and 2 giant stone puppets in the shape of apes appeared. Their dull lifeless eyes lit up and they let out a metallic roar.

Zhang Yun Guang pointed at Bai Hu while making various hand seals, "Stop him!"

The apes charged towards Bai Hu as the water heaved and started flowing towards Zhang Yun Guang. Bai Hu knew that he was preparing a powerful attack and he must get past the ape puppets first.

He tried to get past them first, thinking that he would be much faster than the stone puppets.


Just as Bai Hu was about to pass by one of them, its arms flashed and appeared right above Bai Hu.


It smashed its arms into the stone tiles of the arena, sending shrapnel in all directions. Bai Hu had just dodged that attack when he sensed another presence behind him.


The tiles were broken once more and dust was kicked up, covering the result of that strike.

The other stone ape had snuck behind Bai Hu, working together with the other ape to strike at the perfect time. Despite this, Zhang Yun Guang did not relax and instead kept on making hand seals as the water slowly formed a 10 meter long water dragon.

This was because he still felt Bai Hu's aura hidden in the smoke and it had not diminished in the slightest. Instead, he felt it grow ever more powerful.

The smoke cleared to reveal Bai Hu's heroic figure holding the Black Sky Gold Spear which had blocked the ape's sneak attack.

With a twirl of his spear, both apes were knocked back. Bai Hu then twisted his body and pierced the chest of the ape that had struck him.


The sound of metal being torn rang out as Bai Hu's spear had pierced ape's chest to reveal a glassy ball containing dozens of spirit stones.


Bai Hu flinched and looked at Zhang Yun Guang. The water dragon above him had fully formed and now flew around in a lifelike manner.

Zhang Yun Guang's cold voice resounded across the arena, "Unfortunately, you are too late"